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Everything posted by reger

  1. I guess its not that hard to make Overbloody Flood remix anyway, given how prominent and dominant the main melody is, take the sample loop and add 16th note bassline and killer kick, throw in some holy spirit of whichever belief system you like and voila, its ready !
  2. Thats true, it might discredit further research.
  3. Youre spot on there, take the hot chick away and youve got superb cover !!!
  4. http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?/user/1607-regger/
  5. Yeah, works for the first time only tho, I tried to click search button many times
  6. reger


    Good one, Ormion ! Mine is simple, when I registered I didnt want to come up with anything thoughtful or that makes sense to someone, so I choosed first 3 letters from the word "register", as in, registering as a new member ! Then I reversed REG and got REGGER, but unfortunately something went wrong with registration or my e-mail and I couldnt log into my newly created account so the same/next day I registered REGER. And thats, my kids, how the legend was born... EDIT: See, this is part of history http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?/user/1607-regger/
  7. I dont care tbh, I still dont support GMO, never will despite what scientists say, until I see that its really harmless... which is impossible to detect at the moment, decades will pass, perhaps generations...
  8. Draeke, when you said prepare for live Etnica now I imagined that youre talking about LIVE Etnica/Pleiadians 90s hit storm playing them reall live as a band at some party in near future You know, given how dedicated you are to this and how far have you been able to go to actually push guys to allow those unrlsd tracks to be released I believe one day you might as well pull it trough as well ! Even better, some day, because of your persistence all 4 of them will gather together for one last mind bending album of the universe ! *dreams* But hey, dreams do come true once in a while ! BTW, Draeke, your DAT page is still down for me, its already n-th day
  9. ...to become more dependant on their masters-enslavers than before Nobody in their sane money making mind will ever create cure for disease to cure people, its far more profitable to make them addicted to your medicines/alcohol/cigaretes/music+movie industry etc
  10. Didnt listen to it just yet, but previous DI comps have had some nice tracks there, good work guys !
  11. reger

    Etnica - 2012 EP

    Not my cup of tea, some goods moments, especially first track, but overall just like all Etnica's recent stuff - dull for me. New Pleiadians on the other hand delivers, really like it, well done, guys ! Oh and your Teknica is also an interesting project! Any thoughts about doing some quality downtempo album, Equator was good, so as your intros and downtempo parts in your recent tracks
  12. Oh, their(Pleidians) new EP is quite good IMO, much better than anything they have released under Etnica/Pleidians in post-Family Of Light/Equator era. I believe nothing much and detailed was ever said about their album in that thread EDIT: Etnica's EP on the other hand was boooring! BTW, their Teknica sounds somewhat good IMO.
  13. Thanks, listening to the first track of it right now, really diverse sounding and nice! Thanks for pointing towards this release !
  14. Was too lazy to google, I hope you dont mind lol *downloading*
  15. BTW, that modern FR tattoo looks rad, Technosomy, real cool and futuristic !
  16. at both! Hey, thats awesome !
  17. Every animal, food, bug treated with GM or any other commercial thing created with GM should be banned forever. Im totally against GM and nobody will convince me otherwise.
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