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Everything posted by Dolmot

  1. Err, is there a significant difference to "reissuing" these by myself with a colour printer and, well, a CDr?
  2. When Raja writes press releases for TIP, I barely recognise them as English!
  3. Whenever I see that a seller is from Austria, I skip instantly as everything will be monstrously overpriced. No need to even check. Wonder why there have been so many "different" examples of that...
  4. Oh the irony. I declared it the best release of 2014 (so far) in late January, but already managed to forget how it went to the extent that I didn't recognise it any more. I blame listening to hundreds of interwar swing tracks in last few weeks. Seriously. Anyway, about time to give this one a play or two again.
  5. ...with 1-2 new tracks per disc, which is quite a lot for a single. I wouldn't vote for a direct re-release but I might do so for these singles. This is the grey area of altered editions.
  6. This comes up every year with no solid answers so we'll probably have to accept different interpretations as long as there's "2013" written somewhere on the release...
  7. Do you really hate your audience so much?
  8. DVD-audio, 444 minutes at CD quality. (Hey, you asked.) Or maybe a 12" CD? No, wait, it kinda exists too...
  9. Hey, I learned something today! I always thought it was Plain Old Telephone Service. (Well, maybe not, but never bothered to find out...)
  10. http://www.discogs.com/artist/18906-Shidapu
  11. I still listen to various mods regularly. (It used to be an unambiguous term meaning a tracker file and nothing else...) Actual goa or even any electronic CDs were rare as hen's teeth where I used to live, and mp3 trading was slightly hindered by 14.4k speed, <1 GB hard disks, and the first clunky real-time mp3 players (that is, real-time assuming you had a mighty CPU dedicated to playing only) appearing in 1995. The demo and tracker scene was something awesome and genuinely free in every sense. Picture this: you could take any track, produced by anyone in the scene, load it in an editor and start tweaking. There was no need to release a "remix kit". Everything was there, fully open from the very beginning. I spent vastly more time on that stuff than on commercial releases. Obviously there were endless poor attempts but plenty of gems too. M^3's Robotik still sort of defines psytrance as in "psychedelic trance" to me, because that's exactly what it is. Why did that term come to mean extremely formulaic fullon? Oh well, let's load a bunch of XMs and enjoy the sound which definitely wasn't compressed to hell and back. Another benefit of low tech. By the way, for playback I heartily recommend XMplay or something using the BASS libs. There were dozens of tracker formats back then, and they were quite complex to implement accurately. Some of them were even poorly documented or relied on some specific, unexpected behaviour of the originating tracker. Even if your random player software can nominally load a tracker file and produce some sound, it doesn't mean it's playing correctly. Get a good one and write out your own wavs or something for wider use.
  12. I should have quite many of them, freshly downloaded since 1996. It was one of the sites to check regularly. Good times. Although can you remember the hassle of downloading, transferring and storing those files that could be several megabytes?! Didn't even fit on a single floppy! Madness, I say...
  13. OOP: "Of course this particular pressing won't be repeated." (There may be a repress but let's not discuss that.) Rare: "I'd like to get more money for this." Masterpiece: "I'd totally like to get more money for this."
  14. Whenever the genre is discussed, I think of this (1:46 for the impatient):
  15. You're not reading this forum enough. http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php/topic/32099-secret-hallucinogne-track/ http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php/topic/59442-i-just-found-2-rare-hallucinogen-tracks/
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