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Everything posted by Manuser

  1. Pretty nice. A few dull moments (for me) in the middle but I like most of the tracks. Favourites: 2, 7 and 9. I don't think there are too many layers by the way, which is a good thing for me.
  2. I disagree with you. Genres are useful for the listener so they can find the music they like. But I don't see why the producers should care about the "official" definition of a specific genre, it was a probem when Chi-A.D. tried to released Earth Crossing back in the early 2000 but right now I see many active labels that offer possibilities for the artists to get released, whatever the genre their music fits into (perhaps I am being naive which is also possible). Back on topic, I listened to the album 2 times on youtube, and I liked it. I find it superior to most of the goa albums I have heard this year (so far). Some details: 1- Dark acid goa opener, it has potential but not much surprise in this track. Pretty solid though, 7/10. 2- Nice keys changes right from the start (reminds me their Aurora Sidera track), more melodic than the previous one and still filled with many acid sounds. Surprising guitars coming for a visit. Very good, 8/10. 3- Best intro so far. Quickly develops into a dark goa wicked track but this time it has more emphasis on the melodies rather than on the acid lines, and the result is very psychedelic. Strong ending...Impressive track, 8.5/10. 4- Acid and acid again, in your face! Less surprising but it is working well, no doubt. And the part after the 7th minute definiely caught my attention! 7.5/10. 5- Kicklines follow the pattern of the famous Tandu - Alien pump (if my memory is correct ) very nice breakdown around 4:00 followed by some Pleiadians-like trippy sounds. Nice melody at 5:50 and more coming towards the end. One of my favourites and the most accomplished track melody wise. 8.5/10. 6- I like the bassline in this track, somehow it sounds different to the previous tracks, the atmosphere is more metallic, the melodies very short. A structure similar to some old school Oforia tracks... the most interesting part comes after 9:00. Quite impressive, 8/10 7- If I had to rate this track independantly I would give it a high mark, but the fact that it comes in seventh position does not do it much favour, it is quite solid but sounds too similar to the rest. A bit strange to hear a different (weaker) kick after the 2nd minute mark, something fishy. Good track though even if I don't fancy the kick, would fit nicely in a compilation. 7/10. 8- It is without a doubt a great track, but the reason why I can't rate it too high is the structure, it is the exact same structure as the original. Not sure what it is about this track but the Space Tribe remix also copied the original structure and changed the synths, Morphic resonance remix is better but still you could expect more risks. 6/10 (if you never heard the original you will be impressed). What I like about this album: very energetic and enthusiastic music, big old school vibes and on the whole very psychedelic. What I like less: as said previously, lots of tracks sound too much alike, variety is always appreciated. On the whole, a very nice album and surely an essential for 2016. Overall rating: 7.5/10.
  3. Yes I noticed that and that's why I usually take some time to listen to his tracks. All trolling aside, some melodies are catchy.
  4. The melody of the track NIGHTCLUB1 could make a big track with some work behind it. It has potential
  5. This one has a really special place in my heart, my second goa CD purchase (reminds me high school and all that crap). Solid electronics is like a better version of Sound form. Andromeda is a dark goa beauty. Power gen Live is a monster track, much better than the original. The Mayan collective - Channeling is one my favourite dark goa track by AP, powerful. The Oforia remix is a bit boring, the only track I am not fond of in this album. The SFx remix is epic, monster build up and synths! Interactive - 10 minutes to sunset is a simple but dramatic track with a melancholic melody, the track title really fits. Silent Sentinels - Analog Voyager is the most morning track on this CD, nice effort on the melodies. Poor mastering though. The last track is a rare downtempo goa masterpiece, one of a kind, melody wise it is probably the most accomplished track made by these guys. Most of the tracks here are on the dark side of goa trance. I consider this CD to be as good as any other AP album.
  6. Very trippy and personal sound. And Dark!! Favourite tracks: the 2 made by Vedama + the collaboration between Spies and Space dimension, as Mdk said lots of things happening in this one. Unpredictable stuff.
  7. A mixed bag, the fact that there are 21 tracks allow any listener to like at least a few. But sorry, so many fillers in this album. Actually at first listen, my first thought was: nice album, refreshing, morning, melodic. But after four or five listens I got a bit bored with it. It lacks something, but it is certainly not bad as background music. Now I usually picks 3 or 4 random tracks to play and it works better like this. Tracks 2, 3, 4 on CD1 are quite wonderful, especially Omen.
  8. I feel the same way about this beautiful track, not sad but melancholic especially the (perfect) outro. Nice track. One not mentioned in the thread that really fits the description (IMO): Aeon - Osho
  9. Haven't heard anything from Deeper in zen for a long long while. Curious to hear...
  10. The digital blonde - Hydro is such a fantastic track! Green sky by California sunshine (nice final melody) A very obscure track I had in VA - Travelling 4 - Annewa World in your eyes Jaia (feat. Tajmahal) - Rebirth is pretty nice too.
  11. Still a pleasant album, morning with an interesting variety. Probably overlooked. To me it does not sound too different to Logic bomb (not implying the other half is useless haha far from it!), softer perhaps but I prefer it to Sonic Algebra or The Grid. Good stuff.
  12. Oforia - Read More... MDMA Music Digital May 2016 1. Incognito 10:12 2. Vivid Dream 11:43 3. Corona 10:44 4. The Blue 10:53 5. Locos 11:03 6. Oasis 10:26 7. Re Transmission 10:46 8. Mad DMA 9:36 Oforia is back. As far as I know he had been away from the scene, production wise, for over 6 years. Personally, I never listened to anything from Oforia that came after Off the ground (Let it beat and everything else), and I did not really know what to expect with Read more... and a pleasant surprise it is. Read more is a long album of 8 tracks for a total lenght of 85 minutes. The album opens softly with Incognito, here nothing really similar to old Oforia but a soft Phonokol-like bassline (reminds me California sunshine), fine opener but nothing memorable. But the album gets more and more interesting, the second track definitely has an old school flavour and more energy but the catchy tracks here are for sure from the middle of the album until the end, especially Locos, Oasis and Re Transmission. I still can't decide which one of Oasis or Re Transmission is my favourite. Anyway, it has some epic synths, goa vibes all over the place and perfect production. These two tracks will absolutely delight old school goa lovers. Locos is more of a dancefloor killer, it sounds full-onish and should be played a lot at festivals. The whole album sounds very mature with some laid back tracks and some others quite spectacular. Most of the music sounds more morning than dark, so forget the dark old style of Oforia, that being said basslines are quite aggressive at times. The melodies are more conventional compared to what Ofer used to create in the past and the music sounds really modern with a progressive/morning full-on touch here and there nicely put together with modern goa-psychedelic morning trance sounds. Really pleased with this album and I recommend everyone to check it out. 8/10. To buy: http://classic.beatport.com/release/read-more/1762291
  13. no brainer, Australia (still miss it everyday lived there between 2010 and 2012 with a two years working holiday visa).
  14. Such amazing tracks deserve to get released. Maybe the best electronic music I have heard this year so far
  15. LOL Meathead Productions - The big ship Deedrah - Reload But glad there is not ripoff here, Deedrah is involved in the first track too!
  16. Mittelstandskinder ohne strom - Speaker people. Excellent psytrance track
  17. One of my favourite progressive artists, I liked the first album more (it had a darker more underground sound). Magnetrixx also produced nice morning progressive music back in 200X (although I noticed they released some tracks three years ago, never checked them out).
  18. I totally forgot about The misted muppet, the album was really not bad. As U.F.Orb posted above there are plenty of artists who were making minimal sound, lots of them vanished. As for unique sound, Dark Soho is the one I miss the most even though the album released in 2004 was not my cup of tea.
  19. Some perfect reviews above, not easy to tell much more about this album. But I noticed the artwork has not been posted and it deserves to be: I love it. Spot on artwork, just by watching you know what kind of journey to expect. About the music: it has some uniqueness to it, one of the reasons why it stands the test of time and to this day is still in my top 3 of the genre. It is mixed, at first I was puzzled, the artist chose to keep the same tempo for every track and I thought it could be too much but actually it gives you the feeling of a rave party, you are listening to a liveset in a sinister place. Kemic-Al is very creative and very talented at creating atmospheres and stories. I see Fragletrollet posted above, not surprised he likes it as he is also IMO one of those talents... The intro is spot on (Welcome To My Home), impressed by most of the tracks especially 6, 7, 8, but really this is one of those discs you have to listen to as a whole, you just can't separate the tracks. I am also happy the artist decided to go for light kicklines (like his track on the compilation Lost Souls Depot) instead of hard phat ones which would probably be too much for the listener. Pure brilliance. If you like the genre you can't go wrong by buying this. A solid 9/10 for me and very hard to top album. I haven't found many artists who can make music like this, I like Ghreg On Earth (Sigilweaver is fantastic), some Para Halu, some Xenomorph too (the latter being a little inconsistent for my taste though). With The Dark Journal, Kemic-Al surely did not fail to deliver.
  20. No worries. Krama's album is a bit on the edge of commercial trance at times but I really like it, it is very melodic. Also, not exactly similar to Vibrasphere but I am always the one on this forum to promote the album of Drone, 23 days because I think it is really awesome. It is a shame that apparently not many know about it. Full album is on youtube and only 65 views in a year
  21. The album of Krama [Terra nova] is really pleasant https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=krama+terra+nova
  22. @Squid Off topic Are you the Squid known for his tracks made with Moonweed? On topic The OOOD track is quite aggressive, love the 303 lines at 2:10, however the second part of the track is not too interesting, but still one of the best tracks in this compilation... 7/10. Next track: Wombatmusic - Artificial Earth satellite
  23. Nice one Lightforce. In a similar style you should like Michel Van D vs. DJ Boombastic - Two Souls One Mind (Main Mix):
  24. Copied/Pasted from an older thread: Some of the best works melody wise Rank 1 - Black snow The melody is truly special, i don't know if it was inspired by an existing song or anything, but no mention so I guess it is original - I am truly impressed by the melodic work here Jaccot - Mu-v express Truly underrated - Made by an spanish man, the sounds used remind me Veracocha Carte blanche, very touching melody Track sounds empty and simple but how can you disappoint with such an epic melody? Ferry Corsten - Sweet sorrow (Thrillseekers remix) The melancholic and touching approach...what to say just to listen to the track, epic melody again Bobina - Invisible touch (Ferry Corsten touch) Melancholic stuff and instant classic IMO Schiller - Ein shoner tag (Kaycee mischung) Ok this one is a bit special, it is based on the theme "Un bel di vedremo" from the opera "Madame Butterfly", there is a long build up and the trance melody that follows is really uplifting Nice work There are of course many more, but just 5 in top of my head right now that really deserve a mention. PS: And of course, the best build up/climax ever: Talla 2XLC - Is anybody out there (Taucher remix)
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