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Everything posted by Penzoline

  1. I always had issues with the sound of IFO. Some tracks have a really hollow kick and some sound flat/noisy and the low end drowns out while others are fine. Also maia has panning issues toward the right. At least all the files I've heard.
  2. They did offer first 50 at door for 20€ apparently. Still the party felt cheaper than the price of the tickets for sure. I think I shouldn't have expected more. There was little to no melodies and climaxes. Just boom boom boom. I'm really surprised how popular GMS is. I really want to see a melodic full-on party next time. They had one in Turku but I couldn't go.
  3. Buildups buildups buildups. Break. Guitar. More buildups. Break. Buildups Buildups. Guitar. Break. Guitar. Buildups. Break. Buildu.. Break. Guitar. Buildups. GMS/1200 mics gets on stage. Wubwub. Wobble Wobble. Dubstep. Remixes of mainstream songs. Buildups. Oh look one old school goa track. More buildups. tl;dr Boom boom boom.
  4. I can already tell there will be a few instant classics which reminds me of Opus Iridium a little. Mindsphere sample already giving me goosebumps! I think the last compilations have been a bit of ups and downs all around but this seems the most solid since Temple Of Chaos.
  5. Basically this. Also for the action this reviewer adressed it really nicely
  6. I have to say I'm a little surprised how good this is. Filipe has always been very formulaic which makes the sound boring when listening full albums but for some reason it works here. The tracks seem to have more depth than usual. Shinto is a stellar track, one of the best he's made. Reiki is up there too.
  7. If you go search even for a few year old Ultimae releases you'll find they're all sold out and have crazy prices on discogs. What gives? Haven't they figured out that people like their music or what?
  8. Lovely 303 filled scifi Full-on. I listened this a lot back in the day and it still holds up.
  9. Dear Goa, forgive me for I have sinned. I have found new liking toward full-on and progressive, while you seem to bore me a little. I'll try my best to stop this. The end.
  10. You can cut the spam right there.
  11. Lunar Dawn's track was brilliant too, seriously too bad about the mastering. Was thinking of asking LD for the unmastered track to share on soundcloud or something.
  12. This album is fantastic. I didn't care for skizo's earlier releases but he got a lot better.
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