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  1. SatanicElectro’s musical talent manifests in the record through a unique old school Goa trance, heralding a new era, and joining the ranks of artists working today in the melodic psychedelic trance zone. Demonstrating his knowledge and experience, not only trance music but also as a rock drummer, catapulted through commitment and passion to the original psychedelic trance sounds of Goa, also indicate the potential of this movement. SatanicElectro "Focus On" LP is free to download in WAVE, FLAC and MP3 files.
  2. Net label GoaTrance.pl presents a new old school Goa album SatanicElectro - Focus On. SatanicElectro’s musical talent manifests in the record through a unique old school Goa trance, heralding a new era, and joining the ranks of artists working today in the melodic psychedelic trance zone. Demonstrating his knowledge and experience, not only trance music but also as a rock drummer, catapulted through commitment and passion to the original psychedelic trance sounds of Goa, also indicate the potential of this movement. SatanicElectro "Focus On" LP is free to download in WAVE, FLAC and MP3 files.
  3. Artist: Afgin Title: Ray of Light EP Label: Premium Music Date: August, 2012 1. Ray Of Light (140 BPM) 2. Keep Moving Forward (Tribute To Rocky) (140 BPM) 3. Soul Uplifter (140 BPM) 4. When You're Gone (137 BPM) "The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there if you let it." I think this is Dwayne Wade from A Different World, but my friend believes it to be Arsenio. Whoever it may be he is right. This is some good ass cheese. Afgin is the man who has released a bunch of free music as well as the uber bright and shiny Astral Experience. At least it's one Israeli making goa. *looks askew at Astral Projection or the husks of what they used to be* "I don't care, get the f*ck back in that corner! Don't give me that look! Do you even know what you did?" Afgin delivers the brightest goa trance around no question, but 2009 was over 3 years ago. As Janet said, "What have you done for me lately?" These days he's been crafting a trilogy of music EP's with this one being the final chapter. First let me tell you that I love a lot of music. Love it. Light, dark, happy, fast sad...whatever. It cannot always be dark or you'll end up having a goth child that f*cking hates you and will start following the stars of Twilight around like they were the Grateful Dead. So what Afgin delivers is pure positivity and light. True, it is far removed from Astral Experience and cannot even see Old is Gold in the rearview. Anymore uplifting and I would be looking down on Jesus, and well that's apropos because Afgin could pass for the big guy in a few photos I've seen. But it's f*cking beautiful. If it was a chick I would try to awkwardly ask it out on a date. Absolutely the most delicious melodic cheese that a trancer could ask for. You can hear every note and every sound. Nothing is hidden and it bares its soul. It's like a sunshine enema that puts a permanent smile on your face. Calling the first two tracks goa trance might be a stretch to some, but he still wields his euphoric kung-fu. Does it get any cheesier than the sample in the tribute to Rocky? Life lessons from Rocky. Reread that sentence again, because it might just destroy the internet. This is the same guy that told a guy who was threatening to blow up a supermarket that it was ok because he didn't shop there. If you didn't love the movie Cobra, then I cannot talk to you. But he's right. Life is tough and it's not about getting knocked down, but getting up. If the first two tracks were cheesy and fluffy, then the last two are off the cotton candy scale. But that's the thing about Afgin. He's got talent and it doesn't come off as cheese, but rather the soft caress of a lover who means what she says. It's about sharing a sunrise with that special someone, dancing on a melodic carpet until your mouth hurts from smiling so much. Let's face it, the world we live in ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It sucks sometimes. Hell, I've got Angela Lansbury charging me $1200 for a piece of sh*t table cause she can't find a f*cking decimal point. So yeah, it ain't all sunshine and rainbows. But thanks to Afgin, this is what it would look like if it were. Ektoplazm Mdk
  4. Hi folks As a promoter of GoaTrance.pl label I officially invite you to listen to new live set of one of our artists and live acts SatanicElectro. http://soundcloud.com/satanicelectro-live/satanicelectro-set-18-06-2012 Boom, Dj Anais
  5. Hi friends! four months after our first back2back Goa mix (see here), we are back with the second installment. We worked on it for a while but now it's finally here. Blackpearl and myself (Aspartic formerly Joost) made a new b2b Goa and Psytrance inspired mix of high energy psychedelic trance. The result is quite a well bodied mix of 90 minutes mind altering Goa and Psy Trance. The tracklist is: 1. PharaOm - Rainbow Project [Neogoa] 2. Filteria - Ultimator [suntrip Records] 3. E-Mantra & Suufi Astrolab - Praying forest (Neurosect RMX) [Elektronica Records] 4. 01-N - Ascension Stage [Goa Records] 5. Jikooha - Underground Spirit [Phototropic Records] 6. Innerspace - Innerspace [suntrip Records] 7. Nanospace - Magic Mushroom [Psyseed Records] 8. Astral Projection - Mahadeva (Original Mix) [Nova Tekk] 9. Mutaliens vs Biomechanic - Mind Explorers [Psyseed Records] 10. Psy-H Project - Spiritual Experience [Global Sect Music] 11. Spirit Architect - Newborn [Ovnimoon Records] 12. E-Mantra - War of the Hierophants [suntrip Records] 13. Alienapia - Magic Magnification [space Baby] The set is not uniquely Goa, we mixed in some sweet psytrance (super psychedelic) tunes that we found amazing. Listen or get the mix from soundcloud: http://soundcloud.co...a-madness-vol-2 Comments are welcome and appreciated! Of all kinds. ;-) But above all, we hope you will enjoy this story. Thanks to all artists! Osyris
  6. Our first Goa-Trance release. Free Download. http://squarerootpro...ry-conceived-ep https://www.facebook...83143407?ref=ts
  7. Hello everyone. We're a newly established international label specialized in bringing you the best of Goa-Trance. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Square-Root-Productions/468815883143407
  8. Artist: RHot Title: Intellectual Mind EP Label: ACP Records Date: January, 2012 1. Intellectual Mind 2. Bitboxin 3.Kung Fu Kernel 4. Gigs and Ghosts "I imagine...that right now you're feeling a bit like Alice, tumbling down the rabbit hole." Anytime a new release drops from Filipe's label I cannot wait to hear it. Can never have too much goa I always say. Besides I know a good deal when I see one. Have you seen the price of gold these days? In all seriousness (whatever) Filipe is very consistent in bringing slamming goa trance to the masses, whether it's as an artist or a label head. So homie's got credit with me. This is Simon Palmieri from the good ol' US of A (who is also Apatheya) with another EP and after several listens I popped a silicone tittie. This EP starts off well. A great opener with a screaming 303 and a breakbeat downtempo track that isn't half bad. Then he goes on to nut punch you with an 8-bit Legend of Zelda vs Galaga battle that had me scratching my head. I don't get that type of music. Don't think you can dance to it, and who would pump this out of their car stereo? So...why? Meh, the price is right (free) and you get at least 1 useful track out of it. Still love you Filipe. Even though you nut punched me. Nut puncher. Get it here! Mdk
  9. Hi friends! Help me, please to determine these nice tracks -> http://soundcloud.com/goamantra-1/unknown-sample-1 http://soundcloud.com/goamantra-1/unknown-sample-ambient Thanks in advance!
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlGSCuw4AQU
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szn78M4vanI&feature=g-u-u Availbale on July 14th on EKTOPLAZM! Preview here: http://soundcloud.co...verse-neogoa-in
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPdVZd_8rcc&feature=relmfu Availbale on July 14th on EKTOPLAZM! Preview here: http://soundcloud.co...hotonica-neogoa
  13. Artist: Apatheya Title: At Full Goa Force - Chapter One EP Label: ACP Records Date: June, 2012 1. Getafish 2. The Toppest Another EP release from Filipe's digital label has found it's way into my hard drive and I shall make no apologies for it. This was mixed and produced by Simon Palmieri who is no doubt suckling at the teat of this goa master. I'm sure everyone will be pleased with that image. Too late, can't unthink it. So having listened to these two tracks 10 times in a row I come to the conclusion that they are beholden to the old school sound. As usual they sound great with racing melodies with which you will find yourself entangled. You're not overloaded with sounds, but the ones that are there feel nice and warm. My favorite is The Toppest which sounds just like MFG would with layers and spiraling melodies that have no expiration date. Can't ever have too much goa so great job Simon and Filipe. Highly recommended. ACP Records Mdk
  14. Artist: Vox Title: Alien Humanity EP Label: SpaceDock Records Date: June, 2012 1. Alien Humanity 2. Desired Piece 3. Inner Polarity (Year of Prophecy Mix) *Picks up phone and punches numbers* "Hey Tawana, how are ya? Kids doing ok? Glad to hear it. Mind patching me through to the big guy? Yeah, no problem I'll hold." *Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?* "Mike is that you?" "JC!!! Whassup brother?" "Oh, it's been stressful. What are they thinking taking my rules for humanity out of public schools?" "I was gonna ask you about that." "Do they need more proof I exist, what do I gotta do? Did they think Katrina just happened? They're like children...give them an inch....Sounds like they need a refresher. What city don't you like?" "Whoa man, appreciate the offer, but I don't need that kind of pressure." "And the whole men lying down with men thing? How much clearer do I have to be? "What passage was that?" "Ah, man I don't remember. Somewhere in the back I think. That book is like two thousand pages and you know what it's like when you contract out. Never know what you're gonna get. Take Moses...I know he wasn't my first choice, but 40 f*cking years? Dumb ass kept making left turns. Let you in on a little secret. That was my inspiration for Nascar." "No sh*t? Yeah it's hard to find good help. Remember that time you said you were gonna make a new creature to scare people and make them realize that there were consequences for their actions? Whatever happened to that?" "Oh yeah the Snooki project. Those a-holes at Comedy Central leaked my plan and put it on TV. That They ended up giving her a TV show. Your race is so screwed." "Sounds like you need to relax." "That's another thing. Why did you people make pot illegal? I put it there for a reason. You didn't see the hobbits making a law against it." "I don't have an answer for you. How are your investments?" "Church on every corner brother, I'm making bank." "Well look I just called to say thank you for that Vox EP. It's gotta be some of the most slamming goa I've heard in a while. Dark and atmospheric with brain melting melodies. Absolutely hypnotic. I knew you had to have a hand in this. Love the cover how each letter has upper and lower case." "Cool right? Yeah, I had a moment." "So when are you coming back?" "I dunno, I got some stuff I gotta take care of up here. Tawana's asking for a raise, telling me her kid needs braces...I gotta ticket the other day...the AC went out...." "Keep your head up man and we'll try to keep it together down here." "All right sounds good....oh and Mike? Lay off the porn." "Yeesh...you saw that?" Psyshop Juno Download Mdk
  15. Hey guys, I would like to release special DJ mix of Neogoa's discography on July 14th and I need a DJ who will record that mix, he will be credited and mix will be available for free download with special artwork. So if you got time and skill please let me know here or via my email: iparic70@gmail.com are you interested. Mix should be ~ 75 mins long You will receive enough of material in high quality formats It would be great if you can provide link for your mixes as a showcase For all other questions, contact me via email. Thanks _Richpa
  16. Almost two years after his debut release, Dimitris returns with brand new three-track EP ''Inverted Evolution'' on Graviton Records. Inverted Evolution can be described as perfect combination of night-time ''twilight'' psytrance with hypnotizing Goa trance melodies. Mastering by Igor Čeranić at Deimos Soundlabs with artwork by Ivan Parić at Neogoa Design. Artist: Exelization Album: Inverted Evolution EP Label: Graviton Records Style: Goa Trance, Psytrance Tracklist: 01 - In Extremis (08:29) 02 - Lykofos (08:48) 03 - Cryotrip (12:28) DOWNLOAD WAV/FLAC/MP3 HERE: http://neogoa.bandcamp.com/album/inverted-evolution-ep
  17. On Saturday, July 14th, Earwall Productions and friends are proud to present a special night of retrodelica! Goa trance has a wild and wooly history, stretching over multiple decades and incorporating many different substyles. For one evening, our DJs will take you on a whirlwind tour of its past; hearkening back to a more psychedelic time, we invoke the tribal rhythms, colorful melodies and tripped out sounds of yesteryear. Come make some new memories with us. Schedule: 7-8 PM: Groove coalescence; downtempo and ambient trance 8-10 PM Earwall (Earwall Productions) 80s Goa, Proto-Trance, Acid A goa fan since the mid-nineties, Earwall has spent the last year digging ever deeper into the roots of the scene, back to the days of the analog cassette tape and the re-purposing of electronic pop for early trance dance. Now, he shares his interpretation of the old school Goa vibe, 1984-89. 10PM-12AM Steve Eagle (Heavy Industries) Trance Techno, Psytrance, Goa First exposed to trance in 1994, Steve Eagle has since lent his touch to many different styles of dance music, from progressive psytrance to industrial techno. Whatever the music genre, his smooth, yet aggressive and powerful style always comes through. Expect a blend of goa and classic trance, from a master weaver. 12-2AM Barakuda (Psytribe) Psytrance, Goa As the founder of L.A.'s longest running psytrance collective, Barakuda needs little introduction. For this event, he's digging through the crates in order to bring us a history lesson in 90s goa. We are honored to present a full power midnight mix from this psychedelic veteran; get old-schooled! Beach Snax: fruit, chips, bottled water, homemade cookies The Obscure Bazaar: snag some Goa CDs and records at our booth! 21+ No illegal substances No loud stereos/outdoor noise (for our neighbor's sake ) Please keep the space clean Located in a private studio about 1 mile from the city center. Please send me an email at paul@earwallproductions.com, or send a Facebook message, on the week of the event for directions. This is a free event with no cover charge; donations to help offset the cost of the rented space are very much appreciated. Look for the tip thermos Also, we can always use additional decor. If you have something visual that you'd like to bring to the party, you're more than welcome to. Official event page: http://www.facebook....11754765580463/
  18. http://soundcloud.co...r-solstice-2012 Download My contribution to this years Summer Solstice 2012 event on di.fm! Be blasted away into the depths of space and time! Tracklist 01. Somnesia - Mystic Sun 02. Goasia - I'm Ready 03. Jikooha - Vega (Space Elves Rmx) 04. ToiDoi - Worm Twist 05. ESP - Rabbit Hole 06. Melicia - Adrenalin Rush (Melicia Remix) 07. Electric Universe - Digital Monster 08. Alienn - Materia Feelings 09. Re:Creation - Binary Wake Up 10. Helix Nebula - Diving in Positive Energy 11. Trinodia - Let There be Light (TrinoMixo) 12. w0dk4 - stroj casu 13. Psychowave - Supernova 14. Nemesis - Snake Dance 15. Biot - Radiation 16. 1200 Mics - Mescaline (Live On Mount Fuji Remix)
  19. Artist: Goasia Title: Unvisited Galaxies Label: Spacedock Date: May, 2012 1. Tribal Experience 2. Chemical Brain "What it does is...reaches into your brain...chemically." People ask me why I review Ep's so much. It's like junk food...gives you that quick burst of energy and who the hell has time to sit down and have a full meal. I've got kids and anyone who has kids will tell you that you can't turn your back for a second. The other day I'm rinsing dishes to put in the dishwasher and I look down and my 9 month old is holding a knife. I'm all for letting them explore there world, but she could hurt someone with that. Namely me. There is always something going on, so finding time to digest a whole album and then write a review is a time consuming experience. Remember when I reviewed that darkpsy/forest compilation and I said I was on the crapper? I wasn't kidding. You can lock the door of the crapper. So Ep's are nice short dime bag of music, but unfortunately like potato chips, you cannot stop at one. So that's why I do it. What are you writing a book? Balint Tihamer and Vladislav Radulovic have been at the forefront of goa trance since it came back with a vengeance. Their most recent album Dancing With the Blue Spirit had some excellent tracks where these gentlemen aren't afraid to take goa in different directions. This short 2 tracker is no exception. The cover lets you know that a space theme is in place. Tribal Experience has some tribal chants right in the beginning. I know, I didn't see that coming either. The melody is catchy and not threatening. The way Gremlins weren't threatening. Maybe a little scary, but you knew you could just kick them across the street. Oh and f*ck Gizmo, he started all that sh*t. Like they have done in the past, they meld psytrance with goa so sometimes the lines get blurred. Not bad, but I liked the second one better. It had more racing melodies with a wink to Nitzho imo. Pumping and churning that comes in waves. Thank you gentlemen for a nice little sample of what you're working on. Recommended. Juno Download Mdk
  20. This is part of an self-released EP I'm working. NOTE: I changed my SC page's link (it's /cynodelic).
  21. FREE DOWNLOAD: http://www.sendspace.com/file/xukdmk 01 - PharaOm - Cellar Door 02 - Astrancer - Tetragrammaton 03 - Sky Technology - Cosmic Space 04 - Screw Loose - From Fear To Eternity 05 - Antares - Xibalba 06 - Arronax & Somnesia - Black Hole (Extended Trip) 07 - Mindsphere - To Infinity (2010 Remix) 08 - Blackstarrfinale - Bonetti Defense 09 - Perfect Blind - Exosphere (Spaced Out Mix)
  22. Artist: Eleusyn Title: Atlantis EP Label: Joof Recordings or Joof V.2 whatever the f*ck they're doing over there Date: April, 2012 1. Atlantis 2. Solar Flares- E-mantra, Artifact303, & Reasonandu 3. Ganduri (Elusyn Remix) - Hypno Following the success of Carbon and Phantasm current king of the hill and titan of goa trance E-mantra (Emanuel Carpus) reunites with Reasonandu (Alexandru Dumitrescu) for their 3rd EP Atlantis. Less than a minute and half into the track Atlantis and that all too familiar sound which from this moment forth shall be named the E-mantra preset reaches the ear. As always it's hypnotic and will carry you to that mystical place in your mind. The brief breaks are like a thing alive with sensuous tendrils caressing as a lover would. Solar Flares adds another quality producer into the mix with this progressive goa rambler. Can a track be laid back and aggressive at the same time? This one is has bubbling effects and a searching 303 that carves a path like a hot knife through butter. If that was all there was I would say been there, done that. But the soft touches applied in the break that give rise to a new direction for the layers to flow are quite nice. With a name that sounds like an entree I would get at the local Indian joint (and then release not 30 minutes later) Ganduri takes us into the depths of the ocean in search of that lost city. Perhaps the most lush track on the EP, it has a Merr0w feel to me. Spiraling, ever twisting. Not a slight against Alexandru, this is the vintage E-mantra sound that I personally cannot get enough of. Melodic, soothing, and rich in descriptive layers. All the tracks are hypnotic and a worthy addition to your collection. "Oh yeah...right there....no, no...don't stop." Beatport Mdk
  23. Artist: Chynacid Title: Zen Dimensions EP Label: Acid Chemical Plant Records Date: April, 2012 1. Shuriken 2. Zen Dimensions Filipe, now you know I love your music. You know this. I've reviewed and purchased almost everything you have put out there. But I gotta ask you... 8 F*cking dollars? Really, $8?!? The current exchange rate for GBP to $ is 1.6 so while that is slowly tipping in America's favor, 8 f*cking dollars for two tracks? I can see this happening for three reasons. One, you are aiming to make this a collector's item by making it so expensive people can't justify paying so much for just two tracks. Two, you misplaced a decimal point. Or three, and more likely in my opinion, you just don't give a f*ck. Don't get me wrong, you've earned this with the quality of your music and the sheer amount you have given away in the past. But are people other than me willing to pay that steep a price for 2 tracks? The first Chynacid EP Tofu was brilliant and further reinforced how important Mr. Santos is to modern day goa trance. So do you get the ticket to goa heaven with this EP? I'm not gonna lie. It's pretty damn good. Layers of melody, twisted leads, and the groove to keep you dancing. So yeah, it's good. Worth 8 bucks good? I'll leave that up to you. ACP Records Mdk
  24. Transuniverse Express is brand new release from Chaotic Synthetics, two russian guys (Ivan "Specter" and Vitaly "Reset"), originally from Estonia. It's a true showcase of Graviton Records concept and vision: twisted and energetic psytrance with futuristic Goa trance flavour, perfect for night-time stomping. Get ready for pure cybersonic treat by Chaotic Synthetics! All tracks written, arranged and produced by Ivan Specter and Vitaly Reset, with mastering by Igor Čeranić at Deimos Soundlabs. Visuals and artwork by Ivan Parić at Neogoa Design. Artist: Chaotic Synthetics Album: Transuniverse Express Label: Graviton Records Format: Digital / CDr Release date: 23. February 2012. Style: Twilight Psytrance / Goa Trance Cat No: GRAVRCD001 Tracklist: 1) Freaky Mutant (08:40) 2) Planet Atom (06:44) 3) Nucleogenesis (07:41) 4) Storm (06:50) 5) Double Trouble (07:54) DOWNLOAD AT BANDCAMP | BUY CD | YOUTUBE | SOUNDCLOUD | WEBSITE LINK PROMO POSTER:
  25. Artist: Various Title: The Omega Point Label: Neogoa Date: April, 2012 1. PHARAOM - Rainbow Project 2. SIAM - Colorful Expansion 3. NOVA FRACTAL - Connect 4. TRINODIA - Deceive My Eyes 5. INNERSELF - Modules 6. AGNETON - Wizards From The Future (Afterlife Remix) 7. ARRONAX - The Dark Flow 8. SOMNESIA - Eternal Life 9. PSYRIUS - Draconid (Imba's Be My Light Remix) After reviewing the absolutely awful Dynamic album (yeah I know it's my own fault. Blind people told me to get the hell out of the way.) I attempted to throw myself down the deepest hole I could imagine where escape was all but impossible. So you can imagine my surprise when God called to me from the internet parting the sea of bits and bytes...Ok, it was actually Richpa who said, f*ck it, here are some wave files, have fun! Seeing a release from Neogoa is like the LOTR scene where the Balrog falls into the chasm and just when you think Gandalf made it out....BAM! He plummets into some new goa freshness. But instead of fighting for my life against an evil minion from the underworld I get to immerse myself in twisted goa melodies that this netlabel was known for. The tracklist is more impressive than the ability of a fat man and 12 reindeer to deliver all the presents in one evening. "Sorry Detroit, looks like we'll be spending a little more time in Mexico this year!" So while label head Ivan Richpa has devoted the lion's share of his time to Graviton Records he still wanted to keep Neogoa alive. Mastered by the guy who seems to master everything, Igor Ceranic (aka Deimos) is on sound quality while Ivan did the artwork. Pleasing to the eye, no? One thing you'll notice by looking at the liner notes is the varied countries that are represented here. It's like a f*cking Benneton ad. More the merrier I say. What you get are 9 varied tracks that should do the trick. Frenchman Oswald Pfeiffer opens with a great track with an even greater intro sample. Unified theory and teleportation are the keywords but it's the numerous evolving and twisting melodies that unfurl like a flag in a hurricane that garner the most attention. I've heard a couple of tracks by John Pitsakis before, but I think this is the first one he's actually released. Good for him, he's talented. It's more of a progressive sounding goa track that takes a while to get on its giddy up, but once it gets going it's a nice bit of sunshine. Nova Fractal is Renato Brnic from Croatia who delivers one of the stronger efforts here complete with breakbeat (I love you...squeal!) and moody atmosphere. Reminds me of Filtertraces. Not a stormer, but a track that you can melt into. Has their been a faster rising star than this guy? This Daniel Eldstrom from Sweden and I remember him working with Miraculix in his psytrance days, but he has really come into his own in the goa medium. This is the track for me, as it absolutely slays. Spiritual, grandiose, and just manhandles anything within reach. What a great sample also. "Oh yeah, you like that? You want some more? Hold up...what is that? Is that...is that a Ho-Ho? Gimme dat f*ckin' ho-ho! Mines b*tch! Uh! Uh! Like Lionel Richie we can do this all night long!" Kristian Petkovski from Macedonia unfortunately has to follow that so it's not all his fault. He is also right before the 2nd best track on the comp so perhaps he is just a victim of poor placement. It's not bad, but when you are the meat of the sandwich you better be more than spam. Elias comes in at a close second to Trinodia here as he does what he usually does. Crazy melody heavy goa with a kiss of nitzho. The lead is a scorcher so don't forget the sunscreen. "Nah it's ok baby, you can pet me...I'm like a teddy bear. Yeah...that's it." Mirza Aljic from Bosnia Hersa...Herca...Bosnia is set to release his debut album on Graviton and I cannot wait. Now he brings an abrasive lead over the top while the surrounding gurgling flows without restraint. You might like it. You might not. Public Enemy had a sound that was like this and that camp was divided as well. I'm not saying he is as legendary as PE. Not yet. But he's got intense melodies that keep changing sounds, always seem to be building to the knockout blow. Good God he is hideous. You do realize he was part of one of the most revolutionary rap groups right? Know how hard it is to find evidence of that little Gremlin dancing around? Christophe Grossel from France is the third best track for me here, but loses out only by a fraction. Dancing melodies with a great break that really pull you in. It really is a deep tour de force that is absolutely hypnotic and powerful. Superb. Knock knock motherf*cker, there's a new sherrif in town. The liner notes say this is Psynews own Nikola Petrovic from Serbia to close things out with a downtempo joint, but with the racing scales I could swear it's keyboard cat. Waitaminute...maybe Nikola is keyboard cat. You clever kitty, suck them in with cuteness and then drop your goa bombs on em all! Truthfully I don't have any proof that he is keyboard cat, but I also don't have anything disproving it. Either way its mystical, ethinc sounding slowness warms the skin. And there you have it, goa awesomeness served up the Neogoa way. Quality tunes with an unbeatable price tag. Several styles are represented so there should be something here for everyone. Unless you're into rap goa, and I haven't heard any of that yet. I don't think Flav is working...he would do it. That motherf*cker would do anything for a few scheckels. Hey if we can get a Croat and a Serb together on one compilation perhaps there is hope for this little mudball yet. Get your goa on! Ektoplazm Mdk
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