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Everything posted by astralprojection

  1. Zodiac is a good album. I was lucky to see talamasca live at Arvika when he hadn't released it yet so much in his set was new stuff at the time. It stuck with me
  2. thats a good take on it, and i suppose youre right maybe i was a bit harsh on them it was a funny video i give them that; id just hate for it to be some sort of self promo . not sure why but it doesnt sit right. but your take sounds more plausible !
  3. @AstralSphinx thanks that is super useful and helpful!! very much appreciated. i think i understand about 75% of it or so
  4. i meant the youtube video itself. the meme so to speak. Loud did that? edit: lol youre right, haha okay thats strange. That now seems a bit cocky instead of funny. I thought it was just a random memer complaining about the state of psytrance who did that video. Not an artist wanting to say "hey, we can do it better" : ( that was an anticlimax .
  5. I stand corrected and my apologies nice! a little Khetzal-esque in the feeling of it edit: btw is "egyptian" mode pretty much Phrygian mode? Or is that a scale and not a mode? I am not musically trained Im learning as I go along.
  6. mods... can you please do something? i tried scrolling to MultiMedias response on my phone and it exploded and Im now deformed because of it. Stop slacking, I see youre active.
  7. i miss rotwang is he still wandering the earth like caine or what
  8. I really love your analysis. Pleiadian maximalism. Thats a sentence I never thought Id see and I pretty much know exactly what youre talking about too Hrm sky* cough* input
  9. He was never here. Yeah he used the basstation iirc for the acid synth and to get the desired distortion he pushed the channel on the first mixer to max then ran it into another mixer and pushed that channel too. Analog distortion at its finest. But ofc it's all recreatable in software you just have to think a little outside the box no pun intended, to get the right sounding noise, distortion, and even passive filtering and compression that's the nature of resistors and transistors in any analog unit.. So some people who say software sounds thin and lifeless aren't incorrect but it's certainly possible to emulate each step in the analog process inside software, it just gets really really technical and quite difficult to nail something so abstract and almost esoteric nature of how the audio is processed in an analog chain..... Anyway I'm rambling.. Yes he used both the albino and the vanguard aswell as zebra synths - at least for his tutorials on YouTube. But back in 98 he used basstation, and one i can't remember right now but I'll edit this post tonight to add it in, it's one that doesn't get too much mention and it's not a Roland. Edit : it was the waldorf pulse
  10. Yeah I've had convos with him on YouTube. (maybe you even saw our convos )He is an amazing guy, really love him alot. Haha moonshine you too?? Yes I used both a saw and a square aswell as noise. Spire is awesome cause it has 4 sources and each source can be whatever you want and it has deep modulation abilities and extremely easy to work with. Sound reminds me of a mix between jp8000 and Virus. But sadly lacks a little something. But nothing that a little transformer distortion in the fx chain couldn't add. Anyway spire is really freaking good at pretty much anything except it lacks just a little something special in the sound department... Otherwise I'd say its the perfect VA.
  11. Which Cosmosis track? A few months ago I tried recreating the bass and main lead of Moonshine. I got close to the bassline, may even post it here and it was also made in spire. The main lead with all those glorious 32th notes I did not quite nail yet. And thanks for a really great and interesting post, I'd love to hear what you have. Yes tryptomine dream is also one of my very favorite ap tracks.
  12. Yes the tuning is my biggest problem atm. I have the basic melody but the tuning on my attempt seems too perfect and doesn't have the organic feel of the original. Your input on this is greatly appreciated and think youre spot on. (about analog synths going slightly out of tune aswell as chorusing causing such an effect aswell) I also think I've read that they also had a phaser on most of their leads, and the key there i think is that both the chorus and the phaser is summed to mono, which could cause both phase issues (pleasing and interesting ones that may even actually cause a shift in pitch) and ofc if you normally add unison or chorus the sound becomes wide, but not in this case as I'm pretty sure dancing galaxy lead is all mono.. My progress currently is that I have the pattern somewhat, aswell as the patch built in spire and one in diva. Gonna try tal uno-lx too and see which sounds closest, currently my spire version sounds the best but it's not fully there yet. Thanks, I'll send you a pm. BTW such a very cool topic it became I did not expect it to be so fun already even if its mostly talk at this point. I need to put up or shut up I guess
  13. any progress on the MFG stuff? =) ofc, you could chose any track you want, but you specifically asked for MFG so i think if anyone can do it its you. Im still working on the dancing galaxy lead, i think the sound itself is pretty much close to being finished, just need the right amount of noise and filtering, but the notes.... maybe the tuning wasnt perfect on the original dancing galaxy; cause it seems borderline microtonal at times; or im just in way over my head with that one. i even put the original to 100bpm to more easily recreate the pattern but i think the tuning isnt fully perfect on the original causing that slight microtonal feel.... Or its just a vibrato and nothing more complicated than that, but yeah it aint easy thats for sure... And whatever I come up with sounds super stale in comparison..
  14. Yes!!! It was future prophecy! Phew finally I can put it to rest. Thank you.
  15. you were funny up until you decided to write you were going into the water to end yourself.
  16. that i can understand; it was faaar from -2db lufs - even your example "datsik + virtual riot" i can understand, it was within the range of acceptable 'musicality', in my opinion. but that "HEKLER - frequency jammer" i couldnt understand at all. and i think im just getting too old and thats exactly what my dad said about goa trance when it arrived "how can you listen to this noise its just DUM-TS-DUM-TS-DUM-TS and everything sounds the same"
  17. Just checked the Youtubes you guys linked. What in gods green earth is that. The kick and snare seems fairly coherent and punchy but the rest is just distorted noise I can't imagine it sounding any better on the dancefloor. Kids these days man what can you do. I blame deadmau5. While he has some very good melodies and quite nicely produced I think it's his fault that this generation thinks squashing everything sounds good. (as far as dubstep and generic edm go anyway) Deathstep is a good name for it, Holy crap it's unlistenable @padmapani Yeah you may be right I will concede
  18. isnt it the xFer OTT plugin that inspired the ableton Over the top preset? chicken and the egg scenario perhaps. i was under the impression the xfer plugin came first. anyway it doesnt matter, and youre right. it does flatten things out but when used in moderation its an easy cheat code to get a sound sounding fatter and bigger than it really is. ive not yet heard any dubstep in the -2db lufs range but then again i dont listen to much dubstep id rather keep my sanity =) (at least whats left of it )
  19. Sick. During the years 2002 - 2005 I worked a brainless data entry job, and shoutcast was the shit. I listened to that station a lot! Cool to see it returning.
  20. Your input in the thread has been amazing and at least you participate : ) edit: everyones input has been amazing Well if you feel like going towards MFG instead, thats fine with me I love mfg, how about the crazy alien sounds of We Are The Machines? pick any lead or sound from there, should be plenty of fun ^^ the bassline is really great, and it sounds like a juno for sure. speaking of cool basslines, transwave did their basslines with the mc-202 IIRC; which is pretty much like a different version of the sh-101. pwm with the sub oscillator mixed in high. evident in all transwaves stuff and sounds really good =)
  21. the Eventide Harmonizer was also instrumental in getting that Hallucinogen sound. Ah, Id love to see the Etnica/Pleadians leads re-created i find those to be particularily hard to do and ive not yet gotten fairly close. And the jd-800 was apparently the main focus in their tracks and when you think of the etnica sound; its the jd-800 that was responsible for the bulk of it. Apparently. Anyway maybe the leads of Time Dilation or Zeta Reticuli could be a big challenge, but then again the same leads are in most of their stuff. Yes replika XT is for sure the 90s goa sound (as far as delays go anyway), i urge everyone to get that one!
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