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recursion loop

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Everything posted by recursion loop

  1. Tried to listen from youtube but failed to sit through the whole thing. To me this album summarizes everything I dislike about what psytrance has become today - it tries hard to sound all too serious, scary and twisted which ends up in chaotic mess of acids and FM leads without any single memorable monent. Psytrance of this kind reminds me of what they call "true black metal" - the harder it is to listen the better. Off to listen to some U-Recken instead.
  2. Damn, that's awesome! I wish I could take the whole thing for my signature
  3. Yes, pretty much Not exactly a fan of Talamasca (both his old and new stuff) but this one is nice I don't see much negative connotation in the word "cheesy" (but I'm not a native speaker so I don't know how this word is commonly used outside of the music context). For me there can be good cheesy stuff and bad un-cheesy stuff. Basically, by "cheesy" i mean something that is more aimed at putting the listener into a good mood rather than tries to challenge his mind (actually there may be a good balance between both of this). On the other hand, I'm not sure why you need someone else's opinion to recognize shitty psytrance. I think your own ears should be enough for this. To me it sounds like pure goa rather than full-on (though I haven't listened to the whole album yet) but I like this kind of goa too so thanks for posting this. Some more great cheesy stuff
  4. It should be called somehow I used to think that it is "morning full-on", but Sonic Species, Zen Mechanics and the like are also morning but nowehere near that melodic (though I like them too). "Pop full-on" may be? Given that "cheesy" in the psy scene often means anything with catchy melodies and not trying to sound weird, scary or evil, I'm fine with that definition. Great track you posted. And well, moar cheeeeseee https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVGMxmWPU2k
  5. Same here. To say that it is extremely, unbelievably cheesy is to say nothing. But I like it
  6. Truth to be told, every time this guy posts something I realize how much I suck at understanding informal English
  7. Sound like something made by a 15-year old with basic musical knowledge in a crappy free app. Do you really think there is any musical value in it? OK, the melodic progression after the 4th minute is nice but that's all.
  8. This is basically what it is: rolling basslines + uplifting trance melodies + all kinds of "psy" squelhes and farts. Full-on is broader than this, but this subspecies of full-on is what I'm currently after.
  9. Ok, I know that this kind of full-on is often considered to be the lowest common denominator of psytrance and sometimes is exculded from psytrance at all, but I really like it. Feel free to post your favourite tracks, albums, compilations etc here, everything melodic and euphoric with a strong rolling bassline 2005 onwards is welcome Some of my favourites
  10. This album really grew on me. Maybe not exactly innovative, but excellent production, warm, spacious and crystal-clear sound, especially good for headphones, and captivating melodic progressions. The chaotic ear-piercing melodies omnipresent in moredn goa are completely absent here which is a good thing in my book. Granted that I'm not excatly a goa fan I think it's the best pure goa release in last few years.
  11. I think if Select Project decided to prepare a remastered version of the album two years after the release he was not really happy with the 2012 mastering. So the 2014 version must at least be closer to his own idea of how the album should sound. And everybody here thinks that it indeed sounds better.
  12. The 2014's version sounds much better to me. I doubt the one from 2012 was professionally mastered at all, maybe they both were mastered by the guy himself who has gained more production experience over these two years and released an improved version of the album.
  13. But he still wears extremely stupid sunglasses and looks like a total scumbag, so he can pretty much be hated I used to be a big fan of IM a while back when I wasn't listening to psytrance much, now I hardly ever listen to any their album despite I still think they are extremelly talented - just no more my thing. And why these guitars on Flamingo? Would be much better without them.
  14. I knew these names but never heard the music. Now listening to "the album" from discogs and I don't hear many similarities to Infected Mushroom as we know them (and truth to be told i think it mostly sounds like crap). Afaik Duvdev is a classically trained musician as well and he was into trance scene since early 90's so we can't 100% attribute the melodic work and the trance aesthetics to Erez alone.
  15. How do you know? It's easy to think so casue Duvdev wears stupid suglasses and looks like a stereotypical scumbag from a 4chan macro, but we don't actually know who defines their direction. I wonder what would it be if these two guys never met each other. I guess we would now have a couple of goa/psy albums from late 90's/early 00's cherished by few dosens of oldschool goa fans and largely unknown to anybody else. Together they created a very unique style which actually nobody ever managed to copy, though they hardly even belong to psytrance.
  16. Antic, in case you didn't know Psilocybian has made a great series of Ableton-specific tutorials on psytrance as Soundmagus. Unfortunately I'm not sure they are available for purchase though, but you could try to contact the guy himself (or in the worst case you can do the same thing you did to the latest IM album)
  17. Playing this on repeat for 6th time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3D8lJdf283Q It carefully follows the modern full-on formula and contains all the genre cliches but somehow it manages to send shivers down my spine (literally)
  18. Playing it here right now, 10 years after. I think it's great. Not all tracks are equally good but each of them does something for me ( except for the first one which is pretty much mindless full-on but still pretty groovy, must be good for a dancefloor). Trippy, melodic, emotional, futuristic (even today)- this is what I love about psytrance.
  19. Love this Floating Point series, sadly there were only four parts. Not all tracks are great, but I still think there is much more soul and substance in this music than in most downtenpo released today (or maybe this world just was a different place 10 years ago ). 2, 4 and especially 5 are just effing incredible.
  20. I quite like it, but I would never guess that this bassline is layered. Nice melodic stuff, hope to hear more your music.
  21. I'm now also playing with altering note lenghts in the patterns aligned to 16th grid, it can make a machinegun bassline sound more interesting while still remaining a machinegun bassline. I also used to sidechain basses, now I'm trying an alternative technicque - assigining velocity to the synth output and/or cutoff and make velocity pattern like that 50 - 70 -100, imo it gives more controllable groove. Curious why compressor and not a transient shaper (for boosting the attack)? Thanks for sharing your tips guys!
  22. Interesting, curious to hear what it sounds like. Where do you typically hipass/lowpass your layers? Do you spilt the signal from the same synth, or make two synth channels with similar settings? Hamburgers because they are FAAAAAAAT I also love late 00's fullon basses (duh, some people are weird!), right now I have this track imported into my DAW project and I'm trying to make a similar bassline
  23. I hope the discussion here will eventually help to solve this problem. That is you may either buy a samplepack from a known producer and use his samples which are proven to work at most sound systems, but your basses will sound exactly like his or 1000 other guys who bought the same pack. Or you may learn some things and compensate the defects in your listening environment by your techncial knowledge, which will help you to be more creative and original. Sure, I check my stuff at any sound device I can get my hands on, but the less wrong things are done from the very beginning, the less remixing sessions are needed and the less are the chances that I'll grow tired as hell of this track and never finish it.
  24. I hear you, but 1) The bass in trance must be groovy, it must move you. Good bassline cannot improve a bad track but a poor bassline pretty much kills otherwise great track. 2) You can make your bass purely by ear and go against the rules in a creative way if you have great acoustic treatment in your room and speakers with good bass responce, not everyone has such a luxury. I'm a bedroom producer in the most literal sence - my DAW machine is in the same room as my bed. In this situation I can only learn what things are typically wrong and should be avoided and what things may help me to get my bass better transferable to other rooms and sound systems. 3) You can still be creative within the rules. People sometimes say that today all psytrance basslines sound the same but I think it couldn't be more wrong and mostly reflects very superficial view of the scene (I know that this doesn't apply to you though). Dl;dr: this thread is not about "how to sound like X, Y or Z" but mostly about "how to make better basses in less than ideal listening conditions"
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