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Everything posted by Ormion

  1. Yeah, Goa cliches like Shiva on the cover, ohm, aliens etc. were always something some people complained about. It's nothing new.
  2. It's pretty interesting how much the perception of today's scene varies depending on if you go to parties or festivals or not. From what I'm reading in this thread it's not that psytrance has become shit, but large parties has become shit. As someone who hasn't gone to a party or festival since 2010 my opinion is pretty different. Psytrance has not become shit. It just sits in the resting couch. Psytrance/goatrance changed pretty fast from 1994 to 2004. I don't think any other music genre at least in electronic music evolved that fast. The last years psytrance has become pretty stable...like a normal music genre. Most of the stuff is the same, some artists try to experiment, there are more extreme variations of both cheesiness and underground, stuff that's happening in every music. Now if you compare today's psytrance to the classic 96-98 period it may sound shit (that depends if you're an old school goa fan). But I don't see much difference between 2015 psytrance and 2005 psytrance. Let me remind you that 10 years ago we still complained about chessy full on, pop culture influencing our music, satanic darkpsy, cliched hindu goa and so on. Now I only speak musically. I don't know what's happening in the parties or festivals. I don't now about cocaine or other drugs or scumbag organizers or douche artists. I don't know and frankly I don't care.
  3. I know that most artists would argue about which mastering is ideal, but you can't please everyone. Speaking from my personal experience Igor doesn't brickwall the tracks and this is the main reason we chose him. You must also consider that we don't have the luxury to pay hundreds of euros for each track. (This is not a jab against Igor, I personally think his mastering is fantastic).
  4. Astrix came a long way in the covers. From this to the new one. Let's hope the music is better too.
  5. Ormion

    RIP Nemo

    Some of my fondest memories in Psynews involve nemo, both fun and dramas. RIP big guy and fuck cancer.
  6. Apparently some people called it amateuristic. Can you believe that shit?
  7. Every artist who wants to listen the mastered version just PM me. BTW a little update. The only thing left is the cover. When it's ready we will submit on ektoplazm. Sorry for the delay.
  8. I don't think I have listened to any super Forest release lately. From this year Arjuna-Primal Contact is pretty nice and the Misty Grove compilation from 2014.
  9. If you're looking for ambient I have a lot to recommend you.
  10. +1 Do metal fans care about all the satanic stuff? It's part of their scene. I personally don't give a flying fuck about shiva and ganesha, but they're trademarks of our scene. You're not supposed to take it seriously.
  11. Are those hippies fans of psytrance though? For me a psytrance fan is someone who cares and have a minimum knowledge about the music. I think those hippies are attracted to psytrance scene because of the whole plur thing and not because of the music. I have encountered annoying hippies in festival myself, but everytime I start talking about the music I realized they have no fucking idea about it.
  12. Astral Projection-Ambience MWNN-Azymuth Sundog-Seven Minutes 2 Midnight Digitalis-Kyphi Doof-Blue Sun Shrine OOOD-The Unwinding Mind Oforia-Voice Of Delusion <-Perfection Astralasia-Aloo Astralasia-Madam Khetzal-Avasari <-The best of all
  13. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Asia 2001-Psykadelia has no voice samples? Not 100% sure. From digital downloads *insert shameful self-promotion* my second EP has no voice samples.
  14. May I present you the lamest studio in the history
  15. Ok time for an update: We have all the unmastered tracks and around Monday will send them for mastering. We're also working on the cover. I guess until the end of the month the compilation will be ready to be submitted on ektoplazm.
  16. Was that really news worthy? With cameras and interviews?
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EniFkiJA3d0 Freaking amazing
  18. Ceremoniak is one of the best dark Goa tracks ever made. They just don't make them like this anymore. Nice to see it remastered.
  19. You and me buddy. When I first listened to it I thought it was a joke track like a parody of something. Only after coming in Psynews I realized it's a serious(?) track that has many fans.
  20. So after listening to some of their tracks I have to say that this is some of the best goa/psy ever made. Ever. If these guys wanted they could be as big as Pleiadians or Psychaos. So what happened with them and draeke? Who are they? Why they don't release their superb music?
  21. IMO the best melody in Goa is Lunar Civilization.
  22. Ormion

    Koxbox - The Scanner

    I find this album really lame and without judging it as a Koxbox album. I've heard this style a million times before in numerous UK psytrance compilations. A funky bass, some fx and simple melodies. The only tracks worth talking about are the last 3 and even those ones are just ok. It's very well procuded, but most of psytrance today is. 2.5/5
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