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  1. Hi everybody! My new track "Cosmic Rain - Shaman Way" is psychill,trance genre experience with many natural flute and drum sounds into a melodic combination with electronic psytrance music. I hope u find it interesting. Thanks in advance
  2. Hey guys, thought I'd share my first release "Nonlocality" with all you psy fans! Enjoy the vibes! https://ichomancer.bandcamp.com/releases https://soundcloud.com/ichomancer/sets/nonlocality https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL131QEaElzensntofTnvNMUkudvYgfmYF
  3. Artist: Koan Title: Circe's Touch Remixes Vol. 1 Label: Section Records Date: December, 2011 1. Circe's Touch (Original) 2. Circe's Touch (Asura Remix) 3. Circe's Touch (Krusseldorf Remix) Koan is a Russian duo who have been at the forefront of chill-out music. Have you been to their Discogs page? Take a look over there and see how many releases they have. Plenty to explore. Which lead me to this digital ep. You get the original of course which is tear jerkingly beautiful and full of emotion. Heavyweight Asura lends a remix and the beauty continues. By far the most interesting was the deep and warm bass heavy version by Krusseldorf. Eerie and delightful at the same time. I was hoping to get most of their albums from their Bandcamp page, but only a few are listed. Had to go to Beatport. Check it out. Beatport
  4. Elios


    Artist: Astropilot Album: Iriy Label: Altar Records Genre: Progressive Psy-chill, Psy-chill, Downtempo, Ambiant 1.Gamayun – 11:35 2.The last nigth of Svarog – 11:29 3.Svarog's Morning – 9:27 4.Rod – 9:31 5.Makosh – 7:19 6.Svar-ga – 8:27 7.Veda (feat. Mikrokosmos) – 10:16 8.Back to Midgard-Earth – 12:56 Each time that I listen to a new Astropilot album, I always have the same reaction: ''Cheezzz … I did not know that he could create this kind of music.'' Album after album, Astropilot offers new unexpected ambiance in completely different universes. For me, he is one of the most diversified and original psychill artists. It is really hard to define Astropilot's genre. Offering a collection of tracks in which we find much space, and ambiance as deep shamanic trance tunes, not to mention a whole bunch of progressive and fast 4/4 kick structure tracks. Each album allows us to see a new surprising face from this artist. With ''Iriy'', it is in a deep trance adventure that we are invited. Each track proposes profound bass lines and groovy 4/4 kicks. It is dancy, but so floaty at the same time. Really intense, but smoochy on the other hand. The sound and the bass hits you in the chest while the shining melody opens your mouth and shows your teeth; a continuous presence of background choir, thus giving a heavenly feeling while keeping moving vibration. Overhall, each track proposes complex progressive structure that develops surprinsingly. As a dj, this album is becoming one of my masterpieces when I mix a deep trance set. Follow Iriy and enter in the dance with your heart opened and your eyes closed! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: – Gamayun – ''Gamayun'' opens the album really well. Three minutes of etherical and spacy introduction, offered within deep seated vibration. Slowly, the kick shows its nose in natural continuity with the begining. At six minutes everything begins … 4/4 beat structure, smooth background of airy voices and simple melody … beautiful progression. – The Last Night of Svarog – In an intimate ambiance, a track that develops in a pure simplicity. Everything moves, progresses, changes, but at the same time still in the same universe. A surprising deep track that brings you close to the dream. – Svarog's Morning – If the last tune prepared the listener to visit Morpheus, ''Svarog's Morning'' unfolds the daylight. Crystalline sounds intertwined with etherical and shining melody that has chapters of variety and flows well from segment to segment with good development. – Rod -- ''Rod'' is a hypnotical track that develops slowly a gentle melody. In the middle, a crash … everything collapses, to rebirth from the ashes. Heavenly choir accompagnies the journey of the simple but efficient notes. – Makosh – Such a beautiful track... No kick, no dancefloor. Beautiful introdution that recalls the crystaline universe of Icelandic musicians Bjork in her ''Vespertine'' period, Sigur Ros or even Jonsi. Soft bass line appears, you close your eyes and let yourself go in this introspective starlit universe. – Svar-ga – Celestial chants, sparkling sounds, rolling double kick… there we go! Complex tune with multi-layered spectra of warm bass and kick, micro-melodies and tonal motifs enveloped by organic rhythms and divine choir. The best track of the album. – Veda – This track compliments the album's cohesive feel. Less dancy, but still really grounded in a warm bass spectrum. This tune develops unexpected chapters of melody, bringing delicate lines of organic instruments with shining electronic texture. – Back to Midgard – The last track, the last moment to dance. ''Back to Midgard'' surrounds the listener in a deep groovy double kick intertwined with heavenly textures. It is a non-stop building of harmonic soundcape that brings the dance floor in a beautiful daydreaming! You can buy and listen to samples at: Altar Records: http://www.altar-records.com/Iriy.html BandCamp :http://altar.bandcamp.com/album/iriy YouTube links : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsjfERMv9Io&feature=player_embedded https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlmK-sFzewU
  5. Started making this yesterday. It was originally for a competition but it sounds nothing like a remix of the track so decided to just changed completely and posting under the alias GlitchModus.
  6. image: https://www.discogs.com/Koan-Condemned/release/9438656#images/25889248 Koan - Condemned, 2016 (Blue Tunes Chillout) The Devil's Confession 8:50 One Day All Will Become Clear 9:29 Darkness in the Box (Condemned Mix) 8:37 Through the Looking Glass 8:07 From Nowhere to Nowhere (Condemned Mix) 7:10 Pleasant Punishment (Condemned Mix) 7:23 Blind Theolatry (Condemned Mix Part.1) 4:43 Broken Crown (Condemned Mix) 6:41 Resistant Men (Condemned Mix) 6:44 Conscious Delusion (Condemned Mix) 7:36 Intruder (Condemned Mix) 5:37 He's Here (Condemned Mix) 2:44 Blind Theolatry (Condemned Mix Part.2) 4:42 Fallen (Condemned Mix) 8:08 Penance (Condemned Mix) 5:47 Link: https://bluetuneschillout.lnk.to/condemned Country: Russia Label: Blue Tunes Chillout ‎– BTCDR046 Format: File, FLAC, MP3, WAV, Album Released: 01 Dec 2016 Koan is one of the brightest brands in contemporary downtempo scene. There is no need to introduce it any special way. Everyone who are involved with this music genre familiar with its own unique sound and impressed by huge amount of releases. It is eleventh one in lats two years! We can discuss what is a reason for this fertility or how it is really needed for best self-representation on the scene... But lets leave it out of this review. The main thing is that music is certainly has high quality production and tends to be different. Two previous years passed for Koan in some experiments with styles. Releases varied in wide range from totaly slow beatless weird ambient to progressive romantic trance. Series of full length albums were dedicated to different moods and genres so fans were overloaded by tons of tracks. Almost of all those albums appeared more as collection of tracks then as real stories or trips. Now in Condemned everything has changed back. Here we have an epic story with great cinematic effect. For me it is a return to the format of the best masterpieces of the project as Two Moon Butterflies (2006), When The Silence Is Speaking (2009) and The Way Of One (2014) were. It seems like years of experiements were not wasted by composer and all of the gained expirience collected in this new great album. The realese contains of three parts. The first is slow bold ambient of rather epic atmosphere. It is lasts first five tracks. It is not dull at all cause it is morphing all the way bringing different features of contemporary electronic music. The mood is changing too. It is waddling on the edges of more dusk and more light spirits. Great evolution has its top at on From Nowhere to Nowhere (Condemned Mix). Here is the end of the suppositive first part. The the second one (6 to 12 tracks) is a cascade of many different genres and moves from breaks and dub to jazz fusion. Track by track it changes again and again presenting very great development and showing outstanding music purview of the composer. All the practice of last 2 years of other releases is here packed in 6 brilliant tracks that blow your mind with great composition and highest quality sound design. The third part is second climax and summary of the whole release. These two tracks repeated the mood of the middle of tracklist to deliver great conclusion to the album. It is rather long album (102 min of 15 tracks in total) not usual for todays scene. It is not a collection of tracks to bring you section of genre hits. It is not a set of pieces to mix. It is really impressive tale with overture, climax and a plot. Chapter by chapter it is unfolds to you in slow but very diversified way. Sure it is one of the best downtempo trips I've ever heard. It is one of the best downtempo albums. And maybe it the best of Koan. I think it should be cheked by every fan of the music alike.
  7. Artist: Asura Title: Radio Universe Label: Ultimae Records Date: November, 2014 1. Overture 2. Interlude Sky 3. Oblivion Gravity 4. Gaea (Transit) 5. Ascension In Blue 6. Farscape 7 7. Lonely Star 8. Illuminations 9. Back To Earth 10. Everlasting (Album Edit) You think that Trump can't say dumber things, but then it becomes tomorrow. So the reaction above is either his latest piece of verbal bile or you just listened to the last album from Asura. Mouth meet floor in both cases. And that was just the first track. What a stunning piece of music this is. Look Ultimae and Charles are well established as the premier leaders in ambient and downtempo music, but this is unbelievable. It's traveling through space on a massive star freighter in the distant future. Sweeping pads provide stunning views of celestial glory. It's ultra HD immersive theater that crawls at a snails pace sweeping up everything in its path. Melodies are cold and warm simultaneously and you feel just how insignificant you are in the vast cosmos. At times he channels his inner Vangelis and Kitaro giving you a front row seat as ambient images take shape excruciatingly slowly. Blade Runner meet Silk Road. Oblivion Gravity is so vivid I felt joy and terror at the same time. It was deliciously slow torture that brought out emotions and made me...feel. It's not all dark though as Ascension in Blue let's the solar rays stream through the rugby sized pitch window. Ayten's voice is haunting on Farscape 7 and Lonely Star with its piano and measured pace seem to be another nod in the direction of Vangelis. Charles made a beautiful downtempo track incorporating a little bit of dubstep. That sh*t is epic and brings a smile to my face every time. Alas nobody is perfect and for this album that is due to the plodding and uninteresting Illuminations. It doesn't come close to the gravity and grandeur exhibited by the rest of the tracks. No surprises as it slowly drips like the last bit of maple syrup. Back To Earth isn't a song at all, but merely a night spent amongst the frogs and crickets during a rainstorm. Perhaps that's where the escape pod landed after ejecting from the spacecraft upon Earth re-entry. The final track is a very positive one with a vibe that lets you know that everything will be all right. So there you have it. True quality from Ultimae and Asura like you would expect. Not perfect, but the tracks that are good are stellar. Interstellar if you will. Take a ride into space. You won't be disappointed. Btw...I ordered the FLAC from Ultimae, but it seems that the CD comes with a 16 page booklet. Don't know what's in the booklet. Could be porn, so you might wanna check it out. Ultimae
  8. Old school Goa trance party Daze Maze & Goa Tribe presents ∞Ground Control Tribe to Major Maze∞ 2016.12.03 (Sat) Start 22:30 at Edition,Aoyama, TOKYO Entrance 3,000 yen ///Daze Maze Floor/// "Daze Maze"   -Live Jikooha (Panorama Records/ SHAMANARCHY)   -DJs MINORU(Daze Maze) KOSHIRO (Daze Maze) YUTA (Daze Maze/MATSURI DIGITAL/LDG) Qlipadelic (Zion604) From Israel MAKOTO aka DJ Ogatam (Goa Tribe)   -Decoration Seikou Butterfly Effect     ///Goa Tribe Floor/// "Dream'n Chill"    -DJs Fishimself (The Place/Zna Gathering) From Greece Art Of Man (Shaman Electro Rec.) From Israel Artman (Qooki Records) AIKO NOSO (Daze Maze) Dada (Daze Maze/Goa Tribe) HRK aka DJ Mijinko (MATSURI DIGITAL CHILL/Goa Tribe/ Zion 604Rec.) Kaju (Goa Tribe)    -Decoration Enkuu Goa Tribe Crew    -VJ Hitode Moriken    ///Event information/// https://www.facebook.com/events/545891648931940/    ///Venue/// Edition https://www.facebook.com/edition.aoyama/ ///Notice/// Please bring your ID. Please do not hang out at next-doorconvenience stores and the street around the venue. No parking space available, Please use parking near the venue.
  9. Album: Mirrors Edge Catalyst Soundtrack Artist: Solar Fields Genre: Ambient, Progressive, Electronic Track List 1 Faith 3:29 2 Release 15:39 3 Birdman 1:17 4 Downtown District 14:11 5 Noah 1:52 6 Back In The Game 18:17 7 Icarus 2:30 8 Plastic 1:59 9 Savant 17:35 10 Gridnodes 13:32 11 Anchor District 14:14 12 Dogen 1:53 13 Benefactor 21:1814 Raid 1:01 15 Flytrap 16:53 16 Sanctuary 8:16 17 Rebecca 1:20 18 Vive Le Resistance 17:59 19 Rezoning District 16:30 20 Aurore 1:11 21 Prisoner X 15:21 22 Aline 1:35 23 Kingdom 21:58 24 Kruger 2:26 25 Isabel 3:34 26 Family Matters 17:45 27 Tickets Please 11:04 28 The View District 15:07 29 Caitlyn 1:35 30 The Shard 24:35 31 Gabriel 2:46 32 Catalyst 3:54 Spanning across a stunning five-hour time frame, Solar Fields soundtrack for the parkour inspired video game, Mirrors Edge Catalyst, can be considered an electronic masterpiece amongst advanced audiophiles and casual listeners alike. Every second is elegantly laced with heartfelt emotion and powerful energy; a combination of beautifully evolved textures, mystical melodies, and satisfying baselines that set the backbone for a progressive adventure into another world. Its interesting chapters make way for a truly captivating journey that stays ambitious throughout its diverse expressions. After twenty years of producing elaborate music, Solar Fields passion for crafting innovative soundworlds still shines strong, and his talents continue to blow us all away with this latest release. Magnus Birgersson has worked with meticulous detail behind every note to create something very special. Each track in this carefully orchestrated journey is filled to the brim with breathtaking action. Wave after wave, its colorful ocean of deep bass hums in the distance against an intense array of dreamy synths and complex pad arrangements. This unique composition beckons our ears to take a dive, and it is certainly refreshing to hear such awe-inspiring brilliance in todays musical industry. Prepare yourself to venture through the auditory stratosphere of a video game score like no other, for the fast-paced arpeggiations and euphoric breakbeats of Catalyst will leave you on the edge of your seat. Yes, it is that exciting. As if you too were free-running across the rooftops in the futuristic metropolis of Mirrors Edge, thrill and suspense is engraved within the frequencies of this lively, conceptual album. The charismatic instruments seem to carry a personality of their own, banding together to tell the epic story of an enthralling universe. This is pleasantly alluring, a gracious invitation to an ear-candy experience where the mind wonders off into other dimensions. It is incredibly easy to let go and get lost, making It the perfect companion to an open-world video game. The game itself is not required to have a good time, however. All you need to do is press play. Get up and dance or sit back and relax. Whatever you do, open your mind and close your eyes as these thirty-two tracks take you to another planet. Seriously, its going to be great. Solar Fields has created a work of art that musical lovers everywhere can praise, so turn on your sound system and get ready for an atmospheric voyage into complete and utter bliss. 10/10 All tracks are written and produced by Solar Fields
  10. Artist: Circular Title: Moon Pool Label: Ultimae Records Date: July, 2014 1. Lunokhod 2. Selenic Light 3. Theory of Tides 4. Ashlands 5. Three Moons 6. Imbrium (featuring AES Dana) 7. Synchronous 8. Meteorites "You think you're safe? You are not." The wizards at Ultimae strike again with the latest album from this Norwegian duo. I usually only collect goa, but this label has produced so much quality music that I'm thinking of jumping on the Ultimae bandwagon. That loud "F*ck you!" was from my wallet. And probably my wife also if she ever finds out. Just a few notes... Lunokhod begins as an ambient piece with drifting sounds and emotions for most of it's 13 minute length before a steady thumping kick drives it home. Great opener that blends real world instruments, electronics, and nature sounds. Selenic Light is a massive glacier of shimmering sound reflecting the sunlight right into your eyes. Nary a beat to be found. Theory of Tides is another atmospheric gem that tickles the abstract before it also delivers a steady kick after a lengthy ambient beginning. Deliciously long and satisfying. Ashlands is the most aggressive track yet with a churning, bubbling cauldron of forlorn melodies and electronic sounds. 3 Moons has a deep bass that provides the framework for the smile inducing melody and the bubbling 303 rumbling underneath. You have to strain to hear it, but that draws me deeper into the music. Imbrium featuring Aes Dana is a glitchy track with strong dub overtones. Distorted almost, but it became more enjoyable once the beat disappeared. Imbrium flows right into Synchronous and at the outset is cosmic ambient at its finest. All the layers are perfect, a true front row seat to the moving galaxy. The beat kind of ruins it for me though and it becomes too cluttered. Meteorites closes it out with a very positive and hopeful track that combines the cosmic atmosphere and the sounds of nature. A very good album that I will certainly come back too. Relaxing and thought provoking. Ultimae Psyshop
  11. I am an oldschooler Goa fan, and as most people at my age we don’t do good with digital releases, especially if you have the collectors bug. But this is the 21st century and since our music is not commercial either, it makes sense that a lot of releases are only digital. Free, quality digital only releases, don’t make things any easier for me. So what happens with that? So far I was able to push those releases to the back of my mind and pretend that they do not exist. However, there are some releases they keep coming back to haunt me. Notably, these are: The two lives of Hol Baumann Live At Sonic Live Nuit Hypnotique #4 The live versions of Elysium tracks: Live Versions The Live Remixes So I decided to print them myself and make them look like a proper release. They don’t look professional by any way, but still they are good enough to quench my thirst. For some time. And then it hit me. Kickstarter, 100 copies limited edition, 2xCD 8-panel digipacks. I didn’t see any reason they artists would refuse, I wouldn’t lose any money since all expenses would be included in the Kickstarter campaign price (if successful), all the extra income would go to the artists (I have a full time job, I don’t do it to make money, if any), could it really happen? Ehh, no. Too many things to consider for someone that has no experience in things like that would probably make my first try a disaster. And here I am, asking your advice, help, recommendations. Do you think that there is a market for that? Would you contribute to the campaign? Do any current label managers, artists, graphic designers want to help/get involved or just express your opinion? Everyone getting involved would be paid of course and the sum asked would affect the final amount price asked on kickstarter. For now other albums/comps I would like to see released in physical format are: LSD’s digital releases All Is Not Lost, All Is Dub (The Remixes) The Cerronnos Dub Rituals EP Zion604’s digital releases (one, two, three, four, five, six, seven) Entheogenic’s digital releases Gaia Sophia, Enthymesis, Anthropomorphic, A Singularity Encoded Please get involved. What I only need at this point is your opinion. Discuss away
  12. Bluezone Corporation presents 'Spectral Line - Cinematic Trailer Sounds', an ultramodern collection of ambiences, evolving soundscapes, nervous drone sounds, cinematic SFX, impacts, meticulously recorded synth textures, energetic transitions, rises, whooshes and more. This sample library brings you highly flexible sound design elements ( 1 GB and includes 139 WAV + 139 AIFF files ) for suspense, media trailer, cinematic drama, ambient, psytrance, drum and bass, sci-fi and action soundtracks. All samples are named according to their content and sorted thematically. In order to give you ready-to-use sounds for your productions, all samples are royalty-free for all your commercial projects. More information and download: Spectral Line - Cinematic Trailer Sounds
  13. Artist: New Born Title: Nothing But A Title Label: Cronomi Records Date: September, 2015 Disc One 1. Circus Is Open 2. Omen 3. Universal Bus 4. A Sleeper's Guide 5. Playing Games 6. Something With Stuff 7. Sun Worshipper 8. Far From Home 9. Going Somewhere Else 10. Nothing But A Title Disc Two 1. For It's Own Sake 2. Ineffaceable Moments 3. Birds Of Imagination 4. Fish 5. Staring Into The Abyss 6. Touch Nothing 7. Healing Process (Last Of The Star Makers) 8. Gentle Perfection 9. The New World 10. These Yellow Eyes 11. Ancient Piano Melody "I'm gonna do the best I can do and that's gonna have to be good enough for all of you!" Girl you look stressed. I can relate. That's how I feel about reviewing 2 CD albums. On the one hand I'm excited like a kid on Christmas cause the possibility of aural gems doubles with another disc. But...the other hand is a slap in the face cause you gotta find time to digest two discs worth of material. People are depending on me out there, I can't half ass it. So I'm always slow on the double albums. Do you know I have yet....have yet to listen (not review) just listen to Mind Rewind 1 or 2? Can you believe that sh*t? Just sitting in a drawer. Pleaidians? Please, get in f*cking line. So Cronomi is a label that doesn't put out a lot of stuff, but the music they do release is usually pretty good. M-Run, Portamento, and the Erta Ale compilation are wonderful and that's the kind of stuff I expect from them now. No going back, when you set the bar high you don't try and run under it. So their latest is a 2-CD album from obscure producer New Born (Tom Rarin) who has made a few compilation appearances as well as a couple EP's. Not exactly a big footprint so this release is either ambitious or he had a lot of pent up music that needed to get out there. Either way I've spent the entire day listening to this. And I mean entire. Circus Is Open- Who doesn't love the circus? Peta. Peta doesn't love the circus, buncha vegan, tree huggin, humus nazis! Actually my four year old was kinda freaked out when we took him. Elephants and sh*t. This is a nice, bouncy opener in a kind of Principles of Flight does goa. Omen- This felt longer than it was. But not in a Tuesday at the office will lunch ever get here kinda way. Goa trance that was very exploratory in nature with frequent changes Not bad. Universal Bus- The first of a few blistering goa tracks. Eleven and a half minutes of pure power music. I'll get on this f*cking bus. A Sleeper's Guide- Psytrance with a nice guitar crunch until the last bit where it becomes a rollicking good goa track. Made me double take in a good way, like when you see hot teacher. Makes you smile. Playing Games- is most certainly not playing games and is the second scorcher on this album. This guy seems to know what he's doing. He's got a good command of the ebb and flow of a track. Something With Stuff- He keeps it old school with that screeching lead and it is a nimble little thing! It's a constant pumping sound that takes no breaks. Great stuff! Sun Worshipper- Yeah I'll be rocking this one for a while. A long while. Blistering track number three that just piles on. Far From Home- He goes darker with that rumbling bass line and a little less bombastic. I sense a shift. The extended break promises a brighter day. Going Somewhere Else- Yep we're a little happier now as he drew back the curtains and let some light into this dungeon you call an apartment. Geez, would it kill you to use a little Febreeze every now and then? Another track that resides just on the edge of f*ck you up. Nothing But A Title- Last track of this impressive fist disc is a slinky bit of nastiness. Mid tempo and very atmospheric. Pretty pleased with that. Now on to the 2nd disc... For It's Own Sake- Another intro that's nods slightly towards that POF sound. Ineffaceable Moments- I don't think that's a word. This track sounds like a continuation of the intro with its eerie standoffishness. Like wandering through an old, unfamiliar castle. Not goa per se, but more minimal. Birds of Imagination- Still eerie, but he returned to his goa ways. It's not as lush or powerful as the goodies from the first disc yet it's not bad. Fish- Why are they naked? And where the hell are their fingers and opposable thumb? I love fish. They're delicious! And this track is another good one that would seem more at home on the first disc. Staring Into The Abyss- Ambient Interlude. Very science fiction-y Touch Nothing- Annnnnnd we're back to the filler psytrance stuff. Healing Process (Last of the Star Makers)- Mild goa trance with some Space Tribe acid washes. Gentle Perfection- There ain't nothing gentle about this bruising monster! It's another that escaped from the first disc and rolls over you in waves. The New World- Pretty good goa. Wasn't crazy about the main lead though. These Yellow Eyes- Creeping me out dude. No, no, you just...ah, you just stay over there. I'm good. Another good goa track that has a gentle beginning before it starts erupting. Ancient Piano Melody- and the outro continues its creepiness. It sounds as if it should be a happy, ambient melody, but something about it...makes me feel as if it is a ruse. First off let me say that this is not a melodic, door busting, bomb where each track attempts to outdo the previous one. So get your expectations right. There are numerous tracks here that will rock you, and that soar with the best of them, but he takes goa trance in a lot of directions. The promo says to approach this with an open mind and that's good advice. In our world of instant gratification this may be difficult for some to swallow. Find the patience and give it the time it deserves and the rewards will be handsome. Second, the music is complex with melodies intertwining and new ideas springing forth within the tracks. The transitions are smooth and interesting and take the road less traveled when it comes to the current sound of today's goa trance. I like the first disc better, but that's just me. The second one seemed less...accessible let me say. It's softer almost a goa trance lite yet still with that sense of wariness. Notwithstanding this should be in your collection. Good job Tom and keep on doing what you do Cronomi. Cronomi Bandcamp
  14. Artist: Various Title: The First Pulse Label: Pulsewave Records Date: 1996 1. Dormant - Auspex (Intro) 2. ARTificial - Origin of Species 3. Asiodiziac - Skinn 4. Mnemosyne - Six Feet Over 5. File Operation Error - Manhunt 6. Clockforest - Systems On 7. Subconscious Aurists - Astral Interference 8. The Signus - Robot Zone 9. Juicehead - Anything Is Everything 10. Clockforest - Sun Mark 11. File Operation Error - The End 12. ARTificial - Lunimous Lullabye (Outro) Keep your distance ladies. I know what you're thinking. "Jesus tap dancing Christ this guy will review a f*cking ham sandwich." And to that I would say if I had the time. But back on task... With the exception of Mississippi and Alabama everyone knows that this is a dated look. The only thing missing is a member's only jacket and a pair or acid washed jeans. And that's what this compilation is like. I don't know where I got it, but I think it was a throw in when I bought some stuff off Discogs. Two decades old and man it sounds like it. Think of a smorgasbord of electronic music that will bring you back to the early days. I put it here because it has some goa sounding tracks in it. Origin of Species comes to mind and it wouldn't have been bad, but those crash cymbals! A lot of the tracks just sound like dated 90's techno and electro. Complete with rave sounds and orchestra hits. Throw in a little dream trance and gabber and it's really the total package of no thank you. Perhaps this will make you feel nostalgic. Not me though. Just made me want to delete it.
  15. Artist: Phobium & Phobosphere Title: Cubes Combined Label: Self Released Date: April, 2012 01 - Phobium - Sitte Ute (Album Edit) (100 BPM) 02 - Phobosphere - Arpochi (Album Edit) (67 BPM) 03 - HPC - Dissociate (Phobosphere Remix) (50 BPM) 04 - Phobium - Another Orbit Around The Sun (120 BPM) 05 - Phobium - No Longer Current (Album Edit) (90 BPM) 06 - Phobosphere - Hello Czechia (70.6 BPM) 07 - Phobium - Wait For It (119 BPM) 08 - Phobium - The Bird, The Bus And Renoise.exe (100 BPM) 09 - Phobosphere & Phobium - That Side & This Side (60/120 BPM) 10 - Phobium & Phobosphere - Space Flight Satellite (Album Edit) (100 BPM) 11 - Xerxes - Phurther (Phobium Remix) (60/80 BPM) 12 - Phobosphere - Need Help (80 BPM) 13 - Phobium - In The Wake Of Voyager (60 BPM) Norwegian producer Henning H. Ottesen offers up a compendium of previously released tracks, remixes, and special album edits. His last album Time Is Now was pretty damn good so like a good psy and ambient listener I like to check in with Ektoplazm from time to time. With this release (under two project names) he's all over the downtempo and chill map. The music is smooth and relaxing (loved Another Orbit Around The Sun) with plenty of detail to keep your attention. Don't believe me? Homie made a track with a bpm of 70.6! Precision. He picks up the pace at times with breakbeat tracks like the shimmering Wait For It which then becomes a pretty formidable goa track. The tracks are short for the most part, but far from snacks. I didn't find one track that I didn't enjoy and the last half of the album I'd say is a slow drift through the silence of space. Well worth a listen. Free at Ektoplazm
  16. Noxious - Surface Of The Sun Luk-Si Records presents their sixth release, a mysterious trip to the land of ambient and downtempo. Surface Of The Sun is the first album from Noxious (Michal Švec AKA NEBULOsity), originally from Banska Bystrica in Slovakia and now living in the Czech Republic. Here he builds on his production experience by melding keyboard games with the sounds of nature. The main characteristic of his sound is strong melodies in conjunction with light arrangements. Mysterious, melancholic, and slightly psychedelic moods alternating with positive energy and a drop of happiness. Photo by CyberQwert. Artwork by Newteck. Mastered by Michal Schwa at ORM Studio Prague. Free download on EKTOPLAZM! 01 - Betrayal (75 BPM) 02 - Desert (120 BPM) 03 - Endless Land (75 BPM) 04 - Far Away (60 BPM) 05 - Forgive Me (90 BPM) 06 - For What Cost (90 BPM) 07 - Imitation Game (110 BPM) 08 - Murphy's Law (60 BPM) 09 - Rise Of The Virus (90 BPM) 10 - Star Dust (100 BPM) 11 - Surface Of The Sun (90 BPM)
  17. Artist: Various Title: Graham Label: Equinox Date: March, 1997 1. The Infinity Project - Intro 2. Mystery of the Yeti - Part 4 3. Woodski - Woodski 4. Excess Head - Hopscotch 5. The Infinity Project - Noises From The Darkness (Dub) 6. Excess Head - Strange Thing 7. The Infinity Project - Mystical Experiences 8. Excess Head - Subcurrents 9. The Flippidy Dippidy Project - The Outro "You're going to be able to meet these people, talk to them." Graham Wood (half of The Infinity Project) brought his TIP buddies together to make a very odd album. It's downtempo and ambient with a goa flair. Graham is featured on every track under various aliases. My favorite was Part 4 by Mystery of the Yeti as it was the most musically interesting and complex. Some weird sh*t going on here though. How high did you have to be to make Woodski? Hopscotch? Noises From the Darkness? When those three tracks ended did the stock price of Doritos tumble? The whole middle of this album is lost in a green haze of cannabis smoke. Very trippy. Strange Thing still sounds like I'm caught in a hippies disjointed dream, but at least I can follow it. Mystical Experiences is a great slice of ambient found on the Infinity Project album of the same name. Full of sounds that continue with the floating. Sub Currents churns with juicy bass for almost its entire length. Even the outro aims to conjure and shape your hallucinations. If you're searching for that album that you can zone out to look no further. Set hallucinogens to maximum wood. Mdk
  18. Artist: Sync24 Title: Comfortable Void Label: Ultimae Records Date: June, 2012 1. Comfortable Void 2. Inadvertent 3. Dance of the Droids 4. 1N50MN14 5. Nanites 6. Sequor 7. Something Something 8. Oomph 9. Wake (Live Edit) 10. There is No Spoon "It's beautiful here." I love listening to downtempo music in the wee hours of the morning. It's ultra quiet with nary a distraction allowing the full power of the music to wash over you in palpable waves. This is Daniel Ringstrom with an absolute diamond from Ultimae Records. The CD is mixed so each track flows gently into the next like the slow rising of the sun on a winter's dawn. It floats, perpetually slowly with soft touches buffering the listener from all that is intrusive. Crawling with a sloth like measured calm the album is peaceful and relaxing moving across the chill landscape. Shifting from ambient to the delicate notes of trance sometimes within the same track this is a security blanket. Never in a hurry it unfolds precisely on time. Glacial pads form the backdrop as tones ring gently amidst real instruments. Yes it certainly is beautiful here. Can't find Cd, but you can get the digital album from Ultimae. Mdk
  19. Artist: Psilocybian Title: Unfold Oneself Into Endlessness Label: BMSS Records Date: November, 2014 01: Wonderfantabulous 02: Dreamability 03: A thing about inconsequent Reverberation 04: Pathways 05: Science Friction 06: Strawberry Fields 07: Unfold Oneself into Endlessness 08: PsiloCybian & Deimos - Waveform with a mind of its own 09: Yield 10: NLO 11: Let me tell you about a weird Dream So we all know Sasa Dukic (Psilocybian) from his fine work in the full-on arena with albums like Dreamtime and Godhead. Both great stuff from a guy who likes to put a pinch of goa in all that he does. For his latest he delivers something that has been on his mind for quite a while. A chill-out album. It took me a long time to review this because I had the hardest time getting into it. And I'm lazy. Well, mostly because I'm lazy. This isn't the dreamy soundscape stuff you would expect from Ultimae or the crazy psychedelic madness from the likes of Shpongle. I suppose you would classify it as psychill (if you must), but it's really all over the map. In speaking with Sasa he basically said he wanted to make a chill out album that people could dance to. Say what now? The name chill out means to, well...chill out. Relax. Not dance. That's what the other stuff is for. So I had to wrap my brain around that mindf*ck. And let me tell you this isn't music that will help you escape, or drift off into memory. That's not what he wanted. A lot of the tracks are big beated. Don't think that's a word, but you know what I mean. Head nodding beats. He's not here to put you to sleep, but to wake your punk ass up and keep you grooving. He mentioned that this album was made without any inspiration from other artists so he took the music wherever it wanted to go without any distractions. Good for him. My favorite was Science Friction with its big beat and Shpongley vocal tacet. And he kept the goa special sauce in there, don't worry. It's really a very different type of chill album than I'm used to, but I think it hits some psychedelic notes. It has some really good melodies and as I mentioned he wanted you to dance with this so that's in here. He floats among all the styles, breakbeat, downtempo, ambient, even a little drum n bass. So there's probably something for everyone here. Not my favorite chill album, but an interesting foray into chill from a guy who knows how to craft a psytrance track. BMSS Psyshop
  20. https://melusinerecords.bandcamp.com/album/floating-spirals-3
  21. Free believers all over the world, don't guess, know it! Break your bubble and connect with the universal source of life. HuuHaa challenges you to use critical thinking, question everything and reveal the final truth. This is not the end, this is the beginning! https://soundcloud.com/huuhaa https://www.facebook.com/HuuHaaMusic/ http://www.ektoplazm.com/label/full-sound
  22. V/A - Ten Spins Around The Sun Suntrip Records 2014 CD1 - Goa Trance 1. E-Mantra - Sumoning Necromancer 2. Sirius - Not From here 3. Cosmic Dimension - Universe of Destruction 4. Celestial Intelligence - The Oncoming Storm 5. Imba & Nova Fractal - Sevilla in Trance 6. Crossing Mind - Goathmic Pulsations 7. Skarma - Thysselian 8. Cymatics - Celestial Sunrise[/font] BONUS TRACK: 9. Asura vs Aes Dana - Elie CD2 - Goa-Trance Remixes 1. E-Rection - Out Here We Are Stoned (Imba Remix) 2. Crossing Mind - Cyclone In Your Heart (2014 Remix) 3. Power Source - Skywalker (Filteria Remix) 4. Ra - Gateway Eight (Cosmic Dimension Remix) 5. E-Mantra - Afterglow (Nova Fractal Remix) 6. Crossing Mind - Hydrophobic Visions (E-Mantra Remix) 7. Merr0w - Blue Planet (Adrenalin Run Remix) 8. Khetzal - Djaningar (Filteria Remix) CD 3 - Ambient / Chill Out 1. Amos - Ghost World 2. Mindsphere - Defective Cell 3. Hybrid Leisureland - Moment 4. Neurotonal - Earth Frequency 5. Solar Fields - Insum (2014 Remix) 6. Jagoa - Vibe[/font] 7. Crossing Mind - Sunlight 8. Jagoa - Finding Some Light 9. Neurotonal - The Enlightenment 10. Hybrid Leisureland - Friction Glow In celebration of Suntrip's ten years in Goa Trance. Ten Spins Around the Sun is a triple CD compilation. CD1 is Goatrance. CD2 is Goatrance remixes. CD3 is Ambient (Downtempo/Chill). A full review ensues. CD1 - GOA TRANCE 1. E-Mantra - Sumoning Necromancer kicks off the compilation with a solid digit. The first part that grabs my attention is the detectible intricacy at 1:53, and the new move at 2:46. I like catchy layering like that. Good sound usage, but the overall song feels light on imagination and excitement. As we go deeper, a powerful effect hits before the forth minute. The song loses some steam after the interlude and improves around 5:52. The artist keeps things developing, though the last act and the overall song could have been more engaging and memorable. All in all a nice track to lead us into the higher energy numbers. But this is not what sells an album to me. It's a solid opening with some great elements. B 2. Sirius - Not From here has a very nice introduction. Ambient layers add feeling to the driving rhythm. This song feels more energetic than the previous due to a faster beat and synths. I like the ambient notes. The overall song however utilizes similar synth work throughout that to me grows tiresome after a while. Thankfully the second act lets go of some layers; the soundscapes breath. An interlude emerges in the third minute; the track takes off. I like the drum roll. I'm trying to give this a chance. I just wish that the melodies, arrangement, synth selection and overall direction was smoother (more creative and varied), not just layered and fast. To me the song feels redundant, too rough and similar sounding in ideas/synths throughout. The brief siren effects are cool. But I'm not impressed overall. This is the only song I don't care for on CD1. It's not bad or good (to me). The less melodic synth style here I find less fluid, smooth and digestible compared to the surrounding tracks. C+ 3. Cosmic Dimension - Universe of Destruction is the best song I've heard by Cosmic Dimension since the artist work via In A Special Kind of Space album. I heard new songs by this artist on recent comps and this is the best of the bunch so far. Imaginative and powerful, detailed and arresting, this song grows stronger, more intelligent and unique as it moves forward. The middle interlude is where things get interesting, the pit stop for opportunity and change. In this case, dramatic improvement to something already solid (albeit layers over infective rhythm) takes place, thus going the extra mile via excellence. What sounds like a low pitched gong rings. The effect is evocative and delectibly distinct, enhanced by the synths' returns. The artist continues to find ways to rise above the surface, tasty melodies, little details that intertwine with a plethora of soundscapes, textures and ambient notes. In cases that less is more, this track shows that more is sometimes a very good thing and thankfully there's not too much of it here. This is one my favorite tracks by Cosmic Dimension and of the year. It's excellent, especially where it goes after the first several minutes. Excellent track. A- 4. Celestial Intelligence - The Oncoming Storm is more energetic and climactic than the previous track. The lower pitched sounds integrate beautifully with the melodies. The result is a healthy balance between the fluid and the rough. Things grow more climactic at around 2:14. Melody leads often engage each other with strong results while segments in-between remain interesting before the next event. The process repeats, as a tastier concoction enters around the forth minute. For a climactic track, The Oncoming Storm is great. It enters the last third with refreshingly catchy elements. Aside from the catchy FX, the seventh to eighth minute could have taken things further, sounded more refreshing. The song plateaus for me around 6:12, though remains good and changes up. Overall this is a very good, danceable track that gets better as it progresses. That said, I enjoyed the previous track more. B+ 5. Imba & Nova Fractal - Sevilla in Trance has a strong opening, but the entire track blows that away. I love the synth work in this song, the melodies and sound arrangement. What sounds like a synthetic flute works well. Additional leads soon arrive that top it. The first interlude lets me breath. Then the music returns, so fluid and engaging! The song flies through terrain with the paradox of forceful elegance. The tunes are very catchy here, a huge plus. Also noteworthy is the sound usage, such as throughout the fifth minute, the mixing, and the overall direction. Seville In Trance has great evolution. It's dynamic in arrangement, varied in sound selection, and has a strong climax in the last act. The artists did a terrific job. Super track. A- 6. Crossing Mind - Goathmic Pulsations has good buildup, but not to climax. Being dynamic in nature, the artist seems to keep most of his arsenal locked away until the third minute. The intro's nice. The beat alteration at 1:40 is great for instance, along with the melodic combinations and rolling bass line. There's a lot of intricacy and alterations taking place here. The music becomes more prominent in the second act, with an emphasized beat in the third. Having said that, I was not as impressed with this song as I was with the artist's Virtual Mind Cleaner track on the Future Architecture 2 comp. The sound usage grows a little repetitive at times. Virtual Mind Cleaner is more refined, varied (in sound usage), and delectably crafted in comparison. That said, this is a good track with some great elements. I simply find it less infectious than some of my favorite tracks by this artist. B+ 7. Skarma - Thysselian returns from Suntrip's Blacklight Moments comp after releasing an Astral Projection influenced track that made AP feel nostalgic again from their classic days producing Goa. Skarma has again produced a beautiful, smooth number with today's production values. The uplifting melodies and harmonies add to the undercurrent sound and rhythm throughout. The first act is great. The second and third incorporates a more uplifting feel (love this); each act has healthy development. The melodies aren't in my face thankfully; their fairly gentle, allowing the backdrops to breath and resonate. The song has feeling and heart. The artist understands AP enough to imaginatively producing his own visions, both nostalgic and new. The song's a little light compared to my favorite tracks by AP, but the light approach here works. I'd love to here a wonderful sunrise track (as AP's Liquid Sun is) by Skarma that's inspired, not similar of course. Sometimes I feel that a little more innovation could have taken place in the end. Other times I feel it's just right. Thysselian is a great track from start to finish. A- 8. Cymatics - Celestial Sunrise is one of the most unique tracks on CD1. It has an organic, nature oriented opening that reminds me of California Sunshine if Har-El Prussky still made Goa today. The melodies throughout the song are warm, emotive, and optimistic (uplifting). Details, such as the gentle lift-off part at around 2:45 for instance is great! The melody work is very nice, though for a Sunrise (morning Goa) track, I wasn't hooked as much as I was hearing AP's Liquid Sun, Goasia's Sunrise, or Astrancer-Inhabitants of the Sun (Gnostic Theory). Other delectable elements take place here quite well. The gentle interlude is pleasant, including a sample on consciousness. The music's return (after this bit) evolves with new arrangement that's good. The nature-esque accents are never overused. No idea seems to hang on for too long. The song is tight from start to finish, but it lacks that special OMG thing that made me love my favorite (sunrise Goa) songs. I feel that the artist can take the sunrise concept further, creating a more infectious signature lead that's heavenly. Nevertheless, what he's achieved here is catchy. Celestial Sunrise is an uplifting, morning Sunrise Goa number that's filled with creative touches and positive energy. B+ BONUS TRACK 9. Asura vs Aes Dana - Elie was conceived around 1999. Initially I thought it was a chill piece until I heard it and WOW. Why haven't these artists produced more GOA-influenced tracks before (together or separate?), at least occasionally over the last two decades? To start off, I could have done without the male hymns that begin around 0:24 and reprise several times, such as at 7:52 throughout. I find them distracting from everything else that's great! Strong ingredients include melody/sounds, effects, and evolutionary elements like a stellar spaceship. I love the musical work throughout, the FX, atmosphere, and direction! I love the echoed voice samples, especially in the last act. They're gripping. The hymns though make me feel unsure as to if we're moving through celestial bodies or chanting on a mountain top? Overall, it's great to hear two super talented artists worked together on something so strong and imaginative. Why wasn't this released before? Maybe one day Asura will release more uptempo work that's just as intellectually satisfying. Same with Aes Dana. This is an excellent track. A- / A CD2 - REMIXES 1. E-Rection - Out Here We Are Stoned (Imba Remix) starts out with the catchy tune from the original. I was never a huge fan of the original, save the main, signature lead so I may seem a bit biased. Considering how catchy the opening tune is, I was expecting a little more to engage me in the first third, though it builds nicely. A a symbol clash via 3:36 is where I get into the song. The track could have began at 3:36 since the song gets tastier (for a while) from here. A dynamic drum beat section enters. The beat evolves. Hi hats enter. The signature lead in various forms soon arrives, and then the voice sample arrives. This part is excellent. The lead is supported well past the fifth minute, and the song remains tight for some time. The ambient is catchy too. To me however, the song begins to lose some appeal from around 7:37 to 9:50. The artist incorporates more layers around the general sound. The last few minutes though are not nearly captivating as everything that preceded it. The tasty lead reprises one last time, like a good bye before the song ends. That's nice, and the overall remix does justice to the beloved tune with strong, complimentary work. I simply wish that even greater delicacy was produced around the middle third, signature ingredients. B+ 2. Crossing Mind - Cyclone In Your Heart (2014 Remix) is a surprise. The original on Temple of Chaos was one of the only tracks I felt was noticeably weaker, compared to the other tracks on that otherwise stunning compilation. So maybe it's no surprise to some that the artist would improve upon it with a wider range of sounds, ideas; basically the evolutionary elements we've come to enjoy from Crossing Mind. This remix adds hills and valleys, color and complexity to the original's driving albeit rough, rugged, and repetitive sound. That said, its novel additions could have included unpredictable territory; the song could have evolved past the original's undercurrent feel and had a tremendous final third, whereas this is solid as opposed to extraordinary relative to where it goes, its direction. More risks would have been nice, yet the new added ingredients and changes here are a nice improvement over the original. Good track. B+ 3. Power Source - Skywalker (Filteria Remix) is the first song to really impress me on CD2, as a whole that is. Filteria took a classic Goa track from the mid 90's, a song that shares special feelings in many people's hearts. He then turned a classic [goa song] from the golden era into a fluid, dynamic and illuminated beauty. The remix dramatically builds upon the original while keeping its essence in tact. The first act's layers delectably enhance the original around the signature voice sample and rebirth of leads. The interlude fronts the second more delectable act; not that the first wasn't great. The last third gets more psychedelic, edgy and arresting, all while keeping its signature ingredients intact. The remix has heart, excitement and imagination. It has healthy development and evolution, just like the original. Also important is that it gets catchier as it progresses. There's not a moment when I lost interest here. Sure I've heard stuff more complex by Filteria (his impressive Lost in the Wild album), but I've also heard stuff less fluid (same album). I can't imagine Power Source not being pleased. They found the perfect artist to remix one of their best songs from back in the day. Now we have to get Filteria to remix other Power Source classics, i.e: Memory Bubbles, Vorlan, Hyperspace, Goaway, and Granada (the original). This is an awesome remix. A 4. Ra - Gateway Eight (Cosmic Dimension Remix) is another great remix. It takes one of the best RA tracks and does great things with it. I love the ambient elements and find them more enjoyable in addition to the sounds than than when the layers are most present until the second half. That's when RA's original lead appears with the beautiful ambient. The psychedelic layering is catchy too, though I find it a bit much at times considering the beautiful work underneath. I realize the artist wanted to incorporate his creativity and much of it works, such as the last act. I'm just a huge fan of catchy arrangement over layers (though I love both). having said that, the song basks in beauty; it's showered in sounds to the point its beauty is almost overwhelmed at times in psychedelics. Then the ambient arrives and brings its beauty to the forefront; suddenly all of those layers fit right in because RA's ingredients are being pushed up rather than immersed. Maybe I seem a bit critical here but it's only because of my love for the original. The artist did a great job overall. Sometimes like in the previous one though, less is more. A- 5. E-Mantra - Afterglow (Nova Fractal Remix) has one of the best openings I've heard. It's powerful. The raw power of the beat and FX is attention grabbing. So now we get to Act 2. It's good, though that powerful opening beat could have returned in the middle (you know where). It doesn't grab me as tightly in the forth to fifth minute as it could have. Then at around 5:25 an interlude takes place. The song evolves, and the track is revived unexpectedly with a terrific, climactic section that's very catchy and atypical from E-Mantra's style. This part's eventful, memorable. Unlike E-Mantra's tasty opening track on CD1 that lacked a strong ending, this remix achieves greatness, though it could have trimmed a bit (off the forth) to tighten things up a bit. The last act's great too, with new combinations and energy. This is a strong track that enhances the original. There are some superb parts and a great buildup, climax. A- 6. Crossing Mind - Hydrophobic Visions (E-Mantra Remix) remixes CM's track from V/A's Shaltu. The original was solid, but fairly uneventful around its dynamic approach at times. E-Mantra has incorporated more feeling with this remix, while maintaining some of its dynamic appeal. E-Mantra's melodic style is emphasized around 1:37 forward, though I was never a huge fan of scaffolded melodies. To me, the echoing-like effect causes some clarity to be lost with the actual tunes. The ambient notes around 2:20 are beautiful, yet for a second things sound a bit busy. The ambient notes soon flow into an island (interlude) without beat usage, before reaching 3:33, whereas lies zestier work. From 4:06 forward (mainly the forth minute, second act), the song sounds a bit too busy at times, like two separate songs. There is a second interlude. Upon the burst of energy, music's return, the ideas sound more cohesive and collected, more focused. The last third is clearer, more enjoyable in this regard. There is also good synth in the sixth minute. Overall this remix is a bit overwhelming at times. The second third could have sounded more unified. The song is less dynamic than the more aggressive and staccato original that I preferred. There are however deeper feelings. It starts off nice, has beautiful ambient elements and a tight final act. B 7. Merr0w - Blue Planet (Adrenalin Run Remix) has a wonderful first third that's uplifting and unique. I love it. The second half is magical too. I could give this thing a perfect score into the 4th minute. The melody/sound work is lush and harmonious, and in some ways dynamic thanks to imaginative, musical composition. The song showcases unpredictably fluid mixing and direction. There is a brief transition around 5:20. The voice samples add character. The last third is good too, but just a little something I feel is missing to make it more magical like the second half. More could have been done in the 7th and 8th minute. The song feels a little light here in that regard though the last act's catchy! This is a great remix filled with harmony, feeling, beautiful melody/sound work, mixing, and direction. The positive sound throughout is awesome. The first two acts are quite characteristic and tighter, simply put, than the energetic and still enjoyable last one. I really wanted to give this a solid A and was close before the last act that's still very good! Excellent remix. A- 8. Khetzal - Djaningar (Filteria Remix) is another beautiful and fluid remix. I consider the original superb. So I'm glad that Jannis re-approached it with his vision, rather than the original's sound with his. To begin, the opening is beautiful, immersive and atmospheric. This is an awesome opening. Also great is the melody around 2:50; the ambient is harmoniously supportive. I prefer the artist's eastern-influence emphasis here too considering it's more to Khetzal's essence. Another noteworthy part is around 4:40. The melody arrangement is beautiful; it's vibrant and engaging. The sounds have range; their varied and nicely balanced. The second interlude is smooth and floating before the finale, a buildup that begins around 5:54. It's excellent! This artist doesn't overdo climax anymore, so the climaxes stand outand I enjoy them more. The overall song isn't as organic, nor as ethereal; the ending climax isn't as grande as the original. Khetzal's track felt more like a breathing, living world, at times with greater touches of life. That said, this remix sticks to the artist's strengths and does justice to one of Khetzal's best (top 2 or 3 IMO) tracks. What surprised me is how different the remix is! Just listen to them back-to-back to see what I mean. This is basically a brand new song. Both are beautiful works of art. While I adore the original, this is a super catchy remix. A CD 3 - AMBIENT (CHILL) 1. Amos - Ghost World takes a while to get going. I was fading the first few times I heard this. Then it began to grow like an opening to a song, slow and gradual, nice background music (to me)l. The first act is subtle; it may feel lengthy and repetitive (because it is IMO, and it's an ambient track). The song develops a little, though remains somewhat meditative in nature. It's pleasant but quite simple and for me, almost too gentle. Maybe I'm just impatient, but this is my least favorite track on CD 3. I'm sure some listeners will appreciate the simplicity here(more than myself. B- 2. Mindsphere - Defective Cell is more to my liking. The first act is gentle and evocative. The arrangement develops like a story being told. The sounds that enter support the story and enhance the immersion. There is a nice cloud floating moments, soon followed by new sounds and arrangement. The sustained hymn-esque ambient/atmosphere is strong. I love the musical buildup in the 6th and 7th minute, how the artist achieved this effect musically, without a beat is creative. I was never really hooked by this artist's ambient in the past. I really like this song. Its development is interesting and involves magical key touches. The last third's unique tapping-esque sound (in place of beat) adds character. The melody/sound and direction here is heartfelt. Great track. A- 3. Hybrid Leisureland - Moment has sadness with beauty. The song is [/size][/font]reflective and introspective. That's my view anyway. The song is like a moment captured in time, filled with hope. The subtle beat in the last act is nice; it tilts the song towards ambient. It's nice to see Suntrip releasing ambient tracks here as opposed to downtempo/Psy-Chill ones (Opus Iridium) which was goo The moment of this track feels uplifting and inspired, and reminds me a little of Solar Field's in a good way. Although simple in its execution and fairly short, quality over quantity goes a long way here. Give it some time and come back to it. This is a poignant song. A- 4. Neurotonal - Earth Frequency's distinct sound grabs my attention right away. It's as if we're scanning the deserts of Mars, searching for remnants of potential, past life. The atmosphere and ambient usage add to the chapter/story (cinematic) feel. I'm hooked by the general sound. The song is fairly psychedelic too, being downtempo. The beat's effective. The ongoing (opening) low-note sound however could have taken a break, or changed up later on. The song grows a bit repetitive, more or less, as it progresses via the last act because of this. And yet it manages to develop. There is a very nice interlude too! Sometimes I think I'm overthinking this little gripe, but sometimes I feel that the song could have benefited from more of a complimentary evolution in the second half. The song seems to run out of ideas around the 5th minute roughly, but man is it gripping. Earth Frequency stands out. It has a vision. The ambient and atmosphere is strong too. B+ / A- 5. Solar Fields - Insum (2014 Remix) is filled with harmony and feeling. It's floating and euphoric. The subtle female hymns are attractive. Same with the Goa touches. The song incorporates three healthy acts and lifts off in the third. I love that part, the feeling of transcendence, ascension. This is why many people love this artist, his work, because it helps them to feel better, lighter in life, more free and alive. I realize that the artist has exercised ideas like this before, creating buildups to beautiful segments and I'm never tired of it. Magnus always taps angles to done concepts, breathing new life into every work of art, finding new ways to explore the dimension of creativity and beauty through music, love, and imagination. He makes something old in concept feel magical all over again, and that takes talent. This is a beautiful track and my favorite (the most accessible IMO) on CD3. A- 6. Jagoa - Vibe begins with an interesting combination of ambient, beats, and tribal influence. The echoed FX are crisp and catchy along with the melodic ingredients. The floating island interludes nearly eliminate repetition. The ambient notes along with subtle female hymn-esque notes create an ethereal feel. The song flows, though lacks surprise and discovery like the previous track. Still, the track is catchy throughout, and improves as it progresses. It has a mystical feel too which works to its advantage. B+ 7. Crossing Mind - Sunlight begins really nice, atmospheric and mystical. The opening 1-2 minute's are good. From 2:22 forward though, the song reminds me of the Sega Genesis game, Streets of Rage. I'm referring to the baseline, beat, and even the melodies (minus the alterations). I bet this was unintentional. I couldn't help but notice. The song unique, with pretty catchy melodies. I think it would have sounded better with a different baseline and beat, as I begin to grow tired of its emphasized sound (towards the end it's quite nice though). The interlude is good too. The song could have developed more and I'm curious what an [excellent] ambient track would be like by this artist, as this isn't it. Nonetheless, there are some nice elements here. B- 8. Jagoa - Finding Some Light is another contemplative number that begins sad and gradually moves to hopeful. Due to the gradual mood shift, I often experience mixed emotions, from contemplative/sad, to more upbeat and hopeful throughout the first half. The artist wants us to feel and has executed the title (moving from darkness to light I infer) effectively. The vehicle is floating and relaxing too. For the record, the song grows catchier, more optimistic and hopeful as it reaches the end, light. B+ 9. Neurotonal - The Enlightenment stands out less (to me) than Earth Frequency. This ambient piece took time to grow on me. It's fairly light, lackluster, and slow. A stronger variety of ideas would have been nice, and a more evolved final third. Sometimes I'm content with the way it is. A strong, ambient hum flows throughout. The song is gentle and relaxing. There is nice melody work. Overall I found Neurotonal's Earth Frequency catchier, more enjoyable. But this is pretty good. It's grown on me some. B- 10. Hybrid Leisureland - Friction Glow is ambient for the most part. It's uplifting, dreamy. There are some beautiful elements, though the second half shares ideas with the first. This actually doesn't bother me that much. It's an ambient track and very pleasant in harmony. I can float away. Solid closing track. B+ Concluson - Ten Spins Around the Sun is loaded with great Goa-Trance originals (CD1), remixes (CD2), and Ambient/Chill work (CD3). That's almost 4 hours of quality music. FOUR HOURS?!! The songs are strong and memorable for the most part. CD 1+2 are great. Each has super songs, no bad ones (just one I didn't care for). CD3 (Ambient/Chill) took longer to grow on me; I expected more initially, but it has since grown on me. I almost always find a few songs I'm not in love with on compilations. Good news is that there's only one song (track 2) I don't care for on CD1. Every song on CD2 is solid or great, superb to me. CD3 has some beautiful work; some tracks were simply not so accessible on first listen (I'm thinking track 1). As is the case, let it grow. It's a Suntrip Release after all and every compilation to date has showcased great work. Ten Spins Around the Sun is one of my favorite compilations of 2014. It's a beautiful triple album. Happy 10th Anniversary Suntrip Records and thank you for another great release. Favorite tracks CD 1 ... 3, 5, 7, 8, 9 CD 2 ... 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 CD 3 ... 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 .... (followed by 4, 10) A- Sample / Order http://www.suntriprecords.com/shop/ http://www.amazon.co.uk/Ten-Spins-Around-The-Sun/dp/B00JV4LRF8 http://www.goastore.ch/compilation-ten-spins-around-the-sun-3cds.html http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/sut/sut3cd032.html http://www.allmusic.com/album/ten-spins-around-the-sun-mw0002675188/releases
  23. Hello! We are "Psychannel", a newly started YouTube promotional channel for psychedelic and ambient music. Our goal is to upload audiovisual content on YouTube with appropriate permission from the respective copyright holder(s). Tracks will be uploaded according to a signed agreement between us and the label or directly with the artist, allowing us commercial use. We are hoping that some labels and artists may find this interesting and if so please do contact us. Signing of promotional agreement is done securely and professionally with an e-signature and takes about a minute to complete. Thank you all!
  24. Mystic Sound Records welcomes you in the world of Ethneomystica – a very special place where ethnic rhythms meet the modern instruments. For the fourth time we open this secret portal to the space of the most actual downtempo music. Traditionally selected by Maiia, these eleven tracks unite music of producers from around the globe (Russia, UK, USA, Canada, Sweden, Greece, Finland, Germany and Netherlands) and represent the variety of popular downtempo and midtempo styles from Psybient to PsyDub and Bass. You can find an excellent set of well-known projects at the 4th chapter of Ethneomystica – Easily Embarrassed, Radioactive Sandwich, Spatialize, Seamon, Hinkstep, Maiia, Iacchus, Chronos, Jeremy’s Aura, HuuHaa, Matt Dell, OkoloSna and Naturelement. Enjoy your staying in this mystical world and be sure that you can return here whenever you wish – just push the button “Play” on your favorite music player. Tracklist: 01. Spatialize – Zen in Frankfurt 02. Easily Embarrassed – Smooth Operator 03. Chronos & OkoloSna – Limitless Highway 04. Naturelement – Reversal Twist 05. Matt Dell – Moon Research Project (Radioactive Sandwich Remix) 06. HuuHaa – Grapevine Drums 07. Maiia – The Great Bear 08. Seamoon – Inter (your) Face 09. Iacchus – Muad’Dib 10. Hinkstep – September Song 11. Jeremy’s Aura – Swimming With Diamonds And Whales Available on CD and in Digital. Download.
  25. Reasonandu - Alchemy of Love CD is now released Get if from here:https://melusinerecords.bandcamp.com/album/alchemy-of-love-24bits
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