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Everything posted by Dolmot

  1. I'd get a fractal tattoo but it would take ages to get the edge just right.
  2. Of all psy releases ever, this does not have any Mandelbrote on its cover. How devious is that?
  3. Based on the preview, it sounds exactly like it should. By the way, if you recognise any of the following sentences: "All modern goa is just piles of cheesy layers." "I want something new that isn't shite." "I'd listen to new stuff if it wasn't just random squeaks over a copy-paste machine gun bassline." "Artists should develop their own, characteristic style." Then maybe you should consider this? I've come to realise that it's one fine answer to my usual gripes. (I was typing this before the message above appeared. Weird. )
  4. Basically boozing, with festive quality booze, though. It has been a complex year, especially the end part being really exhausting. Some very interesting turns ahead. Let's see what happens... It think I'll go outside to enjoy my beer, snow and fireworks without doing anything in particular.
  5. The whole em:t label was a hit. Well, maybe a sleeper hit or something. People found it gradually, in many cases only after it already had folded. Woob has been quite active again in the last five years. Unfortunately, his release formats and limited edition tricks have become so weird that I've given up even trying to figure out how to actually buy the music...
  6. After first full listen... I must say: don't let the 20 pages of poetry and whatnot make you think that this is just a gimmick release. The music is carefully picked too. Recently there have been a bunch of 2CD compilations, which have a certain shovelware feel to them - press anything by anyone with any connection to goa production. Often even single-CD compilations have quite dodgy selection. Here we have 3 CDs, yet I can't recall any tracks which felt like outright filler. Of course, everything in there cannot be strictly my cup of tea, but the cheapest dear-god-skip-this-now attempts of production are largely absent. Well, there's even a complete Artifact303 mini-album hidden in there so the only question is whether the result manages to meet the high expectations. I think it did. Worth the wait, worth the price, thanks to dedication and quality control. I'll let you know if I want to change my opinion after further listening.
  7. Yep, Electra and Dimension 5's Harmonic Convergence are still my definitive tracks of the classic era, which have both the power and certain elegance. Obviously any schmuck can set a track to a ludicrous speed and repeat the same crescendo for eight minutes, but that's generally just silly. There's plenty of room for actual progression. Some artists got it, while still delivering relentlessly. That's what made the genre cool. Although I admit that people have got really close sometimes - maybe even better, but nostalgia glasses distort the comparison. We might consider other tracks strictly better, had they been released in 1997, but that's just speculation.
  8. I throw in Cyborganik - The Centre of the Cyclone. I guess technically speaking it doesn't include that many different patterns, but it's a neat example of a strongly lead-driven track which is not particularly cheesy.
  9. Yeah...I really prefer shops/previews, where one click plays at least long samples of the whole album or even more. Then I go cooking, reading or whatever. Then, if any of the tracks makes me go "Hey hey hey, what's this?!", it has potential. If that never happens, it's probably forgettable. If I have to stop cooking to skip tracks or close the whole damn thing, it's bad. That's my favourite filter to select stuff for purchasing. Pushing dozens of play buttons individually and limiting other activities to tab-switching every minute makes me sad. Especially if there are fifty new albums to browse.
  10. Hallucinogen in Dub (the original album) It's been a while.
  11. Strange...I get loads of "suspicious position" errors on the last tracks of CD1 and CD3 - not just one or two but hundreds of them. However, the output files sounded perfectly fine on a quick listen with no audible skips or other artifacts. Maybe I should compare them against the official FLACs to see if anything really breaks. These aren't even particularly long CDs so that shouldn't be the reason. Does that pressing plant suck or what? I've got assorted errors on MR1, Live in Athens, and now this, all brand new and sealed. It shouldn't be that hard to produce a fully functional CD. It's a bit sad if download versions become a necessity to circumvent pressing errors. I think at least Analog Dreams, MR2, and all singles have been fine, though.
  12. NetHack 3.6.0 is out after a 12 year hiatus in official releases. However, I still have to get some work done this year so I don't dare to run it.
  13. Denshi Danshi - Fluid Dynamics Night Hex - Viziuni Nocturne Skizologic - Robotized Goa Trance Legacy
  14. They're all female... They could send some to Mars. Well, they did send Asterope to Mars. (Or not. Greek mythology/pantheon is sometimes a bit difficult to follow.)
  15. Yes. Already e-mailed about it today. Looks like the zip really has become corrupted at some point. CDs 2 and 3 were fine, though, as were the rest of the files in that zip.
  16. I still remember what Bill wrote about the Contact album: So the plot supposed to be there, intentionally, yet people are not guaranteed to get it...
  17. The entry for "progressive" in Ishkur's guide to rave culture only said "Regressive." I still trust that.
  18. Sometimes I make mixes of new stuff I find interesting...
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