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the goa constrictor

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Everything posted by the goa constrictor

  1. yeah, that was such a bummer of a mastering job. Simon Polinski typically does great work. Not sure what happened on those. Also bummed "Sodom like there's no Gomorrah" wasn't on them. That's definitely one of my favorite Slinky Wizard tracks =)
  2. All bands that play "final shows" never play shows ever again...
  3. I wonder if Benji would be interested in getting some more Younger Brother going again
  4. I think someone saw "last" as part of a reddit comment, but that just meant last-comment-was. I'd be shocked if the Shpongle money machine was drying up
  5. That's odd. I'm not really keeping up with things but why are they quitting Shpongle? Seems like a decent enough venture to pay the bills...
  6. [::::download::::] (1hr25min/320MP3/208.2MB/©2018) Genre: Upbeat Full-On Day Time Goa Trance to Reset your Mindset …and we reset… Each and every year, we are afforded hundreds of opportunities to fall asleep and dream of what’s to come. Then—between those dreams—in our waking hours, we get to experience things unimaginable to others only a few short decades ago. If one isn’t careful, one might find oneself overloaded with options and full of flight from fervent fears and fraught fallacies of freedom and formulaic fun… From here on out, we mostly keep bringing up the pace and increasing our heart rates. We swirl around with some pads, breaks, acid, and… balloons. There are things old, things new, things borrowed, and things… red? With that, here’s part two of our two-part journey into our reset. Exhale slowly. Start anew. … Featuring music from: Terra Ferma, Excession, Logic Bomb, Nervasystem & Aether, Xploring Inner Space, Sonic Species, Space Cat, MASA, Unknownium, UBAR TMAR, Dino Psaras (featuring Man With No Name), Texas Faggott, Shakta & Moonweed, 7 Seconds Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/goaconstrictor/reset Mixcloud: https://www.mixcloud.com/goaconstrictor/the-goa-constrictor-reset/ Hearthis: https://hearthis.at/goaconstrictor/goaconstrictor-reset/
  7. Part one of a two-part journey through a Mindset Reset... (1hr27min/320MP3/212.7MB/©2018) [::::download::::] Genre: Midtempo Acidic Funky Psychedelic Goa Trance for your Mindset to Reset This is part one of a two-part journey through a Mindset Reset. The Mindset disk gives us a moment to exhale our breaths slowly, find our resting heart rate, and ground our center. Featuring music from: Kino Oko, Loopus in Fabula, Ectima & Phaxe, Rezonance Mood (aka Yuta & Asteroidnos), Magnat, Juno Reactor > New Order > Juno Reactor, James Monro, James Reipas, Bumbling Loons, Ticon, Saiko-Pod, XV Kilist & Rocco, Eric Prydz, Terra Ferma Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/goaconstrictor/mindset Mixcloud: https://www.mixcloud.com/goaconstrictor/the-goa-constrictor-mindset/ Hearthis: https://hearthis.at/goaconstrictor/goaconstrictor-mindset/
  8. So who's going to crib together a mega-mix featuring every version?
  9. Your inability to budget your finances is far from my problem. I'm now a proud owner of beautiful wavs of this great album and a sealed cd which i can sell/trade in the future! A very worthy investment for one of the rare albums of quality music being released. This is far from the 96 -> 03 heyday of Too Much Music...
  10. A. Ubar Tmar is worth it. B. You can buy it and then resell the disk after you download the audio C. Are you one of the people who complains about the DAT Records Mind Rewind comps? Anyway, I'm just teasing a bit. Life is full of opportunity costs. It's the foundation of how an economy works. We don't get to have everything we want, I chose to buy Ubar Tmar instead of other releases because I really like Ubar Tmar. You are free to do something different
  11. Do what I did; buy the disk and receive download code =) Love the album!!!!
  12. Oh mang... Bible of Dreams is a perfect album. Same with Beyond the Infinite. I will say that both albums had parts which weren't immediately my favorites but grew on me with time and I love more and more as the years have passed; but those are perfect albums.
  13. This album rules so hard! It gave me much energy for my day at work =)
  14. I always considered him to be riding the line for the get go; which isn't a negative. There is a place for that type of acidic, high energy, powerful psychedelic trance. Lots of melodies and dripping with cheese. He always had some tracks which didn't work for me, but I appreciated that his music worked for so many different people and he had far more hits than misses. Looking forward to hearing what his new album sounds like. I'm expecting it to be more of a modern trance sound, but I'm sure there will be a couple of gems on the album and any new MWNN gem is worth getting. When he hits big, he hits huge. Much respect and he's still on my Hit the Lottery Dream Line-Up festival I'd put together....
  15. Do we get a download code or do I have to wait until I find someone with a CD drive and rip the CD I ordered?
  16. Hey mate, I appreciate you saying something and addressing this. I typically stay out of topics that don't interest me and have a history of only writing positive reviews of music because I never saw the need of trying to dissuade someone from enjoying something that they enjoy. It not being my cup of tea doesn't mean others can't enjoy it. So I really do appreciate your criticism of the conversation. That said, I was simply curious as to what genre was being created. From a purely categorical perspective, I was curious. GMS, and Infected Mushroom are acts I'm not entirely fond of but completely appreciate that they have defined sounds and I recognize that. I just never viewed Talamasca as being like that. Maybe I'm wrong, and that's entirely possible, but that's what I was commenting on and was trying to unpack. Not that someone shouldn't like the music. Just trying to understand the context of it. Maybe Talamasca _IS_ the 3D Vision sound and maybe he created that, but that hasn't been my perspective thus far. I was asking because I was wondering if I'm wrong about things...
  17. Oh, I just always thought Talamasca was mostly derivative full-on. Early stuff sounded like the rest of the 3D Vision catalog, which all was essentially French full-on. Some good shit in there, a lot of mediocrity. Definitely had its place within a set but could never stomach a full set of only that sound (I guess I essentially feel that way about all music though)... Talamasca took on a more Astrix and Skazi vibe as his music went on. More cheese, less depth from the earlier stuff. His music isn't terrible, I just don't think it's that unique or special; definitely not creating his own subgenre level of worthiness.
  18. One of my biggest problems with the goa trance scene has been its susceptibility for buying into conspiracies and pseudoscience. I know vaccines are scary, but they've been vetted and are far more safe than getting the plague. New theories suggest the increased rates of autism are, not because of the rise of vaccines but, due to the processed foods, sugars, and grains. Not processed as in GMO tomatoes, but the refined sugars and flours. Our guts control so much of our mind and body that when we take in a bunch of rubbish, and pass that down to our young, it fucks with them. Change the diet, change the mind.
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