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Everything posted by Trunksan

  1. S.U.N. had a fantastic line-up. I really wanted to go but I have very important stuff to do back here. Questions: 1) Did Transwave (Dado by himself I guess) play 1995 -1998 stuff 2) Same about pleiadians I like your picks, at the main stage I would have also like to hear Ovimoon, BLT, Mindwave and of course YB! Chill out: I've been very impressed twice by Simon Baring, the guy mixes all kinds of music together... He's got great variety in his sets.
  2. So far my favourites are India (everywhere except Goa) and Berlin. Since you are in London, a trip to Berlin with RyanAir, EasyJet and AirBnB costs nothing. I've been to most of the EU and the only country I feel very intrigued to explore is Spain, the rest (can't say bout Greece since I'm Greek) I wouldn't care much.
  3. DRAGONBALL I was the founder and president of the Greek Fan Club... only the main page exists nowadays... http://dragonball-hellas.8m.com/ One of the many tattoos I'm planning to get the next months is the #5 Dragonball, 5 is my favourite number.
  4. I like the way the timetables are set at festivals... I sleep or spend the night at the chill... at 5ish I have a coffee and start my dancing, the best acts are usually in the morning. It's very rare to have an act that I enjoy during the night.
  5. Beyond... but Labyrinth has a special place in my heart because I love the matrix series. As mentioned before, JR is big in Japan, I was in Tokyo in 2001 and HMV was full of JR Oddyssey posters. I didn't like Gods and monsters but their latest album is very good. I've heard the live band 3 times... can't say that I was impressed... I mostly enjoyed Masters of the Universe... other than that not much.
  6. There haven been times that I have tore my socks from dancing... I think the most I've danced continuously was at a Prog party in Athens, it was Jaia and Ace Ventura. I remember that it was November and I had to go help my father at the the olive harvest the next day but I was lucky that it started raining. I didn't leave the dance floor for maybe 8-10 hours and no drugs, I only drank 2 bacardis all night. I have no problem dancing to 2-3 hours sets but its very rare to have 2 great artists back to back to keep the momentum going.
  7. I often put online PSY radios and very often I found myself enjoying his tracks.... BTW he's playing at S.U.N. festival tomorrow or the day after..... that's a great festival... I would have been there if it wasn't for some very serious business at home
  8. I'll agree with the guys saying that I wouldn't mind listening to A LITTLE BIT of good forest or Dark-psy at home but I don't want to listen to it at a party...... AND BTW 1000th post biatch
  9. Sorry for sounding like a douch-bag... You live in AUS, one of the countries with the highest per-capita income in the world and can't get 4 CDs? Or get one of your mates to buy it for you and pay them later??? ????
  10. .... it's the cheapness while you are there.... not the plane tickets. In 3 months I spent less than 2000 euros and I did A LOT of shopping and traveling, even got 2 internal flights.
  11. aaaah I have so many wonderful stories from India I could write a whole book with the weirdness that occurred to me... but now one came to my mind.. As soon as I rented a scooter I went to the huge beach at Baga/Calangute so I though I'd have a swim. Bare in mind that I live 5 minutes from the sea and I'm a good swimmer with proper technique. So I went into the sea and swam away from the shore as I'm confident in my abilities... At some point I turn around and I see that the whole beach was fucking yelling at me for being so far out and the life guards came with a boat and told me to swim back to shore.... I was "WTF???" so I swam back to shore and the lifeguards were telling me that since most Indians don't know how to swim they are over cautius and don't allow people to swim far out. I told them I know how to swim and that I live by the sea, so of 1 them says "Ok, that's fine, interested in some Cocaine?", I declined. The ocean is quite scary though... I have to admit that... and the sea at Goa is very dark and muddy. The next day I was swimming on acid below "9bar Vagator" before a party and totally shit myself when I realised how far away from the beach I had been taken by the current, I fucken swam back like a seal chased by a killer whale. The party was nice, got to hang around with the infamous Byron, a British jeweler who lives in Goa who I have encountered at 4 different parts of the world: Samothraki Festival 2002 Rajastan 2006 at Moodust festival Goa 2006 at 9 bar Aurora festival 2009 North Greece I reckon I'll meet him again if he's alive
  12. Monkeys are very aggressive and they steal things. They are everywhere, even in the Himalayas. I only heard "be careful of monkeys" Traveling in India costs nothing, especially to you since you are Australian and have a strong currency like us Eurozoners. I'll definetly visit it again. JUST DO IT The only place I'd go to again is Hampi ... , There are so many places to go that you'll need a few years just to visit the best. Now that I'm a bit familiar with backpacking and India, I reckon I'll do just the North (Rajastan, Punjab, Delhi) and then head for the Himalayas and Nepal. BTW I've been to Brisbane 4 times, I have family at the West End
  13. I go to all kinds of events: opera, ballet, metal and rock concerts (going to metal festival on Monday), house parties, club/techno parties, traditional fairs (were the play greek traditional music) but when I'm at home I can't listen to any of that stuff for more then half an hour.... I quickly switch to goa, psy or psy-prog... I really like some minimal-techno but the online radios are rarely good and I can't be bothered to look for good techno.
  14. Funny I didn't see this post earlier... I backpacked around India for about 3 months in 2006, Goa was the only place I didn't like and I went all the way from Kerala to the Himalayas seeing many different places. Chapora was the only place in Goa that had a bit of a vibe, other than that it was shitty mass tourism, I was there early December and there were some parties but still I found everything to be totally fake and pretentious, even the hippies in Goa are snobs. I stayed for 5-6 days and left, it was horrible. I also almost had an accident with my scooter WITH A BUFFALO, I fucking drove to Old goa (Velha Goa) through the highway, overtaking buses and trucks, but the only time I had any issues was WITH A BUFFALO deciding to cross the road while I was passing. I think being from Greece, where the driving can also be dangerous, helped me be prepared for the Indian mayhem... and they drive the wrong way.
  15. Slayer.... There's a big metal concert on monday... so getting in the mood. Kveletrak, Nappalm death, Rotting christ, Down and Slayer. I'm going mostly for Down. The others I don't really care, although slayer should be good. I'd like to go at 5 o'clock to catch all the bands but it's going to be burning hot so I reckon I'll skip the afternoon and go at 8 straight for DOWN!
  16. It's the last 2 minutes of Kadasrva-world of tomorrow
  17. I've been to some great parties the past few years in Athens... Every weekend there's probably a big full-on or dark-psy or prog event and every few weeks there's always something interesting I mean... the past year we had several Ultimae events, UX (kris klyven), Darshan, The Delta (Marcus), Shatkta (Seb taylor), BPC, Gaudi.. and some of the more mainsteram events are pretty good, like guys from Nano and Iboga There are events for everyone's tastes... Tommorow there's Har-El and Radical distotrion at a sort of goa/nitz event. Next week for the 1246462496th time it's Max and Dick Trevor, a few weeks ago it was Koxbox and tristan, last week Goa Gil and in between there are several other smaller parties with local DJs of different styles (mostly dark though) I'm very satisfied with what's being played... Although because of the financial situation in Greece, it's more than obvious that there are MUCH MUCH fewer ppl attending parties. As for the House/Club-trance/techno scene... In the winter almost every weekend there's an interesting event of some sort at Gkazi or Syntagma/Kolonaki area with International DJs. During the summer they move south to the beaches of Athens. As for me, during the summer Most Sunday's you'll find me here https://www.facebook.com/cariocas.beach.bar.schinos for my dance/alcohol/beach/hedonism fix
  18. Coincidentally, I've been to all the places you are mentioning so I can compare The chaos in India has to do with the HUGE amount of people doing whatever comes to their head... I call it "happy chaos" (as per the Psychaos track).. It's not so much a matter of people running to do something. In Bangok again it's a huge amount of people but they are obeying the street code,there are large pavements and barriers but they are pretty chilled out in terms of their attitude I agree, Singapore (only been there for 2 days) exceeds even Tokyo in terms of people running to wherever...
  19. Well... Joti Sidhu (Psychaos) has made some stuff the past years. Youth is still playing with Killing Joke
  20. BACARDI and rum generally That's mine and some of my friends' choice!!!! We are getting immune to it after so many years of quite heavy consumption, I mean 2 nights ago I sat to watch a film at home and had 4 or 5 STRONG Bacardi colas and was fine, just all jolly!!! While if I drink 2 Whiskys or Vodkas, it's enough for me, I'll avoid a 3rd.... But Bacardi, not prob, as long as I don't mix it with other spirits.
  21. Man... You've never been to London I guess.... Now that's a place were people are on the run... It's one of the reasons I left London, I couldn't stand all the ppl running to nowhere.
  22. I actually feel obliged to thank this guy: https://www.facebook.com/harisakafishimself - Haris owner of IT the place Athens Because of his efforts, the past months I've had the pleasure to experience the following lives: BPC, Darshan, UX, The Delta and SHAKTA TONIGHT Those that I'd love to see : -Infected mushroom PRE-converting vegetarians -Astral Projection pre 2000 (saw them 3 years ago at Aurora festival... they were great nonetheless) -Prana -Total Eclipse (I was present at the 2006 Twisted birthday in London but missed them, not sure if they played anyway) -Transwave old school -Kox-Box old school - D5 - Electric universe - Chi-AD - Artha - Ketzhal - Kino Oko - Talpa - MEEO Been lucky to hear the old Etnica live... Jaia I've only heard with his new stuff... I was told that at the end of Samothraki 2002 he was playing live at the 2nd stage while everyone, inlcuing me, was at the main stage for Hallucinogen ( who unfortunately had technical problems so it wasn't perfect). I was told that it was one FANTASTIC live set and it floats online... anyone have it???
  23. I've got 4 CDs at the moment have been missing for 4-5 years, all held by the same person. I actually haven't bothered tracking them down... A DJ here in my hometown had a MASSIVE collection of DATs. He was lucky to have been involved with the people organising the first parties in Grecce around 1992-1993. He had TONS AND TONS of stuff, some unreleased, that the he got from various DJs and artists through the years. He lost most of it around 2002 when they stole his car and the boot was full of DATs. He didn't give a fuck about the car, but the loss of his DATs was devastating to him.
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