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Tsotsi last won the day on February 20

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  1. Interesting thoughts here. As always my taste is tested as I put the lower ranked tracks as my favs. Etnica was fine but not anywhere near my favourite or most memorable of their tracks. I'd put a track like Etnica - Surpressive Fire above this one. It's ofcourse technically competent and very well made but I don't get a very strong emotional connection from it nor is there a particular "High" that makes me saw "Wow". In that sense the rest of the comp isn't ruined for me at all. I find Goad, Fiery Dawn & Seti Projects to be the standouts with Fiery and Seti giving me moments where I need to do a double take, coming out of the tracks like "wtf just happened" Goads was incredibly hypnotic and circular like a spiral tunnel you're being shot down as you go around and around. BOTFB aren't usually my style, I don't have any real favourites from them and this track doesn't change that. I understand what others like about them but for me I probably need to see them live for it to properly connect. Quite like the dreamy Innerzone track. The final act brings it home but it's got nothing on tracks from the latest Odyssey album.
  2. Glad someone mentioned this and it was at the top of the feed. Been looking for this style and can't wait to jump in. Only just listened to Read More and sometimes get so into it sometimes doesn't hit the same. Sounds like this might be similar. Will come back with thoughts.
  3. Hey Joti thanks for the understanding. Btw really appreciate the posts you've made otherwise. Honestly using Soundpark (dodgy Russia website) was how I found psytrance and then Goa trance. Without it I may never have gotten into this genre. But now that I know labels I feel that is the better way to continue discovering releases via Bandcamp etc.
  4. Just realized but gotta be honest. Not a big fan of you posting free download links on the site. They look dodgy but also take away from an artist a potential sale which would go a long way to them making more music. You do you, but don't think it should be on Psynews. I'm not saying I don't want you Jotinha here. Just the links on the Russian shop remind me of soundpark
  5. I'm not sure why yet but this Out Of Orbit release is the one I connect with the most. Last track particularly amazing. Love all the sounds and design. Pretty much everything I like about progressive trance in each track, classic Loud style bass and kicks. A lotta fun.
  6. I found the sound of this one more in line with the old Median Project (depths of space) release. But the melodies are based more on arpeggios and key progression than solid singular acid lines. Kretsløp was more in your face but the melodies carried a bit further and had more extension to them. I like both. But am really liking this one at the moment. Will probs be my fav from the artist. The bass lines and bubbly low end on same tracks are particularly dark and awesome. Giving it a good balance.
  7. I agree with Trolsk. I've been following GoaPsyRecords since their first few releases on Bandcamp. I always found the production quality quite high and good. Very polished sound and also very original. But the label name and this album title in general make me think they are unaware of everything inside of the overall genre, which may be a good thing. But for finding them online. Very hard. Ablass has always been my favourite on the label tho and this release sounds pretty great. The hardest and dare I say 'darkest' psy I've heard from Ablass so far.
  8. Great story and what a save. Listening to it now, love the intro and can already tell the rest is going to be great.
  9. Used to love me some Rocket League and Goa/prog psy. In the end I got worse and worse as I cared less about the game and more about the music.
  10. I feel similar to the Doktor in that I don't find anything bad about this release and actually quite like it. But there is nothing in the tracks for me to latch onto, no big moment to wait for and no real way for me to prefer one track over the next. On the point of VR, this is great music to have on while playing a racing game or going for a drive at night.
  11. Nice review. I feel mostly the same way about the tracks here as you. Shadwows, Myriad Vision, escape from withered temple my favourites. A step away from their more tribal, spacey, organic album Human Control which I think is there best to date. But that album had more tracks so about the same % I feel are unique and A+ tracks. Gargantuan Tribes is indeed fantastic but the chaos of Homunculus made it my favourite from the album. Likewise on Human Control we got Future.exe and The Captain Is Dead which really stood out to me as well as the first 2 tracks. On the same note Shadows comes across as the most chaotic to me which makes it a favourite here. What I really appreciate is they have 3 strong albums, all distinct from one another but all distinctly Triquetra. The talent on these two is crazy and one of the artists where I can always feel the energy of their 'soul' / 'state of mind' / 'bodies' behind the tracks they make.
  12. Darkest techno(ish) I could recommend would be Nibanas side project Amortalist https://zenonrecords.bandcamp.com/album/within-the-singularity-24-bit
  13. I've tried to use jungle tv and didn't really get what I should be doing on it and just haven't had a chance to dive back in. Any videos about it you know of I can give a watch to understand better
  14. Tsotsi

    20 YEARS

    I posted this to a headphone forum the other day and got this reply from a guy "This has some real nice early 1999 sounds happening, in 1999 the vibe sounded and felt just like this does today as opposed to listening to the 1999 music today which some has aged not so well. Fantastic share. I was expecting a way more generic Psy Trance rhythm when i mistakingly judged its cover."
  15. I've been reading the comments/reviews of the book, it sounds interested if you're interested in race observations and musings. Personally I find the topic boring. Race always seems to be discussed from the industrial revolution onwards. As if atleast 10,000 of human cohabitation hasn't existed with non step never ending feuds for various reasons, but mostly for the deep down desire for conflict that out species seems to have. Race is just one excuse of many to justify our violence and deep rooted disdain to members of our species. So when it comes to looking at tiny little enclaves of sub cultures upon counter-cultures of our species and the way race plays into that, sure it could be interesting. But I don't find it particularly helpful or illuminating to know about it. Sorry for the diatribe, like I said I haven't read the book, just basing this off comments and the synopsis. No hate for posting this or anything, just my opinion of these topics Have you read it?
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