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  1. Hello people! Here is my set i played at Lost Theory festival last month: Tracklist:[00:00] E-Rection - Out Here We Are Stoned (Imba Remix) [09:36] Prana - Alien Pets (Imba Remix) [17:45] Imba - Serbian 604 Revolution [unreleased] [27:16] Stellar Force (Imba & OXI) - Acid Daze [unreleased] [32:17] Imba - Chloe's Thing [unreleased] [40:38] Imba & Hisia - Elysium Island [unreleased] [49:48] Imba - Cosmos In Her Eyes [unreleased] [56:05] Imba - Hidden Paradise [unreleased] [64:08] Stellar Force (Imba & OXI) - Astral Dive [unreleased] [72:09] Imba & Ephedra - From Star To Star [unreleased] [80:07] Imba & Ephedra - Emergency Acid System [87:50] Imba & Nova Fractal - Sevilla In Trance [95:26] Imba - Blacklight Beings [unreleased] [103:08] Imba & Ephedra - Cosmic Harmony [110:50] Dimension 5 - Omega Centaurus (Imba Remix) [unreleased] As you can most of them are unreleased and couple will go to album very soon. Hope you will enjoy
  3. DHARMA Collective is wildly happy to invite You to the third edition of our Festival held in Kożyczkowo (near Garcz) in Northern Poland. This year’s edition is going to be launched a day earlier with a Ceremony of Sound and Dance, a Shaman’s Drum accompanied Voyage and an integrating Sweat Lodge. Friday marks the opening of our new Main Stage set up in the nearby forest as well as the Chill Stage created in the well-known geodesic dome. The festival will host over 50 artists (i.a. from Poland, Ukraine, Germany, Lithuania, England and Israel) playing electronic, trance and world music. You will be able to take part in a wide range of workshops (kundalini yoga, circle dancing, bodywork) and lectures covering a variety of controversial topics. Visionary works exhibited in the tent will render the space ideal for rest and contemplation. Kids Space is becomming our tradition. Space where the youngest participants can freely play and learn with a conscious care. Families are more than welcome During the day we’ll be entertained by soap bubble and kite shows, air yoga and many more!!! https://www.facebook.com/events/366267136899021/ WE ARE ONE ♥ ▓▓▓▓▒▒▒▒░░░░ ♫ M˄IN STAGE ♫ ░░░░▒▒▒▒▓▓▓▓ ○○○○○○ PSY ○○○ GOA ○○○ PROG ○○○ FOREST ○○○○○○ ♪ Artha LIVE [Cronomi Records] PL http://www.cronomi.com/ ♪ Champa LIVE [Yellow Sunshine Explosion Recordings] UK http://soundcloud.com/champalive ♪ FungPung LIVE [Visionary Shamanics Rec. / Anarkpsy Rec.] LT http://www.soundcloud.com/fungpung ♪ Geko LIVE [Fractal Records] IL http://www.soundcloud.com/geko ♪ Gnohm LIVE [Medulla Oblongata] DK http://www.soundcloud.com/gnohmbaba ♪ JaraLuca LIVE [Neogoa / AE records / Mamomam] PL http://www.soundcloud.com/jaraluca ♪ Navigatorgong LIVE [sound Temple] PL http://www.navigatorgong.com/ ♪ Module Virus LIVE [bomshanka Music] UK https://soundcloud.com/modulevirus https://www.facebook.com/modulevirus.BSrec ♪ Synchronicity LIVE [World People Production] UK https://www.facebook.com/WorldPeopleProd?ref=bookmarks https://soundcloud.com/synchron…/all-pirates-aboard-the-ship ♪ SatanicElectro LIVE [Cronomi Records/GoaTrance.pl] PL http://www.satanicelectro.com/ ♪ Sourone LIVE [Zenon Records/Glitchy Tonic Records] PL http://www.soundcloud.com/sourone ♪ Spirit Medicine LIVE [space Baby Records] UA http://www.spiritmedicine.com.ua/ ♪ Wirrareka & Galactic Sun [Timeflux] SVK http://www.soundcloud.com/wirrareka ♪ Psibindi [Aphid Records] UK http://www.psibindi.com/ ♪ Sean Spindrift [Planet Bob/Mutagen] UK http://www.soundcloud.com/sean-spindrift ♪ Sati [Mutagen Records] PL/UK http://www.soundcloud.com/djanesati ♪ Tkalii [Medulla Oblongata / Digital Yonkis Rec.] RCH http://www.soundcloud.com/tkalii ♪ Onero [Fractal Records] DE http://www.soundcloud.com/onero-music http://www.facebook.com/oneromusic ♪ Chromee [PsychedelicPiloten] DE http://www.mixcloud.com/mircochromee/ ♪ Ochen [LesnaSzajka/Medulla Oblongata/DopeDeer Rec] PL http://www.soundcloud.com/ochen_lsmo ♪ Epix [Pulsar TransFormation] PL ♪ Om Narayana [Narayana Sound/Higher Taste Project] PL ♪ Havaya [3D Vision Rec/ Mystic Arts Event] PL ♪ Bongo [Mystic Arts Event] PL ♪ Kuczer [Area 303/Cronomi Records] PL ♪ Ant-Ti UA ♪ Atan [Toga Dansverg Projekt] PL ♪ Ditch [Medulla Oblongata] PL ♪ Mayster [Medulla Oblongata] PL ♪ Nozyo [Egodrop] PL ♪ Elf [s.C.C] PL ♪ DziDa [Area303/Projekt Indra/Cronomi Records] PL ▓▓▓▓▒▒▒▒░░░░ ♫ CHILL STAGE ♫ ░░░░▒▒▒▒▓▓▓▓ ○○○○○○ DOWNTEMPO ○○○ GLITCH ○○○ AMBIENT○○○ IDM ○○○○○○ ♪ Crystal Vibe LIVE [Altar Records] UA http://www.soundcloud.com/crystal-vibe ♪ Dhuna LIVE [Higher Taste Project] PL/UK http://www.dhuna.pl/ ♪ Ethereals LIVE [Mooranglee family] UA ♪ Hatti Vatti [New Moon / Nowe Nagrania / Absys] PL https://soundcloud.com/httvtt ♪ Heliocentrism LIVE [Alrealon Musique] PL soundcloud.com/heliocentrism facebook.com/heliocentrism ♪ Spaceboy LIVE [Turkusowy Domek] PL soundcloud.com/spaceboypl ♪ MiraCeti LIVE [Mamomam/Hidra Beats] PL https://soundcloud.com/miraceti ♪ Lemon Tree LIVE [blue Hour Sounds] UK http://www.soundcloud.com/planet-bobs-emporium ♪ Wenar LIVE [Medulla Oblongata] PL http://www.soundcloud.com/wen-7 ♪ Yanzan LIVE DE https://soundcloud.com/marek-celer ♪ Alexxdrum [spirit Medicine promo] UA http://www.spiritmedicine.com.ua/ ♪ Arayan [The Tribe/Toksyna Fm] PL ♪ Asphodel [MoonUnity] PL http://www.soundcloud.com/aszpen ♪ Baba Gnohm [Medulla Oblongata] DK http://www.soundcloud.com/gnohmbaba ♪ Bladzinsky [Medulla Oblongata] PL mixcloud.com/bladzinsky ♪ Dr.Quercus [Mooranglee family] UA http://www.tinyurl.com/mqmc8yr ♪ Epix (Pulsar TransFormation) PL ♪ Feather [Psychedelic Way] USA http://www.soundcloud.com/feather-jr-cohen ♪ Kjub [Medulla Oblongata] PL ♪ Korn-L [be Psychedelic] PL ♪ Magic Fungus [Visionary Shamanics Rec. / Anarkpsy Rec.] LT http://www.mixcloud.com/magicfungus ♪ Mayster [Medulla Oblongata] PL ♪ MZ [spirit Medicine promo] UA ♪ Ochen [LesnaSzajka/Medulla Oblongata/DopeDeer Rec] http://www.soundcloud.com/ochen_lsmo ♪ Ross [Medulla Oblongata] PL ♪ Rzepa [independent Killer] PL ♪ Sean Spindrift [Planet Bob/Mutagen] UK http://www.soundcloud.com/sean-spindrift ♪ Spinalonga street [Mooranglee family] UA http://www.mixcloud.com/moorangleesound/ ▓▓▓▓▒▒▒▒░░░░ ▲ SACRED TENT ▲ ░░░░▒▒▒▒▓▓▓▓ ○○○WORKSHOPS ○○○ LECTURES ○○○ GALLERY ○○○ MEDITATION○○○ ♦ Shamanic Drum Voyage - Workshop - Wojtek https://www.facebook.com/metaphorics.tools?fref=ts ♦ Chants - Workshop - Alina https://www.facebook.com/laboratoriumpiesni?fref=ts ♦ Djembe - Workshop - Marysia & Ajs https://www.facebook.com/Cocodjembe?fref=ts ♦ Kundalini Yoga - Workshop - Marek http://www.kozyczkowo44.pl/ ♦ Circle Dancing - Workshop - Mariola http://www.kozyczkowo44.pl/ ♦ Ecstatic Awakening Dance - Workshop - Charlie +TBA ▬ DEKORATIONS & LAND ART ▬ ◘ Hyper Icons http://www.spiritmedicine.com.ua/ ◘ Dharma Collective / PW5 Atelier http://pw5.pl/ ◘ Psy-Ho MADE https://www.facebook.com/psyhofamilyartstudio?fref=ts + TBA • Funktion-One SoundSystem !!! http://www.funktion-one.com/ http://www.soundsupportpro.pl/ • Laser Show http://www.lasershow.pl/ • Light Systems + Cabling Systems Higher Taste Project http://www.highertasteproject.com/ ▓▒░ TICKETS ░▒▓ • Presale LIMITED 100 PLN/25 € • Presale UNTIL 01.07 120 PLN/30 € • At the gate 160 PLN/40 € http://dharma-festival.com/index.php?page=24 ╔════════════════╗ LIMITED CAPACITY, NO GLASS ITEMS, SEE YOU IN THE WOODS ♥ ╚════════════════╝
  4. HI All, here's my latest mix and entry to the Noisily 2015 DJ Competition to win a warm up set on one of their three stages, hope you enjoy. https://www.mixcloud.com/EqUiLibRriuM/noisily-festival-2015-dj-competition-equilibrrium/ Please like, share and favorite to help me be in with a chance. Look forward to receiving your comments/feedback. Full track list; 1.Intent by Trilingo 2.Mountain Mist by Flunxturion 2.0 3.True To Nature (Shik Stylko RM)by Astronivo 4.It Says by Comithex 5.Close To Me by Biolab & Vertex 6.Surprise, So nice by gaudium 7.Earth - Original Mix by Aerosspace 8.Straight Forward by Dropkick 9.Feels Like Acid by Aviation 10.Ant Sobriety Society by One Tasty Morsel
  6. 4 Days & 3 Nights 2- 5 july 2015 Russia 3 Stages, Live sound, Perfomances & Fire Show,Camp area, Healing area and workshops, Flea Market, Cafe and Chai shops,Cinema, Kindergarten, Perfomances & Fire Show, Visual Art, Sports ground Our life becomes faster year after year, generation after generation. The human mind likes to delve into the past or escape in the future. But every inhale and every exhale happen in the present moment! There is no past, no future, there is only present moment! It happening here and now! There is the view of the sky and the sun, there is joy and sorrow, there is birth and death. Current moment embodies the fulness of life, all actions that are able to make our stay on this planet better and more interesting.The main them of the 2015 festival - Awareness. When you understand that everything happens in the present moment, feel it, only then one is able to fully disclose all of their abilities. You can appreciate the depth and diversity of life and around. Take a look at the world, look at it with a smile, make it better through your inner world. Be conscious every step of your dance to infinity! АpocalypseTV ( Night People, Russia ) LIVE https://soundcloud.com/apocalypsetv ArtSense ( NUTEK Records, Russia ) LIVE soundcloud.com/artsense Cosmic vibration ( Space Trax rec, Germany ) LIVE in Concert https://soundcloud.com/spacetraxproductions CYBERED ( Horns & Hoofs rec, Russia ) LIVE https://soundcloud.com/cybered Dgivash ( Goa-Freaks.com, Substance Sky, Russia ) LIVE https://soundcloud.com/dgivash Drevlyaquilonisvox ( Visionary Shamanic Record, Russia ) LIVE https://soundcloud.com/drevlyaquilonisvox Ectima ( TesseracTstudio Records, Serbia ) LIVE https://soundcloud.com/ectima E-mov ( Dacru records, Greece ) LIVE https://soundcloud.com/emov Flegma ( TesseracTstudio Records, Serbia ) LIVE https://soundcloud.com/oflegmao FOBI ( Green Wizards Records,Macedonia ) LIVE https://soundcloud.com/fobi Fungus Funk ( Pixan,Russia ) LIVE https://soundcloud.com/fungus-funk GIOAL (Italy) LIVE https://soundcloud.com/gioal Hardy.Veles (TesseracTstudio Records, Serbia) https://soundcloud.com/hardyveles Neon Jade ( NJOI Music, Switzerland ) LIVE https://soundcloud.com/neonjade Nostromosis (Kissthesound Rec, Timewarp Rec, Cronomi Rec, Russia) LIVE https://soundcloud.com/nostromosis Pantomiman ( Looney Moon Rec./ Party People, Russia ) LIVE https://soundcloud.com/pantomiman Propagul ( Sonic Chakras Records, Russia ) LIVE https://soundcloud.com/propagul Psart ( Aphid Records / Goa-Freaks.com, Russia ) LIVE https://soundcloud.com/psart Psyc0ma ( Discovalley Records / Blitz Studios, Russia ) LIVE https://soundcloud.com/psyc0ma Transdriver ( Impulse Audio Records, Russia) LIVE https://soundcloud.com/transdriver Shinboku ( Anton X-Trees from Moscow and Djane Satori from Saint-Petersburg, Russia) LIVE https://soundcloud.com/shinboku SHIVA ॐ ( Another Dimension / Visionary Shamanics / Banyan / Forest Spirit / Mathematician/ Space Baby, Ukraine ) LIVE https://soundcloud.com/shiva3 Sonic Elysium (Goa Records, Russia ) LIVE http://www.sonicelysium.ru/ SULIMA ( Geomagnetic rec,Timecode records, Russia ) LIVE https://soundcloud.com/sulima-alex Zyce ( TesseracTstudio Records, Serbia ) LIVE https://soundcloud.com/zyce Dj Sets : BizZyBonG ( Imaginarium festival, Russia ) https://soundcloud.com/bizzybong Dj Hare ( Feeless/Antiscarp Rec, Russia) https://soundcloud.com/harefeeless LUCAS ( TIP records,UK ) https://soundcloud.com/djlucasobrien KittyNonHomeless ( Woman at work, Russia ) http://KittyNonHomeless.com/ Maiia303 ( Mystic Sound Records, Russia ) https://soundcloud.com/maiia Dj Pam ( Psionic Force Promotion, Russia ) http://promodj.com/pam PopperHnool ( Impulse audio records, Russia) Dj set https://www.facebook.com/popperhnool DJ Psyspace ( TesseracTstudio Records/Dreams Catchers, Russia ) https://soundcloud.com/dj_psyspace RACHARD ( Night People/Hypnotic Impression Family , Russia ) https://soundcloud.com/djrachard http://promodj.com/djrachard SETT ( Shapito S.S, Russia ) http://www.mixcloud.com/djsett/ Sun Shadow ( Neogoa Records, Russia ) https://soundcloud.com/sunshadowgoa Sunshine ( Insomnia, Russia ) https://soundcloud.com/kostakisunshine Dj Trickster ( Basic Algorithm Rec./ BK-Family, Russia ) https://soundcloud.com/alexeytrick CHILL OUT STAGE Live acts: Abiogenesis (Altar records, Russia) LIVE Презентация нового альбома https://soundcloud.com/cj-catalizer Art Imagination (Endless |SHF| Quest / Space Baby rec,Ukraine) LIVE https://soundcloud.com/art-imagination Chronos (Mystic Sound Records,Russia) LIVE https://soundcloud.com/chronosproject Iacchus ( Mystic Sound Records, UK ) LIVE https://soundcloud.com/iacchus Mahaon ( Hidra beats,Russia ) LIVE https://soundcloud.com/mahaon Maiia ( Mystic Sound Records,Russia ) LIVE https://soundcloud.com/maiia NK Vibes ( Uxmal records, Russia ) LIVE https://soundcloud.com/nkvibes RODIOM (The Roform / Обнинск,Russia ) LIVE https://soundcloud.com/rodiom-1 Spreadscope ( Magnitola Trip, Russia ) LIVE https://soundcloud.com/spreadscope SPACECATS LIVE https://soundcloud.com/spacecatsmusic Squazoid ( Gaia World,France ) LIVE https://soundcloud.com/squazoid Snakecharm https://soundcloud.com/snakecharm1 Босиком Sound System https://vk.com/bosikomsound Жан Жаныч & baodub http://vk.com/baodub Гайдук http://rastamantales.com/ Коля Маню https://vk.com/club16321712 ПОРА ИЗОБИЛИЯ https://vk.com/ska_reggae ТАКИ ДА ! https://vk.com/takidagroup https://soundcloud.com/takidaband Улиткас https://vk.com/ulitkas Bulat Gafarov LIVE http://www.bulatgafarov.com/ https://soundcloud.com/bulatgafarov RAPAPAM&DUBCHIKIDUB LIVE https://vk.com/rapapammusic ПОZИТИВА LIVE https://soundcloud.com/pozitiva-1 https://vk.com/pozitiva TripleSS https://vk.com/triplessmusic ShantyNatty https://vk.com/shantynatty DJ Sets: Annes Zia ( KissTheSound Rec, Russia ) Mixcloud.com/anneszia Soundcloud.com/anneszia Bionic Buddha ( Russia ) http://promodj.com/bionicbuddha http://www.mixcloud.com/bionicbuddha/ FAURA ( Russia ) https://soundcloud.com/fauramusic FUSIONISTA ( Russia ) https://soundcloud.com/fusionistamusic http://www.mixcloud.com/Fusionista/ Tikki Masala (Masala records, India, Belgium) https://soundcloud.com/tikkimasala VinShu ( Russia ) www.mixcloud.com/vinshu/ ALTERNATIVE STAGE ***TBA*** Tickets: 24.03 -12.05 - 1300 rubles (25 euro) 13.05 - 30.06 - 1800 rubles (35 euro) On a gates - 2500 rubles (50 euro) This year 2 countries have a FREE entrance to a festival. It's Greece and Serbia, you need just show your passport on a gates. Stay tuned and see you on a dance floore! More info: https://www.facebook.com/events/900191320013001/939490186083114/ http://www.vk.com/imaginariumfestival2015
  7. The Universal Religion is simply LOVE. We are privileged to be part of this great time of change in history and, as messengers of love we are responsible for making this new world blossom. It is an exchange of ideas, music, dance, sharing of energy, positivity and emotions which only seem to spread and grow further when the festival finishes. If even a thousand people were to return to their lives after experiencing the power of Universal Religion, and each one lived with the same philosophy as during the festival, the world would slowly start to seem a borderless place. One where family and friendships transcend nations, language, color, age and even blood, where an entire generation will live true to the ideas of oneness, love and mutual respect. This is the idea of a universal religionone that is inclusive, gets recreated and gathers strength every year, as new energies enters its space. After taking a break for 2014 we are absolutely Reborn with lot of energy shifts and realization. In the lap of the Himalayas we build an environment which brings together beautiful like-minded individuals, music devotees, creative artists and dance lovers from around the world! Come, discover the mystical mountains, and be part of this special experience where you can enjoy the infinite natural vistas while dancing to the beats of the top audio wizards from around the world We invite all participants to respect the festival rules and be in harmony with all people and the surrounding environment to enhance their own personal experience in Nepal. The positive energy of a single person has the ability to make a change, and we at Universal Religion want to infuse this positivity back into the earth and the world, and in our own small way, help it to heal. This year the main festival will take place from Friday 24th Monday 27th of April 2015 and will go on non stop for 3 nights and 4 days . Come partake in the 9th Edition with quest for love and understanding, come follow and preach the Universal Religion the Re:Birth:Edition -= PROGRAMME GUIDE =- - Universal Portal Stage - The Universal Portal is our spaceship for transformation through dance. A space, where the latest digital technology merge with the primordial sounds of universe, to form one powerful sound which decodes or Past , Present & Future. This stage & floor will host Live Acts , Djs, VJs, Performers, Visionary Deco and merge everything that is present in this Portal to form one massive explosion of Pure Energy. This Space will host all the Subgenres of Psychedelic which is the main essence of this Gathering with styles ranging from full on, goa trance, progressive, forest, high tech and dark. LINE UP : Avalon (Nano Records United Kingdom) https://www.facebook.com/avaleon Android Spirit (Time Code Records South Africa) https://www.facebook.com/AndroidSpirit Avi D (Digital Om Productions India) https://www.facebook.com/avi.d.14 Bubble Guns (Medulla Oblongata Records India) https://www.facebook.com/bubblegunsmusic Boomshankar (Bmss Records Germany) https://www.facebook.com/DjBoomShankarBMSS Beyond Repair (Third Eye Records India) Braindrop (Om Veda Records India) https://www.facebook.com/braindropmusic Chromatec (Alice D Productions / Insomnia Records Germany) https://www.facebook.com/Chromatec Chromaderma (No Name Records India) https://www.facebook.com/pages/ChromaDerma/ Daksinamurti (Sangoma Records Germany) https://www.facebook.com/Djdaksi Dee (Electrovibe India) https://www.facebook.com/DjDee.Pilgrim Dev (Kamino Records India) http://www.kaminorecords.com/#!dev/c1e9i Grapes of Wrath (Parvati Records - Denmark) old skool set http://parvati-records.com/grapes-of-wrath-meteloids-tits-on-fire-reviews/ Hydropanic / Lab Rats (Disco Valley / Tantrumm Records India) https://www.facebook.com/Pratik.Hydropanic Imaginarium (Digital Om Productions / TIP records - Serbia) https://www.facebook.com/ImaginariumMusicOfficial Jo Moontribe (Antu Records / Magic Phangan Production Thailand/ Malta) https://www.facebook.com/jo.moontribe Jafar (Digital Om Productions / Sangoma Records Qatar) https://www.facebook.com/djjaaffaarr Janux (Looney Moon Records India) https://www.facebook.com/DjJanux Lifeforms (Iono Music United Kingdom / Israel) https://www.facebook.com/Lifeformsmusic Mubali (Parvati Records United States) https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mubali/50089873345 Merkaba Feat EveOlution (Merkaba Music / Zenon Records Australia) https://www.facebook.com/pages/MerKaBa/125869530759273 Michel (Digital Om Productions Brazil) https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dj-Michel-Carvalho/316974455126816 Nishan (Digital Om Productions Nepal) https://www.facebook.com/pages/Nishan/650213158382718 Nitin (Hill Top Records India) https://www.facebook.com/DJNiTiNNN N-stomp (Purple Hexagon Records Singapore) http://www.purplehexagonrecords.com/dj-n-stomp.html Nelio One Eyed (Hill Top Records France) https://www.facebook.com/neliofb Onkel Dunkel (Parvati Records Denmark) https://www.facebook.com/OnkelDunkelBook Pri (Funky Buddha Nepal) https://www.facebook.com/PritamShrestha Flummox (Sangoma Records Bahrain) https://www.facebook.com/colin.mascarenhas.98 PsycoDrop (Alien Dimension India) https://www.facebook.com/Dj.PsycoDrop Rikam (Tech Safari Records / Eclipse Festival Canada) https://www.facebook.com/DjRikam Symbolic (Nano Records Israel) https://www.facebook.com/symbolicmusic StarLab (Digital Om Productions India) https://www.facebook.com/starlabsounds Sonic Entity (Tesseract Studio Serbia) https://www.facebook.com/sonicentityofficial Suduaya (Y.S.E Records France) https://www.facebook.com/suduayalive Sator Arepo (Deviant Force Records Germany) https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sator-Arepo-Official/334994856545365 Synthetik Chaos (Bom Shanka Music France) https://www.facebook.com/synthetikchaos Speaker Huggers (Parvati Records Denmark/United States) Single Vision (Ravelations / Digital Om Productions Dubai https://www.facebook.com/pages/Single-Vision/261199450686623 Shivadelic (Digital Om Productions India) https://www.facebook.com/shivadelic Tali Baba (KXA Saudi Arabia) https://www.facebook.com/tal.coolholio Triptone (Digital Om Productions India) https://www.facebook.com/djtriptone Trailoka (Hypnotique Records Dubai) https://www.facebook.com/Trailoka V society (Digital Om Productions India) https://www.facebook.com/v.society.music Virus (Maharetta Records - India) https://www.facebook.com/audiovisualvirus Vial / Audiogramme (B.a.b.a Records India) https://www.facebook.com/vikrant.audiogramme White Wizard (Digital Shiva Power Records India) https://www.facebook.com/whitewizard79 Zen Mechanics (Sourcecode Transmissions Records Holland) https://www.facebook.com/zenmechanics - Tribal Galaxy Stage - We along with the Universe are constantly evolving, many new souls are joining us from all walks of life with an ever raising enthusiasm filled with passion and love. Here ones heart resonates with the collective heart of the global tribe, a real experience in the spirit of peace and love, a celebration of life on this planet, the moment when we all melt our self and merge with the mother nature and feel we All are truly One! In Sacred Galaxy, each day and night is dedicated to performers and sounds that evolves from Chill out to Dub , Dark Progressive, Glitch, Psy Bass, Neo-trance Tribal Beats, Organic live bands all the way to drum circles . This is the place to celebrate fusion of sounds , sit back , relax and reflect our true self ! This is the place where the impossible becomes possible and we feel limitless , one with the Gaia & Soul of our Ancestors ! LINE UP : Avionix (Nepal) https://www.facebook.com/niwas.rana?fref=ts By the Rain (Bmss Records / Trimurti Records Turkey) https://www.facebook.com/Burakozsoy BPM (Nepal) https://www.facebook.com/bipin.nakarmi C.J. (Nepal) Desert Dwellers / Treavor Moontribe Solo Set (Twisted Records / Desert Trax United States) https://www.facebook.com/desertdwellers EZ RISER (Krunk India) https://www.facebook.com/ezriser EchoTonic (India) https://www.facebook.com/echotonic Finzok (Nepal) https://www.facebook.com/DjFinzok Hprotype (India) https://www.facebook.com/hprotype.official Huppa (Nepal) https://www.facebook.com/pages/Huppa/706146772751314 Indra J (India) https://www.facebook.com/iamindraj Kalya Scintilla feat EveOlution (Merkaba Music United States) https://www.facebook.com/kalyascintilla Man Cub (India) https://www.facebook.com/mancubamar Moss (Hypnotic Horses India) https://www.facebook.com/hypnotichorses?fref=ts Niral ( Nepal ) https://www.facebook.com/Djniral?fref=ts Overtonez (Hybrid Uv India) https://www.facebook.com/overtonesound Pyms (Zenon Records France) https://www.facebook.com/pyms.zenon Paracontrol (India) https://www.facebook.com/pages/Paracontrol/113954751991891 Prasific (India) Puchhey (Nepal) https://www.facebook.com/DjPhuCHheY?ref=br_tf Rips (Nepal) Rabbit (Nepal) https://www.facebook.com/DJR4bbitofficial Suduaya (Altar Records - France) https://www.facebook.com/suduayalive S.O.N.R (Occulta Records / Maia Brasil Records India) https://www.facebook.com/stateofnoreturn Shiven (Nepal) https://www.facebook.com/shiven.thapa?fref=ts Sahil ( Nepal ) Shasank ( Nepal ) Thrival Sound (Clairvoyance Project India) https://www.facebook.com/lusid Tarqeeb (Krunk - India) https://www.facebook.com/Tarqeeb13 T.O.P (India) https://www.facebook.com/anandaprojectofficial Vaeya (Zenon Records India) https://www.facebook.com/vaeya Vibe (Nepal) https://www.facebook.com/dvibe?fref=ts Yidam (Liquid Frequency India) https://www.facebook.com/Yidam - Peace Village - Peace Village is a space that honors the spirit of Gaia. A place of peace where ancient spiritual & living practices will take it into a journey of self-remembrance. Health Food Stalls, Chai Stalls, Healing Therapies, Art Workshops, Self Awakening Documentary Screeing, Nature Trails, Crafts Market, Yoga & Spiritual Practices & more such will together cover this Space with realization about powers of creation, intuition, re-discovering completeness, integration and the Light in ourselves altogether making us Re:Born with new understanding of our inner and outer worlds. Live Art & Mural Workshops : LUKA VOGT (New Zealand) www.illusionaluka.com DALI & TUN DONKER | DONKER COLLECTIVE (Netherlands) http://www.donkercollective.com/ Live Graffiti Art : OLEK OLEK OLEK (Medulla Oblongata Family Polish) https://www.facebook.com/olekkelo Dance & Flow Workshop : TAMMY FIREFLY (United States) http://www.tammyfirefly.com/ Poi Workshop : FLOW (Malaysia) Yoga & Stretch Workshop : PETER DEIGAN (Yoga Sivana Australia) Fire Shows & Ethnic Dance Performances By : EVEOLUTION (United States) TAMMY FIREFLY (United States) JOSIE SIRIUS ARTE (Australia) PSYFIRE HOOP (United Kingdom) ART INSTALALTION & DECOR : Carin Dickson & Artescape crew (South Africa) Hybrid Uv (India) Invision (Nepal) Sangachadwan (India) VISUAL ALCHEMY : Imix Jaguar (Mexico) Wayne (India) -= PRESALE =- We have every phase limited presale tickets only Presale will be Online via Paypal ,Credit & Offline via Bank Deposits and Transfer to an Indian bank account. For presale details check our website : http://www.urnepal.com/presale.html Presale Entry Tickets to Universal Religion 2015 will be : 1st Phase Euro 55.00 from 15th Jan 2015 until 15th Feb 2015 (only 200 tickets) 2nd Phase Euro 75.00 from 16th Feb 2015 until 15th March 2015 (only 300 tickets) 3rd Phase Euro 95.00 from 16th Mar 2015 until 15th April 2015 For any further details please send mail to: presale@urnepal.com -= ACCOMMODATION =- Their is Plenty of Free Camping Space Available !!! The venue has Ample Toilet and Shower Facility !!! Their are limited Hotel Rooms Around Venue. We are also Selling 6-8 people safari tents For booking or any info please email : presale@urnepal.com -= LOCATION =- Universal Religion Nepal : 2015 Edition will take place at : International Scout Training Center in Kakani Kakani International Training is located in Kakani Village Development Community Nuwakott District. It is about 25 kms from Katmandu District NorthWest, at an altitude of more then 2000 meters above see level & around 2-3 Kms from the Kakani Main Bazaar passing through Nepal Armed Police Force Training Centre Check Post. The approximate journey of 2 to 3 hrs from Katmandu goes up a beautiful panoramic view on hills. Once in Kakani, one can enjoy the magnificent view on the Himalayan ranges. The wonderful sunrise and sunset have been attracting many people to spend nights at Kakani just for sight, contemplation and meditation. With sufficient toilet facilities, water supplies, nice spot for camping, good view and village being not too not far away, this venue is getting ready to host the new edition of Universal Religion 2015. Venue Access to the patrons will be only available from Friday 9 Am on 24th April 2015. This state of art venue designed by the International Scout Training academy is spread across well over 50 acres of land divided into flat pieces and small hill terrain and is full of Nature & Plantation. From the venue you can enjoy a panoramic view Annapurna, Manaslu, Ganesh Himal, Langtang and Jugal Himal mountain Ranges. Facilities at Venue : · Indoor & Outdoor seated dining area spread over 3000 square feet · State of Art kitchen spread over 500 square feet · 30 Toilets · 10 Showers · Medical Emergency Centre · Lost & Found Counter · Taxi booking service · 24 Hours Restaurants & Bars · Coffee Shop · General Store · Free Bring Your Own Tent Open Camping Area with Toilets & Shower Facilities · Pre-Booked Private Camping Zone with Toilets & Shower Facilities · Flea Market Area with Toilet & Shower Facilities -= TRANSPORTATION & TRAVEL =- Festival Buses 1. Kathmandu:- Meeting point:- Funky Buddha Restaurant & Bar, Thamel (Starting time 7 am on 24th April) Return Meeting Point:- Festival Parking at Kakani (Starting time 2 pm on 27th April) (Please note it's your responsibility to arrive at the bus on time) (INR 800.00 per person both ways) 2. Pokhara:- Meeting point:- Dawn Inn Adventure Travels Pvt. LTD Lakeside, Pokhara, (next to pokhara color lab) (Starting time 10 PM 23rd April) (Price Person will be depending as per number of booking requests) ------------------------------------------------------------------ -= Here Are Some Answers to Frequently Asked Questions =- IS VISA NEEDED TO ENTER NEPAL ? Indians Dont Need visa to Nepal & Can Travel with Either Passport or Their Voter ID card if By Flight & By Land any government produced ID card Foreigners from most country have Nepal Visa on Arrival at Airport for Minimum 25$ for 2 weeks stay Permitted. Pleade carry 2 Passport size picture Nationals from Nigeria, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Cameroon, Somalia, Liberia, Ethiopia, Iraq, Palestine and Afghanistan will need to obtain visa from Nepal Embassies or Diplomatic Missions in their respective countries, as they do not get visa on arrival at the immigration entry points of Nepal. Rest any Visa related info is available at this link below : http://welcomenepal.com//travel-essentia/visa-information/ HOW DOES ONE GET TO THE VENUE FROM KATHMANDU AIRPORT / KATHMANDU CITY ? Festival Venue is approximate 30 Kms from the airport. Transportation Festival Buses 1. Kathmandu:- Meeting point:- Funky Buddha Restaurant & Bar, Thamel (Starting time 7 am on 24th April) Return Meeting Point:- Festival Parking at Kakani (Starting time 2 pm on 27th April) (Please note it's your responsibility to arrive at the bus on time) (INR 800.00 per person both ways) 2. Pokhara:- Meeting point:- Dawn Inn Adventure Travels Pvt. LTD Lakeside, Pokhara, (next to pokhara color lab) (Starting time 10 PM 23rd April) (Price Person will be depending as per number of booking requests) Private Car/Jeep/Hiace Van Airport to Venue or Vice Versa :- (Car = INR 2100, Jeep/Van = INR 3600) City Center to Venue or Vice Versa :- (Car = INR 1800, Jeep/Van = INR 2900) We can also provide full day private car/jeep service for festival duration, please email us for details & cost at : info@urnepal.com WHAT IS ALLOWED TO BRING ALONG IN VENUE Limited Fruit and vegetables (for personal consumption only) Packaged Food & Sealed Bottled Water (Limited quantity) Pack Juice Cans & Soft Drinks (Limited quantity) Chewing Gums & Chocolates Children & Kids Domesticated Pets WHAT WILL THE WEATHER BE LIKE AT THE FESTIVAL ? Mostly Sunny with Occasional Evening Shower Possible Chilly & Windy at Night Average Temperature Max 32*C & Min 15*C WHAT ITEMS ARE ALLOWED IN THE VENUE ? Small Bags / Backpacks/ Purses: to be checked at security kiosk. Hula Hoops/ Pois/ Props Closed Packs of Cigarettes / Lighters Inflatables (must be deflated upon entry) Flags / Banners or Handmade Signs (no corporate / company branded/ religious / political) Festival Totems! We accept all totem materials. Handheld Camera / Portable Music Players /Cellphones Go Pro & Selfie Extendable Sticks Glowing / Illuminated Costumes or Jewelry WHAT TO CARRY TO MAKE YOUR FESTIVAL COMFORTABLE ? Inflatable Pillow Warm Blanket Sleeping Bag / Mats Torch (Very Important) Earplugs Comfortable Footwear & All Weather Proof shoes Waterproof / Windproof Clothing Umbrella Sunscreen & Bandages Towel & Tissues Personal Toilet Paper Rolls Glucose & Vitamin Supplements Personal Med kits WHAT ITEMS ONE SHOULD NOT BRING INTO THE VENUE ? Firearms Weapons of any kind (Swiss Army Knives Allowed) Drugs and Narcotics Inflammable Objects Alcohol Bottles WHAT TIME DOES THE FESTIVAL START & END ? Festival Entry will be open to people for camping from 9 Am on Friday 24th April 2015 . Everyone will have to Empty the premises by 6 Pm on Monday 27th April 2015. Camping is allowed only between dates and time mentioned above. ONCE IN NEPAL WHERE CAN I BUY A PHYSICAL TICKET TO FESTIVAL? Funky Buddha Restaurant & Bar, Thamel, Kathmandu Monumental Paradise Guest House, Freak Street , Darbur Square, Kathmandu, Nepal. Dawn Inn Adventure Travels Pvt. LTD Lakeside, Pokhara (Next to Pokhara color lab & Moon Dance Restaurant) Any other Queries or Questions can be mailed to : info@urnepal.com -= IMPORTANT RULES & REGULATIONS =- Universal Religion is an open air music festival by attending and by participating in any way you agree to take full responsibility for yourself and your actions. Management reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone at the festival gates. Violent & indecent behavior will not be tolerated. Banned and Illegal substances would not be tolerated and we are not responsible for any individual found with such substances. Any such suspicion will lead to dismissal of right to party and be in the festival for that individual and legal actions will be taken. As all of you are aware, we have special permission to carry on this festival from the local villages & all other concerned legal security agencies. We would just like to remind people to respect the law of the land and be respectful to the locals who are being such great help & support The whole reason this party is happening is because we are working closely with the authorities; obviously one of the major concerns is the use and trafficking of illegal substance. We would humbly request all that are coming to please keep this in mind. P.S.:- "Please carry the credit/debit card which was used for booking the presale ticket, or a photocopy of the card along with an authorization letter" Please carry valid photo ID at the entrance as well as a printout of the E-booking. Patrons without ID proof will not be allowed to enter the festival premises. The Festival is an all weather event. It will continue in rain, hail or shine unless the conditions are deemed unsafe to continue. No refunds will be made if you choose not to attend due to inclement weather. If the Festival is cancelled to an act of God, or any other reason outside of our control, there is no right of refund or exchange, nor any obligation to arrange a substitute Festival. The Festival reserves the right to add, withdraw, reschedule or substitute artists and may vary advertised programs, prices, venues or seating arrangements. No refunds will be made in this case. The Festival reserves the right to cancel or postpone the Festival for any reason within their control. In this case, you will be offered a refund by the Festival for the face value of the ticket. There will be no refund on any unused portion of tickets if you are asked or forced to leave or if you decide not to attend any part of the Festival. Hotel Rooms/Tents once sold cannot be refundable Entrance Tickets once sold cannot be refunded or transferred at any circumstance This is a wrist-band access festival. Wrist-bands will be issued at the festival and will enable access to all stages for designated dates. Please keep your wrist-band on for all days that you have purchased tickets for. They are washable. In case wrist-bands are taken off, a replacement wrist-band will not be issued. Patrons without the wrist band will be escorted out of the festival. Unlawful resale (or attempted unlawful resale) of a ticket would lead to seizure or cancellation of that ticket without refund or other compensation. Wristbands removed or tampered with will be rendered invalid and WILL NOT be replaced. Duplicate tickets will not be issued for lost or stolen tickets. Alcohol will be served to guests above the legal drinking age (LDA) & on display of valid age proof. LDA bands will be provided at the venue on proof of Age. Each ticket admits one person only. Artist line up and billed attractions may be subject to change. Organizer' reserves the right to perform security check on invitees/member of audience at the entry point for security reasons. Organizer or any of its agent, officers, and employees shall not be responsible for any injury, damage, theft,death, losses or cost suffered at or as a result of the event of any part of it. Parking near or at the festival premises is at the risk of the vehicle owner. Organizer' will not hold responsibility for any damage or theft of any vehicles within the stipulated parking premises of the festival. Consumption and sale of illegal substances is strictly prohibited. Any forms of arms and ammunition, eatables, bottled water, beverages, alcohol are not allowed from outside the festival. Food and beverages will be available 24*7 inside the festival. Camping & Accommodation at your own risk. Any valuables lost or stolen will be your personal responsibility. Glass Bottles, weapons & harmful objects will not be allowed at the festival and if found will be confiscated and strict disciplinary action will be taken against the miscreant. Use of Drugs & carrying any illegal substance is strictly prohibited and if found may result in serious action. The organisers reserve the right to take action against any disciplinary issues at the festival. Rights of admission reserved, even to valid ticket holders. Organisers are not responsible for any negative effects of food items or drinks consumed in the venue by festival guests; we encourages guests to drink responsibly and in moderation. Be self aware of your own garbage. Please place it in the containers designed for that purpose and keep the environment around you clean and healthy. Persons suspected of carrying items that may be used in an offensive or dangerous manner, or carrying out illegal activities within the site may be searched. First aid/medical facilities will be provided, and Ambulance & Fire safety will be on Standby, however, the organizers do not take any responsibility for any problems arising. Any disputes to be settled under Nepal jurisdiction courts only. The holder of this ticket hereby grants organizers the right to use, in perpetuity, all or any part of the recording of any tape made of holder's appearance on any channel for broadcast in any and all media globally and for advertising, publicity and promotion relating hereto. The organizers reserve the right without refund or other recourse, to refuse admission to anyone who is found to be in breach of these terms and conditions including, if necessary, ejecting the holder/s of the ticket from the venue after they have entered the ground. If in any case the event stands cancelled due to some natural calamity before the event or political unrest during the event in & around the festival region , in such scenario there wont be any refunds issued. By taking part in the festival you solely agree to all the above rules, regulations and agree to abide by them. Every ticket holder has access to the camping space and shower toilet facility. He or She is free to bring and pitch their own tent in our free camping area. **We all are aware of the fact that this event cannot be possible without legal permissions being obtained from all the required government agencies & local authorities. Universal Religion is being held only after procuring all legal licenses and permissions required. This project is supported by Nepal Tourism Council & some funds raised by the event will be donated for organizing a Medical Free Check Up Camp in villages around the festival area. Kindly cooperate with any legal authority who may be present at the Event Premises during the ongoing event & be aware that they are present there only to ensure all the participants safety** -= INFO CENTRE =- Funky Buddha Kathmandu Thamel Kathmandu Nepal Dawn INN Treks Pokhara Nepal Dream Catcher Tea House North Lake side, Khahare Pokhara Monumental Paradise Durbar Square , Freak Street Kathmandu Nepal For any details feel free to send us mail on : info@urnepal.com mountainmadnessnepal@gmail.com kgarira@gmail.com Love & Sunshine Team Universal Religion
  8. www.triplicitypsy.com Since May 2012 Triplicity has held 6 events in the U.K. We have steadily progressed into a larger, festival type event and have had some fantastic artists from across the psytrance scene grace our stages. Without such talent and the hard work of all crew involved we could not have possibly achieved what we have. THANK YOU!!! So what next? ……………….. The third chapter! TRIPLICITY MUSIC,ARTS & CRAFTS FESTIVAL EXMOOR NATIONAL PARK, NORTH DEVON, UNITED KINGDOM. 1ST - 4TH MAY 2015 For the last 3 years Triplicity has opened the UK summer festival season during the month of May in the beautiful Herefordshire countryside. It has been a magical journey and we could never have imagined how the individual nomadic souls, organisations and psytrance communities from across the UK and European scene would come together to offer their assistance and positve energy. We genuinly feel that we are all part of this epic journey and maybe for some of us, without even realising, have become part of a loving, respectful and spiritual family which is forever expanding. The bonds that we have forged will last a life time. THANK YOU! YOU ARE OUR ENERGY! So 2015 is upon us before you can even think about it! So much can change in our lives in such in such a short space of time but one thing will always remain.......... our passion for bringing people together for a gathering to remember! A place where we can be truly happy, relax, celebrate and be with friends new and old.....................… WELCOME TO THE PSYCHEDELIC PLAYGROUND! Get ready for our biggest gathering to date. The Triplicity tribe will come together as one bringing the usual love and positive energy to the beautiful Exmoor National Park in the United Kingdom. Our infrastucture has been tweaked and our production has moved up to the next level which is just another step on our journey. We will be bringing you the biggest line-up the 2015 UK psychedelic festival calender has to offer. The entertainment will be spread across 3 stages with artists joining us from America, Germany, France, Italy and Portugal. Get ready for our biggest and most exciting gathering to date.......................................….. FOR UPDATES PLEASE LIKE OUR FACEBOOK PAGE https://www.facebook.com/pages/Triplicity/289354094513470 TRIPLICITY MUSIC AND ARTS FESTIVAL 2015! > 90 ARTISTS > 3 STAGES > CHILL OUT AREA > HEALING AREA > FOOD STALLS > MARKET PLACE > LICENSED BAR > CUTTING EDGE DECOR > INTELLIGENT LIGHTING > 3D VIRTUAL MAPPING > ART EXHIBITIONS > PERFORMING ARTS > ECO FRIENDLY FACILITIES > CHILDREN'S ENTERTAINMENT > LIVE IN VEHICLE AREA > COMMUNAL FIRE > POSITIVE & FRIENDLY VIBES :::MAIN STAGE::: --LIVE-- FAGIN’S REJECT SENSIENT BEARDY DIRTY SAFFI LOOSE CONNECTION LUCAS K.I.M OOOD SPROCKET OCCULAR JAMES WEST INSANE CREATURES ZETAN SPORE --DJ's-- ANYA PSYCODE VERT3X 2CBEEBIES GACID TETRASOUND DEXTER KROSIS LURK GRADUAL SINEWINDER ORESTIS RICH NELSON CYBERNETIC GHOST :::ALTERNATIVE STAGE::: --LIVE-- GAUDI HEDFLUX ATOMIC DROP FREEFALL COLLECTIVE (DJ Set) NEURODRIVER EXCESSION MONK3YLOGIC NANOSPHERE SOLUBLE SOUNDS MOULDY SOUL BRUJOS BOWL --DJ's-- GEO LUCAS MARYMISSFAIRY AUDLEY OCCULAR SUTEKH PICKLE HARI MAU MATT CYANSENSE COLLIDER COSMIC WAFFLE CHEMICAL PROBLEM :::CHILL STAGE::: --LIVE-- LANDSWITCHER BEATROOTS GLOBULAR AKASHA QUANTA WOLFEN TECHNOLOGIES ATMAN COSTRUCT BEAUPREAU ACT ONE NAAN TUMMY TALK SPINNEY LAINEY --DJ's-- MARY HINGE SNOWDROP ASTRODRUID FALSE IDENTITY BREADSAUCE SYMBIOTRIX TOM OM FEATHER MARIE ROBIN TRISKLE XYMOX JAMES23 DIGITAL FIST SI DELIBERATE SPACE DOC SPIRAL KOJI MARU MIK SINGH KABBALIEN OMNI RYTHEM SCAPEGOAT FILTHY GEORGE LIQUID LOUNGE PICKLE ASHTOZ CRYOGENIUS Main stage decor courtesy of floating bush collective decor. Check them out at http://www.facebook.com/floatingbushcollective There will be plenty to do over the weekend and traders will welcome you to their stalls in the market place and in the campsite area. We are always looking for interesting and unique stalls to trade at Triplicity. If you would like to bring a stall to the event please contact beth at stalls@triplicitypsy.com FOR UPDATES PLEASE LIKE OUR FACEBOOK PAGE https://www.facebook.com/pages/Triplicity/289354094513470 Tickets for this event will be available to purchase from 3rd October 2014. 1st Phase = 200 early bird tickets @ £45 + booking fee (NOW SOLD OUT) 2nd Phase = 300 tickets @ £60 + booking fee Final Phase = All remaining tickets @ £70 + booking fee Live in vehicle pass £25. Please note that there is a 150 live-in vehicle limit so buy early to avoid disappointment. Young persons aged between 10 - 17 years old = £40 + booking fee. (Must be accompanied by a responsible adult) Children under 10 go free (Identification may be required). All tickets purchased through the Triplicity website are currently e-tickets which will be sent out no later than 48hrs after purchase. Please keep your e-ticket email safe and make a note of your ticket number as this will be required along with your name upon entry. YOU CAN ONLY BUY JUNIOR TICKETS AND LIVE IN VEHICLE PASSES THROUGH THE TRIPLICITY AND HADRA WEBSITES. GET YOUR TICKETS NOW AT www.triplicitypsy.com www.bristolticketshop.co.uk www.hadra.net/ Much love party people….. You are our energy! Triplicity Crew xxx​
  9. Motion Notion lives in the heart of the Canadian Rocky Mountains and in the heart of underground electronic-music culture. Once again we invite you to the spectacular Beaverfoot Lodge near Golden BC to experience the bliss we and the attendees have created. 2.5 hrs drive from Calgary. 8 hrs from Vancouver. Tickets at http://www.ticketfly.com/purchase/event/710501?utm_medium=bks http://www.motionnotion.com http://www.facebook.com/motionnotionfestival
  10. Freedom Festival 2015: Freedom is a State of Mind! 11-16.08.2015 Portugal LIGHT plays a central role in human ACTIVITIES. On the most fundamental level through photosynthesis, Light is necessary to the existence of LIFE itself, and the many applications of light have revolutionized society through medicine, communications, entertainment and culture.” Freedom Festival is a blazing fusion of creative and collective energy. In 2015, the festival will celebrate its tenth edition for six sparkling days, 11th August to 16th August 2015 under the hot Portuguese sun. The magical landscapes of the festival grounds have felt the rhythm of more than 40,000 trancers from over a 100 nations. The upcoming edition of the festival is to be given a more humane and scientific character, that is aligned with the needs of the Earth. The festival takes place on a large lakeside landscape, called Herdade do Monte da Chaminé, which is situated near the village of Vila Fernando, about 230km from Lisbon (Portuguese capital) and 17km away from the Spanish boarder Badajoz city. The Dance Floor which near the lake has a stellar line-up of top-notch artists. Check below for the list of artists who have signed up so far. There’s a Chill Dome, where a broad spectrum of special sounds will get you in touch with your true self. Other point of interest include the Healing Area, the Experience Lodge, Concerts, Workshops, Art Exhibitions, Funky Beats, Alternative Area, International shops, restaurant area and much more! The theme for the next edition will centre around the importance of light to the development of humanity. 2015 is the International Year of Light and Light-Based Technologies, and the festival’s theme stresses on the manner in which the Industries based on light are major economic drivers, and light-based technologies directly respond to the needs of humankind by providing access to information, promoting sustainable development, and increasing societal health and well-being. Tickets are available online. Special limited edition of 50€ full pass tickets,will be available form 1st NOVEMBER till end of DECEMBER (700 tickets edition) https://tickets.freedomfestival.eu/ http://www.freedomfestival.eu/ Line up so far: LIVES Ace Ventura-Isr * Neelix-Ger * Tristan-Uk * Talamasca-Fr * Avalon-Uk * Prana (retro live)-Japan * Sesto Sento-Isr * Sonic Species-Uk * Ajja-Swi * Cosmosis-Uk * BrainCell-Swi * Coming Soon-Isr * Atriohm-Macedonia * Bizzare Contact-Isr * Z-Cat-Rus * Orca-Isr* Zen Mechanics-Nl* Spade-Isr * Gotalien-Ita* Killer Watts-Uk* Painkiller-Isr * Ocelot-Usa * Kashyyyk-Mex * Outsiders-Isr * Skyfall-Pt * Xsi-Fr * Ananda Shake-Isr * The DarkFace-Spa * Vini Vici-Isr * Oxidaksi-Isr * Twisted Kala-Fr * Dni-Bra * Khopat-Pt g* Alienn-Pt * Sick Addiction-Pt * Mimic Vat-Pt * Ulvae-Pt * D Maniac-Pt * Tryambaka-Pt * Myrah-Pt * Psilocybe Project-Pt * Kligon-Pt * Akés-Pt * Sustain-Pt * Demosys-pt DJS: * Shpongle (by Raja Ram)-Uk * Tsuyoshi Suzuki-Japan * Shane Gobi-Uk * Raja Ram-Uk * Xp Voodoo-Rus * Paul Taylor-Austr * Rastaliens-Swi * Lucas-Uk * Mat Mushroom-Ger * Lord Flames-Spa * Guapa Lee – Pt * Paulo Lopes-Pt * Audiact vs Heavenoise-Pt * Ganeisha-Pt * Juggler-Pt * Surya Namaskar-Pt * Diogo-Pt * Night Lurk -Pt * Tinker-Pt * Last Call-Pt * Battousai-Pt * Swami-Pt * Logic.-Pt * Dazzle Beat-Pt * Frost Bite-Pt * Kafar-Pt * More Acts & Djs will be announced soon MORE INFO: http://www.facebook.com/FreedomFestival.pt Supported by http://www.akidapromo.net/ & http://www.psyparty.gr/
  11. TRANSAHARA FESTIVAL 2015: The Dunes Odyssey 8 - 12 APRIL, SAHARA DESERT, MERZOUGA, MOROCCO The Transahara team is pleased to announce the chosen dates for the 8th Edition of Transahara: From 8th to 12th April 2015 (after Easter weekend). We are delighted to repeat for the 8th time this unique experience. Amazing sounds & art, with incredible people in a breathtaking place: this is what Transahara is all about. We have reserved for you some of the most incredible artists of the moment, a breathtaking Sound System and visual concept all put together by an experienced team, eager to surprise you! 2015: The last Transahara edition Since the dunes of Merzouga began captivating us in 2002, we have done our best to offer with each edition a beautiful desert experience. A 12 years odyssey in the dunes: an avalanche of travels, adventures, dreams, laughs, wonders, meetings, beauties, surrealism… Pioneering electronic music in Morocco, we have over time, create a positive image for our movement and our art in our country and particularly in Merzouga. We are honored to meet this challenge ONE LAST TIME! The 8th Edition of Transahara will be the final chapter of our odyssey, passing the baton to other organizations and other moroccan festivals projects… The Dunes Odyssey is the epilogue of our adventures and we are ready to offer you again an magic and unforgettable desert tales!!! EINSTEIN ROSEN LINE UP : SON KITE LIVE (Iboga Records / Sweden) PSYMMETRIX LIVE (Bom Shanka Music / UK) KLIMENT LIVE (Elektrik Dream / Zenon Rec / Bulgaria) ELECTRYPNOSE LIVE (2to6 Rec / Zenon Rec / Switzerland) EMOK DJ SET (Iboga Records / Denmark) FOG DJ SET (Looney Moon Records / Italy) LOUD LIVE (Nano / Records) DRUMATIK LIVE (Temple Twister Rec / Switzerland) EARTHLING DJ SET (Zero One Music / UK) CHRIS RICH LIVE + DJ SET (BomShanka Music / UK) MARA DJ SET (Believe / Uroboros Rec. / Switzerland) CYLON DJ SET (Grasshopper Records / Japan) DATAURA LIVE (Digital Mind Records / UK) HAMISH (Further Progressions Records/UK) ONCE UPON A TIME LIVE (Blue Hour Sounds / Bulgaria) DAROOM LIVE + DJ SET (Nomadstribe / Morocco) KASADELICA LIVE + DJ SET (Uroboros / Records) AIRI LIVE (2to6 Rec & 24/7 Rec / Swiss / Japan) GRUB LIVE (Glitch Tonic Rec / Portugal) ASIMILION LIVE (Bom Shanka Music / UK) PSYBERPUNK LIVE + DJ SET (Sub System Rec / Switzerland) VADEM LIVE (Electrypnosis Media / Switzerland) DALA DJ SET (Nano Records / South Africa) IPCRESS DJ SET (Iboga Recs / UK) LORD FLAMES DJ SET (Suntrip Records / Spain) ARGONAUTES LIVE + DJ SET (Moonloop Rec. / Switzerland) KRISTIAN DJ SET (Darcu Records / UK) OTEZUKA DJ SET (Domo records / StereOrganic / France) SHOGUN DJ SET (Quantum Digits Rec. / Morocco) SACH GIAN SINGH DJ SET (Nomadstribe Rec. / Italy - Germany) You can find all infos about tickets, location, accomodations, first round line up, follow the link, our website is ONLINE. --> http://www.dunescandance.com/ Yallah! See you at the dunes…. Supported by http://www.akidapromo.net/ & http://www.psyparty.gr/
  12. TRANSITION FESTIVAL (30.04. - 04.05.2015 South of SPAIN) has its origins in a family gathering in the magical pine forest under a total full moon eclipse, in March 2007. Nowadays known as "The best well kept secret of the underground psytrance scene" (Mushroom Magazine) unifying the ritual of the party with an international gathering of trance music lovers all over the world. Focusing on a specific type of sound experience, Transition is much more than you can guess. With over 50000 W of sound and a womb in the center of the circle. The structure of the dancefloor is built by 9 gorgeous trees making a natural cosmic circle, which empowers the dancing energy. Music sounds simply amazing, with a natural reverb boosted by the height of the trees, covering the dancefloor from the cold nights, and gives shadows in the daylight; naturally perfect. Connect with Nature! The Atantic Ocean is 25 kms far from Transition Festival, easily accessible by public transportation. The National Park of Doñana is placed along the Coast of Light, between Seville, Huelva, and Cadiz It covers around 543 km2 and its biodiversity is something unique in all Europe! The "Marisma" is one of the most mysterious places of the National Park, bearing many legends, even the one of the lost city of Atlantis. You are invited to explore the incredible nature and combine it with your Transition experience. One of the major news this year is the change to the second full moon of the Spring, to ensure warmer temperatures and sunny weather. Perfect for your stay in spain! The presale is online and the early bird ticket is at 40€ now! Plan your spring and the kick off the summer season 2015 in sunny paradise , just for you to make your transition! CONNECT & SEE U IN THE MAGIC FOREST: www.transitionfestival.org https://www.facebook.com/TransitionFestival?fref=ts https://www.goabase.net/party/transition-festival-2015/79806
  13. Listen & Download here for FREE ---> https://soundcloud.com/djkahn/the-edge-of-trance-ep3-ft-outsiders-and-kahn-oct-2014 Kahn in association with Pulsar Music & Digitally Imported present... THE EDGE OF TRANCE (Every 1st Friday of the month @ 11am Pacific Time / 2pm Eastern Time) Listen @ http://www.di.fm/goapsy Like us @ http://www.facebook.com/TheEdgeOfTrance Listen after it airs @ http://soundcloud.com/theedgeoftrance The Edge of Trance is a new monthly radio show/podcast presented and hosted by KAHN in association with PULSAR MUSIC & THE DIGITALLY IMPORTED GOA-PSY CHANNEL. The show will air the first Friday of every month @ 11am Pacific Time / 2pm Eastern Time. After it airs, each episode will be available as a FREE download online! The Edge of Trance will showcase the most spectacular and cutting edge Trance music from around the globe; along with the artists who create this music. As the edgier sounds of Trance continue to gain traction in the US as well as abroad, we will take listeners on a journey into the sounds that are driving this revolution in Trance music. The Edge of Trance will feature guest mixes from today's most cutting edge DJs/Artists. Each guest will be carefully selected for their extensive experience in driving, uplifting, and influencing dancefloors locally and abroad. With the current trends in Trance music, The Edge of Trance is currently focusing on sounds including: Progressive and Full-On Psychedelic Trance, Psy-Breaks, and Progressive Techno. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EPISODE 3 Friday, October 3rd, 2014 (11am Pacific Time / 2pm Eastern Time) Listen @ http://www.di.fm/goapsy ::Featuring:: O U T S I D E R S (TIP Records, Israel) http://soundcloud.com/outsidersmusic http://www.facebook.com/outsidersofficial ---> Outsiders is the exciting project of two significant producers based in sunny Israel - Haim Lev & Guy Malka. The Outsiders name has been fast developing and their releases have been backed and supported by an impressive number of international covering pretty much of the the top international circuit.Outsiders have released a bundle of successful original releases and a bountiful collaboration & remix tracks from the likes of Tristan, Symbolic, Laughing Buddha, Avalon, Electric Universe, Rinkadink, Burn In Noise, to name few. The Outsiders sound is always evolving and is highly influenced by the duos global interactions. K A H N (Pulsar Music // Solar Tech, LA) http://soundcloud.com/djKAHN http://facebook.com/KahnFanpage pulsarmusic.net/ ---> Coming to the dance floor with a diverse background of musical experiences, Kahn conveys a unique vibe of melodic, intelligent, and seductively aggressive beats; framed by pulsating stimulating basslines, and powerful Full-On leads. In his DJ sets, the dancer can expect to hear the only the most modern and technical electric sounds from around the globe with an emphasis on heavy and funky, "Funkadelic," "Hi-Tek," "Full-On" Psytrance and Progressive. Kahn's other musical genre influences include; Techno, Trance, Chill, Electro, Psy Tech, Psy Breaks, Goa Trance, House, Hard Dance, Italo-Disco-House, Rock, Funk, Reggae, and a great many other genres along the way. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ::TRACKLIST:: First Hour: KAHN 01. Space Cat - Mind Shocker (Bliss RMX) 02. Space Cat & Simon Posford - Invasion (Space Cat 2014 Remake) 03. Franke & Illinton - Critical 04. Martian Arts & JP - Rezon8 05. Broken Toy - Nu Metro (Brainiac RMX) 06. Painkiller - Concordia 07. Dickster vs Space Tribe - Alien Sex Fiend 08. Z-Machine - A Taste Of DMT 09. Relativ - Artificial Soul 10. Man With No Name - Vice Versa (Vertical Mode RMX) 11. Ajja - Starfall 12. Broken Toy - High Tech Low Life (Earthling RMX) 13. X-Noize vs Sonic Species - Music Second Hour: OUTSIDERS 01. Electric Universe - The Prayer (Outsiders Rmx) 02. Electric Universe - Freedom 03. Outsiders Vs. Laughing Buddha - Intergalactic Conversation 04. Outsiders Vs. Avalon - Real Deal 05. Outsiders Vs. Kali - Time Machine 06. Burn In Noise - Vuuv Festival Celebration (Outsiders Rmx) 07. Outsiders - Brainstorm 08. Laughing Buddha Vs. Avalon - Bring It 09. Outsiders - Cosmology 10. Outsiders - Under Pressure 11. Outsiders Vs. Burn In Noise - Burning Out 12 . Burn In Noise - 3 Quartos ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Listen @ http://www.di.fm/goapsy Listen after it airs @ @theedgeoftrance Every First Friday Monthly @ 11am Pacific Time / 2pm Eastern Time
  14. https://www.facebook.com/events/216575925186164/ https://www.facebook.com/MoonGateFestival?fref=ts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8xvzF6lkU8 Fazendas de Almeirim / Santarém / Portugal ..::: Psychedelic Tribal Festival :::... Hello Tribe, welcome to MOON GATE Festival. This time TRIBEDELIK TRIBE will take you on a magic journey that will last 5 days, open air. You're invited to share your energy in our magical Tribe and be conscient of the true power within YOURSELF. Surrounded by Mother Nature and in tune with our Tribe you'll have an experience of Union and Harmony so we can all dance together and elevate our minds to the moon. Universe is a wide living organism where everything is connected, so you're welcome to join us on MOON GATE Festival and together we'll find the Secret of the Tribe that will only reveal to us with Peace, Dance and Love!!! 3õ All Tribes in One 3õ * Powered by ..:: FUNKTION ONE ::.. Sound System * 3õ MOON TEMPLE 3õ Live Act : - LIQUID SOUL (CH) (Iboga Records) http://www.liquidsoul.com/liquid-soul.htm https://www.facebook.com/liquidsouliboga https://soundcloud.com/liquid-soul - SPADE (ISR) Live / Retro Set (MainStage Records) https://www.facebook.com/Spadefanpage https://myspace.com/elmarspade https://soundcloud.com/spade - U-RECKEN (ISR) (Dacru Records) https://www.facebook.com/urecken https://soundcloud.com/u-recken - MENOG (PT) Live with Drums (Spectral Rec./3Dvision Rec.) www.menog.com www.facebook.com/menogspectral/info https://myspace.com/menog - KINDZADZA (RUS) Presentation New Album - 3 hours live (Osom Music) https://www.facebook.com/osommusic https://soundcloud.com/kindza - GOASIA (SRB) 2 hours live (Suntrip/Spacedock/Soundmute) https://www.facebook.com/goasiamusic https://soundcloud.com/goasia - ITAL (CHL) (Antu Records) http://www.anturecords.com/ http://www.facebook.com/itallive - HIYARANT (ZA) (Disasterpeace Rec) http://www.facebook.com/hiyarant https://soundcloud.com/hiyarant - DaVINCI CODE (ISR) 1st time in Portugal (Spin Twist Records) https://www.facebook.com/davincicodeofficial https://soundcloud.com/davincicode - TRYAMBAKA (PT) (Global Army Music/Spectral/1Foot Groove) https://www.facebook.com/TryambakaOfficial?fref=ts https://soundcloud.com/tryambaka-officialcloud - * Mccoy´s S.U.N. PROJECT * (GER) Live Drum´s,Guitar,Alienns & Fire (S.U.N. Project Records) http://www.sun-project.de/ https://www.facebook.com/mccoy.sunproject https://soundcloud.com/mccoyss-s-u-n-project - SKYFALL (PT) (Nano Rec./SourcodeTransmissions) https://www.facebook.com/SkyfallMusic/info https://soundcloud.com/skyfall-prog - SYNESTHETIC (IT) (Spin Twist Records) www.facebook.com/pages/Synesthetic/56942503032 https://soundcloud.com/synesthetic - DIRTY MOTION (ZA) (by Hiyarant / Disasterpeace) https://www.facebook.com/dirty.motion?ref=ts&fref=ts https://soundcloud.com/dirtym-sa - ANTAGON (GER) (Damaru Rec./Alice - D) https://www.facebook.com/antagonpsy?fref=ts https://soundcloud.com/antagonmedia - D-MANIAC (PT) (One Foot Groove/Global Army Music) https://www.facebook.com/D.ManiacOfficial https://myspace.com/dmaniacmusic - BONANZA BROS (IT/MEX) (Blue Tunes Records) www.facebook.com/pages/Bonanza-Bros/154599601369913?fref=ts https://soundcloud.com/bonanza-bros - ALIENN (PT) (Hypergate Rec./Joker Rec.) www.facebook.com/alienn01 http://soundcloud.com/alienn - PSILOCYBE PROJECT (PT) https://www.facebook.com/psilocybeproject https://soundcloud.com/psilocybeproject - KIN (PT) (Spectral Rec./Hyperflow Rec.) https://www.facebook.com/francisco.oliveira.9634340 http://www.beatport.com/artist/kin/224470/tracks - MYRAH (PT) (Biomechanix/Namaha/Sidewave/Psyart) http://www.facebook.com/myrahtrance?ref=ts&fref=ts http://www.myspace.com/myraahh - BLAZED (ISR/PT) Presentation of new Ep "In the Jungle" (aka ZORFLUX/Phantasm Records) https://soundcloud.com/blazed-enzyme-phantasm https://www.facebook.com/blazedlive - AKÉS (PT) (Noise Poison Records) https://www.facebook.com/akesmusic https://soundcloud.com/akesmusic - AUDIALIZE (PT) (Spectral Recs / AudioLabs) https://soundcloud.com/audialize https://www.facebook.com/audialize - JUGGLING (PT) (Crystal Matrix Records) http://www.facebook.com/jugglingpt http://soundcloud.com/jugglingpt - TWISTED KALA (FR) (Disco Valley/Lycantrop/Urban Antidote) http://www.twistedkala.com/ https://soundcloud.com/twisted-kala - LAB (PT) (DVSM Rec./Deviant Force Rec.) www.facebook.com/labpsy www.soundcloud.com/renlab - INNER COMA (PT) (Free Radical Rec./Tribedelik tribe) http://www.facebook.com/pages/Inner-Coma/135186766515488?ref=ts&fref=ts https://soundcloud.com/innercoma DJ Set : - TUNE RAIDER (ZA) (Spectral Rec/24-7rec/Magnetika) http://www.tuneraider.co.za/ https://soundcloud.com/djtuneraider - RAVEHEART (IT) (Evil Corp) https://www.facebook.com/pages/Raveheart/531373423557537 https://soundcloud.com/vigno-raveheart - ALPHATRANCE (FR) (Trancemigration Prod.) www.alphatrance.net https://soundcloud.com/alphatrance - MEGAPIXEL (AUS) (Foolproof) https://www.facebook.com/pages/Megapixel/213258018691991?ref=ts&fref=ts - ANANDA (IND) (Fusioncraft Records) https://www.facebook.com/anandaprojectofficial - LAST CALL (Blacklite Rec./Crystal Matrix) https://www.facebook.com/lastcalltechnotrance https://soundcloud.com/last-call-pt - YAKAI (TRiBeDeLiK TRiBe/En Sof) https://www.facebook.com/pages/DJ-Yakäi/124262547614516?fref=ts - FLUXO (Quest4Goa/Spectral) http://www.quest4goa.com/fluxo http://www.spectralrecords.com/web/index.php/deejays/fluxo - PSARA (ZNA/Cronomi/Suntrip/MMM DJ) https://www.facebook.com/djanepsara http://www.mixcloud.com/Psara/ - HIPNOTYK POISON (Terror Lab Ind./Tribedelik Tribe) https://www.facebook.com/HIPNOTYK.POIS0N.terror.lab.industries?fref=ts - WOULACK (Tribedelik Tribe) https://www.facebook.com/pages/Woulack/518234241536723?fref=ts https://soundcloud.com/woulack - GANEISHA " 2 Hours Birthday Set " (Nexus Media/Global Army/Kaos Krew/Mechanik) http://soundcloud.com/dj-ganeisha - GUAPA LEE " 2 Hours Birthday Set " (Crystal matrix/Replicant/Global Army/Magnetika) https://www.facebook.com/guapaleedj https://soundcloud.com/guapa-lee - OM NAMAH SHIVAYA (Phantasm Records / Zna ) https://www.facebook.com/ONShivaya?fref=ts http://www.mixcloud.com/setidatceitil/ons-goa-trance-old-school-set-2014/ - DOUBLE DOSE (Mainstage Rec./Crystal Matrix) https://www.facebook.com/DJDoubleDose?fref=ts https://soundcloud.com/dj-set-double-dose/xalloween ~~~~~~~~~~ 3õ SOLO SAGRADO 3õ (Chill Out-Night // Goa-Day) - ØKAPI & ALDO KAPI'S ORCHESTRA Live (IT) (Looney Moon Experimental/Illegal art) http://www.okapi.it/ https://soundcloud.com/okapi23 - CHILLED C'QUENCE Live (Phantasm Organic Groove/Electrik Dream) https://www.facebook.com/chilledcquence https://www.soundcloud.com/chilledcquence - MINIMONSTER Live https://soundcloud.com/minimonster https://www.facebook.com/Minimonstermusic - YECHIDAH Live (Dubmission Rec./Maia Brasil Rec.) https://www.facebook.com/Yechidahliveact https://soundcloud.com/yechidahliveact - GABI VON DUB (Womblabel) https://www.facebook.com/pages/Gabi-aka-Augen/178248675565135 http://www.mixcloud.com/Augen/ - FLUXO (Electrik Dream) www.electrikdream.com/artists/fluxo - *PIN* & *PON* (Phantasm Rec./Organic Groove) "Warming up the room" www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZYpvNfrJSc - LIQUID SHAPE (Groovetech Records) www.soundcloud.com/liquid-shape www.facebook.com/liquidshape - SETIDAT (Zna/Enzyme Prod) http://www.mixcloud.com/setidatceitil/dj-setidat-world-music-freeflow2014-promo/ - BALANÇÉ (Maia Brasil Records / Buddha Mantra Records) https://soundcloud.com/balance-3 www.maiabrasil.com - BEAT-D-FENDER (ConcreteJungle Sound System) https://www.facebook.com/BEATdFENDER https://soundcloud.com/beat-d-fender/sets/just-chill - INFINITE LIGHT (Cronomi Rec.) http://www.mixcloud.com/infinitelight/ InfiniteLight - UNIKORP (DSVM Records) https://www.facebook.com/Unikorp https://soundcloud.com/unikorp - YENUISHI (Magnetika Agency) https://soundcloud.com/yenuishi - DAKINI (Magnetika Agency) https://soundcloud.com/djdakini - ANDREI (Ajnavision) www.soundcloud.com/andreioncloud - LAST TRIBE (TRiBeDeLiK TRiBe) https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tribedelik-Tribe/153571534753866?ref=hl ~~~~~~~~~ 3õ SECRET GARDEN 3õ ( Tribal Meditation Area ) - NATIVE SOUNDS ------------------------------------------------------------ DECOR BY : 3õ MOON TEMPLE 3õ - MIND EXPERIENCE Decors https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mind-Experience-Rec/186657348087103 Video Mapping by Paleta https://www.facebook.com/vjpaleta?fref=ts 3õ SOLO SAGRADO 3õ - TRANCEFORM ART Decors https://www.facebook.com/tranceform.arte?fref=ts 3õ SECRET GARDEN 3õ - ACID VISION Decors https://www.facebook.com/acidvisiondecor?fref=ts ----------------------------------------------------------- INFOS: - Free Camping - Water Surprises - Brook (Secret Garden) - Offer fresh fruit in every mornings - Sharped objects and glass not allowed in the venue --------------- - Campismo grátis - Surpresas de Água - Ribeiro (Secret Garden) - Oferta de Fruta Fresca todas as manhãs - Proibido entrada de objetos cortantes e vidro no recinto. -------------------------------------------------------------- LOGIN : Pre-sales: - 1st Phase: 25 Tribes (200 available) - 2nd Phase: 30 Tribes (200 available) - At the doors: 40 Tribes ..:: Free Country - MÉXICO ::.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TRANSFER : If you want to buy your pre-sale, you have your opportunity until 31st July. All you have to do is a transfer with the entrance value and send an e-mail to Moongate_festival@outlook.com with the following infos: - Transfer proof - Name and ID number for each ticket bought. - Bring your ID card to the event to pick up your ticket. Bank name: Caixa Geral de Depositos Account Name: Fernando Augusto Cardoso Rua IBAN: PT50003502550023098310063 BIC/SWIFT: CGDIPTPL (All taxes must be paid apart from the ticket value). CONTACTS : + 351 939703605 + 351 910007374 + 351 916420210 Moongate_festival@outlook.com ------------------------------------------------------------- by Tribedelik Tribe 3õ Peace, Love & Magic 3õ
  15. Sunrise Celebration Festival 29th May – 1st June 2014 Chepstow Estate (only a stone’s throw away from Bristol). Get all the details on music talks and more at: www.sunrisecelebration.com FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/sunriseallgoodthings FB Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/569254699831335/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunrisefestival Tickets: http://www.bristolticketshop.co.uk/eventdetails.aspx?e=2906 ☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼ Sunrise has packed its magic box and is headed for Chepstow, just outside Bristol for the 2014 rebirth of Britain’s favourite sustainable music festival. A 4-day feast of family friendly fun, entertainment, music, talks and workshops. Sunrise 2014 is brought to you by those festival wizards who have been giving the South West it’s brightest and best summer party since 2006! LINEUP ☼ The Chai Wallahs Stage ☼ Reeps 1 // The Correspondents // The Mouse Outfit ft Dr Syntax & Sparks MC Xander // Joe Driscoll & Sekou Kouyate // Sheelanagig Gypsy Hill // By the Rivers // Typesun Talisman // Onlyjoe // Dizraeli & Downlow Honeyfeet // Yumi & the Weather // Lund Quartet Cocos Lovers // Sam Green & the Midnight Heist // The Drop Intermission Project // Bristol Afrobeat Projectt // Teotima Ergo Schmidt // Strictly Steppas // Phillip Henry & Hannah Martin Wille & The Bandits // Neuropol // Jungle By Night Index & Fingerfood // Rozi Plain // This is The Kit Walk // Daddy Skitz // The Allergies Wrongtom // Asbo Disco // Will and the People ☼ The Waveform Stage ☼ Thursday = Waveform Space Tribe // Eat Static (Live) // ZubZub // Globular // JimJam // Adnate Friday = IllumiNaughty Killerwatts (Nano Records) // Tristan (Nano Records) // Avalon (Nano Records) Kristian (Dacru Records) // Hypnocoustics (Liquid Records) // Liquid Ross (Liquid Records) // Bekas (Planer Soundz) // Zap Attack (H2O Records) // John Cockle (Joof Editions) Thallom (Cohesion) // Monster (Chichime) // Matt Lickess (illumiNaughty) // Steve Podmore (illumiNaughty) Saturday = TRiBE of FRoG Live Acts: Laughing Buddha (Nano records) // Brainiac (grasshopper) // Mekka (joof) Headline DJ: DJ Lucas (TIP World) DJs: Neutron (maharetta records) // Mikey (toadstool) // Spindrift (Mutagen) Pieman (tribe of frog - broken) // Geo (tribe of frog - tribal vision) // Psychosonic (tribe of frog) Sunday = Love of Dub Roots Garden Showcase ft. Nick Manasseh, Bob Skeng & MC Trooper // Roots Factory ft. Speng Bond // Irie Bingo Showcase ft. Shire Roots, JDB & Blazenstein // Freshly Baked ft. Seyah, Rhumius B, Bamalam & Lady Fyah // Disorda - Suspect Packages // Evermoor Sound // Derw Tha Damaja // Bareroots. ☼ The Uprising Stage ☼ Thursday = Inspiral Lounge Ott // Tripswitch // Mixmaster Morris Nick Interchill // Naked Nick // DJ Mudra // Aliji Friday = Love Dance LINEUP COMING SOON Saturday = Give Festival LINEUP COMING SOON Sunday = Eden/Triplicity Takeover SONIC SPECIES - Live - (Nano Records) // MASTER BLASTERS - Live - (Nano Records) // BRUJO'S BOWL - Live - (Zenon Records) // NANOSPHERE - Live - (Broken Robot Records) // JAMES WEST (Woo-Dog Recordings) // RICH NELSON (Triplicity) // 2CBEEBIES (Woo-Dog/Eden) // DEXTER (Eden) ☼ The Cat’s Cradle Stage ☼ Eat Static // ZubZub // Orchid Star // Invisible System DJ set Nathassia Devine // Zetan Spore // The Phoenix Rose // Manushka // Nanosphere Live // Buck Fillington // Markie B Dub Version // B-Sub-Lime // Jamez23 // Little Eris Polymetrics // DJ Second NatJah FULL LINEUP COMING SOON ☼ Eden Village: The Spit and Sawdust Stage ☼ First Acts announced more coming soon: Billy Rowan A.k.a. The Undercover Hippy; Your Dad; Strung; Colm Gray; Calico Ticket prices Adult Weekend Ticket- £99 Teen Ticket (16-17 yrs)- £70 Child Ticket (5-15 yrs)- £35 Family (2 adults, 2 children)- £225
  16. FREE EARTH FESTIVAL 2014 Free Earth is a collaboration of like-minded dedicated Psychedelic Freedom Fighters determined to bring back the vibe to the outdoor party scene. A new family gathering at an amazing camping river beach location in Greece! STRICLY LIMITED TICKETS EVENT, ONLY 1200 AVAILABLE! _________________________________________________________ THE MUSIC… :: TRISTAN (Nano rec.) - UK :: KOXBOX (Koxbox Music) – DK :: TRANSWAVE (Fineplay Records) – FR :: ABSOLUM (3D Vision Recordings) – FR :: DEEDRAH (Hommega Recs, United Beats Rec) – FR :: KAYA PROJECT (Interchill Rec) Dj Set – UK :: SHAKTA (Dragonfly Records) – UK :: BRAINCELL (Boom! Records) – CH :: EARTHLING (Zero 1 Music) – SP :: ATRIOHM (Parvati Records) – FYROM :: TRON (Zero 1 Music, Free Spirit Rec, GreenTree Rec) – MX :: RASTALIENS (Pharpsyde Records) – CH :: HIBERNATION (Interchill Rec) – UK :: ITAL (Antu Records) – CL :: FRANKE & ILLINTON (Zero 1 Music) – DK/SP :: GIUSEPPE (Parvati Records) – IT :: Z-CAT (MMD Records, Akida Bookings) – RU :: KIM (Zero 1 Music) – UK :: YAR ZAA (Phantasm Rec, Maharetta Rec) – SP :: SOLAR SPECTRUM (Free Spirit Rec) – CH :: BRAINIAC (Solar Tech Rec) – DE :: 2012 (Antu Records) – BR :: IN LAK ECH (Catalyst Rec) – MX :: JOSH (Antu Records) – CL :: HOLON (Catalyst Rec) – MX :: DIKSHA (Catalyst Rec) – BR :: DISORDER (Catalyst Rec) – MX :: HAFFMAN (Catalyst Rec) – MX :: NUKLEALL (Blacklite Records) – IT :: STARLING (Hilltop Rec) – GOA/IN :: TMX MIND (Tree of Life, September Ritual) – TR :: DjP_MAC (Free Earth, ZNA GAthering) – PT :: TIM DUSTER (Vertico Records, Akida Bookings) – FI :: GALACTIC EXPLORERS (Phantasm Records) – FYROM :: PURA (Zen.It Galaxy) – RS :: KAYZA (Amorphia) – MOR :: TEO (Discovalley Recs) – GR :: DOC (Harmonia Records) – GR :: NIKOS LL (Liquid Love) – GR :: SPIROS WOM (Antu Rec, Amorphia, Free Earth) – GR :: IRAKLIS MINDPHASER (Natural High) – GR :: DR SAMMY (Blacklite Rec, Amorphia, Akida Bookings) – GR :: JORDAN (Etnicanet Recordings) – GR :: CRYSTAL ZERO (Void Network) – GR :: CONFO (Parvati Records) – GR :: EL MAHICO (Awim Records, Amorphia) – GR :: ZOI (Sourcecode Rec, Free Frequency) – GR :: SISHIVA (Visionary Shamanic Records) – GR :: SONER (Digital Yonkis Rec, Artificial) – GR :: BALLIOU (Harmonia Records) – GR :: WINGMAN (Maharetta Records) – GR :: SECTOR (Deeprog Rec) – GR :: SOTOKKAN (Sonic Loom Rec, Discovalley Rec ) – GR :: LOCO PONE (PyschedelicGR) – GR :: ANTONIO (Dreamland, Earthdrop Fest) – GR :: MAN IN FEST (Dreamland, Earthdrop Fest) – GR :: SONIC BLASTER (Awim Records, Akida Bookings) – GR :: ANKASS (Amorphia) – GR :: GOBLIN (Amorphia) – GR :: DREM (DPS Production, PLUR fest) :: FREEDU (Landmark Rec) – GR :: 7TH DIMENSION (Psytrance Activity) – GR :: ODYSSEAS (Blast Your Mind) – GR :: JUNIOR X (Akida Bookings) – GR :: PACOS (P.S.M) – GR :: ATHENA ETANA (Altar Records)- GR :: ARGY ECHOSENSE (Dice Radio) – GR :: AENEAS (Kaya Funk Tribe)- GR :: WHEEL OF EXISTENCE (Akida Bookings) – GR :: I.MIKE (Akida Promo & Bookings, Free Earth) – GR More Artists to be Announced Soon! More Artists to be Announced Soon! More Artists to be Announced Soon! _________________________________________________________ THE AUDIO – VISUAL… Free Earth Festival proudly welcome to Greece, The Visionary Artist from Canada: NEIL GIBSON ! Expect truly shamanic decorations at Main Stage! Check some of his stuff here: Neil Gibson Creations Along with: The Wonder Deco Team from India: HYBRID UV https://www.facebook.com/HybridUVGreece/ Surprise Deco Team: TBA VJs & Mapping: TBA An amazing sound experience will be possible by Clear Sound, Bulgaria. http://www.facebook.com/ClearSoundLtd http://www.clearsoundco.org./ _________________________________________________________ THE VENUE… Olympia Land (Arethousa Camping) – Ancient Olympia – Peloponese – Greece The Home of Alfios River Festival, is now also the home of Free Earth Festival! A camping so different from all others! You can relax with your friends, hang out in your tent, always next to the amazingly wide Alfios River and 15 minutes away from Kaiafas Beach. While you here, you can enjoy some delicious food and extreme sports! Many facilities, excursions, and activities are available onsite!!! Things u cant find in the cities or in any other camping location in Greece! A beautiful Private forested River Party Sanctuary giving us a magical party space, perfect for multiple days of psychedelic adventure. It exudes harmony, beauty & peace and has the magic of trees, hidden forest beings & the mysteries of the ancient Alfios River and Kaiafas Beach. Nearby International Airport is Athens for those who need to fly to Greece and the Port is Patra for those who come from Italy by boat. Shuttle Buses will be available from the Athens center straight to the festival. Fro Athens (3h drive away) and From Port is Patra (1h away). Easy directions to follow, check website for google maps 10 Days of Camping by Alfios River and 15 minutes from Kaiafas Beach & amazing beaches! Venue Pics: Check facebook pictures folders Activities Pics: Check facebook pictures folders _________________________________________________________ THE FACILITIES… * 5 Days Festival / 10 Days Camping * Unique Nature + Top international & Greek artists + Amazing decorations & Instalations + State of the art sound system to blow you away + Spectacular lights and visuals by International Artists + Secluded camping venue with magical forest, river and 15min from different beaches! + Walkway through forest & big open spaces by the river beach + Extreme Sports & Activities (Rafting, Hydrospeed, Swimming, Mountain Bike, Trekking, Climbing and more!) + Show dancers and festival entertainers + International Market area + Build Restaurant with Greek & International delicacies (space for 300 sitting people) + Shaded camping zones & Parking at your tent for campers + Accommodation available in area + Build Toilets & Showers, 24h maintainance + Friendly security for your safety + 24 hour first aid + Bus Festival Transport From Athens (Meeting Point in Centre) _________________________________________________________ THE TICKETS…. This is a LIMITED TICKETS EVENT! We organize it safely and in order to keep the quality of the event high and the ticket prices as low as possible and always according to the production size! There will be only 600 tickets available on Presale and 600 tickets available at the Gates! Last year we sold out all our 600 available presale tickets and had 1000 tickets sold total! Be Fast! Get your presale tickets as soon as you can, to benefit from very low ticket prices and make sure you will attend the event! Early Bird : 40 € (100 tickets, available Online Only) SOLD OUT Period 1 : 55 € (200 tickets, available Online & Shops) ON SALE NOW Period 2 : 65 € (300 tickets, available Online & Shops) Gate price: 85 € (Limited Tickets) International Tickets Available online from: HADRA: http://www.hadra.net/shop/new/product.php?id_product=1423 Greece online tickets Available from: AMORPHIA & AKIDA PROMO Tickets in Athens: “AMORPHIA SHOP”, Tmolou 22-24, Byronas Tel: +30 6980 04 14 83 , Email: spiros@amorphia.gr FB: Spiros Wom, Web: www.amorphia.gr More Greek & International Presales Spots Coming Soon! _________________________________________________________ FACEBOOK OFFICIAL: http://www.facebook.com/freeearthfestival WEBSITE OFFICIAL: NEW WEBSITE COMING SOON!!! http://www.free-earth-festival.com/
  17. Hi, I'm starting organising for this year's summer... I will have a VERY VERY busy time the next months, I'm hoping to finish my projects (building my house) until June, so with whatever pocket change I'll have left I REALLY REALLY wanna go to one of the big festivals, since the past 2 years I haven't been to one. I've been noticing that there's been a shift in having a lot of retro acts, ZNA is the first that comes mind, SUN festival also has a good mix of classic and new acts, OZORA is good as always, Freedom also has a strong line-up... Anyway, I think the festivals are very good this year, my first choice would be SUN, but I don't know if I'll be able to get the days off from work in July , OZORA seems a bit more easy with the dates. and third would be ZNA but getting from Greece to Portugal can be a pain... not so many flights, and they can be expensive unless I do something like Bus to Patra -> Ryanair to Wherever -> Wherever to Portugal. So how about your plans????
  18. http://www.modemfestival.com Momento Demento Festival 2014 15th - 21st July Primislje, Croatia MO:DEM is back to blast, moving forwards into 2014 with its third edition and several improvements to the festival infrastructure for a comfy, funky, happy festie experience. The response to the previous edition has singled MO:DEM out for hosting one of the most exceptional line-ups on the festival circuit: so we fly with the same strategy this year; delivering a finely-researched music program that brings you sounds that are fresh, high-grade, organic and truly underground... Of course, we return to the same location - which is off-the-scale-beautiful! A spring-water river and natural green space make it immense for swimming, trekking, rafting, exploring... It's one of many reasons we will preserve it more than ever by dedicating the festival to the theme: Ecology. Ideas and visions for ecology and well-being will be inspired by a special program for workshops, therapies and practice sessions that include yoga: all taking place down by the river and next to the Art Gallery. Along with many other improvements over last year, the camping will be much more spacious, and for those that do not like the hill, a shuttle-bus service will transport you between Chill Out and Main Floor! 2014 is proving revolutionary for many of us: it will be a very special season indeed... So now is the time to either book your ticket or get in touch if you would like to contribute to MO:DEM as a therapist, healer or performance artist! The dance floor is going to be a VORTEX! Let's dive in... ------Lineup------ -Main Floor- “The only truth is music.” Jack Kerouac The Main Stage is a positive reflection of the talent that continues to emerge as a result of the impact made by the democratization of music production by technology. It’s a stage like no other, which is what differentiates the line-up and gives MO:DEM it’s unique value as a festival. Advanced methods of communication have made it possible to tap into this massive pool of creative talent and explore the infinite sea of sounds created by artists from every walk of life. Our fascination for exploring these new sounds and for discovering the artists who make them goes beyond the enormity of the mission involved in sieving through the mass of music that’s actually out there. Some of the most talented producers are the ones that spend more time in the studio and least on marketing their personalities on social media outlets. These are the people that we have enjoyed connecting with most, helping deliver a finely-researched music program that features fresh, high-grade and organic underground sounds. Music is selfless and good quality production no doubt arises from a place of love. We are thankful to all those who have shared theirs with us as we continue to develop the Psychedelic Stage as a platform for outstanding individuals that produce a wealth of rich and wonderful psychedelic music. LIVE : ARJUNA ( PARVATI RECORDS , ITALY ) https://soundcloud.com/arjunajungle DERANGO ( PARVATI RECORDS, SWEDEN ) https://soundcloud.com/derango DHARMA ( LOONEY MOON RECORDS , ITALY ) https://soundcloud.com/pigiu DISINTEGRATED CIRCUITS ( WORLD PEOPLE MUSIC , PORTUGAL ) https://soundcloud.com/disintegrated-circuits DUST ( LOONEY MOON RECORDS , ITALY ) https://soundcloud.com/thedust EVP ( WILDTHINGS RECORDS , UK ) https://soundcloud.com/e-v-p-wildthings FAGIN’S REJECT ( WILDTHINGS RECORDS , UK ) https://soundcloud.com/fagins_reject GASPARD ( PEAK RECORDS , SWITZERLAND ) http://m.soundcloud.com/gaspon-bessard GROUCH ( ZENON RECORDS , NEW ZEALAND ) https://soundcloud.com/grouchnz HARMONIC REBEL ( PSYNON RECORDS , CYPRUS ) https://soundcloud.com/harmonic-rebel HIGHSTYLE ( RITUAL RECORDS, SOUTH AFRICA ) https://soundcloud.com/highstyle HYPOGEO ( ZENON RECORDS , ITALY ) https://soundcloud.com/hypogeo HYPEREGGS ( LOONEY MOON REC, ITALY ) https://soundcloud.com/hypereggs HOTEP ( DIGITAL YONKIS , CROATIA ) https://soundcloud.com/psy_hotep HUTTI HEITA ( YGGDRASIL RECORDS , NORWAY ) https://soundcloud.com/huttiheita INSANE CREATURES ( PURPLE HEXAGON RECORDS , SPAIN/BRAZIL) https://soundcloud.com/insanecreatures JAHBO ( PARVATI RECORDS , DENMARK ) https://soundcloud.com/jahbo KABADROP ( INDEPENDENT , USA/GREECE ) https://soundcloud.com/kabadrop KABAYUN ( LOONEY MOON RECORDS , USA ) https://soundcloud.com/kabayun KABI TERSIUS ( DIGITAL MIND RECORDS / VANTARA VICHITRA , SOUTH AFRICA ) https://soundcloud.com/tersius/work-in-progress-unmasterd KAINED & ABLE ( ZENON RECORDS , UK ) https://soundcloud.com/kained KANKA ( YGGDRASIL RECORDS , NORWAY ) https://soundcloud.com/fotters/ KAOS ( GOANMANTRA REC , GREECE ) https://soundcloud.com/dimitris-kaos KASATKA https://soundcloud.com/kasatka KILLER B ( LOONEY MOON , SOUTH AFRICA ) https://soundcloud.com/killerben KIM ( GRASHOPPER RECORDS , UK ) https://soundcloud.com/joakimfogelmark KRONOS ( LOONEY MOON RECORDS , ITALY ) https://soundcloud.com/kronos-djset LOOSE CONNECTION ( FREE RADICAL RECORDS , UK ) https://soundcloud.com/loose-connection MALICE IN WONDERLAND ( HYBRID AUDIO SOURCE, AT ) https://soundcloud.com/malice-in-wonderland MARK DAY ( BLUE HOUR SOUNDS , UK ) https://soundcloud.com/mark-day MEERKUT ( HYBRID AUDIO SOURCE , FRANCE ) https://soundcloud.com/meerkut MUSCARIA ( BANYAN REC, AT ) https://soundcloud.com/paramuscaria NARGUN ( PARVATI RECORDS , BRAZIL ) https://soundcloud.com/nargunlive NIRIA ( SOLERSIS RECORDS , UK ) https://soundcloud.com/niria NOITRIK ( ALICE D / NOISE POISON / URBAN ANTIDOTE, ENGLAND ) https://soundcloud.com/noitrik OCCULAR ( BOM SHANKA MUSIC , UK ) https://soundcloud.com/occular ONION BRAIN ( UROBOROS REC, BRASIL ) https://soundcloud.com/onionbrain PARACOZM ( UROBOROS RECORDS , BRAZIL ) https://soundcloud.com/paracozm PARALOCKS ( KAMINO RECORDS , SOUTH AFRICA ) https://soundcloud.com/paralocks PARASENSE ( BOM SHANKA MUSIC , RUSSIA ) http://www.bomshanka.com/ PHASE ( LOONEY MOON RECORDS , ITALY ) https://soundcloud.com/phase-3 PSYBERPUNK ( SHAMAN ELECTRO, SWITZERLAND ) http://www.psyberpunk.ch/ R2 ( LOONEY MOON RECORDS , COSTA RICA ) https://soundcloud.com/r2lab REALITY GRID ( WILDTHINGS RECORDS , UK ) https://soundcloud.com/realitygrid RIDDEN ( HARMONIA RECORDS , GREECE ) https://soundcloud.com/ridden SHOTU ( HADRA RECORDS , FRANCE ) https://soundcloud.com/shotu SOLIDSTATE (HUMAN EVOLUTION / HYBRID AUDIO SOURCE, ITALY) SOURONE ( ZENON RECORDS , POLAND ) https://soundcloud.com/sourone SOUTHWILD ( WILDTHINGS RECORDS , GERMANY/CANADA ) https://soundcloud.com/southwild SPECTRALIS ( PIXAN RECORDINGS ) https://soundcloud.com/elemental_audio SPORE ( D-A-R-K rec. / Goanmantra rec , ITALY ) SPROCKET ( BLUEHOUR SOUNDS , UK ) https://soundcloud.com/sprocket SYNTHETIK CHAOS ( BOM SHANKA MUSIC , FRANCE ) https://soundcloud.com/yan-synthetik-chaos TIJAH ( UROBOROS, BRASIL ) https://soundcloud.com/tijahmusic TRON ( ZERO1 MUSIC, MEXICO ) https://soundcloud.com/zero1-music ULVAE ( PARVATI / PORTUGAL ) https://soundcloud.com/ulvae ZZBING ( WOODOG RECORDS , UK ) https://soundcloud.com/zzbing DJ : ALANITA ( UROBOROS / COSMIC CONSPIRACY RECORDS , BRAZIL ) https://soundcloud.com/djalanita AMAZON ( PEAK RECORDS , SWITZERLAND ) www.peakrec.com ANYA ( DAMARU RECORDS , RUSSIA / USA ) https://soundcloud.com/dj_anya ASTRALEX ( 24/7 RECORDS , AUSTRIA ) https://soundcloud.com/astralex BAKSHISH ( LOONEY MOON EXPERIMENT , ITALY ) https://soundcloud.com/bakshish-dwauw DALA ( NANO RECORDS, SOUTH AFRICA ) https://soundcloud.com/dala-nanorec FIDEL ( MODEM FESTIVAL , CROATIA ) FOG ( PEAK REC/ LOONEY MOON , ITALY ) https://soundcloud.com/fog-peak-looneymoon-rec FULL LOTUS ( BOOGIE WOOGIE FEST , UK ) https://soundcloud.com/full-lotus GIUSEPPE ( PARVATI RECORDS , IT / DK ) http://parvati-records.com/ GONZO ( MODEM FESTIVAL , CROATIA ) GUER ( MODEM FESTIVAL , CROATIA ) KENON (HUMAN EVOLUTION, ITALY) MICRODOT ( 24/7 RECORDS , AUSTRIA ) https://soundcloud.com/microdot-24-7-rec NAIMA ( SANGOMA RECORDS , AUSTRIA ) https://soundcloud.com/naimafee NA TI ( ZENON REC, ISRAEL ) https://soundcloud.com/na-timusic NIGEL ( SHIVA VALLEY RECORDS , UK ) https://soundcloud.com/neonbookings/dj-nigel-shiva-valley-records NOLAN ( ZENON RECORDS , UK ) https://soundcloud.com/nolan-shmolan-zenon-rec OR ( LMX, LOST THEORY REC, ISRAEL ) PHOBOS ( LOONEY MOON RECORDS , ITALY ) https://soundcloud.com/phobos_looney PSYCODE ( WOODOG RECORDS , UK ) https://soundcloud.com/psyc0de SI ( MODEM FESTIVAL / HYBRID AUDIO SOURCE, CROATIA ) https://soundcloud.com/si-momento-demento TOTO ( WORLD PEOPLE, FRANCE ) https://soundcloud.com/world-people-production VAL VASHAR ( ZENON RECORDS , CROATIA ) https://soundcloud.com/val_vashar VERT3X ( PSYNON RECORDS , CYPRUS ) https://soundcloud.com/vert3x -Chillout Floor- We are blessed with one of the most unbelievable chill out areas of all time, located on a wonderful island that is surrounded by clean, fresh, river water and plenty of flora and fauna. Elevating the sonic experience, it’s the ultimate escapade within the festival environment. The abundance of greenery is therapeutic and invites you to explore a truly psychedelic landscape. Adventurous travelers can follow the wooden staircase down from the Upper Level. Get to the bottom of the staircase to cross the bridge and walk onto the Island where the stage, music, art, decor, visuals, market, food and healing therapists will be set up. Here you can enjoy a vast selection of musical styles. Chill out to ambient grooves or IDM, dub, dubstep, breakbeat, psychedelic chill out, techno, glitch, psystep and abstract, experimental sounds – while bathing in the crystal waters of the Mreznica River – known to be the cleanest and clearest in Croatia. Right now, we’re busy building the line-up – so applications for artists that would like to play here are still open. If you can see yourself performing on the Chill Out Stage at MO:DEM Festival – then please send us your biog and a Soundcloud link to: chill.modemfestival@gmail.com. ------Tickets------ 80eur till 15 March (400 tickets) 90eur till 15 April (500 tickets) 100eur till 15 May (600 tickets) 110eur till 1 July (600 tickets) BUY TICKETS AT HADRA www.hadra.net/shop/new/product.php?id_product=1404 BUY TICKETS AT ACCESS ALL AREAS www.onlinestall.com/cgi-bin/stall2.pl?act=sp&s=Stall/Modem_Festival_2014 ------More Info------ For more info on the ecology strategy, updated lineups, and all other news, including travel information, please check out our official website: www.modemfestival.com Plus follow and like us on our Facebook page event. Event: www.facebook.com/events/242546269241263/ Page: www.facebook.com/momento.demento.psytrance We hope you will join us in 2014!
  19. The 15th annual! July 24-28 2014 Golden BC Canada Four nights in a spectacular venue surrounded by mountains and untouched national park. Four stages, all styles of electronic music (emphasis on psy at night), camping, workshops, wood fired sauna, live art, public art wall, performers, costumes, fire effects, lazers, professional sound, vendors, glacial river, pond, BYOB, pets, all ages, 24hr security, 24hr medical, 24hr sanctuary. http://www.motionnotion.com http://www.facebook.com/motionnotionfestival
  20. Helicon Sounds Music presents "Release the Beast 2014" 24h Outdoor Party celebrating the release of HSS013:The number of the beast http://heliconvibrations.blogspot.gr/2013/06/hss013the-number-of-beast-coming-soon.html Live Irgum Burgum (PsyBaba records)-Hungary Blisargon Demogorgon (Bhooteswara Records)- F.Y.R.O.M. Hishiryo (Wild 7 Records/DVM Records)-France Sample Bugs (Ohm Ganesh/ Pro-Plegma Recs) Lost Reflection (HSSR) Metahuman (Electricmoon-HSSR) Tsek (Eleusis records/Tsek-Art) Psylence Mind (4 Elements) Paranoia Sector (Scared Evil/Horrordelic Records) Sungazer(HSSR) Darkchico(Eleusis Records) DJ-sets Helloki(Arcade Disfunction Records)-Belgium Spiros Tsot(Amphidromia , Atlantis FM) Miss Lina(Amphidromia , Atlantis FM) Mendor (Eleusis records) Spyros (Gravitysense) Techspex(Psychedelic.gr) Necroillusion(HSSR) Cain (Scared Evil Records) The line up is confirmed and closed .Thank you Timetable coming soon Loud and Clear Soundsystem Special Deco and Visuals by HSM Chaishop, Drinks,beverages,food and sweet stall with special prices This is a PRESALE ONLY event limited to 250 ppl Damage Until 31.12.13 :10 Euro Until 31.3.14 :15 Euro Until 30.4.14 : 20 Euro (+CD) Presale starts @ 1 November 2013 -Update soon Info - Helpdesk : Helicon-sounds@hotmail.com or contact Helicon Sounds or LostReflection Dimitris The Party is scheduled to be held outdoors . In case of bad weather , the party will be held at the same spot but indoors. Support your local groovers http://heliconvibrations.blogspot.gr/ https://www.facebook.com/events/1376321019274907/ http://hss-odyssey-2011.blogspot.gr/2013/10/release-beast-24h-party-17-18-may-2014.html
  21. Acts (Auswahl): DAY.DIN | NOK | SONIC SPECIES | ELECTRYPNOSE | ALLABY | BRAINIAC | HYPERFREQUENCIES | PAUL TAYLOR | SENSIFEEL | ASURA | AKSHAN | DJOANNA | OTEZUKA | BRAINDRIVER MORE THAN 20 LIVE ACTS - OVER 30 DJS - 6 DECO TEAMS - BREATHTAKING NEW YEAR COUNTDOWN - GREAT PROJECTIONS - VISUAL MAPPING - BIG LIGHT & LASER SHOW - 50K SOUNDSYSTEM - 3 FLOORS - 46 HOURS MUSIC: progressive & psychedelic Trance, Deep Tech-House, Electronica & Ambient Der Jahreswechsel rückt immer näher und somit der 10. Geburtstag des legendären Timegate Festivals am 30 und 31.12 in der Schweiz (Porrentruy). Atemberaubende Shows, beeindruckende Laservorführungen, bahnbrechende Projektionen, ein massives High-End Soundsystem, 3 Floors und der einzigartige Mitternachtscountdown machen das Timegate Festival zu einem der faszinierendsten Orte, um das neue Jahr zu begrüßen. Und um diesen runden Geburtstag auch gebührend zu feiern, wird ein Showkonzept geboten, das alles in den Schatten stellt, was bisher geschah. Die weitläufigen Räumlichkeiten des Complexe 3D (Tennis Club d’Ajoie) bieten mehrere Indoor- so wie Outdoorbereiche, Shopping Areas, bequeme Chill Out Zonen und Raucherlounges. Porrentruy liegt unweit der deutschen Grenze und kann in weniger als 4 Stunden von Frankfurt aus erreicht werden. Von Friedrichshafen und Bregenz dauert es sogar nur 3 Stunden. Der Second Floor bietet am ersten Tag eine bunte Mischung Psy-Trance, Dark-Psy und Progressive, bevor am Silvesterabend musikalisch der Wechsel zu Techno, Electro und Progressive vollzogen wird. Der große Timegate Mainfloor öffnet seine Tore zu Silvester, Dienstag den 31. Dezember, und lädt zu einer magischen Reise der besonderen Art. Psytrance und Progressive Psy in all seinen Formen verschmelzen hier mit einem regelrechten Feuerwerk an visuellen Darbietungen. Zusätzlich bietet der Parallel Floor eine abwechslunsgreiche Mischung entspannter Klänge der Genres Ambient, Downtempo, Progressive Chill-Trance und Deep Tech-House. Außerdem sind insgesamt 6 angesehene Deko-Teams und eine ganze Heerschar an KünstlerInnen und Akrobaten an der Umsetzung dieses einzigartigen Erlebnises beteiligt. Abwechslungsreiche akrobatische Shows und wegweisende visuelle Darbietungen auf allen Ebenen vervollständigen das weltweit einmalige Konzept. DECO IV-3D (Biolive) / LES LUCIOLES (Hadra) / FLOWERS OF LIFE / ART MANIF / MAE & MOA (One feel) / FLOATING BUSH Collective Deco VJ'S NATARAJA VEEJAY / AT-OM / PIXELMATSCH / SISTER RAY / DOBERMANN VJ / VISUAL INVADERZ / VJ VIRUS / VJ XAMARU / VJ IVAN / VJ UZAKO _______________________________________________________________ TICKETS: VORVERKAUF bis 30.11: 30.12: Chf 39.- / 33.-€ 31.12: Chf 72.- / 60.-€ 2 Nächte: Chf 85.- / 71.-€ VORVERKAUF, 30.11 bis 27.12: 30.12: Chf 43.- / 36.-€ 31.12: Chf 79.- / 66.-€ 2 Nächte: Chf 93.- / 78.- € internationaler VORVERKAUF: http://www.weezevent.com/timegate-10th-edition ABENDKASSE / at the doors: 30.12: 50.- Chf / 42.- € 31.12: 90.- Chf / 75.- € 2 Nächte: 110.- Chf / 92.- € _______________________________________________________________ Start: Montag, 30. Dezember 2013, 20:00 Ende: Mittwoch, 01. Jänner 2014, 18:00 Location: Complexe 3D (Tennis Club d’Ajoie), Porrentruy / Jura / Switzerland Web: http://www.biolive.ch/ 3 Tage – 2 Nächte / 2 Floors am 30.Dezember – 3 Floors am 31.Dezember LOCATION: Complexe 3d – Tennis Couvert d'Ajoie Porrentruy / Jura / Switzerland __________________________________________________________________ WEB OFFICIAL: www.biolive.ch FACEBOOK page: http://www.facebook.com/Timegatefestival FACEBOOK event: http://www.facebook.com/events/454526957988664/ FACEBOOK group: http://www.facebook.com/groups/107996549222977/?fref=ts __________________________________________________________________ HOTEL: http://www.biolive.ch/website/en/timegate-10th-edition-hotel/ ANREISE / TRAVEL: von Deutschland : zuerst nach Basel und dann nach Porrentruy via Delémont. von Frankreich, Italien, Österreich: nach Delémont und dann nach Porrentruy mit dem Auto : Highway (E27/A16) Ausfahrt Porrentruy-Est Links abbiegen beim ersten und zweiten Kreisverkehr, den Schildern folgen. ZUG : weniger als 4 Stunden von Frankfurt, ca. 3 Stunden von Friedrichshafen und Bregenz FLUGZEUG : Die nächsten Flughäfen sind: Euroairoport Basel / Mulhouse / Freiburg VIDEO TRAILER http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiWCmoJ3IJw
  22. Tribal Gathering 2014 At an uninhabited Caribbean beach in Panama February 10th-17th A truly psychedelic transformational festival for tribes of the world. Adding to an amazing international lineup, possibly the worlds most beautiful location on the Caribbean sea, with artists from around the world and structures built by indigenous tribes using traditional techniques, there are meeting houses, stages, an art gallery, craft rooms, tipi's, a sweat Lodge, market, restaurants and bars. Tribal communities with representatives from Guna, Embera, Maya, Ngobe, Boruca and more will live with us for the duration of the gathering, sharing their ideas and culture through ceremonies, workshops, talks, theatre, art, food and drink. There really is no other festival like this on earth. Money raised by the event goes to sponsor projects with the tribes in attendance throughout the following year. LINEUP: Live: Ott Perfect Stranger Symbolic LOUD Entheogenic Rising Appalachia The Human Experience Klopfgeister E-Clip Tron James Monro Greg Hilight Tribe Dirty Saffi Kalya Scintilla Kaminanda Merkaba Soul Visions Dan Covan Living Light R2 DJs: Osho Arturo Maia Brian Sensient Dan Massive DJ Shahar Mat Mushroom Hilight Tribe DJ set DJ Nuky DJ Rikam Zen Simon Baring Ipcress MI5 Robin Triskele Michal Scheffler Naasko Djane Gaby Charles Bell Ely Tiffd Jahiro Alfaro Jamez23 Marcodelix Ras Pulum Lee Lyndon And more to be announced! There will be a shuttle service from Tocumen International Airport (PTY) to and from the gathering. Tickets: $150 pre-sale, $200 at the gate Visit GeoParadise.org for more information! Video of Tribal Gathering 2014 location
  23. So is anybody going or considering going to Lost Theory in Croatia this August?! The line-up looks freaking amazing! I am really tempted to go this year... The last two years I went to Ozora but planning for something else this year. I have also considered Transylvania Calling. Lost Theory line up (as it reads today the 31st of May): :o nuf said! http://www.losttheoryfestival.com/
  24. Incredible lakeside location. Dancing all night till sunrise. Swimming in crystal clear waters. Sunrise and sunset views from lakeside. DANCEFLOORS • YOGA • INSPIRATIONAL SPEAKERS AND WORKSHOPS CIRQUE THEATRE AND COMEDY • SURREALIST BINGO • KIDS AREA MIND BLOWING ART INSTALLATIONS www.SymbiosisGathering.com 19-23 September 2013 The Autumnal Equinox Woodward Reservoir, Oakdale, CA FULL SG13 LINEUP: • Eclectic Bass: Mount Kimbie Poliça Hudson Mohawke (DJ Set) Emancipator IAMAMIWHOAMI (Debut US Performance) RL Grime Active Child Star Slinger Lunice Chet Faker Cashmere Cat Ryan Hemsworth AnTenNae Lapalux French Fries The Coup Saul Williams Moombahton Massive Body Language Phaeleh Odesza Djemba Djemba Mr. Carmack Love and Light Michal Menert Vibesquad Real Magic Russ Liquid G Jones Thriftworks BOGL vs DIALS Danny Corn El Papachango Sidecar Tommy Sabota JPOD Shawna DJ Laura Dov The Librarian Mihkal Kitty-D jupit3r Monkey Marc Staunch Mustard Tiger • House / Trance: Gesaffelstein Popof Brodinski Lee Foss Nick Warren Max Cooper Matias Aguayo (DJ Set) French Fries Adam Freeland D-Nox & Beckers T.Williams Mosca Thugfucker J.Phlip Matt Nordstrom Christian Martin South London Ordnance Locked Groove Ana Sia Valentin Stip KMLN DJ Sabo Shawna Eduardo Castillo Eegor Eitan Reiter Pumpkin Uone Worthy Ardalan Little John Max Ulis DJ Laura Closer Apart Evan Marc Jeno Garth Idiot Savant Tony Inorbit Anton Tumas Matt Xavier Bob Five Maxi Adnan Samo Sound Boy Perfect Stranger Laughing Buddha Zen Mechanics Avalon Tetrameth Shadow FX LOUD Burn in Noise Grouch Emok Phony Orphants Zentura (DJ Set) Merkaba Treavor Moontribe Kromagon Tom Cosm Stranger than YULI Eitan & Kobi Terrakroma Nikroma Sentient Gatto Matto Swami Harami • Global / Galactic: GAUDI Random Rab Rising Appalachia Dub Kirtan All Stars (DJ Set) Bluetech OTT Desert Dwellers Kalya Scintilla SUN:MONX (DJ Set) Dirtwire Cheb i Sabbah Gods Robots Bird of Prey Kaminanda KiloWatts Ganga Giri Birds of Paradise Liberation Movement Dunkelbunt Zeb Dragonfly Masaladosa Shamans Dream Rigzin Makyo Austero Sweet Anomoly Hopscotch Bass Mantra Human Experience Plantrae Anchor Hill Psy Fi Kyrstyn Pixton Griff LubDub Eric Oberthaler [eO] Wala Sasha Rose RhythmStar Radio Hiro Auditory Canvas Outersect Janover & reSunator Spoken Bird Electric Vardo Neptune sol Rising MArz Starz Becca Dakini Radio Free Clear Light Smokavich • Live / Sacred / Gypsy: Nahko & Medicine for the People Rising Appalachia He's My Brother, She's My Sister SORNE Fish Tank Ensemble El Radio Fantastique Blackbird Raum Lynx The Crux Beso Negro Metal Mother Mortar & Pestle LoCura Dgiin Campfire Songs w/ Micha & Leighton Honeybrew Trio Hobo Gobbelins Inspector Gadje Cello Joe Tarran The Tailor Madrone Brothers Bad Unkl Sista Fanna Fi Allah Suzanne Sterling Stellamara Mark Deutsch Kirtaniyas Saratone & the Earth Tribe Gospel Ananata Govinda • Edwardian Ball Roadshow: Rosin Coven & Vau de Vire Society Delauchaux El Radio Fantastique Dark Garden Shakti Bliss Fou Fou Ha Shovelman The Klown Korp • Academy Dance: Amy Secada Wren LaFeet Elana Jaroff Monique Trinity Rose Chantelle Devi Nikelle Khan Tyler Blank Jenna Anjali Fabiona Lopes Heather Craig Workshops: Slam Poetry - Saul Williams Mythological News - Caroline Casey Laughtivism - Andy Bichlbaum Improv & Sketch - Kill All Comedy Standup & Improv - Stranger Foodopoly - Wenonah Hunter Spoken Word - Climbing PoeTree Resource Extraction - Beehive Design Collective Palm Oil & Orangutans - Laurel Sutherlin Biological Diversity - Tim Ream Fracking Policy - Brendan Cummings Rad Dads & Hip Mamas - Tomas Moniz Mycorenewal - Megan & Katie Wild Things - Josiah Clark Stargazing - Stargazer Li The Alchemy of Cacao - Brian Wallace Economies & Communities - David Casey Cellist Beatboxing - CelloJoe Festival Evolution - Magenta Community Organizing - Morgan Fizgibbons Permaculture Songs - Formidable Vegetable Sound System Monkey Ascension - Bruce Damer Plastics Kill - Manuel Maqueda Transforming Spaces - Ryan Rising Vocal Alchemy - Wahkeena Sitka Yoga: Veeru Triphathi Noah Mckenna Eric Wallace Charanpal Kaur Sita Devi Wendy Faith Barbi Joffee Matthew Schmookler Danielle Rubio Marisa Weppner Brad Parker James Kapicka Dharam Deep Singh MORE INFO & TIX: www.SYMBIOSISGATHERING.com
  25. http://www.modemfestival.com Momento Demento crew is preparing 2nd edition of our psychedelic music festival. Expect beautiful weather , unseen nature , 4 nights and 5 days of proper psychedelic underground music featuring some of the best dj's and producers from around the world. For more info check web page, lineup and some other info below MUSIC Psychedelic Stage LIVE: ARJUNA ( Parvati Records , Italy ) ASIMILON ( Bom Shanka Music , UK ) ATARO ( Free Radical Records/Damaru Records , Iran/UK ) CHRIS RICH ( Bom Shanka Music , UK ) DATAURA ( Digital Mind Records , UK ) DIRTY SAFFI ( Bom Shanka Music , UK ) DISINTEGRATED CIRCUITS ( 5th Element music , Portugal ) DUST ( Looney Moon Records , Italy ) ELLIS THOMAS ( Glitchy Tonic Records , UK ) ENDEAVOUR ( Catalyst Records , Mexico ) EVP ( Wildthings Records , UK ) FLIPKNOT ( Parvati Records , India ) GROUCH ( Zenon Records , New Zealand ) HARMONIC REBEL ( Psynon Records , Cyprus ) HOLON ( Catalyst Records , Mexico ) HYPOGEO ( Zenon Records , Italy ) IANUARIA ( Blue Hour Sounds , Austria ) JAHBO (Parvati Records , Denmark) KABAYUN ( Looney Moon Records , USA ) KIM ( Grasshopper Records , Sweden ) KINDZADZA ( Osom Music , Russia ) IN LAK ECH ( Catalyst Records , Mexico ) ISOCHRONIC ( Psynon Records , Cyprus ) LOOSE CONNECTION ( Free Radical Records , UK ) MAGIC SEEDS ( Sonic Chakras , Macedonia/russia ) MALICE IN WONDERLAND ( 2 to 7 records , Austria ) MARK DAY ( Blue Hour Sounds , UK ) MIRROR ME ( Zenon Records/Psylesia , Poland ) MODULE VIRUS ( Bom Shanka Music , Portugal ) NOMAD 25 ( Psynon Records , Cyprus ) NARGUN ( Parvati Records , Brazil ) PARALOCKS ( South Africa ) PARASENSE ( Bom Shanka Music , Russia ) PHASE ( Looney Moon Records, Italy ) PROJECT SKETCH ( Arkona Creation , UK ) PSYMMETRIX ( Bom Shanka Music , UK ) PSPIRALIFE ( Zenon Records , Australia ) R2 ( Looney Moon , Costa Rica ) REV ( Doof Records , USA/ Netherlands ) SYNTHETIK CHAOS ( World People , France ) SOUTWILD ( Wildthings Records , Canada/Germany ) SPROCKET ( Catawampus , UK ) TIJAH ( Uroboros records , Brazil ) TRON ( Zero 1 Music , Mexico ) WHIPTONGUE ( Looney Moon Records , Brazil ) XPIRAL ( Vagalume Records , Brazil ) ZOOLOG ( Parvati Records , Denmark ) DJSET: ALANITA ( Cosmic conspiracy/ Uroboros rec , Brazil ) AMAZON ( Peak Records , Switzerland ) ASTRALEX ( 24/7 Records , Austria ) BAKSHISH ( Looney moon experiment , Italy ) BEARDY WEARDY ( Wildthings Records , UK ) FIDEL ( Momento Demento , Croatia ) FOG & PHOBOS ( Looney Moon, Italy ) HISRAV ( Catalyst Records , Mexico ) HOPI ( Nano Records , Romania/UK ) MICRODOT ( 24/7 Records , Austria ) MERRY ( Purple Hexagon Records , Germany ) MOFU ( Zenon / Glitchy tonic records , Italy ) NIGEL ( Revolve , UK ) NA-TI & OR-DWAUW ( Zenon , Israel ) ODDICON ( Purple Hexagon, Malasya ) PILA ( Ministarstvo Psihodelije , Croatia ) PELKS ( Momento Demento , Croatia ) SI ( Momento Demento , Croatia ) TOTO ( World People , France ) VAL VASHAR ( Zenon Records , Croatia ) VERT3X ( Psynon Records , Cyprus ) Chillout / Crossover Zone : Live: AKASHA ( Enig'matik Records , UK ) ANGULAR MOMENTUM ( Ajnavision , Portugal ) ATOM BASED (Amphetax Music, Croatia) DATAURA (Digital Mind Records, UK ) EURITHMY ( UK ) GROUCH (Zenon Records, New Zealand) HEAVENLY FATHER (Looney Moon Experiment,USA) IKETA (Visionary Mind Records, Hungary) JAVIER OREAMUNO (Psynomads, Costa Rica ) MASTER MARGERITA (Peak Records, Switzerland) MODERN ERRORS ( Visionary mind , Netherlands ) OUTERSPACECREATIONS (5th Element Music, Portugal) PERIOD THE END ( Looney Moon Experiment , USA ) QUANTA (Enig'matik Records,UK) SERGRIO WALLGOOD ( Ajnavision Records , Portugal ) SPIRITUAL GANGSTA ( India ) UTERO (Visionary Mind Records, Hungary) WOLFEYE ( Visionary Mind , Netherlands / Hungary ) WAGAWAGA (Acroplane Records,UK) DJ: ALAN RICHIE (Bom Shanka Music, UK) BAKSHISH (Looney Moon Experiment, Italy) FOG (Looney Moon Experiment, Italy) HOMFOO (Looney moon experiment , Italy ) KUDJO (Ajnavision Records, Croatia) MAJAH (Ministarstvo Psihodelije, Croatia) PHILLIP HAMMERS (Nomadstribe, Germany) PILA (Ministarstvo Psihodelije, Croatia) PIPAL (Ministarstvo Psihodelije, Croatia ) SHOSHANA (Mamis Magic, Slovenia ) SPIRIT HOOD (Ajnavision Records, Portugal) VAL VASHAR (Zenon Records, Croatia ) ZOOLOG (Parvati Records, Denmark) DECORATIONS: NEIL GIBSON ( Canada ) www.neilgibson.ca FREE TRANCEFORM ( Russia ) www.freetranceform.ru SYNOPSE EFFECT ( Russia ) QUANTUM TRIBE ( Russia ) facebook.com/QuantumTribe LOONEY MOON ( Italy ) looneymoondeco.drupalgardens.com VISUALS: DELTA PROCESS ( Italy ) www.deltaprocess.it TICKETS: till 10th february 50 eur till 1st april 60 eur till 1st june 70 eur till 1st of august 80 eur at the gate : 95 eur Online purchase : http://www.hadra.net/shop/new/product.php?id_product=1005 http://www.onlinestall.com/cgi-bin/stall2.pl?act=tickets&event=Modem_Festival For ambassadors check webpage! 
 PARTICIPATE: market place: shops@modemfestival.com volunteers : volunteers@modemfestival.com workshops and leisures : workshops@modemfestival.com For any other info or questions don't hesitate to send us email on info@modemfestival.com www.facebook.com/events/476559852364875/ www.facebook.com/Momento.demento www.facebook.com/momento.demento.psytrance
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