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Everything posted by technosomy

  1. if there's no inside joke, there are posford? or hallucinogen shirts in production??
  2. no i think it's heck..... heck of an amazing producer
  3. which is great as he got the trance itch back!
  4. don't think it's the same track he just posted samples of
  5. ok ok now that title was just to get your attention but anyone who follows simon on facebook will have already heard samples MAYBE under hallucinogen. now i am not talking about the noodniks, because the samples are sounding very hallucinogen, and sounding AWSOME! now i know lots of people have been excited about the new AP album announced back in 1969 but this is gonna be bigger....... hopefully! your thoughts?? predictions??? dribble??? because i got sticky pants!
  6. but this is something else, i have never really ever been a UX fan in the past, couple slide tracks otherwise didn't take much notice. but this album is special hence i bought it again for obvious reasons
  7. none of your music will ever be forgotten bro, 20 years on am still listening, just give us time to digest your new sound (won't take long)
  8. nice one thanks for clearing that up hope the post option i paid isn't strapped to a 3 legged yak average time eu to australia 2- 3 months at moment
  9. awsome! i have the original anjuna, is this different in any way? am assuming just different artwork? gonna take a punt and buy it because it's absolutley amazing (my first goa purchase of the year i think) and to support you guys for making this re happen, so others can hear it also, and we can finally put the anjuna crisis to rest just hoping it makes it to australia
  10. wow, this is a new direction great so far i am still lost in Ruoste, stumbling around, hoping to make it to the next track shortly
  11. try sellers in usa there are some, if you have facebook, they say who they are on their page
  12. i honestly don't remember but bought it when came out, but don't remember that??
  13. no i didn't but did like the track when came out, bought the album wasn't quite the same
  14. i reckon hope D P not been sweating on this result!
  15. pitch black - Electronomicon just received mine and quality is amazing, if you havn't heard this make sure you do beside a single, this is the first time they have ever pressed any of their albums, and this is def their best will never be repressed again so get it before it's gone https://music.pitchblack.co.nz/
  16. yeah the on selling has just got ridiculous. i to was surprised no announcement as was expecting some notice like the others, for are you shpongled my girl and i got up at 3 am to purchase. she messaged me at work today and told me about it, was all confused and she just went ahead and bought a red one, so would have missed it otherwise, but yes i think they will do another press
  17. i got one just! sold out in minutes hope you got yours lots of people in america not happening as they were asleep when it went up for sale finally some luck falls for us in australia my collection is now complete
  18. yeah does seem a bit weird because hannah has been working hard getting web store up but she has it for sale on her site, so maybe memo have some rights??
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