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recursion loop

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Everything posted by recursion loop

  1. This is not psytrance, just a regular EDM track. When EDM adopted wobble basses it didn't become dubstep and when it adopts rolling basslines and ethnic samples it doesn't become psytrance
  2. No bad covers thread is ever complete without this But that girl on "Psychedelic Tunning"
  3. Recursive Recursion? Yeah, even better user name
  4. Yeah, a good candidate - sounds great and quite cheap. But this red panel looks ... well, too red. I like this version more
  5. Yeah, even despite these great analogue emulations owning a knobby analogue synth may be a completely different experience. Sometimes I'm thinking about picking up something like a Minibrute or Basstation, I guess it would add nothing sonically but having physical knob-per-function interface may encourage other approaches to tweakig the sounds.
  6. For mixing I use akg k271 for few years already. I was quite surprised to know that they are still in production, seem to be really succesful model. For listening to music at smartphone I use some Samsungs like these, don't remember which model exactly. They do the job and also are good as stresstest for my own mixes
  7. I understand why some people say that it is overall great album but ruined by some strange sounding and disconnected parts. I basically feel the same - there are some great melodies and sounds here and there but also many parts sounding just musically wrong - too chaoutic, out of tune, screechy and unpleasant. Sometimes it delivers some kind of "borderline experience" when combined with more accessible sounds and melodies (Life Forms, Cyclotron, No Event Horizon) and then it's great, but when it goes over the top the track becomes completely destroyed (The Foolish Mind, PsyKo-Mind-Porteur). But all in all, it's still far more imaginative and interesting than most other newschool goa I've heard. I wish someone combined the melodic and sonic variety of the best parts of this album with Imba's immaculate production.
  8. Really dig the album. Lot of effort put into production quality and I think this pays off - clean kicks, driving basses, catchy acid lines, all sounds excellent. What I often dislike about goa is that there are many screechy ear-piercing tones coming from high resonances, here it is carefully controlled. I hope to hear more melodic and sonic variety in future releases but what we have here is already very good. Hidden Paradise
  9. Thanks for listening! Actually when making sounds in Virus I guess I subconsciously copy the patches which were overused in psytrance since early 00's cause it's really easy - I twist some knobs and get exactly the same squelch or fart as I've heard in countless tracks. When working with plugins I basically try to do the same things but end up with something completely different. Well, what's good about Virus is that it's possible to make complete tracks using it as the only soundsource, it has VA, FM, sync, dedicated oscillator for these huge trance saws, various exotic wavetable modes and great filters and effects. The plugins are usually like: this one is good for this sound, that one is good for that sound. Yes, Virus aliases like a pig but aliasing is not always bad and the absence of it is not always good.
  10. Virus is the second one The first track was mastered by the label and the second one I mastered by myself, so it may also have smth do do with this, I usually do very moderate limiting and try not to make other drastic changes to the sound like exciters and stuff. For the sake of more accurate comparison, another plugin track mastered by me (top cheesy fullon, lol)
  11. Surely next time then! Are you planning to have gig in Piter again? Thanks for the good vibes, you literally nuked the dancefloor
  12. Really can't decide for myself.... Which track has better sounding synths? One is 100% plugins, another one is nearly 100% Virus TI, how do you think? Both are flawed by amateurish production, ofc, but anyway:)
  13. Although I like full-on with catchy melodies, new Talamasca mostly does nothing for me, his melodies and arrangements are too Disney-like. I liked this album at first but it didn't stand repeated listens
  14. Iirc the default project has a limiter plugin (Maximus or whatever it is called in FL) on the master channel. Remove it.
  15. I'll try. But I hate to say that, these Psynews talks are always sucking me in leaving less time for music, and I hate that. Well, I hate Psynews. Do I get the award?
  16. This track from 2005 is the saving grace for him After that he may even collaborate with Justin Bieber, this track excuses everything. I wish euphoric fullon stayed more in this vein instead of turning into speeded up version of club electro house. But I also have his later tracks in that folder
  17. Seems like some synths are out of tune with the bass. There are some really nice sounding synths and stuff but it the whole thing sounds like a bunch of disconnected parts rather than a finished track, i feel that you've put lots of work into making these build-ups, breaks and stops but they mostly lead nowhere. I think you are making great synths, make them work together and you'll be making great tracks.
  18. Are they metal? I thought they are pop-rock or something. Must tell this to my wife, she says that she hates metal but sometimes she listens to Evanescence.
  19. Surely it does! And I hate haters like you.
  20. Some kind of tech trance or house, dunno what it exactly is but I somehow like it https://soundcloud.com/recursion-loop/magma-pulse-original-mix
  21. Nobody but you knows what your track needs Try automating some knobs on your synth, change the patterns, add another synth(s)
  22. The intro was gorgeous but when he started singing I had to turn it off, I can't stand such vocal for the life of me. Which is sad cause the musical background is really great. I see your point and generally agree. As for myself, I can enjoy some downright cheesy full-on stuff, I love Ananda Shake and mind you, I even have the damn "Electro Sun selection" folder on my PC (lol, I said that), This is just downright pop music of sorts, but have some their own twists, ofc they are not really psychedelic but make excellently produced energetic music with euphoric feel and not so tasteles melodies (ES often goes cringeworthy but sometimes manages to keep it under control) . Also losts of nuances may be heard if you listen closely. But most other pop-fullon doesn't have the same level of detail, mostly it's nothing but a simplistic melody thrown over a heavily compressed beat. I think it's generally hard to make money from producing electronic music there days no matter the genre when everything is produced digitallly, distributed digitally and everybody and their mom can produce something or run a label, so it is mostly about facebook likes, followers and things like that. I mean "commercialization" in the sence of making music accessible to wider audience.
  23. They both are prog, and I like them both (though i find Freq is more inseresting, it sounds innovative even today, but Astrix' album is extremely well produced although somehow derivative)
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