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Astral Projection new album

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This album will sell cause there will be tracks like Tears In Rain (not yet finished), Dunes Of Gold, Dominion (remix probably) which are great ! 1200 Mics Remix is not yet finished and yes not so good (really closed to the original) but next totally new ones better. I won't be goa or full-on, just typical AP style more modern.

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If you think you're right about this, then let it be. Uh, are you, by the way, a western medicine doctor, or an Ayuverdha?


not a doctor. i'm one of those guys who find out how diseases work, so that the pharmaceutical scientists can design a suitible medicine, which the doctor then prescribes. nothing to do with ayurveda :)

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Well, not a bad idea, let's turn this thread into something else while we're waiting. The discussion about DS seems just right because it's something you don't expect. You would expect naked women or something like that ... but this?

It's almost creative.

But for now, I think you should all go drink some coffee :lol:


Oh and before somebody asks me for a medical degree, I just want to explain that this was my 2 cents to bring this back on topic ... so don't take the above too seriously. I don't have the time to lay out my arguments for the next 2 pages straight :P




THANK YOU Mr. Jisnego for this:


I don't even find the track so bad even though I agree that it's not very epic or anything.


Anyway, I too think it won't come. And with "it", I mean the album. at least it won't come soon. They're just going to stretch it out so long it will be released after the "era of albums" so to say. I mean, released at a time where albums are not so much looked after anymore. It will come when nobody expects it. That's how it's gonna be. And then, it will not interest many...


But for now it means wait.

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It's almost creative.

But for now, I think you should all go drink some coffee :lol:


apparently psytrance makes people creative ;)


I don't even find the track so bad even though I agree that it's not very epic or anything.


i agree. it's not spectacular but decent. it actually sounds like something i'd expect from astral after all this time, as if they decided "well, our old fans need something new, we don't want to put too much effort in it, but it has to be done". so it's still a lot better than open society and the like.
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  • 4 months later...

They will release soon (in 2-3 months apparently) a new ep with at least Shiva's India and Feeling Very Weird Remix.


They have some new tracks :

for example Tears In Rain :



apparently they are really really perfectionnists so they take their time...I still hope.

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