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psychedelic chipmunk

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Everything posted by psychedelic chipmunk

  1. Anything Delerium. Especially This is from Spheres II I have no bloody idea what label it gets as a genre. I like Spheres I most, on a whole.
  2. Been practicing, I can hold 4 min 30 sec consistently. Huge improvement compared to a few months ago.
  3. Priorities, right? Looks potent, have fun with the renovations
  4. I look for and like music that makes me get goose bumps.
  5. The exorcist. Watch it with mates, you'll laugh your asses off, watch it alone, you'll be scared shitless.
  6. Definitely diet for I have the other things covered. Will report on progress.
  7. I shall apply my incredible perception and predict SS stands for Solar system!
  8. I'm lacking energy. Rather, I run out too soon. Something's amiss in my diet.
  9. http://www.ektoplazm.com/free-music/jonas-cout-goa-aditana Love that ominous vibe IDC it's progressive-ish, It's awesome. (still not a prog. lover)
  10. Trying to disprove the Axiom of Choice :< It has been fruitless so far
  11. Have to have elbows on the floor. If you just hold the pre-push-up-ish position, you can do it for days and there's no real benefit. I plank often to make my back stronger. I can hold it for 3 minutes without a sweat. 5 minutes it'll start hurting, tho
  12. I would like to ask what you do for a living You have so much time to devote to music, it's amazing!!
  13. How do these people intend to run when they don't pull up their pants -.-
  14. Hahn Banach theorem, functional analysis, allelujah
  15. Love the whole album. Some might invoke the word "cheese", but I like it
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