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Everything posted by ion1zed

  1. Just buy the music. That's the most important thing you/one can do. There's no use in trying to evangelize people. Of all the people that are attending goa/psy parties around the world, minus the ones that are there for the drugs only (Huge image problem for the genre by the way. One that actually prevents the people of showing interest into the music or even "scene", at least around my place), if only 10% would actually buy the music they are listening to on a frequent basis, imo a lot of artists would be better off. Imo it's not so much a problem of too few fans, but too few well-financed or too many stingy people :-) //Edit: @OP: One question...might be a bit heretical, though: You said you produce music. You probably use software for that. Did you pay for that? Did you pay for every song you have on your HD?
  2. Ah, one track I couldn't remember the name of at first: Psychotic Micro - Take Over. Heard it live once and the dancefloor was practically shred to pieces...everyone was going crazy. The two build ups from 3:05-4:05 and from 5:00-6:05 are among the best I've ever heard. No cheese, only straight, stomping, very powerful psy.
  3. Always has been the #1 in my book, ever since I first listened to it.
  4. Lots of Darkpsy tracks, such as Septagram - Power Cell Arcek - Never Ends Mr. Hades - Electric 6969 First two tracks could appeal to lovers of intense psy in general as well, while the 3rd track probably sounds more like "cliché" darkpsy to the common listener, but somehow I like the details in it. Anyways, non-darkpsy favorite in-your-face-intense-stomping-psy-top-tracks would be: Pretty much every track from Absolum's "Inside The Sphere" album, especially the title track and "Virus". They don't make it like this anymore Other than that: Shift - Pump
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vixodbVp1_w http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBU-5kXIqHo Awesome game, awesome soundtrack, awesome experience.
  6. Oops....what happened to Atma? He used to release really good stuff and I would always recommend "The Secret Of Meditation". But this really doesn't sound very good at all....like Procyon said.
  7. Whoaaaaa....came back from work very late, only to find this. Think I'll have myself some Lagavulin and just relax while listening to this awesome stuff. Cybernetika's track's beginning already makes me smile....
  8. I've begun playing DeusEx Human Revolution and I have the feeling that it's impossible to overrate this game. It's just soooo effing good. The OST by Michael McCann alone blows me away. The setting and atmosphere just hit the sweet spot for me....awesome.
  9. http://soundcloud.co...n-the-mix-mixed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olHoI2gy5Go Soooooo good. 32:00 - 43:00 is nothing less than stellar. Almost as mesmerizing as abasio's sig.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJnR4dUBn2U http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDMYzyVDdqw
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWlYsvKPilQ&feature=related One of the first Goa Parties in Germany, 1991 Vuuv, one of the biggest fetivals nowadays. Sorry for not having one of the videos the OP wanted, but nonetheless it's heart-warming stuff. Check out the other vids in the "related videos" section. Awesome.
  12. Very good recommendation, almost forgot about that one. In addition to that, Braincell's 2010 album "Intelligent Beings" might fit the bill as well. Master Blasters album at soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/nano-records/sets/master-blasters-life-changing/
  13. Probably it's just me, but I liked "Atma - The Secret Of Meditation", "Psychomental - Mind needs heart", "Snag, The Sunshepherd - Realities", "The First Stone - The First Stone 2", "Bitkit - Necessary Illusions", "RAZ - Recorded Dreams".
  14. I wonder if E-Mantra will be performing live in Germany any time soon?!
  15. Soooo good. Whether it's superb, stomping, spacy goatrance with ravishing melodies like "Distant Signals", or unbelievably well made Downtempo/Psybient like "Deep Descent", E-Mantra has been THE outstanding producer since the release of Arcana. At least in my book he is. Truly outstanding work, Emmanuel. Thanks to Suntrip, too.
  16. +1 Made me trip so hard...while driving! I wanted to stop the car at the side of the road, lay back and just listen instead of going to work that day.
  17. Judging from what I've read so far by trisomy_brain, he's probably only here to troll. Maybe it's Elysium back in full effect
  18. One of the most weird things/opinions I've read so far in this forum.
  19. I can recommend the ageHa for sure...too bad the summer season is already over...when there was a pool party, my eyes were popping out because of all the beautiful girls there hehe. Nagisa was cool, too. Saw E.V.P live and will never forget that. Some other clubs I went to were "Club Asia" and "Club Atom", both of which played psytrance quite often. I did a quick check and it seems that only Club Atom seems to have psytrance parties nowadays. One recommendation: stay away from big events with big names...I attended an Astrix, Pixel, Dali event once, and it was "horrible". The ZEPP was sold out, thousands of people attending and I don't know...it had nothing to do with Psy parties here in Europe...I mean, there was a huge line of people waiting in front of the men's washrooms, and I wondered WTF?! I just couldn't wait any longer. I figured that the guys were not waiting in line for the toilets, but to style themselves in the mirrors, which ppl were waiting in front of until it was their turn. Lol? The air was so full of hairspray that a single match probably would've turned the place to a pile of dust. Procyon gave some pretty good advice and it's best to check the flyers and - if you can read Japanese or know some people who can - refer to Mixi. //Edith says, that this weekend there will be a TIP event at club CUBE326, Raja Ram will perform.
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