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Everything posted by sherlockalien

  1. wasnt this post done in the off topic too?
  2. nothing beats nature a nice waterfall nearby, river, beach.... and trees for shadow please =)
  3. heyyyy bomble back in the forum, and with 6 posts?! how come I missed that!!! nice nice nice =) (I thought about how it would be good to have you back when I was writting in a discussion about physics in the offtopic)
  4. "Sorry Sherlock, but I can't give you right about this one. I think Werewolf is too agressive, if you compare it with Son Kite. It is a VERY nice track, but I will not call it Son Kite'ish" well yeah you're right, maybe that was a bad example.. but still, for sure this older stuff is much much closer to son kite than nowadays full on tegma stuff (I heard their set in voov and imo, was horrible noisy stuff)
  5. "with all cd's at $8.50" then how comes there are many $10.00 records like digital footprints compilation by Digital Structures ? btw.. if I may suggest, add the release dates to your release infos....
  6. nah man.. I mean, I see what you try to mean... but for sure not.. Certain (mostly) chill out and (some) prog releases simply talk to me, no matter where, what Im doing, what I just done, etc... and it's for sure something very similar, if not the same, that we feel when we hear these tracks... and like I said, I dont feel anything with the tracks or style you seem to like, and you probably wouldnt feel the same as I do with the tracks that get to me...
  7. funny how this feeling you get in a track, lemmi, is also very subjective.... I mean, I get that quite a lot with many chill out releases, and a few prog releases too... But I get none of that with oldschool stuff, and I really tried listening to it.... (some people will hate me for saying this hehe)... when I get that feeling it's incredible, I can really feel the music, get practically high without drugs, get all sorts of goosebumps and smiles in my face... its what I look for in music =)
  8. hmmm.. I guess the soon-to-arrive Day Time compilation by submachine recs and Playground by iboga will be amongst my favourites... in the beggining of the year, some highlights were Iboga's puzzled compilation, tatsu's Pure Bliss compilation and ZMA's A day after if chill out counts, then I'd have to say Aleph Zero's Natural Born Chillers, Lobogistic lab's Gnostic Traveller and dragonfly's Wider Horizons
  9. I dont agree with the tegma recomendation.. unless it's their older stuff (1 or 2 years ago.. like that werewolf track, or whatever was the name).. now they're much more in the full on psychedelic scene... also genetic spin, their older stuff (on/off album) I would recommend more than the latest album... also recommend: Just released VA - Daytime (submachine records)..... I ordered and am waiting... Seems really good stuff, from the samples I heard, more housy melodic type of progressive of course that is all a matter of taste and all that shit everybody knows about hahah
  10. I suggest you check out Iboga's Playground compilation too also, if you want something a little less 'powered', and a little more 'groovy', if you dont know already, check Antix - Lull that was out in 2003, and Phony Orphants - Symphony also out in 2003
  11. I wondered the same question myself after also doing some photoshop work.. so... lets wait for the answers =)
  12. yeah towelie, I downloaded it recently and was trying to find a somewhere to buy it.. phutureprimitive is really good... But it only sells on wavehq (is that the name?), and it costs A LOT for shipment, so I will not buy it... too bad.. I wish psyshop or saikosounds had it..
  13. yes, it arrived finally.. and its great.. for me the gems are more towards the end, from 5 onwards... but I like them all =)
  14. me.. but im already from Brazil =)
  15. " Also sweet is P.O.T.S - Aspirin + Cola, and M-Sphere - Roots. " very good choices! If I could pick more chill stuff, for sure some vibrasphere (manzanilla and san pedro low sky rmx)...
  16. why lemmi ? because I dont have sphongle cds.......................................................................... hehehe
  17. I feel both, past and future coming together.. you see how in parties there is a lot of return to ancient cultures, specially hindu stuff (shiva, ohm, etc), but at the same time the electronic music and fluoro art makes it look like future... and with psychedelics, it makes it all melt together... that's the solution, I guess, the unity of past and present, of east and west, of good and bad... neither works without the other =)
  18. Seems like half spanish half portuguese or something... Or a weird ancient portuguese heheh It's like Out of tune (is that how you say when you sing very badly, not propper notes?) I sing my love You are ...... it is very good now this 'fixe' does not mean anything really in portuguese.. maybe somehow it could be translated by 'solid' as traveller said, but sold is 'FIXO, or FIXA' (depending if masculine or feminin) so yeah, the best guess/half translation is out of tune I sing my love you are solid, you are very good (or it is very good)
  19. yeah thats a great bassline, quark... but there are many others that are just as good.. Also progressive or progressive house... (I dont like the full on basslines) many llopis tracks have amazing bassline, for example check the samples of his upcoming vinyl, called lobster tan (samples on cosmophilia).. wtf!! argh there are so many I cant even say.. heheh...
  20. well there are a lot of dub ambient music with reggae influences... check gaudi - bass sweat & tears.. as DP said, check kukan dub lagan - life is nice too oh, and Ott - blumenkraft
  21. even with all the interesting stuff mckenna says, his voice is sooooooooo boring.... and yeah, the dvd/vhs is not so nice... like some really lame windows media player-like visuals, and his voice... better to search on the internet for the script of what he says, or get his books... I find him an interesting guy, with a lot of stuff to be considered.. but people need to be careful, because sometimes he just goes too much into his trips (even einstein said some wrong stuff, like that there were no black holes... so be careful, and try to see what's good or not in it) about this cd, I didnt hear it...
  22. "great covers" <---- yeah seraph... like this one:; hahaha lol man, that sucks so much I cannot even be ironic.. what a lame 'killah superstar wannabe' cover...... and as for the rest of the questions: I do not know him personally, so I cant tell anything about himself.. what I can say is about his music, and his performances... well.. his music sucks big time imo.. seems like music for e-tards (no offense to people here who like him, its just the memories that come from my mind of the parties where he was playing live).. That metallica rmx is the one that gets me in my nerves most of all (and I havent heard much from him, thank god)..... I dont HATE it though.. I just strongly dislike it.. whatever.. as long as there is a good chill out or a second dancefloor or a nice outdoor place where I can go to when he plays, no prob... but if you like it and it works for you, go ahead and listen to it.. as long as I dont have to listen with you
  23. so talking about saafi brothers, gabriel le mar is releasing a new cd now ('coming soon' on psyshop) called 'midnight' or something... I wonder how that's like
  24. yeah quark, I really enjoy that son kite build up and climax too... I also like a lot the climax in the 'new disco science alliance remix' there are too many tracks heheh I like a part on FREq - Dreambody which most people wouldnt consider a climax, but for me it is for sure the climax =) and a few others.. if I remember some special, I say
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