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Everything posted by Penzoline

  1. Would have preferred to hear examples of such mistreatment before the opinions.
  2. Eh? That's an incredible remix imo. It has that 90s perfecto vibe to it. Really soft and smooth sounding progressive atmosphere, like summer encapsulated into a track. As a remix I love it how it incorporates the original so subtly in, like it feels like a totally different track but it's still not. The star-x remix is much worse as it's a boring remix.
  3. Years ago. Many, many years ago. I am actually curious why I haven't. I've puked very little in my entire life, I can only recall like four times. Two of them were because of too much high percentage liquour, one was exercising too much on a hot summer day and one was eating too many chips..
  4. Crossing mind? Is it any different to the previous album?
  5. I really like the cover design, just not the actual music this time.
  6. Asterope live mix 7:35 is absolutely insane sound design. Literal alien screeching. What were they smoking in the 90s...
  7. Oh I thought it was strictly trade, that's why I didn't reply.. And how do you figure it's not hard to come by?
  8. What!? I woulda bought it instantly if I knew! NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  9. Really fresh sounding darkish goa! The last track is absolutely stellar! Fantastic sound design!
  10. Will they re-release Twentythree? That's the one I crave for... Also Solar Fields just released Mirror's Edge Catalyst Soundtrack for anyone craving for more of that.
  11. One politician did get killed because of this. I think the whole thing was sparked by the refugee issue, which is an issue of EU. Leaving EU would split UK even more so.
  12. Probably M-run, they haven't used Colin since Portamento.
  13. I thought the very opposite, I think the melodies in the sequel are much more memorable. I think the production was more varied in the first but melodies more storytelling here. I can totally see the E-mantra and rawness comparison but I don't find it to be it's detriment here. Edit: Then again both albums have their ups and downs. I just seem to prefer the ups of this.
  14. Eye Soala is a masterpiece. Devastating climax.
  15. Supreme, Citric Storm, Extraterrestrial Life and Final Flight Over The Universe have all such amazing melodies and storytelling. Fantastic soundscapes.
  16. I referred to side-effect. There actually have been 4 contests so far.
  17. Sounds really good, I like it better than the first one.
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