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  1. Return to the Source - 21st Anniversary Reunion event! Friday 1st August 2014 @ The Electric, Brixton. London. 10pm-7am 21 years after their original collaboration RTTS are reuniting for a special party celebration at Brixtons Electric, formerly known as The Fridge and home to one of their famous residencies. In keeping with the original ethos of their parties, the venue will be converted into a modern day dance temple. A huge seven-pointed star will be marked out on the dance floor. Shamans will bless the space with sacred water from Glastonbury, incantations and incense; crystals will be placed at specific locations around the dance floor to focus the positive energy; thus creating the intentional Sacred Trance Floor which provided the foundation for the legendary RTTS events. The room will be decorated with fluorescent images depicting The Ancients; including Pagan, Native American, Mayan and Extra-Terrestrial deities, and the trance will begin with a colour coded guided journey through the Chakras by Leyola Antara of the Sushumna Ritual Dance Theatre and author of Kundalini Dance, Sacred Alchemical Evolutionary Keys. The whole night will be a magical indoor festival comprising fire performers, drum ritual, flying angels, market stalls and Chai tea served in the Ambient Café; and fresh fruit supplied to party-goers as they leave. Line up: Dance Temple Deck Wizards: Tsuyoshi Suzuki (Matsuri/Joujuka/Prana) (accompanied by battling classical string ensemble Jayju and Marsha) Mark Allen John Phatasm (Phantasm Records) Shakti (Trancendance) Live on Stage: Man With No Name Manmademan Medicine Drum Ambient Café Dr Alex Paterson (The Orb) Mixmaster Morris Pathaan (globectronica.org) Paul Thomas A Thousand Eyes Live PA by Kaya Project Get tickets (£15 adv) -http://www.returntothesource.co.uk/tickets Facebook Event-https://www.facebook.com/events/258421431028857/ Facebook Page- https://www.facebook.com/rttsclub Facebook Group- https://www.facebook.com/groups/53422947389/ Website- http://www.returntothesource.co.uk/
  2. Artist: Various Title: Limitless Label: Koyote Records Date: 1997 1. Menis - Fluff Killer 2. Virtuart - Time Cruncher 3. Encens - Venus Zen 4. Semsis - Mind Games 5. Miranda - Timeless Worlds of Space 6. Xenomorph - Nevrotoxin 7. Underhead - Unify Feeling 8. Miranda - Concorde (Transportation Mix) 9. Encens - Spirit It Transgression 10. Ominus - Sunimo Signs of the coming apocalypse couldn't be any clearer. Of course you have your plagues, famines, and earthquakes. Those are easy to see. I mean they were written down. It's in print. But I invite you to dig a little deeper. Clearly 8 full seasons of Full House angered the powers that be. Ugh. Normally I wouldn't want to punch a toddler because they sh*t their pants and that's enough punishment, but... I believe Snoop's introduction of izzle to our lexicon and every white pre-teen's adoption of it thereafter is cause for concern. *Thumbs thru bible* Where's that in the back somewhere? The Hilton-Kardashian-Lohan triumvirate, also known as the 3 stooges principle has wreaked more than its fair share of havoc on our innocent planet. By the way can we all agree that the video camera has become the lighted movie theater floor to our downfall? Now that it is readily available mothers of three and sleeveless git-r-done hillbilly's are unleashing torrents of sex tapes in hopes of becoming the next trio of idiocy. Sorry Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama...didn't mean to rain on your GDP. But most importantly it's how this compilation never got reviewed. It's comprised of some of the biggest names in the goa trance genre with blistering tracks laden with acid and melody. 303 sounds are the rule here and it is old school all the way. Every track is stellar with absolutely zero filler. Is it because these tracks are readily available on other compilations? I will concede that it is not essential for that reason, but to not have it's rightful place on the review board is unacceptable. So if the world is gonna end and I still have electricity in my bunker underground, this one is coming with me. Mdk
  3. Artist: Lost Buddha Title: Untold Stories Label: Phototropic Records Date: March, 2011 1. Transfiguration (Anti-Gravity mix) 2. Lost in a crystal sphere 3. Psyramid (Live mix) 4. Tabernacle 5. When the universe was created 6. Southern Oracle 7. Ataraxia 8. Lost in paradise 9. Mysteries of the women "If you want a job done right I have to do it..." All right, f*ck it I'll do it... Lost Buddha is Filipe Santos as well as a truckload of other aliases. Some would add asshole. Perhaps crazy motherf*cker. But I'll throw another one at you. Genius. F*cking genius. Yep, he's alienated a boatload of people with his destructive attitude and erratic behavior., but he also made some of the best goa and acid trance around. It seemed like it was effortless for him. And you wanna talk prolific? He was everywhere. And he gave away the vast majority of his work. Just gave it to us. Like this release. Well the first iteration of this collection of tunes released as 320 mp3's on Metaphysic Records back in 2007. The one I'm reviewing is the most recent in which you had to throw down some coin. The one where only the first three tracks hadn't been released. Concerning Filipe, I don't know if he was on drugs, an alcoholic, or just a raging douche pickle. I had nothing to do with him so his actions never affected me in the slightest. People that knew him and worked with him will probably tell a different story. If they want to speak of him at all. There is no excuse for being a dick or acting hurtful and if he did that (pretty sure he did) then he deserves his pariah status. You cannot rub everyone the wrong way especially when they are trying to help you. But in the end every artist will ultimately be judged by his work and when it comes down to the music the guy was just brilliant. Layers upon layers with a powerful boost. His compositions were forever evolving and imminently danceable. His sound was full of lush atmospheres that seemed to always be in attack mode. This entire album while not the most varied goa trance is straight ahead spectacular. This comes with my highest recommendations. Beethoven was beaten and exploited by his father which led him to self medicate with drugs and alcohol. Famous playwright Tennessee Williams who wrote A Streetcar Named Desire and the Glass Menagerie was also an alcoholic and a drug user who just happened to have a sister with schizophrenia that underwent a lobotomy. Hemingway was another raging alcoholic depressive who committed suicide. Like his father. And sister. And brother. And granddaughter. Now I'm not equating what Filipe did in our little corner of the world with the colossal achievements of these gentlemen, but sometimes it is the demons, the mental illness with which the person does battle that can foster those periods of creativity. I hope Filipe was just young and immature and hadn't figured out how the world worked. But if he does have a mental illness let's hope he gets the help he needs so as to not follow the path of these unfortunate gentlemen. I don't know you enough to miss you Filipe. But I certainly miss your music. Psyshop Beatspace Mdk
  4. Artist: Various Title: Close Encounters - Psychedelic Trance From Worlds Unknown Label: Hypnotic Date: 1997 "Tell me something my friend. Ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?" Oh Hypnotic. Only you could make a 2 CD compilation of two artists. Sure there are multiple artist names, but it's still just two guys. Martin Nielsen and Michael Kjeldgaard. Apologies Martin I've never heard of you. But Michael...ah, Psygone by any other name is still Psygone. This is a compilation with acid trance, techno, dream trance...basically Hypnotic took all the sh*t in their pantry and made a f*cking casserole. And let me tell you there's a lot of generic sh*t (most of it from Martin) to be found here as if they got their hands on a Roland MC-505 and recorded the preset sounds and patterns. Believe me when I say my finger was constantly hovering like a Japanese tiger mom over the skip button as a lot of this is really terrible. Even Michael recycles sounds on his tracks, but by Hans Christian Andersen he still shows why he's Psygone. That snap crackle pop of his 303 is the real deal on tracks like Tasmania and Stripped. But if you're looking for Optimystique then get your sad face on because you will be disappointed. Even the goa nature is tempered by house or dream trance. Flow? You better take that cohesive idea somewhere else. But for those of us on the hunt for the elusive white whale of storming goa that hasn't been fished out of the ocean of mediocrity this is a boot at the end of your fishing line. Mdk
  5. Artist: MFG Title: Magnetic Activity EP Label: Transient Records Date: 1996 1. Magnetic Activity (Remix) 2. Overlord (Remix) Silly black man. Plastic on couch means a bad ending for you. This is what I'm talking about. Old school goa trance that is in a continual state of flux. More ethereal than physical it is evolving, spiraling, and twisting. Overlord is I believe a typo, and should be Overload, the same track from their 1996 album The Prophecy. Both are bad ass. Mdk
  6. Artist: Mindfield & Baraka Title: VD Massacre EP Label: Phantasm Records Date: 1999 1. VD Massacre 2. VD Massacre (ManMadeMan Remix) "According to my source the end of the world will be on February 14th in the year 2016." "Valentines Day. Bummer." Holy sh*t that's right around the corner. But other than that cool sample from Ghostbusters 2 not a lot to see here. The remix could be more annoying than the original. Like stepping in cow sh*t is worse than trodding through dog sh*t. You still f*cked up your Jordans. It's definitely louder and heavier with the samples. So it's got that going for it. Mdk
  7. Artist: Morphem Title: Magma EP Label: Tunnel Records Date: 1996 1. Magma 2. Closed Sector 3. Nothing Left "This sector is closed to ground traffic." Man they don't make 'em like this no more. Magma (also on the Out of Focus album) is the definition of a blistering goa track. Such energy! If you can't twirl to this there is no hope for you. This must absolutely wreck a dance floor. Closed Sector is more in depth with a futuristic vibe. Nothing Left is more psytrance I suppose. Still the EP is worth searching out for Magma alone. It's volcanic! I'm sorry, that's on me. Terrible. Mdk
  8. Artist: Lunar Asylum Title: Reefer Madness EP Label: Transient Records Date: October, 1996 1. Reefer Madness 2. The Crawl "That is quite the quantity of marijuana gentlemen." It's uh, for my cataracts. Yeah cataracts. "Don't you mean glaucoma?" Yeah I got that too, My country didn't always have such a puritanical attitude towards the sticky icky. Many can and do point to the hypocrisy of the government by keeping weed illegal yet alcohol which is responsible for an exponentially greater amount of deaths is readily available to any kid with a fake id. I used to smoke it and all it did for me was make me grin like a mental patient and put a whooping on a bag of funyuns! Drunk driving? Terrible problem and inexcusable. On weed? Nobody ever died in a car going 10 miles an hour. Sure it seemed like the trip took forever, but what a ride. Ever watch cartoons high? I used to wonder why that big chicken was so f*cking angry. When some people drink they immediately turn into assholes and want to fight the room. I don't even think it's possible to fight if your high on marijuana. It would be the worst slow motion video ever seen. I'm not saying make alcohol illegal (we tried that, didn't turn out so well), but why criminalize something that can help so many people? Epilepsy, MS, people suffering from Cancer...hell it even works for migraines I'm told. On top of all that you could fill your Rx at Wal Mart. It would end a lot of the violence and cripple the drug cartels all the while increasing tax revenue. Sure you'd still have to go into a Wal Mart, but here's one reason why you should. You ain't gonna find a back rack like that at Target! Think of the art community. Bob Marley smoked weed and he was the greatest reggae singer ever. Think this world could use a little more Marley? It also could have governmental applications. Stunning compromises could arise when opposite sides are chilled out. Terrorism? Hard to fire an RPG when you're smiling all the time. Besides if it's good enough for the Hobbits... So what's the f*cking problem? I realize this is more of an infomercial for weed than a review. Just had some things to say. As far as the music goes it's all right. Nothing spectacular, but I bet it would sound much better if I was high. Mdk
  9. Greetings All Check the link below for a turntable mix of classic retro Goa Trance: https://soundcloud.com/djbeeb Repost, like and comment, further mixes will be posted if there is sufficent interest. Feel free to get in touch, especially those in the Midlands, UK who are interedted in promoting such material. Love DJ Beeb
  10. Artist: Virtuart Title: Sacred Drop EP Label: DAT Records Date: April, 2014 1. Virtuart feat Chronomyst - Madagascar2depeut 2. Virtuart feat Chronomyst - Sacred Drop 3. Virtuart - L'Arome De La Solitude (Batur Mix) Ohhhhh....yeah that's the stuff. Let the newly remastered old school goodness cascade over you. Allow the dark energy to penetrate your insides. Open yourself wide to the... Whew. I need a cold shower. Draeke and DAT Records are back with another EP release from the days of yore. Virtuart is Oliver Abitbol and he is somewhat of an under appreciated artist. Two of the three tracks see him collaborate with Chronomyst. His name is also Oliver so I can only assume he cloned himself for double the awesome. If you've got a better explanation I'm all ears. But the chances of a country like France having two people named Oliver are really...well, they're actually pretty good. In fact I actually know someone from France named Oliver. Sh*t it must be like John over here. First let me tell you this sounds delicious so kudos to messieur Abitbol for doing the remaster. Spiraling melodies soar over angelic pads as the music cradles you through the clouds. The lead in Sacred Drop dances like something one would hear from Colorbox so maximum points there. But the best is saved for last, a storming beast of a track with a melody that seems unending. Fantastic! DAT you've done it again! Now if you'll excuse me whilst I put my pants back on. Oh btw, Draeke did you get the van yet? Those mysteries ain't gonna solve themselves. And I'm running out of pockets for these sloppy kidneys.* *read Symbiote review to get in on the joke. DAT Records Psyshop Beatspace Mdk
  11. Artist: Brainforest Title: Remastered Label: Zion 604 Date: November, 2012 1. El Dorado 2. Story Teller 3. Spider Hands 4. Beyond Earth 5. Brain Forest 6. Impulsive Waves 7. Descender of Evil 8. Astrology 9. Goby Desert "What are we dealing with some type of new outbreak or a plague?" I wouldn't call it a plague. You make it sound so dirty and...diseasey. Fact of the matter is we are currently living through a time where everything old is new again. We've got a taste and brother we like it! Brainforest was Roy Sason with the chap from Illumination. He's solo now and this album was originally released back in 98 as Mr. Trance on Typhoon Records. Then Total Trance by...Total Trance. But don't forget about Total Trance Music released by...you know what? Seriously guys what the f*ck? This reminds me of when Stephen King puts out the same book with a different cover. Well the version I have is the brand new remastered version released by Zion 604. A label not coincidentally run by Roy. Their mantra? Keep the goa spirit alive. And like labels Anjuna and DAT Records that is just what they do. Sure this has been released three other times, but it ain't like I've ever heard. It's a mix of goa, psy, and nitzhonot and it's intense. Smashing to the accelerator to floor melodies fly fast...and...furious. Too soon? His ghost would like this. I know it would. Although maybe if he listened to something like Simon and Garfunkel he would still be alive. On second thought he'd probably kill himself. Synth riffs twist and turn in a blur of psychedelic haste. Going from bubbling to screaming and back again. It's a pretty deep release and under appreciated based on the lack of chatter on these forums. Sometimes it does those cheesy nitzho key changes, but they're brief so don't take points away for that. Spider Hands is when the sh*t begins to hit the fan. Goa with a heavy dose of electronic weirdness. But he kicks it up a notch with Brainforest as that is a storming track. Astrology is another barn burner. It really is a nice mixture of goa with a psychedelic edge. I imagine it will really appeal to those who feel goa trance these days has gotten itself into a formulaic mess. Zion604 continues to release quality stuff and I enthusiastically recommend this. Bandcamp Mdk
  12. https://soundcloud.com/ake_gtr/tdoej 01. guy sebbag & gal carmy - vaccuum planet 02. pleiadians - time dilation 03. man of the last 3rd - the evolution of x (trippin' peace mix) 04. asia 2001 - lunar attraction 05. etnica - trip tonite (remix) 06. crossing mind - modulated self reminders 07. bodh gaya - catharsis of body and soul 08. crop circles - full mental jackpot (remix) 09. deviant electronics - time bomb 10. total eclipse - can't do that 11. liquid flow - chaotic 12. spectral - kundalini 13. cosmosis - psychofunk thanks for listening, enjoy!
  13. Artist: Various Title: Up To Next Step Label: Goalogique Records Date: July, 2013 1. Goa Psy Cry MINOMAR 2. Buddham Mantra PHANT OM X 3. The Prayer PURE ENERGY 4. Strange Happenings ANCIENT ALIEN 5. Lunar Voyages I SOMNESIA 6. Awaiking Fairies CACTUS ARISING 7. Space Haze JAGOA 8. Only Psychopaht Would EVELYN 9. Dragons Breath METAMORPHOSIS 10. Jupiter CARBON It's good to be a goa trance fan these days. The established labels like Suntrip and DAT Records keep throwing out quality music to temporarily satiate our voracious appetite, but unlike the early days of the resurgence there seem to be more releases than we can keep track of. UAF and Neogoa have been holding down the digital fort and now we have the very prolific Timewarp Records. Sita and Cronomi keep it real with Dimensional a Ezel-Ebed pitching in every now and then. Add to mix Zion604 and Anjuna and we now have an old school flavor. Yep, good to be a goa fan. Bad to be a wallet. May I now introduce to you the newest label to throw their hat into the ring, Goalogique Records. A Belgian label run by a chap named Bora Bilgin they opened up shop in 2012 with this compilation. The first thing that will jump out at you is the horrible artwork. Since this is their first foray into the market you gotta cut them a little slack. Gotta crawl before you can walk. Next thing is the lack of recognizable artists. I've heard of Somnesia of course, but none of the others. This is of course not a negative by any stretch of the imagination. How many times have the well known projects just mailed it in? I love goa trance like a lot of you. The more I can get the better. So it's with open arms I welcome Bora and his label to the show. But this sounds like a debut compilation. The sound quality is fine, but it seems like the artists are trying to find their way. The compositions lack complexity and depth. Somnesia is again the exception, but he's hardly a newbie. It's not a great compilation, but neither is it terrible. Average would be fair. I think the tracks needed more development and that comes with practice. I liken it to a rookie who gets his first shot in the NHL. The potential is there, but he has to improve his game otherwise it's bye bye chartered jet plane and hello 10 hour bus ride. I will still buy it because I'm a collector and I want to support the scene, but there are way better goa trance albums out there. Let's see what they can do with the next compilation. Psyshop Beatspace Mdk
  14. FREE DOWNLOAD (WAV/FLAC/MP3) here: http://www.ektoplazm.com/free-music/pharaom-under-the-sun-of-goa Oswald Pfeiffer AKA PharaOm returns to Neogoa with his brand new full-length album - 'Under The Sun Of Goa'! This time he decided to explore his own musical roots and to bring back the true spiritual Goa trance vibe of the PharaOm project. Under The Sun Of Goa is not only a highly melodic work of psychedelic trance, it is also one of the most energetic and fast-paced releases PharaOm has crafted so far, so prepare yourself for a wonderful journey into the magical world of Goa! Artist: PharaOm Album: Under The Sun Of Goa Label: Neogoa Format: Digital Style: Psychedelic, Goa Trance Date: September 2013 Tracklist: 01 - PharaOm - Under The Sun Of Goa 02 - PharaOm - Full Obsidian Eyes - Free Download 03 - PharaOm - Ispahan Garden 04 - PharaOm - Shine Like Gold 05 - PharaOm & Nadasorion - Drums Of Babylon 06 - PharaOm - Sattva, Rajas, Tamas 07 - PharaOm - Sopdet To Giza Travelers 08 - PharaOm - Shiva's Cosmic Dance 09 - PharaOm - Goa's Sun Will Shine Forever * all tracks are written and produced by Oswald Pfeiffer (France) More info and links: https://soundcloud.com/neogoa https://facebook.com/neogoa
  15. Artist: Various Title: Future Architecture 2 Label: Neogoa / UAF Date: February, 2014 01 - GoaTree - Human Apocalypto (80/106 BPM) 02 - Crossing Mind - Virtual Mind Cleaner (139 BPM) 03 - Aerosis - Cape Quetzal (138 BPM) 04 - Celestial Intelligence - Light After Darkness (143 BPM) 05 - Adrenalin Run - Spoiled Brats (Premature Incubation Mix) (145 BPM) 06 - Dreamweaver - Penta (145 BPM) 07 - Cosmic Dimension - Alien Civilization (142 BPM) 08 - Trinodia - Psychedelic Sun (137 BPM) 09 - Magic Science & Imba - Ghost Town (144 BPM) 10 - Omnivox - Inner Polarity (2014 Rework) (147 BPM) "And thus their undying love was made ever stronger by their continued collaboration..." So happy together...You guys are like peas and carrots. Peanut butter and chocolate. The match made in heaven continues to bear fruit (I'll let your brain juggle that image) with the second installment of Future Architecture. Neogoa (Ivan Richpa) and Underground Alien Factory (Nikola Petrovic) have cemented their place in the goa trance Parthenon with many quality digital releases and cover art to boot. Did I mention that they do all this without sticking their hand in your pocket. That costs extra buddy. Human Apocalypto- "If the population goes up to the point where we destroy the resources of the earth, it doesn't matter which nation is most populous...we all get it in the neck." Cmon...you know India gonna take a big hit. This track begins as a slow tribalistic warning with chants and the ominous sample and grows into a tense blockbuster soundtrack. Welcome to the show. At first I didn't like it now I'm captivated by it. It's beautiful. Virtual Mind Cleaner- Stephan has vaulted to the top of the goa pyramid with his distinct sound. Metallic yet warm it bubbles with tendrils that leave colorful trails in their wake. Constantly changing it never misses a beat. Yeah hit me again with that. There's still some midget fetish porn back in the corner you missed. Clean it! Cape Quetzal- Holy f*ck an Aerosis sighting! Welcome back man you have been missed. So much has happened since you've been gone. Lessee...we got Bin Laden, Obama got re-elected, gay people are getting married, Putin still shirtless, Paula Deen hates Negroes...oh just so much. Now this is a danceable piece of smoothness. Shiny and warm it bubbles towards that unreachable horizon with nice layering. Love de bass line mon. You've still got it. Light After Darkness- I think this is one of their strongest tracks to date. It's organic and alive as it changes shape thrusting warm rays of sunshine into the receding night. Great work! Spoiled Brats- The first release of M-run + Stiven and oh boy it's a doozy. Loads of groove that has epic pads, power and leads that make it fun to dance to. Love this track. Penta- Dis guy? Look I know next to nothing about Penta, but if he's making a goa track I'll give him a...what's that now? Oh. Penta is the title. Well, that uh...makes a little more sense doesn't it? Like my redneck neighbor says this is a moody sumbitch. Dark and not bad. Alien Civilization- "And then the question why don't they land here? Maybe it's because we're simply not that interesting." Bingo. And holy photoshop! I am convinced this was his inspiration. Only an alien race could imagine a scenario where having your pudding pounded on camera by a D-list celebrity would lead to fame and riches. His album In A Special Kind of Place wins the award for my most delayed review. Something always seems to come up. This track continues with his style of outerspace goa with glittery melodies and lush breaks. Psychedelic Sun- Mr. Astral Clouds is at it again with a track that resembles the M-run groove. Head nodding goodness that continually churns. This guy can be counted on. Ghost Town- Imagine little Teresa's surprise during lunch when, amongst all her friends, instead of pulling out a ham sandwich she grabs hold of mommy's little friend during those long, cold, winter nights. "Omigosh! I can't eat that!" Actually you can...well, you can pretend to. A thumping track with a backpack full of sounds. It gets real growly near the end. Needed a little more variety to put it over the top, but still a scorcher. Inner Polarity (2014 Rework)- Talk about closing with a double barreled blast! Full power all the way with a massive bottom end and a vigorous pace. This will leave a hole in your wall about yay big. "Yeah I saw him. Big fat guy. He was leaking this red liquid all over the place. Kept screaming Oh Yeah! all the way down the street." What a fantastic album. These two stalwarts have done it again. Highly recommended! Free at Ektoplazm
  16. Artist: Various Title: Prana Remix EP Vol. 1 Label: Wakyo Records Date: December, 2013 1. Boundless (2013 Re-Edit) - Prana 2. Mugen (Astral Projection Remix) - Prana 3. Geomantik (Damir Ludvig Remix) -Prana You sons of bitches how the f*ck do you sleep at night? "On a mattress stuffed with dead presidents as I'm fellated by multiple porn stars." You...bastard. I meant metaphorically. Wakyo Records has released a three track EP of some classic Prana Tracks. You know cause everything old is new again and there's money to be made and we have to have constant proof that Astral Projection did not die in an erotic asphyxiation session gone wrong. The updated Boundless is juicy and crackles with electricity. It's good, but I didn't have a problem with the original. So it's like an answer to a question nobody asked. Well I didn't ask it. Mugen was one that was in dire need of a redo. But alas it became Astralized, homogenized, and sterilized, devoid of any passion or power. Their remix is better, but is it possible to go back in a time machine and have 1996 Astral give it a look-sie? Which brings me to the track that would clear out a pool as surely as if it took a massive dump in the shallow end. A house version? Why not just put it on in an elevator? Who did they think this lifeless wet noodle of a track would appeal to? The best thing that can be said about this track is that it bears zero resemblance to the original. How could you. I'm only linking to it for the purpose of saving the evidence. By the way great cover art. Thanks for putting in some overtime on that. Beatport Mdk
  17. OUT NOW!! Neogoa strikes back with an excellent full-length album by PsiloCybian from Croatia... a beautiful blend of modern full-on psytrance and new school Goa trance! ​http://www.ektoplazm.com/free-music/psilocybian-brain-dissolver I'm so happy to announce that Neogoa will release full-lenght album by PsiloCybian / also known as Screw Loose, Mammal Footwork and Dual Barrel alongside with Deimos, in January 2014! Check out samples for 'Brain Dissolver' at our Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/neogoa/psilocybian-brain-dissolver
  18. Artist: Various Title: Lucid Flux Label: Anjuna Records Date: November, 2013 1. Prana - Taiyo (Process Imperfect Simulant Remix) 2. Chakra & Eddie Mis - X-Files (Visitors Remix) 3. Syb Unity Nettwerk - Sun Invaders [Full Moon Mix] 4. NervaSystem & Aether - Distorted Waves Of OM (Slight Return) 5. Aurax - Inordinately Haggard (Live) 7. Graham Wood - Spaced In 8. Ufomatka - Varstar 9. UX - Master Of The Universe (Epic Live Re-Mix Live with Front 242) "The pond was a nice little beautiful floating...stream going over a nice little dam. And we sat there and water flowed over us and it was beautiful, beautiful. The sun was glistening off our beautiful young bodies and we climbed up out of the water and found that we were all...covered...with...leeches!" I love being a goa trance fan these days. There is so much variety and different styles from which to choose. One trend that labels like DAT Records, Zion 604, and Anjuna have honed in on is our seemingly insatiable desire for unreleased old school goa. Apparently the artists of the golden days knew this time would come so they held on to their DAT tapes of tracks that previously never saw the light of day. Anjuna is a label that is really going balls out with their releases including limited edition inverted CDs as well as T-shirts. Tribal Encore (their debut compilation) was a success releasing tracks you wouldn't hear from other labels. I didn't like all of them, but Anjuna realizes that all of the tracks are part of the rich history of goa, and pleasing everyone all the time is an impossibility. I've had discussions with them and they are more concerned with keeping that history and old school spirit alive than in turning a profit. Once again their latest compilation contains tracks that were either previously unreleased or only found on vinyl. Taiyo (Process Imperfect Simulant Remix)- The original track can be found on Cyclone and the Chakra Remix can be found on Geomantik. I like this one the best. It sound s more organic with beeps and squeals above the deep bass. X-Files (Visitors Remix)- Yeah...no. This is some thumping psy with tribal screams and I don't care for it. Whatever, I didn't like the original version either. That said as a remix it's a win because it is so dramatically different than said original. Sun Invaders [Full Moon Mix]- Syb Unity Nettwerk (Kris Kylven) doesn't make bad tracks and this is no exception. Constantly evolving this is pretty good. Distorted Waves Of OM (Slight Return)- Nervasystem and Aether deliver one of the tracks of the compilation. It squelches and squeals coalescing it's layers into quite the stomper. Lot's of folks are excited about Anjuna's next release which is some unreleased Nervasystem. Me being one of them. Awesome track and you gotta wonder how this puppy never saw the light of day. Inordinately Haggard (Live)- Psychedelic goa to the core! Browling like a lion and bubbling like a vat of steaming acid this track shrieks to anyone who'll listen. Sometimes sharp sometimes laid back it's a definite highlight. Full Potential- Another track that never made it to primetime or anytime actually. Lots of alien noises and dark psychedelia especially near the end. Spaced In- Graham Wood (Half of the Infinity Project) up next with another unreleased gem. It gurgles and bounces with head nodding goodness. Nothing too intricate, but when you layer all that bubbling it makes twirling much easier. Varstar- If Distorted Waves was number one than this is 1A. Darkness has a name and it's Varstar. Feel that low bass deep in your physical center as sinister vibes bursting with evil froth over. God it's so clear and lush I feel as though I could squeeze it through my fingers! Master Of The Universe (Epic Live Re-Mix Live with Front 242)- And now the one that got mouths salivating. Already one of the greatest goa tracks in history, but now with more Front 242! It's live so you can hear the crowd cheering which I like. Always gives a boost of energy. I don't know what part Front 242 played in this tale, but I don't hear additional vocals until near the end. It sounds slightly different with a more symphonic quality. This second release from Anjuna is two scoops of win. Rare and unreleased old school goa trance will always be welcomed as far as I'm concerned. Like the debut compilation I didn't fall in love with all the tracks, but I respected them. And please, remixes that don't sound just like a clone of the original? Where do I sign up? The sound quality is rich like chocolate cake thanks to Mr. Tim Schuldt. That guy is boss. Highly recommended for all your psychedelic goa trance needs. Congratulations Anjuna! Bandcamp Mdk
  19. Another EP is coming as well... the Symbiote EP. Some of you may remember this from the tracking days (96-98 anyone?) but for the new generations this is probably mumbo jumbo and have no idea what they are going to encounter here. In any which case, the music has been completely re-recorded, and made up to modern standards, still leaving the feeling of the oldschool modules.. the sound was polished and refined sapiently by Colin OOOD and here we are, releasing a masterpiece of symphonic goa trance. Samples won't make any justice to these compositions because the tracks are VERY long, among the longest you'll ever hear in the Goa scene I bet. Tracklist: 01 ...Phantasmagoria \ 16:33 02 ...Tiara \ 21:21 03 Abstraktd \ 14:33 Symbiote is Samuel Cote, a talented musician from Canada. He is a producer who was releasing his music in free format through modules in the tracker scene but the music published in this single was completely reworked in the studio for the release. Amazing melodies, haunting hypnotic vibes and tunnels through time, that is how you'll feel while listening to these monster tracks courtesy of Symbiote. DAT is proud to present this masterpiece for the world to enjoy, so let yourself go and entrance into this madness voyage through consciousness... are you ready to fly into your mind? http://www.arabesquedistribution.com/index.php?option=com_artistavenue&task=singleCd&id=3231&Itemid=99999999 PS: I have played Phantasmagoria in Belgium the last time I djed there and the impact was great...
  20. If you think positively Sound becomes Music Movement Becomes Dance Smile Becomes Laughter Mind Becomes Meditation And Life Becomes a Celebration…. Arkona Creation and friends present another upcoming unforgettable gathering in Lithuania. The Swampy Open Air gathering is going to happen in deep and mystic forest of Trakai region, which is only 10 km away from Trakai. The old town of Trakai is extremely popular with the residents of Lithuania and foreign guests – it is situated west of Vilnius between the hills, forests and lakes. This town, famous for its picturesque landscape and the legendary Trakai Castle, was a cradle of the Lithuanian statehood, and the capital of Lithuania. The festival designed for travellers, psy music lovers, and even families. We will have specially designed family friendly ambient area where anyone could relax under the sky full of stars Come and delve into the pool of psy music, arts, workshops and many other entertainments together with us! More info: swampyfestival.lt facebook
  21. HELLO. I'm NHJO HYENNRO from w/RUSSIA/korea/etc. CATALOGN: NHCD0091 GENRE/STYLE: PSYCHEDELIC TRANCE ARTIST: NHJO HYENNRO ALBUM: SUPER STAR TRACK LIST: 1. Superman (Radio Edit) 2. Superman (Long ver.) 3. Super Star (145.4 Radio Edit) 4. Super Star (145.4 Long ver.) 5. Super Star (Radio Edit) 6. Super Star (Long ver.) DESCRIPTION: My new 2014 Release. Danceable Goa/Psy Trance ever. Oldschool Melody and Arpeggiator etc. This album soon release at Itune and Juno and Soundcloud etc. http://www.junodownload.com/Labels/Nhjo+Hyennro http://www.junodownload.com/products/nhjo-hyennro-superstar/2448280-02/ My main site's bgm is 3. SUPER STAR (145.4 Radio Edit) now. Enjoy! www.nhjohyennro.com <here www.nhjohyennrorecords.com www.nhjoname.com nhjohyennro@naver.com nhjohyennro <katalk, skype nhjo hyennro.
  22. Artist: The Infinity Project Album: Feeling Very Weird [single] Release date: 2013-10-22 Label: Tip Records Format: Digital Tracks: 3 Listen samples/Buy release here. Tracklist: 01. Feeling Very Weird [06:21] 02. Feeling Very Weird Feat. Raja Ram (Astral Projection Remix) [11:00] 03. Feeling Very Weird Feat. Raja Ram (Astral Projection High Freakage Cut) [10:20] I think Astral Projection, TIP Records or The Infinity Project doesn't need any introduction, anybody who is familiar with goa and psychedelic trance should know about these goa super-groups and legendary label. It's really hard job to do a any proper reviewing without going back into time and golden age of projects mentioned above. This release got three tracks, first one is orginal mix while 2nd and 3rd are lenghty remixes by Astral Projection. It's not a strange thing to see TIP Records going back into their early catalogue and release remastered material, they had even compilations with remastered tracks, and now they're offering Feeling Very Weird single alongside with 2 remixes. Firstly I must say that I was pleasntly suprised by these remixes, not because Astral Projection finally released something, but more with the sounding of the remixes, it certanly got that unique/retro vibe and atmosphere of good old Astral Projection, and believe it or not, it's a first time I've felt it since In The Mix. I know that there are people who actually love their new sound aswell started with Amen, but I still prefer their trademark sound more. Both remixes got psytrance and full-on influences but not in the rhythmic structure, or on basslines, but more on various background effects which is kinda cool, it's good to see they're doing good balance between 2 crucial elements and doing something like this will please more people. Conclusion: I mentioned that both AP remixes are lenghty and I don't have a problem with that, but I do have a problem with the fact that they sound somehow too similar, and it would be much better if they decided to do more relaxed or downtempo version and place it on number 3, and that is a minus for this release. But overall, I'm really positivley shocked (or should I say I'm feeling very weird, but in positive way?) and this release brings hope and faith for the eventually new Astral Projection album, but we all know that we could maybe wait for it another 10 years. Let's hope that Avi and Lior will keep this formula and stick to good old Astral Projection sound! Rating: 4 out of 5 * http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MvCKBuWeC8
  23. Artist: Various Title: Lunar Dawn - Blessings From Irij Remixes Label: Neogoa Date: December, 2013 01 - Blessings From Irij (Screw Loose Remix) (145 BPM) 02 - Blessings From Irij (Trinodia Remix) (138 BPM) 03 - Blessings From Irij (Sky Technology Remix) (148 BPM) 04 - Blessings From Irij (Imba Remix) (145 BPM) 05 - Blessings From Irij (Perfect Blind Remix) (120 BPM) 06 - Blessings From Irij (Decadent Sympozium Remix) (147 BPM) 07 - Blessings From Irij (GoaTree Remix) (138 BPM) 08 - Blessings From Irij (Original Mix) (136 BPM) I salute you sir. I salute you for making an album of remixes the right way. No full-on clones, no paint by numbers sketches, no unimaginative drivel that makes me want to jump out of a f*cking window. The original track by the Lunar Dawn duo has its origins in Slavic folklore and we all know that means vampires because what the f*ck else could it mean? Hold it...I'm getting word that it actually means paradise. Surely they mean a vampire paradise where they walk freely in daylight with harems of busty virgins. *Sigh* If only... Neogoa has become a fixture on the goa trance scene much like Suntrip where you expect the highest quality. The all digital label does it for free and has earned its bones. So what you get is the original track and a bunch of remixes some some of the best and brightest in the genre. A shocker I know. Seems like they incorporated parts of the original and then went on to make it their own. You know...like the f*cking definition of a remix? Know how I know this works? It's not because I'm a damn genius although the evidence speaks for itself. It's because I don't think the original is that special. No offense. It's not bad, just a personal preference. But each remix takes the original and moves it along a different path. Especially Imba's. I don't know what he was remixing, but it sounded like something else entirely. And over 11 minutes? I had to take a piss break halfway through. Trinodia gets all dancey and rhythmic while Perfect Blind serves up a downtempo space trip. Silly Perfect Blind...there are no such things as space vampires. What the f*ck is that? What's with the unibrow? It's a good track even if it sounded like a slowed up version of the original. The ones I didn't care for were the Decadent Sympozium and the Goatree remix. The former was too euphoric although I appreciated the way they worked in the original during the break. The latter was a little too...too...what's the word. Maybe that's a little too critical, but you get the idea. Then again the original was medieval sounding also. Still, it's a remix album that is done right and if you liked the original or even if you didn't, these fresh goa takes will make you smile. Free at Ektoplazm Mdk
  24. Hi Folks, I would like to make 100 limited edition copies of all new Nervasystem tracks on vinyl. The record will be a deluxe and high quality product featuring original full colour psychedelic sleeve art and pressed on heavy 180gm vinyl. The package will be mailed to you in a stiff cardboard record mailer. The Voltage Voodoo E.P. will feature 2 all new extended tracks. The tracks are 'Diagonal Voltage' & 'Beyond The Brain' and were written between Dec 2013 and Feb 2014. For a £16 pledge you will receive the record with postage included. The funding goal pays for the manufacturing of the record, the postage fees and packaging and to cover the 4% fee taken by Indiegogo. I have tried to keep costs down, and no profit will be made from this release, but at the same time i've gone for the best production i can on the product, it will be truly de-luxe, it is a labour of love for collectors, fans, lovers of quality psychedelic dance music, and those who've supported my work over the years........Thank you! . If this campaign is successful, i may make more. Here is the link to the campaign: http://igg.me/p/701584/x/6567680 Audio previews of the tracks here: https://soundcloud.com/drezz-dressler Love & Lashings of Frequency.......................... Drezz
  25. OUT NOW!! Title: Memories from Goa Madness Tracklist: 1: Ephedra & Omnivox: Into the vast dark ocean 2: Radical distortion: Overdose 3: Asmik: Initially 4: Merrow: Pray for Mars 5: Omnivox: Light up the sky 6: Radical Distortion: Ancient Aliens 7: Ephedra: Trip through the heart of the galaxy 8: Liquid flow: Psychoactive 9: Agneton: Jurassic attack Artwork by: Neogoa design Goa Madness records is proud to present their very first compilation: Memories from Goa Madness! Nine beautiful Goatrance tracks carefully selected by Ephedra & Kuririn. All the artists involved in this compilation played at some of the crazy parties organized by the Goa Madness crew during the last seven years. This project is dedicated to all the Goa trance freaks around the world and will probably fit every taste. Acidic & mental goa lovers will be pleased by tracks from Merr0w, Radical distortion & Omnivox that will kick them in outer space, while melodic & euphoric Goa lovers will be amazed by the magical melodies from Liquid flow & Ephedra. Even Nitzhogoa addicts will be blasted, the master of this genre: Agneton comes back with a crazy track filled with some supersonic melodies. Goa madness is also very happy to present the very first release of Asmik. A Belgian talent that just joined the crew. Just listen and let the madness surround & submerge you! Previews available here: https://soundcloud.com/goa-madness-r...om-goa-madness Get your copy here: http://www.beatspace.com/7751/Goa+Madness+Records/Various/Memories+from+Goa+Madness/detail.aspx
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