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Everything posted by franki

  1. Awesome album. Best thing since "Last Train To Lhasa", IMHO.
  2. There seems to be a lot of love for Erta Ale on this thread, but for me it's a great album ruined by the vocal samples. I find some of the tracks almost unlistenable - which is a shame, because the music is top-drawer.
  3. There's some good psytrance coming out of the US (albeit mainly of the darker variety) from the likes of Dragon , Ghreg On Earth & Mubali. This site has some info on North American Psy: http://dharmaharmony.com/about.html
  4. I'm half way through this at the moment. It's a scholarly study and therefore, the vocabulary can be quite hard-going, but nevertheless, it's a good read and contains much information on various aspects of the music and scene. Well recommended so far.
  5. I've still got that Video! It's an absolute classic!
  6. O.K. I was exaggerating a little. But some of their "music" is like an abstract painting in sound form and you have to concentrate hard to make anything of it. Not saying that's a bad thing, but I have to be in exactly the right mood to appreciate it.
  7. I'm a big Autechre fan and have seen them live a few times. I certainly love the first two albums most! Some of the later stuff is really hard work and I have to be in just the right frame of mind to sit through it. Their last two albums though, have at least a nod towards recognisable time signatures and even a little melody! (Not quite back to the good old days, but a start!)
  8. Too hard to pick just one, but Crossing Mind and Mindsphere's albums are the best I've heard for a while.
  9. Sorry if I posted in the wrong forum section. I bought this CD on release and was just adding my opinion to comments made. Feel free to delete my post if you think it inappropriate for here.
  10. I like it in small doses, but there is just no let up in the bombardment of O.T.T. melodies, the tracks have no space to breathe. Gets a bit wearing after a while, same as Goalien's album,( IMHO, obviously!). Guess I'm not a big fan of the Nitzho style.
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