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Everything posted by johnb820

  1. johnb820


    Richpa, I liked that post. Interesting find Themaniac. Mind you, I started to feel this while in a lying position, though to be fair it was a typical hospital bed on a slight incline so I wasn't fully flat. I should probably tell them to lay me down fully flat the next time I need an immunization or they draw blood.
  2. johnb820


    I have to assume it's just fear. The symptoms are really that of a panic attack and the resulting extremely low blood pressure. It surprised the nurses when they were not able to get a blood pressure reading for a good 15-20 minutes, possibly because of how low it was. If you are not getting enough oxygen to those vital parts of the body all sorts of normal bodily functions can start failing, including vision.
  3. johnb820


    So for reasons that I am not even fully aware of just yet, I was recently in a hospital and they decided they needed to do some blood tests. Well, I have a VERY bad phobia of needles. My blood pressure drops like a rock to dangerously low levels. As soon as they did it, you know, and they pretend to talk to you about other things to distract you from the reality that they stuck a foreign metallic object into your blood vein, I could feel the dizziness set in. This time though, it got really really bad. My vision was going, my arms were vibrating, and I was in a pool of my own sweat. Can't say I didn't warn them. The interesting part of my story though was that my vision, which was getting very dodgy, started to take on the patterns of the artwork to Filteria's Heliopolis. Magentas and Cyans were in symmetric patterns all around my field of vision. No little brains floating around, but it was very bizarre. I don't know what that says about me, but I figured since only you all could really relate I would share with you.
  4. Seclusion and Fate are wonderful. I do wish the chord progressions had more development or variety within each track, but there are enough layers to keep it interesting and I totally get what Ali was doing.
  5. This is a VERY nice gesture! As soon as I have a desktop computer again I will grab these. Thank you!
  6. Yea so I was evicted for being late on rent. Since I do not own a car or have anyone that could help me move my stuff I had to leave almost everything behind. The landlord was not too happy about that but oh well. I am OK now. I found a room to rent earlier this past week but I did spend nearly a month sleeping in whatever 24 hour public buildings I could find. It was pretty insane.
  7. I feel bad I have yet to listen to this album. Unfortunately I was basically homeless for most of December and lost virtually all of my possessions. I don't have the money to buy this just yet but I will have to give it a listen on YouTube or bandcamp.
  8. Sorry to be the outlier but I'm not too excited about bandcamp. The player on the site itself needs a lot of work, if I understand correctly there is a limit to the number of downloads available even if it's "name your price", the social aspects of the site are deeply lacking, and there is basically no search feature. There desperately needs to be a quick and easy way to donate to the artist right on the site, and better options for customization. The only positives are the well integrated shopping cart and variety of file types available. Maybe bandcamp is nice as a label to organize things, but building your own website is really really easy and you could have complete control over everything.
  9. The way I see it, truth and falsehood are just two sides of the same coin. Both can either hurt or help your situation, while the coin remains the same. You are free to choose either one. You might as well be truthful in all cases. Personally, I consider truth to be that which you observe and the expression of that observation which is accepted by the vast majority of people. So let's do a thought experiment. If there are 100 people in a room and all but one person agrees on some fact, regardless of whether the "fact" has been observed, even if that one naysayer truly does know the observable and proven truth, that which the 99 other people agreed upon is the truth. Further to this, it holds that we can all agree on at least 1 thing such as mortality, and so truth must exist. The key is to take actions in life based on truth, however it manifests itself because to do otherwise would be to halt forward movement. Whether we live or die as a species is not up to any one individual. Of course, nothing I say should be considered truth to anyone but myself unless you feel like agreeing, because you are free to choose either one. For an education on this I highly recommend reading Umineko No Naku Koro Ni, a mystery, meta fictional, horror visual novel written by Ryukishi07. https://youtu.be/0SAnMRYM4fk?t=16m48s
  10. So I wanted to thank Oopie for sending me this album and also mention that I have been listening to it, a LOT. I think my first couple listens were met with some mixed feelings. I really liked the album, but it didn't click. Since then I think I have really settled into it much more. There are still some odd moments, and of course I wish it were longer, but there are some freaking amazing ideas on here. Sacred Sands... wow. Circumstances are keeping me from the internet for a while, but when I get the chance I will be writing a review.
  11. I am just going to repeat what others have said. Making music while tripping (Or I suppose really intoxicated on any substance) just does not happen. It's not that you couldn't fiddle around with your gear or otherwise, it's just that you're trying desperately to answer why you would do such a thing, while you intensely stare into the fractals emerging from your popcorn ceiling. You know, you have to deal with more important issues, like why your hands don't seem to be located where they should be, or why laughter seems to be emitting from your mirror. However, I will say that psychedelics kind of force you to come to terms with sounds and how they present themselves. We don't often realize that with sounds alone the human mind can fully realize 3-dimensional space. Our ears are designed to tell us where sounds are coming from as a survival mechanism. And when you break down all the elements of music you can physically place specific sounds in specific locations. You don't need psychedelics to affirm that, but they certainly push you towards that affirmation when your ordinary sensory input is being challenged, and with manipulation of those sounds you can suggest much more intricate and abstract physical space.
  12. Thanks for the compliment, haha, though I often feel I am not good with words.
  13. I pity the people who live in perpetual fear and conspiracy. Now I wouldn't be truthful if I didn't think there is something very fundamentally wrong with this world, something of a new paradigm that we have yet to realize. This is an anxiety that I express quite often. But this is why you have to always be moving forward in whatever way you can. You can't focus on the negativity, or you have to take the good with the bad. You have to be more discerning than that. When I listen to Trump I am so deeply confused. Things are really not that bad. Sure I live in near poverty and there are lots of things I wish were better about the world, but seriously, I have a roof over my head with heat in winter, food to eat, clean drinking water, I get to work at a technology company that affords me opportunities to learn and do new things, I even get to enjoy quite a lot of wonderful cultural things like music and movies. So why does Trump keep telling me "things are worse than they have ever been". It's quite the opposite. So the only thing I see is society at large self destructing before my eyes fueled by ignorance and a lack of self control. Why are people so impatient? They induce the stress they complain about and cause a negative feedback loop. This is dumb. Why do people disregard the vast amount of information they have at their fingertips? They claim they didn't know any better and get upset when you point out exactly how they could have prevented the problem they are stressing out about. This is also dumb.
  14. Hi there Ananda! I am no expert by any means, but I don't think your mixes are bad or really all that uneven. Maybe the lead melodies could be boosted a bit, but I think it's the fact that you chose a very clean arrangement that makes it sound thin and so the high end doesn't mask much below it. I might suggest increasing the volume of your closed hats (on the 16ths) by at least 2-3 db and perhaps the open hat as well by 1-2 db.
  15. Is this blocked? http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x303hg4 In any case it's Deodato - Keep on Movin', a crazy good funky disco track from 1982 with a few electronic elements. I'd be surprised if anyone here has not heard it before.
  16. Is this pop music? This has been on repeat in my head and ears all weekend.
  17. Would someone do me a favor? I don't want to know anything about this album until it arrives so I am requesting that someone purchase this album for me. I will send enough money to purchase 2 copies, one for me and one for yourself. PM me if you are interested.
  18. I would be lying if I said I wasn't wondering where you've been Sandinasia. Hope is all going well with you.
  19. Man With No Name - Deep Trouble In Outer Space Somehow I never heard this track before.
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