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  1. Hi friends! Three years after Space Waves, my second goa session is here! My god, there is such good music out there. This mix is pretty in-your-face goa without much time to rest. Hence the name Hi-Octane. It also refers to the 1995 pc future racing game, haha. Hope you enjoy it! Comments are more than welcome. https://soundcloud.com/aspartic/hi-octane Tracklisting: 01. E-Mantra - Afterglow (Nova Fractal Remix) [suntrip] 02. Lectro Spektral Daze - Gamma One [Timewarp] 03. JaraLuca - Existence [Neogoa] 04. Prana - Boundless (Jagoa Remix) [suntrip] 05. Filteria - Earthrise [suntrip] 06. Filteria - The Lights Of Shibuya [suntrip] 07. Alien Message - Arc Prime (White) [Timewarp] 08. Kurandini - Kalindian [Timewarp] 09. Power Source - Skywalker (Filteria Remix) [suntrip] 10. Somnesia - Lunar Voyages I [Goalogique] 11. Celestial Intelligence - Beyond The Clouds [Hado] Total playing time: 1h10m24s
  2. BreKeke - Bio Noise Luk-Si Records presents their fifth release, Bio Noise, the first album from talented Czech producer BreKeke. His music is a result of all his acquired knowledge and experiences reflected through the mirror of the subconscious mind to bring you on a great trip through the infinite universe. Start your engines, travel on waves of Goa trance, look into the heart of rebirth, and fly to the center of the galaxy with this album! Label: Luk-Si Records Catalog number: LUKLP001 Release: 30.April 2015 Available format: MP3/WAV/FLAC Mastered by: Psypileptic Cover by: Newteck Free download on EKTOPLAZM! 01 - In (143.45 BPM) 02 - Raised Pinky (143.45 BPM) 03 - Eventuel (143.45 BPM) 04 - OsmiUm (143.45 BPM) 05 - After185 (143.45 BPM) 06 - Thing Pink (143.45 BPM) 07 - White Flag (143.45 BPM) 08 - PI (143.45 BPM)
  3. ...Happy 20th(ish) Anniversary Goa Trance — Spring!... goaconstrictor.com/audio/20thAnniversary-Spring.mp3 (1hr20min/320MP3/194MB/©2015) Genre: Spring Time Psychedelic Anniversary Goa Trance Goa Trance, while it did begin popping up a bit here and there in 1993 and 1994, was truly birthed (according to my KNOW-EVERYTHING-ABOUT-GOA brain) in 1995. So that means, 2015 is kind of, for lack of a better origin story, the pseudo (like the science often sampled in the songs) birthday/anniversary of what has been known as Goa Trance. During the winter time, I made the first of what was going to be a simple two-parter to celebrate the ongoing musical gifts from this often misunderstood genre that has helped shape other genres of music for decades. As I continued my digging and assembling the upbeat mix, I realized that there were still massive missing gaps of sounds, textures, and energies of which should be shared with the world. As I thought about the connections the Goa community has with the moon, sun, and nature, I realized that it would be more appropriate to split the mix into the four seasons. Winter time was a rough, nasty, heady time. It was fast and will keep you warm throughout the winter. Spring means something else entirely. You need something like a blanket to warm you up as the cold sun starts to shine and warm up the cold roots deeply buried underground. Only then, as the soft pads and minimal techno melodies open up, do we start vibrating again. Getting those morning dews to evaporate off of the grass and rejuvenate the spirit. This mix starts around 125bpm and does a slow and steady climb up to the upper 130s. Just the proper stopping point for the summer that is just around the corner. We dig from classic vinyl only released to brand shit released earlier this year, with many sounds between. So please, join me this spring and wish a Happy 20th(ish) Anniversary Goa Trance! http://goaconstrictor.com/music/happy-20thish-anniversary-goa-trance-spring/'>goaconstrictor.com/music/happy-20thish-anniversary-goa-trance-spring
  4. Hi all this is my first release of music album "Cosmic Rain - Organic Formula" witch is available for online buy in the following sites from "Euroforix records". Please support me! Happy listening Spotify: https://play.spotify.com/artist/2NMgzuj2MkUkTKrKgaHhIF?play=true&utm_source=open.spotify.com&utm_medium=open Beatport: https://www.beatport.com/cosmicrainofficial Dj shop: https://www.djshop.de/Download-cosmic-rain-organicformula/ex/s~details,u~10088341,p1~mp3/xe/details.html
  5. Hi all this is my first release of music album "Cosmic Rain - Organic Formula" witch is available for online buy in the following sites from "Euroforix records". Please support me! Spotify: https://play.spotify.com/artist/2NMgzuj2MkUkTKrKgaHhIF?play=true&utm_source=open.spotify.com&utm_medium=open Beatport: https://www.beatport.com/cosmicrainofficial Dj shop: https://www.djshop.de/Download-cosmic-rain-organicformula/ex/s~details,u~10088341,p1~mp3/xe/details.html
  6. https://soundcloud.com/astralseeker/psychill-set-ravelation 1- Suduaya - Empty Your Mind (Feat. Amin) bpm 81 2- Stefan Torto - Common Future bpm 90 3- Nuxx - Jupi's Pahaar bpm 93 4- Flucturion - Untouched Revelation bpm 95 5- Nibana - I Am A Soul bpm 100 6- Nibana - Our Eyes (Sephira Remix) bpm 100 7- Cydelix - The Holly Wood bpm 100 8- Crystal Vibe - Inside bpm 100 9- Sesen - The Observer bpm 100 10- Flowertz - Psychedelic Dance bpm 100 11- DeeperNET - Movements bpm 100 12- Astronaut Ape - High Above The Clouds bpm 100 13- Flucturion - Aimlessly During Sleep bpm 100 14- Flucturion - Anytime Fades Secrets bpm 101 15- Astronaut Ape § By the Rain - Starfall bpm 102 16- StereOMantra - Neverland bpm 105 17- Tentura - Theme Patcher Magobee Remix bpm 105 18- Astropilot - Rod bpm 107 19 - Sygnals - Among Others bpm 110 20- Alwoods - Psychedelic Dream bpm 110 21- GMO vs. Dense - Bouncing Around bpm 110 22- Crystal Vibe - Change is the Only Constant bpm 110 23- Flucturion - Reload Lost Illusions bpm 110 24- Crystal Vibe - Ancient Technology bpm 115 25- DeeperNET - The Eagle Has Landed bpm 115 26- Lab's Cloud - Found the way bpm 115
  7. https://soundcloud.com/astralseeker/psychill-set-ravelation 1- Suduaya - Empty Your Mind (Feat. Amin) bpm 81 2- Stefan Torto - Common Future bpm 90 3- Nuxx - Jupi's Pahaar bpm 93 4- Flucturion - Untouched Revelation bpm 95 5- Nibana - I Am A Soul bpm 100 6- Nibana - Our Eyes (Sephira Remix) bpm 100 7- Cydelix - The Holly Wood bpm 100 8- Crystal Vibe - Inside bpm 100 9- Sesen - The Observer bpm 100 10- Flowertz - Psychedelic Dance bpm 100 11- DeeperNET - Movements bpm 100 12- Astronaut Ape - High Above The Clouds bpm 100 13- Flucturion - Aimlessly During Sleep bpm 100 14- Flucturion - Anytime Fades Secrets bpm 101 15- Astronaut Ape § By the Rain - Starfall bpm 102 16- StereOMantra - Neverland bpm 105 17- Tentura - Theme Patcher Magobee Remix bpm 105 18- Astropilot - Rod bpm 107 19 - Sygnals - Among Others bpm 110 20- Alwoods - Psychedelic Dream bpm 110 21- GMO vs. Dense - Bouncing Around bpm 110 22- Crystal Vibe - Change is the Only Constant bpm 110 23- Flucturion - Reload Lost Illusions bpm 110 24- Crystal Vibe - Ancient Technology bpm 115 25- DeeperNET - The Eagle Has Landed bpm 115 26- Lab's Cloud - Found the way bpm 115
  8. Hello :-) I recently uploaded an older track of mine to my soundcloud. give it a listen. with its 136 bpm its slower than most of the "ritual to the light" album. as it is unmastered you might have to turn the speakers volume up a bit. greets
  9. Hello fellas, I hope all of you are doing great. I've never been so active before & maybe I should start posting more instead of just reading the threads I'll be moving to Madrid next month thanks to a job opportunity I just got; and one of the things that make me happiest about it is the possibility of going to different parties around Europe (I currently live in America and have not been to Europe before) I feel there are some big festivals around(OZORA, BOOM, Lost Theory) but I don't know anything about the small ones; and would like to ask for suggestions on which should I go to. So, my 'utopian' festival would have acts like: Filteria, Mindsphere, Crossing Mind, E-Mantra, Ra, Alienapia, Battle of the Future Buddhas, Spruce, Ka-Sol, KoxBox, Hallucinogen, Shpongle, Prometheus, Derango, Fragletrollet, Enichkin, old Psykovsky, old Hux Flux, pre2001-Infected Mushroom, Texas Faggot, Cybernetika, Pleiadians, Merr0w, to name a few. I know some of these acts don't play anymore (I.M. for example) but these are the sounds I'd love to dance to on an open air festival. Big parties like OZORA have some acts and styles that I don't mind/like. I will go these year because I love Simon, Benji & Raja acts, I've never seen Shpongle live and I feel it's an experience I must have, but I personally prefer the 'smallest' parties, between the trees at the forest, with everyone just loving and dancing to the skies. I would love going to one like this, for example: https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t31.0-8/s960x960/1556433_467959966682626_4572918734884704406_o.jpg (was very sad because I wasn't able to go) Do you know of any party you think I should go to? I'll be living in Europe starting next month and at least until July 2016 thank you so much for your time, I hope we can meet up some day:)
  10. Declaration Of Unity Optical Delusion Ovnimoon Records Tracklist: 1. Intrinsic Darkness 2. Parallel Deception 3. Optical Delusion "This is a rather complex issue where we come from musically speaking. And it has to do with the fact that definitions change a bit through the years and new ones occur. Generally, we have the dark psy approach which is supposed to serve the pure pagan side of trance music. We also have the goa side which sometimes has the intention to be equally old-school. While many people may see huge gaps in the these approaches, we can observe some awfully common ground. What happens if you make dark psy a bit brighter or Goa instrumentations a bit more covert with forest principles in addition?" - Spectrum of Declaration Of Unity I happen to like this project quite a bit, being a big fan of style mashing, and Declaration of Unity takes a very interesting and entertaining approach to that subject. Optical Delusion is a full-on stomper, a twisted and mystical dark psy and forest journey and a chirping and positive goa lift, all wrapped up into one bold, powerful, body-rocking package. That said, if these three Greek producers continue tinkering and experimenting with this approach, for as good as Optical Delusion is, we may find that this EP is nowhere near as good as the material that may yet emerge. "Parallel Deception" is the best track here and the strongest indication of the potential of Declaration Of Unity. It's a track where the layers of all three styles are excellently measured out. It is where the full-on drive is at its most invigorating, where the background forest mysticism tantalizes the imagination the most and where the goa effects add excellent texture to a dance floor gem making it as much a playground for the mind as for the body. It is where dark seance chants in the background can suddenly emerge in the foreground as uplifting positive shaman chants, where the dark most definitely corresponds to the light. Excellent stuff! One-third of this trio is Ion Vader (his 2015 goa EP was reviewed here) who executes on some good full-on goa ideas on the title track and "Intrinsic Darkness." Spectrum and George Koutsourelis, the third member of this creative project, also bring some great levels of work to these tracks. The forest-y mysticism is pretty enticing and all the nifty effects add some very good layers that are pretty fun to pull apart on repeat listens. Good concoctions on both but not the complete package of quality that the second track contains. Kudos to Ovnimoon Records for seeing the potential behind this one and putting their seal of approval on it. There are some very good ideas running through Optical Delusion and it's refreshing to see the label release an EP absent of any signs of progressive. As for Declaration of Unity themselves, here on their second EP, job well done, fellas! This is a good one and worth checking out. Don't be surprised, however, if by EP number four or five these gents are releasing stuff that becomes absolutely astounding. This project has the potential to be something truly remarkable. Beatport
  11. Bioterranean - Daydreaming EP Artist: Bioterranean Title: Daydreaming EP Label: Ovnimoon Records Tracks: 01. Silicone Dreams (Original Mix) 02. Nothing of Privileges (Original Mix) 03. Let Me Fly, You Do Not Control Me (Original Mix) Frankly, the only reason I wanna put a review of Bioterranean's EP here, is the second track "Nothing Of Privileges". Where "Silicone Dreams" and "Let Me fly, you do not control me" are OK psy tracks, with some great samples ("the music just turns me on!" and something from The Matrix), I just can't stop listening to "Nothing Of Privileges". The track is not very long (6m29s), what a shame!, but the buildup, layers of sounds, spirals, hypnotism, a final acid line ... it's fucking ridiculous. And the bass is so tight, you can squeeze tits with it. It's just over and out before you know it. And then you know you've just listened to a super track. Bioterranean is Victor Solsona (part of Hypnoxock or Hypnocock as MdK refers to it, hehe). In my opinion he is better off alone than accompanied. This is a great EP. More of this sir! http://www.psyshop.com/shop/Downloads/ovn/ovn1dw164.html http://classic.beatport.com/release/daydreaming/1463165
  12. www.goastore.com Psychedelic Trance Music Store International shipping and music download CD International shipping Free CD download MP3 Downloads .wav and .mp3 IDv3 Tagged files IDv3 Album Cover
  13. Nu Goa from Japan vol.2 is out now from Matsuri Digital YUTA, whom current leader of Goa trance scene in Japan. His new 2nd compilation album contained fresh tracks from Japanese artists who MASA(aka TTT),Asteroidnos and GUUSUN and Jiu, also YUTA created traks with Jikooha,SLUM. This compilation will be an presentation as cutting-edge Goa sound as future form to the world from Japan. Please feel the new style of GOA TRANCE in its to released from MATSURI DIGITAL. Track samples on soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/matsuri-digital Purchase album on https://matsuridigital.bandcamp.com/album/nu-goa-from-japan-vol-2 (Free shipping for world wide, now you can get an extra present CD!) Digital download iTune https://itunes.apple.com/jp/album/nu-goa-from-japan-vol.-2/id975400749
  14. ClockTail Records and Blagoja Kojchinovski also known as ONIRO from Skopje (Macedonia) proudly presents amazing digital release "Illusion Drops" lifts the veil of secrecy... Whole virtual galaxy for exploration. Music that envokes your inner creation. Rich, psychedelic, delicious, full with mystical, clubby, intergalactic stars stories, levels that vibrate trough the beats, careful entrances in the multidimensional experience. This high standard of musical production that we have in his sounds transforms the dance floor into platform open for journey. Intelligent rhythms, open minded state of constructing the melody, brain play, bit of forest, bit of jungle, perfect voices shown in the right time. Crunchy tones, space crystals, groovy, twisted line full of metaphors. Floating, liquid, powerful drives, mechanical, yet robotic, kinetic in some way but still melodic, perfectly alive. Oniro sound just start the funkadelic, digital tour around the galaxy, the unique elements that he creates, the ability to play with different, but own stories improves the cosmic pure bliss that the audience accept. Tracklist : 01-Oniro - Illusion Drops [06.46] 02-Oniro - Relative Distance [07.40] Artist: Oniro Title: Illusion Drops Label:ClockTail Records https://www.facebook.com/clocktailrecordsofficial Media Format: Digital Download Genre: Psychedelic Trance Catalogue Number: CLOCKDG004 Distribution: Beatspace Digital Release date: 04.04.2015 Cover Design by: Elffuss & Ice Cream From Saturn Mastered by: Angel Zdravkovski (Spirit Architect) Review by: Mitko Gogov Listen & Download: http://www.beatspace.com/8676/Clocktail+Records/ONIRO/Illusion+Drops/detail.aspx
  15. https://soundcloud.com/pingalaka/tripstones With love...
  16. Lunar Dawn Kolovrat Neogoa Tracklist: 1. Perun's Stones 2. Golden Arms of Kresnik 3. Svantevit (Part 1: White Horse and Prophecy) 4. Svarog's Celestial Fire 5. Metamorphosis Of Veles 6. Svantevit (Part II: Temple of Arkona) 7. Zorya 8. Rebirth of Jarilo 9. Blessing From Irij (2015 Mix) 10. Into Morana's Cold Kingdom (feat Jasmina) "In our opinion, goa needs something out of the box - not always the same old story, same mantra going on and on and on. Our story with this album began with one idea that Saša and I have had since we got in music production... to be exact, material was meant to be oriented on old forgotten Slavic pagan beliefs... we got into a new idea of making an album in this manner... for next three years there was lots of researching about this particular theme by us all and we all contributed to evolve the music to a concept level." - Kristijan, Lunar Dawn Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, though not as far for some, the Croatian duo of Lunar Dawn released a track called "Blessings From Irij," a magical piece of goa filled with energy and imagination, where the usual euphoric layers of melodic enlightenment of the style was paired with some truly inspired medieval flavors, adding a whole new dimension to the listening experience. "Blessings From Irij" is a great track, one that impressed me quite deeply when Neogoa released the EP two years ago. Quite surprisingly, however, was the Lunar Dawn follow-up - releasing a full-length album filled to the tippy-top with more medieval leanings, groups of merry minstrels celebrating throughout and live instrumentation and ethereal vocals that transport to another time and place, or, if you'd prefer, a mythological fantasy where the ten tracks visit assorted Slavic gods for merriment, celebration and adventure. There is likely a narrative to the tracklisting, a plot that follows along to these separate visits and the highly energetic aural adventures that Lunar Dawn have created here but that plot is for the listener themselves to fill in. As it were, the tracklist is the rough outline and one's imagination can provide the vivid details that these tracks will no doubt help to inspire. This is Misted Muppet by way of Neogoa's The World Beyond concept compilation with a wildly full and bombastic Trinodia-esque melodic approach. Kolovrat is epic, ambitious and damn, damn good. Though Kristijan from Lunar Dawn says, "This album is influence-free from the beginning, if you refer to influence by other artists. Only influences included were what made us goa heads in first place, I call them subconsciousness influences, artists like Astral Projecion, Talamasca, Hallucinogen and other old goa guard knights. You can hear all sorts of stuff in this album, my sense for melodies and Saša´s sense for deep atmosphering layers, from dark ambient to light panoramas and rhythmic games of his great mind but I think the goa essence prevails. Not in that pure oldschool way maybe, but in some weird so called new school flavour salted and peppered with everything a bit on top." "Blessings From Irij" gets a "2015 mix" on this album, perhaps not as good as its original, but definitely the rousing highlight of the album's second half. "Perun's Stones" and "Golden Arms of Kresnik" are a perfect one-two opener to the album, setting the tale's tone with majestic melodies and rollicking song structures - they set the bar pretty high but the remainder of the album delivers. Following the cinematic break of "Svantevit (Part II: Temple of Arkona)," an evocative work filled with lovely orchestral melodies, very nearly a down tempo offering, the pairing of "Zorya" and "Rebirth of Jarilo" open up "Part II" of the album in uplifting fashion. "Svantevit (Part I: White Horse and Prophecy)," "Svarog's Celestial Fire" and "Metamorphosis of Veles" are winners in grand goa fashion, where quite often impressive minstrel music appears almost magically between the excellent 303 layers. "Into Morana's Cold Kingdom" is the sweet, mysterious story end where one can almost picture the credits rolling on this tale. If Lord of the Rings or (shudder) Clash Of The Titans were made by goa-heads, Kolovrat would be the soundtrack. The scope of both its ideas and its sound is massive and ambitious, even a bit daunting for casual listeners. But adventurous and persistent listeners, like the Russian medieval knight of the title, adventuring through these encounters with the Slavic gods, will be rewarded handsomely by saga's end. This is a massively ambitious undertaking. It is also an excellent one. Available for free play or download at Ektoplazm
  17. Omnivox Silent Sweeper TimeWarp Records Tracklist: 1. Silent Sweeper (Original Mix) 2. Silent Sweeper (Nova Fractal Remix) 3. Silent Sweeper (JIS Remix) 4. Silent Sweeper (Lectro Spektral Daze Remix) 5. Silent Sweeper (Cactus Arising Remix) 6. Silent Sweeper (Hypnotic Aboriginal Experience) "Some things just become real for an unknown reason. Most of the time I am a bit surprised about how my tracks get into existence, and at those moments I feel like I am just a medium through which that music just begins to exist, without me thinking or doing much about it." - Omnivox What Omnivox (Tomislav Crncic) is referring to is the essence of being a true artist. It comes from actual performance of one's music, being truly imaginative and open to the muse of one's ideas and imaginations, not being a slave to preset computer programming in delivering his brand of goa. What Omnivox is saying is that he is merely the vessel. The above statement has been said by countless artists and musicians across the entire span of human history, from Victorian age painters to every passionate form of modern musicianship, from being a sculptor to being a punk rock vocalist. It is the truest determination out there of separating the slave-for-their-art types from the pretenders. Omnivox, then, is an artist. On Silent Sweeper, the artist offers up two excellent tracks, different versions of the same vision, mind you, but two tracks, nonetheless. Both markedly different from one another even while they share the same title. The "Original Mix" delivers trademark Omnivox frequencies layered with heavy, pleasing grooves, patiently moving tempos and some inspired and excellent keyboard squelch and melodies. In all, a goldmine of a track. Perhaps it is only outdone by the "Hypnotic Aboriginal Experience" because that version is an absolute surprise of splendid imagination and a truly excellent delivery of its ideas. "I had it in my mind for quite some time, and since I have a long-time friend who makes and sells didgeridoos, and plays them in his ethnic band ... it was just a natural flow of things to get him involved," Omnivox said. " Seven or eight years ago I was playing a couple of DJ sets with classic retro tracks along with my other friends on didgeridoos and I thought it sounded great, it added another layer of mystical atmosphere. This was just the same story, but taken to another level. That was my idea to slow the original version quite a bit and to add a didgeridoo layer to it." This down tempo version of "Silent Sweeper" is fantastic! The "Hypnotic Aboriginal Experience" is a slow-moving, deeply atmospheric, hard-grooving and, very much so, hypnotic rendition. Of the remixes, each remixer is instantly recognizable for their own distinct styles though two do not stray much from the structural basis of the original while two completely rework it and claim it for their own. Long time fans will immediately recognize the frequencies of Nova Fractal as he gets loud, in-your-face and bombastic on his version, a bit of an energy blast that the original withholds. A good version especially if you come to the EP looking for a dancefloor bomb. The JIS remix gets better over time, perhaps not as impressive to look at it on its first go, perhaps because it plays after the Nova Fractal bomb and gets followed-up with an LSD gem. However, the JIS version is groovy, bouncy, delightful fun. Lectro Spektral Daze and Cactus Arising may as well have been the original producers of "Silent Sweeper" with how impressive their versions are, with how much altering they accomplish from the original, with how nearly unrecognizable their takes become. LSD is always pretty impressive and here is a another fine example of those production skills. Where Nova Fractal, JIS and Omnivox are quite up-front in their sounds, full-bodied and loud for an in-your-face feel, LSD takes a step back, gives the sound a bit of a diluted quality, makes "Silent Sweeper" sound as if it is a space odyssey. This version is a gem. As is the Cactus Arising take. Whereas everything else on the EP is new school with old-school influences, Cactus Arising brings the old-school flavors in abundance, grooving, bouncing and rocking ever-so nicely through eight-minutes of lovely vintage goa. Everything about this one is pleasing and fantastic. Omnivox is the vessel from which some fine art comes forth. Silent Sweeper is a great EP because of it. And along the way, Omnivox, the artist, is joined by four fantastic, like-minded painters of sound that vessel some exceptional art of their own. Psyshop
  18. 10 years later.. Countless memories are yet to be made. In 3 days, on 3 floors.. Come and celebrate with us and: // PSYCHEDELIC TRANCE FLOOR // prog / psy / goa // * ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SHAKTA (Suntrip Records, UK) // live DIMENSION 5 (Suntrip Records, UK) // DJ set WIZACK TWIZACK / Circle (Ovnimoon / Planet B.E.N., Sweden) // live PSILOCYBIAN / Screw Loose / Dual Barrel (BMSS Records, Croatia) // live RIGEL (Ovnimoon Records, Greece) // live CELESTIAL INTELLIGENCE (Suntrip Records, Macedonia) // live COSMIC DIMENSION (Suntrip Records, Macedonia) // live HOTEP (Digital Yonkis Records, Oddvod, Croatia) // live + DJ set SHALYS / Indishanti (Serum Records, Free-Spirit, France) // live DEIMOS / Dual Barrel (Goa Records, Croatia) // live JACKVI (Morning Glory, Norway) // DJ set PLASMA CORP (Veleno Music, Croatia) // live + DJ set KALA (Forestdelic, Slovenia) // live ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TECHNO FLOOR // strictly techno // * ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MARIO NOVAK (Pitch vinyl shop,Cycle, Croatia) // vinyl DJ set F.O.R.M. (Work Hard Play Hard, Croatia) // live DOTS (Beat Svega, Croatia) // DJ set TVRTKO (Fonetika, Croatia ) // vinyl DJ set ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BREAKS FLOOR // breakbeat / psybreaks // * /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DIGITALIS (Matsuri, Sinister, Dragonfly, UK) // DJ set ZMAYO (Pistolero, Croatia) // DJ set KIRG (Pistolero, Croatia) // DJ set AKIRA (Pistolero, Croatia) // DJ set // hosted by friendly PISTOLERO crew /////////// // CHILL-OUT FLOOR // downtempo / ambient / chillout // * ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// KAYA PROJECT (Interchill Records, UK) // DJ set PSILOCYBIAN (BMSS Records, Croatia) // live PERFECT BLIND (Omnitropic, Croatia) // live BLAZIN' MARTY (Puffing Billy, Australia) // live ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// * more floors and artist & DJ gems waiting TBA // FLYER // // FACEBOOK EVENT // https://www.facebook.com/events/1393790290923365/ // ARTIST INFO // // SEB TAYLOR // Shakta // Digitalis // Kaja Project // (Dragonfly Records, Suntrip Records, Matsuri Digital, Interchill Records, UK) Sebastian James Taylor is a composer & producer based in London, UK. Most widely known for his electronic music projects, Shakta, Digitalis, and Kaya Project which cover styles as diverse as Breakbeat, World Music, PsyTrance & more Orchestral Downtempo music. He is also an accomplished multi-instrumentalist, playing a variety of string-based instruments and some percussion on Kaya Project releases. https://www.suntriprecords.com/artist/name/Shakta/ https://soundcloud.com/seb-taylor-kaya-project https://www.facebook.com/pages/Shakta-Seb-Taylor http://www.discogs.com/artist/567452-Sebastian-James-Taylor http://sebtaylor.bandcamp.com/ https://myspace.com/sebastiantaylor // DIMENSION 5 // (Suntrip Records, UK) Dimension 5 was originally started up in 1989 and released their first single (Utopia) in 1990. They thereafter stayed with D5 records for a while, but fell out due to musical differences; and Kerry and Nick started up their own label (Intastella) to release their music. Dimension 5 described their music as "space techno psychedelic trance" around the time of their debut album (Transdimensional) and cited Hawkwind, Gong, Tim Blake and Tangerine Dream as some of their major influences. The psychedelic rock influences were later toned down and became more of a crossover to what they called "spacey techno". This is evident on their second album (Second Phaze), which has a harder and more tribal feel. They were joined on this release by Norwegian Christer Borge-Lunde (Ra / Electron Wave). Suntrip Records reissued their first album Transdimensional in 2007., and in 2013. two more releases came into the light - a brand new album TransAddendum, featuring music that was made in the 90's but never got released, and TransStellar CD - Dimension5's best EP & compil tunes. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dimension-5/270797016315868 http://www.discogs.com/artist/27798-Dimension-5 // WIZACK TWIZACK // Circle (Ovnimoon / Planet B.E.N., Sweden) Wizack Twizack is Tommy Axelsson, born in Stockholm, Sweden in 1981. He has been active in the Psy-Trance scene for over a decade now.,, Till now, he has released 4 artist albums, 2 own compilations, many EP's + tons of single tracks on various compilations, which got him to play all around the world on great parties and festivals. Also pushing 2 other (side)projects called Art of Existence (AOEX) (Fullon) with Nevarakka. And Circle, alone (Progressive). He's currently working on finalising his 5th album, plus some EP surprises! There will be a lot of new Wizack Twizack music out soon. And also a couple of Circle EP's followed by a Art of Existence Album!! https://www.facebook.com/wizacktwizackfanpage https://soundcloud.com/wizack_twizack http://www.discogs.com/artist/270362-Wizack-Twizack http://www.aoex.net/ // PSILOCYBIAN // Mammal Footwork // Screw Loose // (BMSS Records, Zagreb, Croatia) The art of sound programming was never so much attractive and fun so close, so there but yet so far away. Something unknow and the myteries of the unseen can be described with sounds, atmospheres and rhythms. Dark, joyful, sad, mellow and calming. PsiloCybian defines the future in the moment of playing, because music is his alchemy. Rhythmically atypical and not recycled or default rhythms with fundamental notes he gains the biggest amplitude being musically and dance dominance because of the greatest intensity, loudness is subjective and is defined by the terms and the surroundings the louder the better. His past is merged into his future, minimalism is in his style and ever present.. Sound information impressed in the brain of the listener is a collection of attributes of any musical entity being presented in the determinted time and under specific conditions. And long lasting- https://soundcloud.com/psilocybian https://www.facebook.com/psilocybian http://www.discogs.com/artist/697677-Psilocybian http://psilocybian.com/ // RIGEL // (Ovnimoon Records, Greece) Focusing on soft modular synth tweakage, Rigel (named after the brightest star in our local region of the Milky Way) produces various styles of electronic music, with a variety of musical influences - from techno & trance to jazz & funk, from chill to dnb. He has attended multimedia studies, won computer music competitions and has been playing live and as DJ in various clubs and open air festivals. He has produced music for television and radio commercials, stage shows, circus shows, remixes and more. https://soundcloud.com/rigelv http://www.facebook.com/rigelmusic http://www.discogs.com/artist/Rigel+(2) http://www.youtube.com/user/rigelmusic // CELESTIAL INTELLIGENCE // (Suntrip Records, Macedonia) It all started at the end of 2009 when Branislav Dimkovski Kazak and Dalibor Anastasovski Pajko from Kumanovo,Macedonia joined their forces and started a new project called Celestial Intelligence. Kazak played solo guitar in a death metal band called Victim Yield from 2004-2008, and Pajko had no notion of playing any instrument but then he knew working in the music softwares like Cubase and Fruty Loops for a long time ago. They are currently working on new projects with their own style fill with the emotions,happyness, psychedelic and twisted sounds of what lead to madness in an imaginary world. Members of Celestial Intelligence wish to express their emotions and experience from their life through the Goa-trance music and to contribute something for the trance scene today. Their time is yet to come ! https://soundcloud.com/celestial-intelligence https://www.facebook.com/IntelligenceCelestial?fref=ts http://www.suntriprecords.com/artist/name/Celestial+Intelligence/ // COSMIC DIMENSION // (Suntrip Records, Macedonia) Cosmic Dimension is a goa-trance project that started at the end of march 2012. It exists out of 2 goa-freaks: Antonio Simonovski and Denis Bogdanovski, both born in 1992. They live in Kumanovo, Macedonia. They have been working so hard to create their own powerful goa-trance style, which can be described as cosmic goa-trance, with lots of floating melodies and dreamy soundscapes mixed with powerfull basslines! https://soundcloud.com/cosmic-dimension https://www.facebook.com/c.dimension?fref=ts http://www.suntriprecords.com/artist/name/Cosmic+Dimension/ // HOTEP // (Digital Yonkis Records / Oddvod) Oddvod's very own Ableton magician. In only a few years, Hotep made a name for himself in the Psy Trance galaxy by producing top notch mindbending psy trance sounds, using nothing more than a laptop and a pair of cheap headphones.. A living proof of the universal rule - "It's not about how many resources you have, it's about how resourceful you are." https://soundcloud.com/psy_hotep https://www.facebook.com/pages/Hotep/115743751872098 http://www.discogs.com/artist/2679527-Hotep-2 // SHALYS // (Serum Records, Free-Spirit, France) Shalys is the psy-trance project of Laurent from South of France. Producing and DJing since 2006. He's making music with Cubase like a movie. In the past he was a part of Free-Spirit Records during 3 years. His side project Indishanti has a more progressive feel to i, with a real indian touch. http://soundcloud.com/shalys https://www.facebook.com/pages/Shalys/123008424488 http://www.discogs.com/artist/1789285-Shalys // DEIMOS // (Goa Records, Croatia) Deimos is a psytrance project of Igor Čeranić, music producer from Zagreb, Croatia. Under the influence from old trance , industrial and metal scenes, his sound can be described as an atmospheric fullon/tech with a darker and more aggressive edge. After releasing several tracks on compilations and EP's, he's currently working on his first studio album under Deimos moniker. His other projects are Perfect Blind his downtempo/ambient alias, and Dual Barrel a psytrance collab with PsiloCybian. https://soundcloud.com/deimos-1 https://www.facebook.com/deimoslabs?fref=ts http://www.discogs.com/artist/566274-Deimos-3 //JACKVI // (Morning Glory, Norway Andreas Jackvi has been playing psychedelic trance since '95. And professionally since 2003. Gone through almost all styles of psychedelic trance one can imagine. Today mostly sunset, twilight och night psychedelics comes out of the speakers. With a healthy blend of styles and moods this will get you on top of yourself through a mighty psychedelic dance experience. The music is played to give the audience a powerful boost that will not let you go. It will only propel you further into the music, dance and yourself. Giving you that extra energy so that you want to stay and dance more and more. All night long to sunrise. The motto is, mind, body and soul. Every aspect of life will be touched. Be prepared to go on a journey. Together... Bom! https://soundcloud.com/jackvi https://www.mixcloud.com/jackvi/ http://www.mandarinarkivet.se/data_djs_show.php https://www.facebook.com/djjackvi https://www.facebook.com/pages/MorningGlory/405767362858614 // PLASMA CORP // (Veleno Music, Croatia) Plasma Corp. is progressive-psytrance project from Croatia. Started as a DJ at the end of the 90s on local goa-psy scene, around 2008 i have decide to do my own blend of psytrance music. So far I've released two albums, several EPs, tracks on VA compilations and played across the Europe. Beside that i also do small undeground events with friends in Zagreb area. https://soundcloud.com/plasma-corp http://plasma-corp.bandcamp.com/ http://www.discogs.com/artist/1360443-Plasma-Corp https://www.facebook.com/pages/Plasma-Corp/143427095686521 // KALA // (Forestdelic, Slovenia) Kala ( means time) is psychedelic project started by two soulmates Prodanov Zoran and Toromanoski Darko ( Dj Darko) from Macedonia in 2005. Zoran is a music film producer graduated from Esra University (Skopje), and Darko is a professional audio engineer and producer graduated from Sae Institute Ljubljana . Zoran was responsable for creating melodical side of Kalas music, while Darko is in charge of hypnotic rhythmical sections and taking care of productional side of the tracks. Their unique style can be described as a mixture of forest psychedelic melodies, freaky samples and driving bass lines. Kala have released three EPs till now, two for Sunstation records from Russia.. called: ''Growing in the galaxy and Growing in the universe''. And one more for Mad house records from Portugal called: ''Time signture'', and also have released several tracks on compilations as well as collaborated with other artists like Yudhishthira, Aodioiboa and Eliptic. With live gig acts in countries like Austira, Germany, Ukraine, Croatia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Macedonia its one of the most promising artist's in eastern Europe. As guys now living in different countries project is run mostly by Darko who is based in Slovenia. https://soundcloud.com/kala https://www.facebook.com/Kala.Psy http://www.forestdelic.com/ // MARIO NOVAK // (Pitch vinyl shop,Cycle) Since his young age he loves music, thanks to his Mom who gave him that love and from whom he got his first gramophone and a big selection of old vinyls. At the age of 14 he gets his first cassette with electronic music and while listening to good old Jeff Mills he slowly falls in love with it. In the next 11 years he goes to more or less all the parties in Zagreb and electronic music starts to go under his skin. At the age of 25 he buys his first equipment and starts to teach himself how to play.In December 2013. with helpof his family, friends, TLR, guys from "Ekstrakt" he opens vinyl shop named "Pitch Vinyl Shop". The only shop specialised for electronic music. https://soundcloud.com/mario-n // F.O.R.M. // ( Work Hard Play Hard, ZG ) Branimir Orehovec and Bruno Tanfara created F.O.R.M. in 2000. as a result not only of their mutual interest in electronic music production, but also in the art of live performances. Primarily techno based with heavy influences of electro and breakbeat, their sound always tries to escape labeling by experimenting with different styles of electronic music and incorporating them into their techno framework. Considering studio to be just another instrument, F.O.R.M. prefers to strengthen their contact with the public by playing their sets live, constantly striving to improve on this bond by experimenting with different setups and ideas. In the year 2004 they met Paul Hazendonk from Holland which resulted with their first released track. The track ''Tears'' was released on the ''Work Hard Play Hard'' label on the record named ''From Croatia With Love''. F.O.R.M. performed in various festivals (UFO Beats, Revolt!...), clubs (The Best, Sokol...) and other venues in Croatia, evolving to what seems to be one of the most promising techno live acts in Croatia. https://soundcloud.com/formlive https://www.mixcloud.com/branimir-or/form-live-ustekavanje/ // DOTS // (Beat Svega, Croatia) Domagoj avor jedan je od osnivača LED audio-vizualnog programa iz Karlovca pod kojim je organizirao evente i nastupao u proteklih osam godina. Kroz LED pokreće i vodi LED Fest koji je od 2008. godine ugostio preko pedeset domaćih i stranih audio-vizualnih izvođača popularne i rubne elektroničke glazbe i to na mnogim neiskoritenim, naputenim i razruenim lokacijama po Karlovcu i na karlovačkim rijekama. Tokom godina putao je glazbene stilove smjetene između idm elektronike, electra, uk techna i bass glazbe, a posljednjih godina upravo se s technom najbolje može izraziti i prenijeti svoj glazbeni ukus. Vie puta je surađivao s karlovačkim festivalom Nepokoreni grad, Confusionom ekipom, VuBassom i Dirty Beatz-om. Mikseve je radio za francuski Manifest podcast, Riddim and Bruise emisiju na londonskom SubFM-u i hrvatski Breaking Point podcast. U 2014. istupa iz LED kolektiva i okreće se programima Beat Svega, Crni petak i Techno Ausgang kojima namjerava promovirati alternativni, depersonificirani pristup plesnoj i klubskoj glazbi bez ograničenja. https://soundcloud.com/techno-ausgang/d0ts-simultanz-2014 // TVRTKO // (Fonetika, Croatia) The developement of my robotic ears began at the tender age of 14, when I was as a child exposed to the shamanistic hypnotism of electronic music. I soon realised that not only do I love electronic music, but also that I strongly believe in the "Ghost in the shell" concept, which indicates that electronic music can indeed posess a "soul", solely capable of a vast array of trance-inducing states. So, armed with my belief in modern shamanistic properties of Techno, various House sub-genres and pretty much everything else coming from a machine, I began studying musical theory and collecting tracks, also introducing myself with the basic principles of playing music. The real personal developement happened when I learned using turntables and started playing vinyl, which holds a special place in my heart. My musical style is pretty much undefined, which means I adjust individually to a place, party or a timetable. It can be roughly descriped as a combination of Techno,Dub Techno, Tech Funk and Deep House. I am also one of the organizers of "fonetika", a Zagreb club night focused on turntable culture. https://soundcloud.com/tvrtko // ZMAYO // (Pistolero, Croatia) Pistolero Recordings label manager, resident & organizer at Pistolero, longest running psybreaks night in Europe, based at AKC Medika, Zagreb (Croatia). His sets can mostly be described as psy-tech-trance-breaks. As a DJ, he was playing alongside and supported artists like Eat Static, Digitalis, Santos, Robosapiens, Freestylers, Saiko-Pod, J-Bass, Amb, Hoodwink, Transglobal Underground, LuQas, Hedflux, Far Too Loud, Radikal Guru, Neurodriver, Monk3yLogic, Ozric Tentacles, Rennie Pilgrem, Braintheft , Krafty Kuts, Broken Eye, Bad Tango, Mindscape, Zero Method, Tummy Talk, Kwah, Mantismash, Krak In Dub, Lee Perry, Mr. Mirra, Nanosphere etc. https://soundcloud.com/zmayo https://www.facebook.com/zmayo.pistolero.recordings // BLAZIN' MARTY // (Puffing Billy Records, Australia) Blazin' Marty is an electronic music producer from Emerald, VIC, Australia. Spacey psychedelic sounds, mixed genres, digging and sampling strange foreign vinyls from around the world. https://soundcloud.com/blazinmarty https://www.facebook.com/blazinmarty http://blazinmarty.bandcamp.com/ // LUNAR DECO // My name is Zlatko Toromanoski and my artistic name is Lunardeco. Im born in Skopje, Macedonia and as I started to go to goa trance parties in 1996/97 I was influenced by that kind of music im my expression as an artist. I started to paint on little fabrics and clothes with paintbrush, and in 2001 I started to present my work as an artist at the goatrance, and later psychedelic trance music parties, drawing decorations for that kind of events. I started with paintbrush, but later I continued to draw with airbrush on fabrics, which I transformated in giant pieces for party decorations with range of colours and forms. Today I do decorations for the main stages on parties, but also I decorate the ambient and chill out stages. I engaged in design and development of club clothing with printings of my works, as well as hand painted clothes. Airbrushing on motorcycles , interiors it is just a part of what I do. I work together with music label Forestdelic records, a Im engaged in decoration of almost all of their parties all over the Europe. Im decorating parties in Skopje for many years, also Im engaged in decorating parties in Ljubljana (Slovenia), Zagreb (Croatia), Thessaloniki (Greece), Tirana (Albania), Prishtina (Kosovo), trance festival in Turkey and in Italy. I think that this kind of art is very important for developing of human consciousness, because it is an expression of deepest inner vision of the artist, reaching the levels of soul. This art opens doors to other dimensions, into the worlds of the subconscious, expressing what is hidden from ordinary human eye, presenting other creatures and objects that can not be touched or explained. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lunar-Deco/410406372393215
  19. VA - Temple Of Existence (Compiled by Newteck) Luk-Si Records presents their second compilation, Temple Of Existence. Compiled by DJ Newteck, this release features a tasty selection of tracks from psytrance producers from the Czech and Slovak Republics. This time the mood is darker and more sinister, although not without lighter and more uplifting moments. Visit this temple, open your mind, let your thoughts be exalted, and push yourself to the brink of existence! Label: Luk-Si Records Catalog number: LUKVA002 Release: 10.February 2015 Available formats: MP3/WAV/FLAC Mastered by: Michal Schwa at ORM Studio Prague Artwork by: B#Art RELEASED ON EKTOPLAZM: http://www.ektoplazm.com/free-music/temple-of-existence
  20. Hi.... My last track "Blue" a Psychill Psydub tune pleasure for your ear and Mind. Guitars Latin rhythm's with Reggae touch and psychedelic sounds in one unique amalgam of sound! Enjoy it Thanks
  21. VA - Tales From The North Troll N' Roll Records Tracklist: 1. Tales From The North - Squees & Toxic Anger Syndrome & Gubbology 2. Shadowland - Oliveira 3. Huldrehaug - Maan 4. Chaku Hachi - Gubbology 5. Krakestan - Squees vs Gubbology 6. Trollsommar - Cut The Cheese 7. Den Sjunde - Trance-Ingvars 8. Fraxinus Excelsior - Oginok 9. Monsters - Zoon 10. Midnight Carousel Ride - Captain Kirk 11. Shiokara Situation - Discolin 12. Ragnarok - Toxic Anger Syndrome Weird, wild and hella fun, a groovy, drippy, trippy concoction of Scandinavian dark psy, forest, suomi and just a little bit of goa, all in one great, free compilation. "Tales From The North" is refreshing because of its suomi approach that often keeps the weird effects of its dark and forest psy feeling lighthearted and even celebratory. The three-producer intro on the title track finds Squees, Toxic Anger Syndrome and Gubbology employing some serious dancefloor grooves with a pleasant tempo that never gets overwhelming, all served up with a side of wicked forest effects and don't-give-a-shit suomi good-time vibes. A solid and hella fun beginning to the comp. Oliveira takes a much more normalized approach on "Shadowland," serving up a solid little full-on gem with a very pleasant and understated focus on goa effects. Fantastic job on this one, definitely one of the great highlights of the collection. It pairs very nicely with the melodic goa of Maan's "Huldrehaug," a track that, like most things on this compilation, rocks very nicely in its own subtle way. Sure, the energy is always there but nothing ever feels like it is trying to punch you in the head to let you know how important it is. Beginning with Gubbology's cool little groover "Chaku Hachi," an uber-funky track laden with forest effects that are fascinating because of how subdued and effective they are, the compilation goes in more for the weirder side of psytrance, sometimes on tracks that are spectacular, sometimes on tracks that are not. The out-of-control keyboard work on the unhinged energy of "Krakestan" is fantastic but the lazy forest grooves of Cut The Cheese's "Trollsommar" and too-trancey euphoria of Trance-Ingvars "Den Sjunde" don't quite make the grade. Oginok's "Fraxinus Excelsior" is one of the compilation's greats, constantly keeping things just a little off-balance with several direction changes through the first part of the track before settling into some great head-bobbing grooves for its second half. And, man, is it ever fucking easy to dance to. A lovely piece of work! The final four tracks get much deeper into the darker and experimental realms of sound and are best left to the subjective opinions of the individual listener in terms of quality. Sometimes those moments are daring and tantalizing (Zoon), sometimes forgettable (Captain Kirk), sometimes wilder than anything else on the compilation (Discolin), sometimes just plain dismal and angry (Toxic Anger Syndrome). In my opinion, the first half of this compilation is far better (and perhaps more accessible to the common psy listener) than its second half. Many of the finest moments come from Oliveira and Maan during those early tracks but be sure not to miss Oginok, the finest gem of the collection's second part. A quick Ektoplazm search shows a few other Troll N' Roll compilations available for download, many of those with several of the same producers that appear here. After "Tales From The North," you can be sure this will not be the last time this record label and I cross paths. I'm very much looking forward to discovering some other great gems off of those offerings. Available for free play or download at : http://www.ektoplazm.com/free-music/tales-from-the-north
  22. Hello Everyone! I recently applied for a volunteer position as a radio DJ and got accepted. My show will be featuring mainly genres of underground and alternative trance! Unfortunately, due to broadcasting guidelines, I need a certain amount of Canadian music per episode in order to keep the show running. I'd like to give anyone who would like some radio play the opportunity to send me their work, so that I may be able to feature it on my show once I start broadcasting. I am not making any money off of this show; I just love trance, and I want others to enjoy it too. I will be putting up more information about my show as it becomes available, I am just in the beginning stages. Once I start to broadcast, you can hear the episodes online for free anywhere in the world! Please feel free to send any questions or suggestions! Thank you!
  23. Artist: Various Title: Tales From The North Label: Troll N' Roll Records http://www.trollnroll.com Style: Psytrance, Forest, Darkpsy, Goa trance, Suomisaundi, Mastering: Johan Ohlsson Artwork: Oscar Bodin http://www.oscarbodin.se Release Date: 2015-03-18 Troll N’ Roll Records presents their seventh release, Tales From The North, a strong collection of darkpsy and forest music with hints of Suomisaundi and Goa trance. Scandinavia’s dark forests, deep lakes, and high mountains are home to a variety of mythical creatures. We do not see them unless they choose to show themselves but they make themselves constantly known. When someone mysteriously disappears in the woods, when you hear strange noises in the attic, when the milk turned sour overnight—it is the mark of the supernatural. In the past they were a natural part of our world, a way of reminding people about having respect for nature… Tracklist: 01 - Squees & Toxic Anger Syndrome & Gubbology - Tales From The North 02 - Oliveira - Shadowland 03 - Maan - Huldrehaug 04 - Gubbology - Chaku Hachi 05 - Squees vs Gubbology - Kråkestan 06 - Cut The Cheese - Trollsommar 07 - Trance-Ingvars - Den Sjunde 08 - Oginok - Fraxinus Excelsior 09 - Zoon - Monsters 10 - Captain Kirk - Midnight Carousel Ride 11 - Discolin - Shiokara Situation 12 - Toxic Anger Syndrome - Ragnarök Free download @ http://www.ektoplazm.com/free-music/tales-from-the-north
  24. Skizologic Robotized Zion 604 Tracklist: 1. DNA - The Square 2. The Swamp 3. Anomaly (Remix of 2Minds) 4. Robotized 5. Fusion 303 (with Moonweed) 6. In-Space (with InnerZone) 7. Spectrum 8. Neutron (with Radical Distortion) 9. Robotized (Nervasystem Remix) On March 10, 2015, Skizologic's "Robotized" became available to the music world. However, it occurred in a way that was very unexpected. With no physical format available for purchase and no online music shops selling the album, a professionally put-together "digipack" popped up on torrent sites and peer-to-peer file sharing programs instead on the scheduled release date. As of this writing, no word from the Zion 604 guys about what this is all about. Yet, the Discogs page still shows March 10 as its release date, there is still no update to the label's Band Camp page selling (much less promoting) this digipack, no word here on Psynews.org hyping the album (though Zion 604 honcho Roy Sasson is usually very active with his posts) and only the briefest of updates via their Facebook page regarding a vague date for when the release of this album will actually occur. So, with that very organized digipack out there for the populace are we to assume this was "leaked" intentionally? Or is this just a small record label that is overburdened with the details of a release neglecting to promote or being able to release the thing on time? A clever marketing approach to gets tongues wagging or a victim of inner sabotage that allowed their new release to be pirated? Of course, none of this would be very relevant if "Robotized" sucked. But it doesn't. In fact, it is quite fucking fantastic! A slew of co-productions adds a hearty dose of variety to this great debut of Israeli producer Skizologic whose individual approach to goa sounds very relaxed, organic and wickedly groovy. In fact it occurred no less than three different times during the course of its run time where this could very well be the new Hallucinogen album that has been years "in the making." Zion 604's Roy Sasson teams with Skizologic on the bouncing funk of the "DNA" opener, most definitely the strongest Hallucinogen-ic on the album. It is the type of floor-filler that can get many asses a-shaking even beyond the goa crowd, a great crossover track that could possibly appeal to even the most progressive-minded of the psy community. No question, one of the absolute bests here! Skizologic's remix of 2Mind's "Anomaly" is another grooving beauty that spends half of its 9-minute length stomping around quite nicely, and just when it feels like the track has shown all of its elements in comes the wildly good keyboard work, tuned in to some infectious organ sounds, making it a sensational goa riot of bliss and euphoria. The co-production with labelmates Radical Distortion on "Neutron" is funky, groovy, squelchy and excellent. "Fusion 303" is a tasteful overload of goa effects where Moonweed's usually over-the-top production style is reined in by Skizologic's more groove-oriented approach and the result is another winner. Of the three original tracks where Skizologic goes it alone, "Robotized" takes top-honor - it is a full-on beauty masquerading as goa. "The Swamp," "Spectrum" and "In-Space," produced with Innerzone, may be the album's filler tracks but even those sound fantastic. The down point (of course, based on personal tastes,) is Nervasystem's take on "Robotized." Gone is the gorgeous, stomping full-on of Skizalogic's original and inserted is a wild, over-the-top, exuberantly experimental approach that clashes quite significantly with every other track on the album. Hearing "Robotized," though, brings up that taboo issue of "to download or to not download." To slake one's curiosity or to await the "official" release in order to shell out the cash to support a great goa label. And, granted, that's assuming the Zion 604 guys have not given this pirated digipak their blessing. Either way, if you hear it now or hear it later on, chances are when the "Best of 2015" polls come around, this will make the top three of many, many lists. Some albums are just that immediately good to give enough confidence to make such a prediction. "Robotized" is definitely one of those albums. ()
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