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  1. Oh hell time flies, it feels like I wrote the 20th bday thread not so long ago, but turns out if was before the Covid crisis... It's still accurate. What more is there to say to that? The is not the most active community but it should stay online as it contains a goldmine of information about Goatrance and Psytrance. BTW for those who don't know from the FB post, Psynews was moved to a brand new server one month ago, it feel so much faster now. Psynews certainly changed our lives. It changed mine big time, I keep realizing it. It was a big launchpad for several projects (Suntrip, Filteria...) It's like a fabric of wonderful people all around the world. Mind you, I'm even going to finally meet @Jon Cocco in the flesh next summer as he invited me to his place in the USA. Psynews keeps amazing me with everything it helped creating or enabled along the years. For those who need some more insights about this community, I still have this other thread in store HAPPY BIRTHDAY !
    5 points
  2. OOOD - SOURCE CONFIRMED - PHANTASM RECORDS, 2024 TRACKLIST Source Confirmed – 140 - Gmaj Starcaster – 138 – Fmin Aurora Lux – 144 - Gmaj Seven Minutes to Sunrise – 135 - Cmin To The Stars – 142 - Gmin Outer Space Type Music – 145 - G#min Have You Ever – 145 - Fmin The Search - 125 – Amin Beatport: https://www.beatport.com/release/source-confirmed/4840527 Bandcamp: https://oood.bandcamp.com/album/source-confirmed All links: https://phantasm.ampsuite.com/releases/links?id=230 Hello Paynews, it's been a while I'm extremely proud to present our 7th album "Source Confirmed", released on Phantasm Records on December 20th 2024. Here's what the label wrote as promo text: As you can see from the track bpms, this is a very different album from the one we released in 2021 on Iboga Records, and we're super happy with where we are right now in terms of writing and production. The release includes a continuous DJ mix of the album which you can download in WAV. Please check it out!
    1 point
  3. I got it from the guy who runs the label. He said he help one copy back in case there was an issue with someone's purchase. I was able to get that from hi (sealed and unopened). But yeah, I was curious about that too
    1 point
  4. Hello! I think a few members have read some of my posts here or/and know about my activity as a DJ in Berlin/Germany... Finally with the support of Kandiszucker I release some music on my debut album. 🙂 It will be out on 24th of January. Hope you like it! https://kandiszuckerrecords1.bandcamp.com/album/lucktales TRACKLIST 1. Lucktales 2. Plutonium 3. Trouble In The Shuttle 4. Astoridensturm 5. Kaleidoskop 6. Flackern 7. The Tranceverse Flute 8. Fireflies 9. Morningmood Lets start 2025 with a blast! We proudly announce the debut album of a german goa trance project that dates back quite some time already! Make yourself ready for a hypnotic, spiraling oldschool goa trance album by GhostOnAcid Sven Deichmann from Berlin started fiddling around with the first versions of what later became DAWs in 1998 and produced his first full tracks in 2002, while in 2006 the project GhostonAcid was born. Slowly adding hardware to his studio and crafting and improving eversince he released only two tracks so far in 2014 on Goalogique and Timewarp Records - something that needs to be changed as his music is just delicate. GhostOnAcid is one of the very few artists out there that knows how to capture that magic feeling and vibe of the golden age of goa trance with a more refined production - still sounding like straight from the 90s. As a label DJ for Suntrip Records since 2011 as well as beeing one of the founders of the legendary Return Of The Sun events in Berlin he is deeply routed in our beloved scene since many years and we are happy to have him on board for this stunning release! All the best!
    1 point
  5. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new release freshly baked and cooked: Globox's second album, Bitrot! Filled with amazing floor-fillers, please listen for yourself and read the story behind the album, which was released by a miracle, as the tracks were lost but rescued! Promotional text: Unreleased Goa Records is very proud to unleash the second full-length album by Globox, named Bitrot. The name of the album was chosen because the tracks released here come from the exported demo files and were the only surviving copies of tracks that were lost after a hard drive crash. Globox is a talented musician from Belgium. known offstage as Seppe Cruysberghs, hails from Leuven and has been producing Goa Trance since 2017. A fan of the 90s old-school sound, Seppe’s music embodies the raw energy and nostalgia of Goa’s early days. “When I hear Goa Trance, I want to picture an old Atari and a bunch of synths and sequencers running! That’s why I try to keep my sound close to the vibe of the 90s, rather than the polished Goa Trance of today,” he explains. His journey into Goa Trance began in 2011 when friends introduced him to the genre at a local party in Leuven. Since then, he’s immersed himself in the classics, inspired by artists like Astral Projection and the iconic compilation Goa-Head Vol. 2, which he listened to endlessly in his car. Total Eclipse’s Violent Relaxation remains one of his favourite albums, while artists like Shakta have influenced his playful, bouncy style. Other key inspirations include Tandu, Denshi Danshi, Inscape, Technossomy, Phreaky, and the Green Nuns of the Revolution. Seppe also finds inspiration beyond Goa Trance, in genres as diverse as punk, new wave, and even Blur, his all-time favourite band. Although he has some hardware like a Behringer 303 and a TRS9 drum machine, all of Seppe’s tracks were crafted entirely with software due to space constraints. He believes software can capture the vibe of vintage analogue gear and spends time hunting for software versions of classic synths from Goa’s golden era. He jokes that if he ever sets up a proper studio, he might finally use his Atari 1040 ST and Akai sampler—just to experience the workflow of Goa’s original pioneers. For Seppe, making Goa Trance is about more than sound; it’s about capturing a nostalgic spirit that transports listeners to a world of retro beats and underground rhythms. With this album, Globox reminds fans to make backups. For this special release, we’re offering the music on CD, as well as through digital download and streaming platforms. Released January 10, 2025 Written by, Producer: Seppe Cruysberghs Artwork by: Seppe Cruysberghs Mastered by: Federico Draeke https://unreleasedgoarecords.bandcamp.com/album/bitrot https://www.datuniverse.com/product/ugrcd001-globox-bitrot-cd/
    1 point
  6. I liked those two tracks you released! Gonna add this to my wishlist.
    1 point
  7. I have to admit, I'm a bit hesitant to upload this because I really don't want to step on any toes. However, I feel like it's time we talked about something that's been on my mind and on the minds of many others. Has Psytrance lost its edge? Has it become a bit too formulaic? A lot of the tracks I come across these days seem to follow the same set of rules—using similar sounds and carrying the same general vibe. Many of my friends who are DJs and producers—very active in the Psytrance community—have shared similar concerns but often choose not to speak up to avoid any negative backlash. Since I'm no longer reliant on the scene for my livelihood, I feel it's important to bring this conversation forward. See how general interest in Psytrance has declined: https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&q=psytrance,psy trance,psy-trance&hl=en-GB In this video, I'm revisit some tracks from some of the most innovative Psytrance artists from the early days, before 2000, and explore how we've moved from a musically diverse scene to one that today sounds remarkably consistent. While this is all highly subjective and there are certainly exceptions, I think we need to discuss the current state of Psy-trance. Please leave your comments, let's dive into this together! Playlist used in the video: U?si=t4328LDRaroZVy3D
    1 point
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