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Everything posted by FrozenRealm

  1. haha really funny that musical taste can be so different I like this release, it's funky and sets the right mood for any party! And also..The Raver is the worst track on the album imo
  2. Hey dude the samples are nice imo! your got the creepy atmosphere lurking around in the song, nice bass sound! though the bassline (and the rest of the song) is a bit minimal/monotone compared to my taste, it could use some more diversion! though,.. i'm not a real nightcrawler psy fan. It gets rather freaky in the end, well done on that part. Goodluck with the rest of the song! (be sure to post it when it's done )
  3. I like this song! light, nice bassline, atmospheric synths, good percussion and it... somehow floats. Keep up the good work! edit: after hearing the song a few more times in the repeat.. the intro is sweeet indeed but the ending part.. a bit too abrupt! is it not finished yet ?
  4. Great stuff indeed! Really looking forward to a full album release! ;D Especially the song "One Soul" is really kick ass, I dig the Ska part
  5. Downloading your Elysium live @ Oslo mix ;D ! feedback later on
  6. About between 12 and 1 I put my party hat on ;D!
  7. Just before Psysex - New Wave Hooker (Pixel & Domestic Remix) : Taake - Nattestid : Bolt Thrower - ...For Victory
  8. I would go for the Navigate remix I really like the song!
  9. Latest orderings! Canartic - Headphone Test Rinkadink - Pirate Signal Midi Miliz - Nonstandards Psysex - Remixed Previous: Broken Toy - Broken Toy Shift - Excession
  10. Hahaha well the song "fucking machines" is quite nice actually, uplifting and bouncy ;D Hmm.. this cd is nice! even with some of those strange samples
  11. Really a nice party video the sound reflects the dancefloor 'feeling' quite well!
  12. Also check out Meller and Chromosome if you missed them great stuff!
  13. Hell yeah, Rinkadink released awesome stuff i'm looking forward to hearing the new one!
  14. In short S.A Psytrance acts kick ass.. HARD I really love Shift, Artifakt, Broken Toy and yes.. also Damage, listen to his last album and enjoy the sheer madness he creates! he's not Skazified and has his own style! No way he's the worst of S.A, he's cool
  15. Ofcourse i'm in great great festival! Love the atmosphere and the music is always nice and divers!
  16. It's me (Erzo is my real name )
  17. yes, and my initiative brought served me well
  18. Really juicy basslines and typical SA style! I love this stuff bouncy and funky with nice twisted melodies! 8/10 Favs: Girls and Boys, Slaphead and Fucking Machines Worst: the remix...
  19. Indeed mates.. it's gooood stuff all the way really chaotic (but organised) and twisted swirls flying around everywhere.. may be too much Full On for some people (cause this cd has BIG climaxes ) but I love it.. 9/10!
  20. New Tube album... Not bad at all! you could've expected worse from the Chemical Crew
  21. [23:30] *** Now talking in #psynews.org [23:30] *** Topic is 'http://www.big-boys.com/articles/bonfireblowup.html | http://www.killsometime.com/Video/video.as...-Drummer-B' [23:30] *** Set by Insejn on Wed Apr 27 18:40:52 [23:30] <Erzo`> All gone! [23:30] <Erzo`> bastards !!!
  22. Hahaha great covers both! Too bad the guy stopped making nice stuff.. I liked the Psydrop and Space Buddha releases.. but this newer $tuff is horrid
  23. Bug Funk - Cyclone Bug is also very freaking fast!
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