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Paul Eye

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Everything posted by Paul Eye

  1. Remember what happened with "the new Hallucinogen album" :DDDD
  2. Why not wait for the official polls topic to appear sometimes in the beginning of next year? This year isn't even over yet.
  3. And again :DD I'm almost certain I've already abandoned this idea.
  4. That's a bit along the lines of what I, uh, "realized" the other day. Goa/psy trance is supposed to be (to put it simply) "psychedelic dance music", yet much of the stuff made gets the "psychedelic" and "dance" parts down and more or less neglects the "music" part of it (yes, I'm especially looking at you, darkpsy derivatives, but not exclusively). Can't explain it better than that as I'm not exactly a wordsmith.
  5. Well here's a little surprise for us: Heba actually found the master tapes when looking for something to play at the party. So that party of ours was the first time these tracks were played live
  6. Heba actually played a DJ set at our oldschool outdoors goa party this summer. Lots of old and unreleased (if my memory serves me right) Finnish goa/suomisoundi in that set. He didn't mention anything concerning this though, no idea if the lost tapes were discovered before or after the party. I'l give this a proper listen a bit later. I'm intrigued, that's for sure
  7. 1000 plays today. Hugs to all who listened <3
  8. Weird clicks in playback (foobar2000, both with DirectSound and ASIO). Also the fact that I basically had to plug the rec out of my DJ mixer into 2 mono channels; trying to match the input levels was too much of a hassle. The ESI interface has RCA inputs on its back panel, so now I can connect both my mixer and my guitar to it, when needed And for the record, the UR22 was the MKII version.
  9. Well I've had the feeling at least for the past 15 years that modern technology hates me in one way or another. All my computers (bought my first own PC in 1999) have fucked up in one way or another. Well, except for my gig laptop that's locked up only once during the 8,5 years I've had it. And the 2 audio interfaces I've had for it have both crapped out on me once, all this in of course the most unfortunate situations. The past about 5 years it's been running rock solid. Quite the achievement for what could be considered a cheap piece of crap Oh, and also, one of my studio monitors emits a weird *zip* when I turn it off (not that I turn them off very often anyway).
  10. Being somewhat pissed off at hardware. First, about a few months ago one of my soundcards (ESI Juli@ XTe) literally fried. It wasn't under warranty anymore so I tried to find a replacement PCIe card, with zero luck, so USB was the way to go. After some mishaps with a Steinberg UR22 (which I returned for a full refund) I settled for an ESI U22 XT. At least that one has been running rock solid (and I sure hope the situation stays that way). Then, one of my hard drives really started acting up (it had been a bit wonky already during summer but I didn't have time to do anything about it), so I had to get a replacement. Having lost some stuff I won't get back again in a hard drive crash some years ago, I didn't ask myself twice if I really should replace this one. Luckily I was able to rescue everything from the failing drive And next, one of the fans on my GTX770 failed. The card was still under warranty so I had it replaced, with a 770 that wasn't exactly DOA, but severely wounded so to say. Of course I had that one replaced too, and to my surprise got a 970 as a replacement. Well, at least it has been running well so far. That whole ordeal took almost 2 weeks. And now it seems the eSATA ports on my motherboard have failed (interestingly enough, the eSATA ports on my previous computer never worked...). Disabled them in BIOS for now. So, as 3 of my 4 external hard drives relied on eSATA, I need to think of some new USB solution. Of course, having only 1 free USB3 port left my only option seems to be a dock where I can swap the hard drives as needed. Not particularly optimal but what else can I do? Also, the channels on my DJ mixer fail every now and then. It's still quite rare (and I sure hope it stays that way, or rather goes away for good) so when it happens it catches me quite by surprise. Strangely enough, what fixes this is to toggle the channel input switch... And of course, all of this has put quite a dent in my already limited funds. Here's to hoping no more hardware decides to blow up.
  11. Just got this yesterday so it hasn't really sunk in yet. ...but that bassline in "He Waits, Dreaming" is very much Doof
  12. Yes. Give me everything he did (apart from the UX/Slide albums), released or unreleased in the '90s in one neat package and my life is, if not exactly complete, then at least a bit more fulfilled
  13. I've had the pleasure of seeing these guys live twice within the last month (the only live gigs they've played so far). As they put it themselves, "crunchy and graceful alternative metal", with a healthy dose of nonstandard time signatures and elements that makes this proper "trance" (as in, the state of mind/being) music to me; I've been nothing short of mesmerized both times they've played. And with 3 guitarists the sound is nicely detailed. So far they have one song on Soundcloud, and it's one of the 2 more easygoing songs they have: Of course, hearing this played live vs listening to it at home, the difference is like night and day. Also, funny thing is, I know 2 of the guys from the band, but had no idea they have a band like this until about a month ago
  14. Finally remembered to back this, luckily the campaign wasn't over yet (not many days left it seems)
  15. Well, I don't know about the "perfectly" part, but all my Soundcloud goa mixes are a blend of old and new, except for the Kosmos ones (they're downtempo goa anyway), and the DI.fm one is a mishmash of goa and fullon
  16. Well, you can count me out then. Entheogenic being one of my least favourite downtempo artists on the planet. That, and a shitty financial situation too (not that I'd get it if my finances were OK anyway). No offense meant of course, I bet you'll have lots of people drooling over this. Just not me.
  17. Well, of course basically any DAW software these days has that MIDI mapping feature. The advantage of Automap is that the settings are saved per plugin (in Automap) and not per project/DAW. You map your plugin once and those same parameters are applied to the controller no matter what software you open the automapped plugin in
  18. I actually like your murky approach. I feel myself getting progressively more annoyed by the swirling/cosmic/spiritual style of goa. You have a unique touch, I hope you stick to it I see what you did there
  19. This. It supports Automap, which for all practical purposes kicks ass
  20. I'm absolutely sure I've heard that arp/melody starting at 0:18 in some other track. Some downtempo but I'm not 100% sure, a bit faster than this. Not sure if it's the same synth/preset/sound. Help me out here?
  21. Thanks for your input, Kristian. Of course it's good to hear what's up, straight from the source
  22. Why should he use our crowdfunding money to pay back some party organizers, completely unrelated to the campaign? Doesn't look very trustworhty to me if he takes money but doesn't deliver (which this album campaign is really starting to look like). Unless there's something behind the scenes nobody's willing to talk about (again, and not specifically related to Elysium, but in general).
  23. Hmm, personally I'm not really sure what to think of this yet (depends on what you release, and on my financial situation which is a bit of a disaster at the moment). Anyway, an honest observation: you might need to rework your logo a bit. I mean, I'm not a professional designer by any measure, but that "Reprints" word in your logo suffers from some awful kerning problems. It looks more like Re p r ints to me. Apart from that, good luck on your project. If I can support it remains to be seen...
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