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Mental Explorer

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Everything posted by Mental Explorer

  1. Is there a kickstarter project for that? - I am willing to spend quite a heap of money for that. An army of Nhjo clowns, ...ehm clones
  2. Uptempo: 1. Virtuart ‎– Virtuart & Friends (DAT Records) 2. Morphic Resonance - The City Of Moons (Suntrip Records) 3: VA - Mind Rewind 3 (DAT Mafia Recordings) 4. Chi-A.D. - Earth Crossing (Amakusa Records) 5. Nervasystem - Brainradio (Phantasm Records) 6. Sab Kuch Milegator - Kauas Aikain Taa (Ektoplazm) 7. Oforia - Read more... (MDMA music) 8. Artha - Dream Telepathy (Cronomi) 9. Mindsphere - Mental Triplex: Presence (Suntrip Records) 10. Bell Size Park ‎– Mysticum Tempore Aparatus (Goa Galaxy)
  3. Yes! - When I first listened through the soundcloud teasers I thought that these are actually two new Lepton Head remixes.
  4. Actually, there are even more complilations missing, like: - Zion 604 - Acid Disco (was open for preorders in Dec 2015 but released only in Feb 2016) - Matsuri Digital - Matsuri Tribe I am sure, there will be some more...
  5. You forgot Mind Rewind 3 (DAT Mafia) and Analog Trips (DAT) - All released in 2016.
  6. Great, thanks a lot! - Indeed sounds like a very obscure Manga movie, even for Japanese "standards"; will try to find it on Youtube and give it a try :-)
  7. Indeed, a very nice debut EP - Midori is superb (Where's that voice sample from? - Sounds to me like an alien version of Grace Jones :-)).
  8. Yeah +1! - One of the few newer Goatrance albums I could listen completely through in one go without getting bored or needing to skip some tracks. The Pure Intellect Remix is awesome :-)!! However, I need to agree with Antic the "Dominion" remix and Crossworld are indeed quite muddy; for the latter some great lead synth sequences at the last third of the track are almost "eaten up".
  9. I have always been a fan of darker, more industrial style goatrance (like UX), so I really anticipate this album
  10. ...and of course Moonweed & Shakta's Micronesia - yum!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=UQZzAnByEYs
  11. Good 'ol Cosmosis classic, always tearing the walls down with ease :
  12. This thread indeed deserves a lot of popcorn. Btw.: Waking up to chaos + Crossworld are also my favs here. Great stuff + as I am also a big industrial/EBM fan any darker goatrance heading to this direction is highly appreciated by me + Killing Joke rules!!
  13. Uptempo: 1: Pleiadians - IFO Remixed (DAT Records) 2: Nervasystem - Nervasystem4 (Voodoo Voltage) 3: Lunar Dawn - Kolovrat (Neo Goa Records) 4: Skizologic - Robotized (Zion604 Records) 5: Denshi Danshi - Fluid Dynamics (Suntrip Records) 6: Opale - Anaconda's Dance (DAT Records) 7: Doof - Let's Turn On - Remixed & Remastered (DAT Records) 8: V/A - Nu Goa From Japan Vol.2 (Matsuri Digital) 9: V/A - The Mystery of Crystal Worlds (Global Sect Music) 10: V/A - Aurora Sidera (Suntrip Records) Please note: -I only rated CD releases as I am still lagging behind with the digital-only ones :-(. -Regarding the UX release (Audissey) I suggest to date this to 2016 as it didn't get shipped earlier - otherwise it would be in the above list (Discogs shows release date of 01 July 2015)).
  14. Well at least he still owes me 50 EUR (or 3 CDs) and despite reminding him several times (also Paypal sent him complaints) he keeps silent; not even a single word of excuse. - Unfortunately could not get back my money via Paypal as the whole thing got over the 6 months time limit (before that he once assured that he will send the UX CDs (…unfortunately he did not specify in which millenium...). There are quite some other customers who suffered from the same situation with Anjuna, especially since 2nd half of 2015. - I have been very patient with Tal but sorry this clearly points to the fact that he ripped off his customers (maybe he had debt issues, anyway I am not his wellfare agency). Anjuna won' see any penny from me, sorry the guy is absolutely not trustworthy... Honest advice: Watch your money and buy Anjuna albums via Suntrip or other online shops.
  15. Relax, it was a small batch of copies that is already sold out now. - The big bulk load still remains somewhere in Tal's "cave"...
  16. Correct. - I am still quite suprised that Tal "releases" them now - So that means taht UX and Anjuna finally came to an agreement?
  17. Yep, D-Dave just followed the same approach for Schlab 008: https://schlabbaduerst.bandcamp.com/album/schlab-008 Invasion of the Russian torrent mafia
  18. Yeah, and also a new (actually first!) Element over Nature Album has been announced for 2016: https://www.facebook.com/ElementOverNature/photos/a.655733011195835.1073741829.648013145301155/655732814529188/?type=3
  19. Yes indeed - Tal also ripped off my money from the UX Album pre-orders: After heavily complaining and urging him to refund my money he stold me last November he still would deliver the album (...hmm, sure...). Since then radio silence from his side, well he should be now at least on the Paypal blacklist... Persona non grata; don't make business with him any more! - Sorry to be quite harsh, it is really that serious :-(
  20. Yes, better get the regular Hado records remastered edition of LiT. - But be prepared mastering is still relatively crude :-)
  21. Yes +1 -> These are really some top class productions; didn't listen to such a good new goatrance release for quite some time! - Seems like 2016 has started off very promising :-).
  22. No one wants to challenge the "holy grail" (could well understand after having watched Indiana Jones ) - Only T2MU could save the day (...as already mentioned before)
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