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Everything posted by Dolmot

  1. There was this CD a few years ago. Maybe not 100% match but something at least...
  2. I felt old/odd when someone posted a "classic top 10" on Isratrance in 2011 and everyone there agreed. Most of the tracks were 2003-2006 with one 2001 thrown in. By 2005 or so I had already given up all hope, declared psy dead and switched to house. Never could have considered that as the "classic era". But it's ten years in the past. Even people who hopped in by that time may feel like hardy psy veterans now.
  3. Yep, EAC is fine on Windows side. Cdparanoia-based tools like Rubyripper work for Unix/Linux/BSD. Check that the ripper has correct CDrom offset for your drive and settings that verify the read a few times. Official FLAC builds should be reliable and fine. You may want to set ReplayGain already in the encoding stage. Most rippers can fetch tags from CDDB/Freedb/elsewhere, but always triple-check them because all kinds of errors, typos, crap capitalisation, using "VA" as the artist for each track etc. are all too common. Discogs often helps in spotting the true track content when even the original cover has misprints. Psy scene has a long history of switched tracks, misspellings, uncredited appearances, name variations and such. Sometimes the data I get from public databases is so horribly wrong and poorly formatted that it's easier just to re-type it from scratch yourself...
  4. Tranceform Records might be worth mentioning as one of the rare bridges over the dark/cheese gap of early 00s..
  5. I'm making stew. It's one of my favourite weekend hobbies. Whereas on many working days the big question is "which 15 min recipe to pick today", stew is from the other end of the scale. Fill the pot in the morning, do whatever you want, add something whenever it feels like a good idea, do something else while the aroma gently reminds you that something good is cooking. But wait, there's more! Stew is universal. I believe every culture that has figured out how to boil water has also invented stew at some point. It's not a precise recipe (heh). If you have something edible in your cupboard/fridge, you may have ingredients for stew. Whatever you put in there probably resembles some traditional, cherished dish somewhere. The process is very forgiving too. Depending on the mixing ratio, you may get a thin or a thick variant but it's just fine anyway. Five hours? Seven? Ten? Still good. I just went outside for a walk. It was snowing. When I came back home, stew was waiting for me. Assuming that you've loaded the pot early enough, it's faster than ordering a pizza. Open the lid and it delivers. Stew is the universal symbol of returning home, escaping the wrath of a cruel world and having a warm meal. Heck, it's not a symbol. You can actually eat it and feel totally content with everything for a moment. A large pot of stew feeds you, a family, some friends, or you again for a few more days. Next day it's still fine or even better. You can even freeze it for a few more dinners or quick lunches. It's cheap. It makes basic ingredients rich. All you need is time, which unfortunately seems to be in short supply nowadays because we're so busy checking Twitter. Now look, you can check Twitter a bit later after filling the pot. Stew doesn't need your constant attention. Make stew. Feel primal unity with everyone throughout the history who's managed to find a pot and something to put in there. Or just eat some and get shit done. That's what I'm planning to do right now. Thank you for your attention.
  6. Well, Cybernetika has become almost a household name here (and nothing wrong with that), but speaking of d&b/breaks, did you check the prolific output of Xenofish and Mellow Sonic? Xenofish – Lune Mellow Sonic – Synthetic Intelligence Mellow Sonic – Cosmic Anomaly Xenofish – Datastasis Mellow Sonic – Dreamcatcher Xenofish & Mellow Sonic – Enhancer Still not sure whether psychedelic d&b really exists. Futuristic, maybe? Whatever, you can listen to it anyway.
  7. Yes, and I took notes...but I'm le tired. No time/energy to list everything at once. However, to deliver something, I'll post a few picks per (loose) genre. Lounge, café jazz and such: D-Echo Project – A Blend Of Nature Bioscape – Living Connection Chaos Control – Miracle Mysterium Mister Chill’R – Lysergic Lullabies (added) Xenflex – Waterfall
  8. I'm OK with the general concept. Tracks have last minute outros, albums can have it too. Structurally it makes a lot of sense. Sometimes I've complained about the approach of slowing a basic stomper down to 100 bpm and calling it downtempo but that's another problem altogether. However, the cliché of downtempo ending becomes more obvious if all other tracks are strictly 8 minutes, 145 bpm each. Especially on artist albums you could do a lot more. Otherwise it's basically just a singles collection. Sometimes there's totally weird shit on albums, let's say, Gas 0095. Even if you don't go completely gimmicky with it, albums provide a chance to do things differently from singles. In other music, there's a strong tradition of 3 min radio hits, whereas the album edit may be 4:30 or considerably more like on PSB - Introspective. (Their first two albums had quite traditional 3-5 min pop tracks only.) In electronic music, albums tend to be closer to 80 mins than the traditional rock lenght of 30-40 so there's plenty of space - even too much for simply repeating the same formula for 70 minutes straight. Go ahead and paint a different picture next time. Put some 20 minute tracks, jazz, poetry or whatever there somewhere, for delicate pacing or just because you can. Anyway, concerning the original topic, I still like how Synthetic Flesh's intro and outro have distinct signatures but they still run at ~140 bpm. On Rock Bitch Mafia, the fluffening is built into a track which starts uptempo. To sum it up, you don't have to pad eight almost identical tracks with yet another which simply has a lower tempo. That's often the true reason why it appears so familiar and overused.
  9. Release Date: 2015-01-30 Finally? I want it.
  10. Happy return! What do Peruvianas taste like?
  11. Should we count Radical Distortion as 2014 or 2015? I think the official CD release date is in 2015. As far as I know, there's no digital release per se, but you could get the files from Bandcamp as preorder bonus already in 2014. It's debatable whether this counts as a release or just early access. I'd include it in my 2015 list (if any) according to the CD date, but splitting its votes over two different polls wouldn't be exactly fair. Any suggestions?
  12. No idea. I've gone through piles of less known 12"s and such. Plenty of it caused a "seriously?" reaction in about three seconds. That's when I hit 'next' and hopefully forget about the whole thing. As I try to avoid wasting money and/or bandwidth on stuff I don't like, the really bad stuff has mercifully disappeared in the mists of time. Besides, I try to concentrate on the positive side, as hard as it might be. I don't see any dire need for more mud-flinging, bitching and trolling in this scene at the moment.
  13. If only there was some site where you could get the download version immediately...
  14. Should I buy this? I collect plenty of stuff just for the sake of it. I don't hold any particular grudges against AP. I'm genuinely happy that this is finally out. Some of the tracks are quite groovy. However, the mastering is borderline painful. For that reason alone it's unlikely that I'd actually listen to it more than once or later by accident. Decisions.
  15. Flight 604 II Scandi90s: The Horned Helmet's Return a large bag of humppa maybe extras too?
  16. It's quite simple, really. Now let's get back to this horns thing...
  17. Sort of... (The LP was released already in 1994, by the way.)
  18. Androcell - Imbue And yesterday some proper disco (original and re-edits) on 12".
  19. http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/psyshop.com Has your government introduced new laws that ban drug-related music sites and/or buying CDs without the Australia tax?
  20. There is considerable overlap. But concerning the original topic, I'd fancy a Bandcamp option too.
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