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Everything posted by alleycat

  1. HAHA!!! I thought I was the only one producing with a 500mhz.... Ive got a bit more RAM than that though.... I would suggest a new computer for both of us DLing now! EDIT: Maybe you're machine is fine! Nice track! Nice and clear. The hats may need a bit of work... I say that alot though... I know my own work has the same problem.... Gives me hope that I can indeed make good tracks on my own dinosaur. Keep it up man!
  2. GOE-liveset Check the music promotion section to get yourself a copy! Its good!
  3. My first electronic purchase, also my first psychedelic purchase! Lovely lovely lovely!!!!
  4. hehe, be the official Psynews ambassador to the strange planet SecondLife? Possibly... I work on a mine site in central Nevada. Literally right in the middle of nowhere.
  5. Really, they should try some ACTUAL reality for a change. But maybe some of them are like me, stuck in the middle of nowhere working in a remote place... Usually I wait til days off in town to go to a party though! Id really like to try SecondLife at least once... Just so I know whether or not it really is as lame as it seems. THough Im not sure, with the packet-based satellite connection out here, it would work out. ANd when Im on days off the computer is the last thing I want to see.
  6. THanks Pedro, thats a lot of help! My amp is a Pyle 2000w with 2 channels (1000w each), and as far as I can tell it has an automatic cutoff or something like that that cuts the output when it gets clippy. But I could be mistaken! When I looked at the amp, after teh speakers stopped workign properly, the channel volumes were turned up only about 1/3 of the way around the dial, maybe this is why they blew... Not ENOUGH output? One thing I know for DAMN sure is Im never going to allow anyone I dont really know to handle or setup my speakers. Not after what happened last time. NO FUCKING WAY.
  7. Just got this one myself! Just yesterday actually. NP: VA-High-Way 420 (Geomagnetic.tv)
  8. DLing... some nice picks there man! very well put-together!
  9. pretty sweet! Did you make an outline or is that total freehand? either way, you must have a pretty boring work... Like me... spending hours on Psynews...
  10. Its like a jazzed up chatroom. I guess that could be said about all of Second Life.... To me, being at a party is like taking a journey to another dimension, immersed in madness and wonder around every corner. I imagine getting into the virtual party, then the phone rings or something and ZAP your back in this reality. At a party theres none of the distractions of daily life. This however seems to be ANOTHER distraction of daily life.
  11. Cujorius One-liveset Find it on Isratrance in the "new tracks" section. You can find Isra, right? So far so good!
  12. exactly. IMO its for those who are either too young or too socially inept. Or those who have actually lost all contact with reality, their bodies have atrophied in the hunched over typing position, and grown a few extra fingers to type faster. And a mouse tentacle.
  13. VA-Set-4 Essentials (Iboga) Track 4- Yotopia-Believe :dancingmonkey:
  14. I saw a flyer not long ago, somewhere on Isratrance. This flyer was for a party in a place called Festival Island, which as I found out is not anywhere in actual reality. Apparently they're having parties in SecondLife now! It sounds like a good thing, at first, but then I think back to all the valuable experiences Ive had at actual reality parties. Most of those things are not something you can duplicate with a display, no matter how detailed it is. I can't imagine dancing for hours in front of the computer. Or taking any drugs! Half the fun of partying to me is losing yourself in the sea of lights, people, smells, and of course the sounds!! Maybe, though, this will be the chance for those around here who never get out much to actually catch a whiff of what its like at a real party... And, too, the sound will only be as good as your comp speakers. Which in my case are shit. Its a nice idea, I think they even had a liveact playing. But all in all it seems just like a party in WoW, without battles. Just a bunch of avatars jerking around to the music. Now, when the sound is booming, and the display is a headset and gloves to manipulate things, and theres a treadmill under your feet, then maybe it could come pretty close. But think of all the cash you'd have to spend on all that gear. It would be cheaper to buy a bunch of cds, cd players, mixer and speakers, and throw your own parties whereever you are. Thoughts? Comments? Rants against the technological world?
  15. I have a so-so amp, not really a well known name, Ive never seen it on pro audio sites... Pyle? Anyone hear of that brand? It seems to be working after the weekend but I dont have any speakers now to test... Next time Im in town I gotta check out the stores around there... Ive been noticing, as on the Dynacord site, these setups that have speakers as the base of a pole with another speaker on top, which are pretty compact, but Im wondering if they actually do put a lot of sound out. Anyone know anything about these? My dad's bluegrass group (hehe, you may be interested to know they toured Germany (Bavaria) a few years ago) has those ultrathin Bose towers, which are about 1000USD each... But they sure do have some SWEET sound...
  16. Hey after a bad experience this past weekend, which included my 2 speakers blowing out due to insane high-end on gabber (:phear:) and djs who didnt listen, Im seeking new and better speakers. I want good quality, high-wattage speakers for use in parties. Also, where to get them would help a lot, and by that I mean online, as Im in the US and probably have different electronic stores near me... Anyone have any good stories about good speakers? And which ones to avoid (Besides the noname "Acoustic Audio" brand ), actually this is the most important thing I want to know. Links are nice. Any links to speaker-building or maintenance is great also! I know I need to get a limiter as well, so when I do get the nice speakers I can have insane high-end on the gabber and not worry (Except that the music will turn everyone into gabbers...), well you get the point. I go away from the dancefloor for 5 minutes, come back, and the highs are blown.... :angry:
  17. longest Ive ever spent in one sitting, making a whole song, was about 8 hours. Ive made songs in around an hour before but :phear: Usually a few hours spent getting the basics out is not unheard of. Id say total time spent on a good-sounding track, that I consider to be as close to done as I can get, takes about 20 hours. Sometimes more, sometimes less, it depends on the inspiration. Sometimes I work on a tune for 15-20 mins and toss it. Its not good to try and make something thats just bad in every aspect into something good, Ive found it to be easier to just give up and try again when you feel inspired. But no matter how "done" it sounds, Ive never once actually thought of a track as 100% done. Makes me wonder if "done" even exists...
  18. P.O.T.S.: Creating Social Success [Tribal Vision 1CD] Compilation: Trash Art [Tribal Vision 1CD] M-Field: Current Of Life [Psybooty 1CD] Aphid Moon: Global Culture [Nano Rec. 1CD] Mechanix: One Man Game [Yage Records 1CD] Toxic: Sabotage [Yabai 1CD]
  19. Gappeq-38k1 (Sonic Pantomime-Ketuh) a warm morning in the desert, with an unbroken view for a good ways in all directions, dancing with smiling freaks!
  20. I'll post a new link ASAP! Glad to hear I did ok enough. The MT thing wont happen again (unless I forget it.... ). Thanks for listening all! AcidKills: sorry to snag the tracks you wanted to use, looks like we have similar taste! And yes, an in/outro is not a bad plan. (I actually wasnt even going to share this, I thought it was much worse than it is. Really just a listen-at-work mix.. ) I can do better if I try harder. Which isnt that hard! I'll be posting more Im sure.
  21. nice! I do the same thing, when boredom, pens, and paper meet.
  22. Audiopathik kills! Amazing live set too. Now Playing: Disc 2 Track 2-Chromatone-Mental Mechanix
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