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Everything posted by Veracohr

  1. Not counting small local band shows (and one really crappy slightly larger touring band show) I consider my first 'real' concert to be Floater in probably 1995 or 96. It seemed big at the time because I was young and it was new and they were my favorite band, but in retrospect it was a regional band at a modest sized club. I blame my parents for not letting me see Nirvana a couple years earlier. I haven't been to any truly big, like arena big, concerts. Probably the first big one was Tori Amos when I was about 20, so 1999-ish. That actually was in a stadium (basketball), but it was far from full.
  2. Even worse when you can check off all those things as theoretical yes', but have never actually been to a music festival.
  3. I've never quite gotten into Filteria. Most of it is too "in your face" to me, continuous, maximal wall of sound. After listening to a few tracks, I bought Heliopolis, and didn't listen to it more than a couple times. Most of his music gives me listening fatigue quickly. Or I could restate the opinion to say that I feel his music has gotten better over time, and I've seen the exact opposite opinion stated here in the past. I also quickly fell out of love with the Mindsphere album, which gets rave reviews here. I think I only listened to it once all the way through right after I got it. It never even enters my mind anymore. Another is that I don't like most goa/psy album artwork. The only artwork I actually like is, for instance, Portamento's "The Portal" or E-Mantra's "Nemesis".
  4. Veracohr

    Heavy metal.

    As for prog metal, the go-to is really Opeth. Their earlier stuff has some screaming, but it's phenomenal music. Mastodon does some interesting stuff. Their newer music has much less screaming than the first couple albums. Not really much in the way of synths though. I don't listen much to that kind of metal. The only thing that comes to my mind immediately for metal with synths is Children of Bodom. They're kind of hit and miss, and their synths are definitely not 'swirling'. They put on a fun show though!
  5. I was kidding of course. Oregon is only 1/3 the area of France.
  6. ^ "Did Jesus make this?" :lol:
  7. le sigh You darned Europeans...your whole continent is pretty much the size of my state, and y'all got so many festivals within a train ride... Woe is me.
  8. Something with one of my salivary glands. She suggested I get some sweet or sour candies to stimulate saliva production.
  9. Ha! Funny. I found this one on that site too: Psytrance To Replace Sirens In All Car Alarms By 2020 Edit: oh, they actually have lots of psytrance-related funnies, don't they?
  10. That whole Alternative Colours album is pretty loud, but as far as I'm concerned all Filteria sounds like that. I haven't heard the original master, but I don't have any problems with the sound of the re-release.
  11. I went to see a doctor today and was prescribed candy.
  12. I love his art, I've got a nice book of some of it.
  13. I went to the DJ store yesterday. Didn't find any of what I hoped for, but I did find this: http://www.discogs.com/Various-All-Boundaries-Are-Illusion/release/307117
  14. When I click on the link it says it can't find the track.
  15. I was searching for some acid techno because I decided I'm severely lacking in it, and came across a song called "Fuck Goa" by Audio Pancake. It's not a very interesting song, but the title made me laugh!
  16. We tend to become jaded and take for granted the things in our lives, but it's good to be reminded of how amazing some of the things we have are. I was just watching an episode of a show (streaming it from Netflix, itself an amazing thing), and it had some snippets of a song I liked. I wanted to know what the song was, so I watched through the credits at the end, but they didn't mention the song, unlike movies which usually give credit to the major pop music songs that are used. What did I do? I turned to Google of course. I typed in the 11 words of one line in the song, and in 30 seconds I was listening to the whole song on Youtube. If I had been in the same situation as a teenager in the mid-90s, I would have had no way of finding out the song, other than repeating the words to people I knew and trying to hum the melody and hoping they magically knew the song.
  17. Meanwhile, in Canada...
  18. I meant that people don't approach creativity as though they're searching for "the right path". Whatever style someone makes is what is right to them at that point in their life. An artist changing their style just means they want to do something else, not that what they last did was 'wrong'. Unless of course they're just trying to make money. Then they're more of a factory than an artist.
  19. You don't really think the creative process works like that, do you?
  20. I've been busy and stressed out. No time to write music or even check out new stuff posted here.
  21. Each unit will come with a sword, officially called the 'Mini-izer'. Just chop off those pesky extra key parts! Of course, it's a mini sword. But it gets the job done.
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