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  1. Artist: Power Source Title: XOXO Label: Dacru Records Date: July, 2017 1. Introstellar 2. The Question 3. Night & Day 4. New Sparks (Space Cat Edit) 5. Skywalker (Filteria Remix Edit) 6. Astral Projection feat. DJ Jorg - Mahadeva (Power Source & Innerzone Remix) 7. Power Source & The Muses Rapt - Galactic Wilderness 8. Seville 9. Dasvidanya Ah Power Source clearly all out of f*cks to give. One of the more notable names that was almost a seminal figure in the goa scene. This project (which began as a trio and is now the sole property of Shahaf Shvarzman) beat us over the head with some say their only standout track Goaway. I however believe them to have had at least a few more with Memory Bubbles, Granada, and Skywalker, but clearly if you kicked out their contribution the goa pyramid would still stand solidly. So now it's back and we know the trap that can be a hazard of returning artists. It's a trap that Power Source jumped into with two feet screaming "F*ck it!" all the way down. This album is pure Dacru full-on with goa and trance elements which might require you to get some sunglasses when listening to it as the shiny and modern production could very well blind you. I like what Space Cat did with Sparks and even though it's pretty good we already heard the Filteria Remix of Skywalker on Ten Spins Around the Sun. The Mahadeva remix was also entertaining, but it just made me want to hear the original. Look I was never a huge fan of this project to begin with, but If you can listen to the last track without dry heaving than perhaps you should apply for sainthood. What the unholy f*ck? It's not bad with it's great production and power, but I don't have time for just not bad. There was potential here, but for me there wasn't anything that was particularly memorable. Psyshop Beatspace
  2. Please leave feedback
  3. Please give me feedback
  4. Hi I would love to get some feedback on this track since im more used to create Full-on
  5. Artist: Various Title: Cryptographic Label: Medusa Records Date: June, 2006 1. Inner Action - Drops of Sunshine 2. Beyondecliptica - Medusa Pt. 1 3. Painkiller - Electrical Charge 4. Xenzodiak - The Seed Of Etzab13 5. Bio Genesis - Harmonic Chaos 6. Horus - Telepathic Power 7. Earthling Vs. DJ Torry - Far, Far Away 8. System Brothers - Fresh Memory 9. JP - Power Mesh No. Just...no. This release isn't so terrible that I can start making coaster or frisbee jokes, but it may be one of the most vanilla full-on releases I've heard in a while. Not a single track distinguishes itself and that's rare. Usually even the craptacular compilations hitch their wagon to one outstanding track. It has all the stops and starts, build ups, and triplets that you expect any mid 2000's release to have without being mind-numbingly terrible. But this...nothing. Bland music that could've come in a brown paper bag. It's not at Psyshop, Beatspace, Beatport, or Juno. Public service I suppose.
  6. Artist: Gataka Title: In Trance We Trust Label: Phonokol Date: October, 2005 1. Deeper Level 2. Blast From the Past 3. Night Becomes Day 4. Viva La Mexico 5. How To Create A Monster 6. Experience 7. Down To Earth 8. The Mind Twister 9. One Day Ticket 10. Israelizer No. Seriously, just...no. For the longest time I've been calling this label Oh No kol just to remind me of the crap they put out on a consistent basis. What was once a proud label has devolved into fluffy, full-on eye rolls. Every single trope is represented here and this confection is about as deep as a petri dish. Pretty sure this information is already known by this community, but just in case any newbie stumbles upon this review, do not put your trust in this.
  7. Artist: Various Title: The French Connection Label: Mind Control Records Date: January, 2007 1. Talamasca - Roswell Mania 2. Altom - Kompak 3. Talamasca - Another Frenchman in Cape Town (Deedrah Remix) 4. DJ Mael - Shandramala 5. Silicon Sound - Deep Eye 2005 (Talamasca Remix) 6. XSI - Overzone 7. Shagma - Goblin 8. Sirius Isness - Dimension 9. Triptych - Playground I know what you're thinking. Damn this American can't spell. I don't give a fcuk! Look, you don't have to sugar coat it, I know the US educational system has a few Grand Canyon sized holes that I may have fallen through. Catch the trademark at the end? This company actually trademarked their purposeful misspelling. (Just and FYI I misspelled the word misspelling before Psynews corrected me. F*ck you man, that sh*t is hard) What we have here is a steaming pile of mediocre full-on. If you do have some leisure time and feel like you need to listen to cheesy melodies and tired cliches then perhaps you will come to the same conclusion I did. Talamasca has been making cotton candy nonsense for what seems like forever. Hasn't he? And he isn't alone. This was harder to choke down than a dry pork chop. I realize that this is over a decade old and some members here have given me a little sh*t about ripping compilations from years ago. To that I say poppycock! Good music is good music whether it was made 50 years ago or just now on my kid's old Speak and Spell. And this compilation stinks on ice. If you pay the over $11 Psyshop is asking for this you either need direction on how to spend your fortune wisely or you pay people to sh*t on you and punch you in the face. Actually I don't think you can have one without the other. Psyshop
  8. Artist: Space Buddha & Toasted Title: Reality Check Label: Agitato Records Date: August, 2014 1. Connection To Psy 2. Nirvana (2014 Remix) 3. Reality Check 4. Drifter 5. Modo 6. DMT to Goa 7. Goa Sunrise 8. Last Chance 9. Straight Ahead It seems like some people never want to grow up and mature. I get it, you gotta get a job, gotta pay bills...Hell you can't even nuzzle in the soft, comforting confines of a woman's breasts that you just met. Cute as a toddler, but that's assault now. You'll face some hard time. Space Buddha has been around for a long time. He should really know better. This generic full-on pablum would've sounded dated a decade ago. Same tired, racing bass lines and cornball melodies. It's kiddie-glowstick music. Zero depth. Zero soul. The only positive here is that it's strictly a digital only release so other than the airwaves it didn't physically pollute the environment. Not that you needed it, but here's a reality check. This is some outright sh*tty music.
  9. Hi people, I thought I share a new track with you, although it's not finished [at least when it comes to mixing/mastering]. It's called JBB! [Jacab Brain Bismart!], the name of an awesome refreshing drink that I love https://soundcloud.com/thongoro/jbb-jacab-brain-bismart-badly-mixed-unmastered-etc My first EP will include the track, so expect a much better sounding version soon!
  10. Artist: Manifold Title: Digital Sun Label: Ektoplazm Date: June, 2016 1. Manifold - The Wolf (Part II) 2. Manifold - What Time Is Love (2016 Edition) 3. Manifold - F-five 4. Manifold - Hated 5. Manifold - Voinamirov (Ektoplazm Edition) 6. Manifold & Dissociactive - Mara (RNKH 2016 edit) 7.Manifold - Faces (Ektoplazm Edition) 8.Manifold - Links234 (Ektoplazm Edition) "Look around you...what do those faces tell you?" *Shudder* Look I expect grandpa Eastwood to hate this. Probably makes his hearing aid whistle and it was made by Russians. This is what they came up with after a 7 year absence? Eight tracks and only one of them (Hated I think) hasn't appeared on other compilations? But Mike, they were reworked and remastered!" Who the f*ck asked for that? Was there a crowdfunding page where the masses wanted to hear remastered mediocre tracks? This was the same guy who was responsible for the tech-trance monster Acid Box? Lots of questions and not many answers. This was an utter sh*tshow. House vocals, cheesy samples, and eye rolling phrases. It's full-on and not even well done full-on. You're kidding right? Am I getting punked? Ashton, come out man, this isn't funny anymore. Just a few quick notes: Voinamorov has that Nexus Media vibe to it, but that makes sense because it was released on the Midnight Storm II compilation. Even though I thought it was a good track that was 11 years ago, you don't get credit for that sh*t! Reworked and remastered? Sounds almost identical. Faces had almost every atrocious cliche that you can imagine. It's what makes people think psytrance is dead. That should've been buried when it appeared on the Edge compilation. And the "rocking" guitar of the final track was so 10 years ago. Look it's a free release and they are entitled to do whatever they want. But if you're gonna pimp some old tracks generally they should be improved. Miss me with this. Mystic Sound Bandcamp
  11. Hello folks, Do you like highly melodic, explosive and energetic goa trance? Here is a demo of my latest track. I would appreciate any feedback on it. There's other tracks on my page that is in the same style. Peace! PsyKomet / PartyDroid
  12. Artist: Digitnick Title: Virtualizer EP Label: Liquid Seed Recordings Date: January, 2015 01 - One Mantra (Digitnick Remix) (140 BPM) 02 - The Dark Passenger (142 BPM) 03 - Overview (144 BPM) 04 - Virtualizer Off (143 BPM) Is droning full-on a thing? Cause that's what this is. There are long stretches where nothing happens. Kind of a progressive vibe with psychedelic touches, but the execution falls flat. The basslines aren't very interesting and the whole ep is low on the dynamic side of things. Super linear. Pass. Free at Ektoplazm
  13. Artist: Trinitix Title: Aspeclaria Label: Sigma Records Date: April, 2005 1. Moira (Rmx) 2. Aspeclaria 3. Eskimo - Popcorn (Trinitix Rmx) 4. Trinitix Vs. Electro Nation - Black Hole 5. Trinitix Vs. Hypersonic - Psychedelic Samurai 6. Trinitix Vs. Star-X - Wakannai 7. La Musica 8. I'm U R DJ (Live Mix) 9. Let's DUI (Live Mix) There are certain projects and albums that will be better remembered for their album art than for whatever is located inside. May I introduce to you one such creature. What do you get when you cross two titans of the full-on genre Holymen and Dynamic? Full-on sandwich with a side of full-on. Triplet bass lines, melodies of the cheesy variety, multiple drug samples, and an echo on the kick drum to begin the track. Basically your full-on starter pack. The music is no worse than your regular generic full-on, but also no better. By the way if you're wondering how many times full-on was written the answer is 7. But that cover tho! Psyshop
  14. I mean it really is. Basically this is what I was for a long time looking for. Real melodies + deep and trippy psychedelia I need more such music, what can you recommend? I think U-Recken would be the most obvious recommendation but I believe I already have anything ever released by him. Also I remember Space Buddha - No Shields sounded kinda similar, should re-listen it. Also Sonic Elysium - Mahaon has some resemblance to DN, perhaps more chaotic track structures but also great melodies. Anything else I should check out? I guess, some people may suggest Braincell or Psilocybian but this is not what I need, they have different kind of melodies, less euphonic and more on twisted/evil side. The contrast between euphonic melodies and trippy/dark sounds and effects is basically what I need.
  15. Hi everyone, it's me again with a newly completed song called High-Voltage Séance. I hope it's gonna be a pleasant experience to listen to it - let me know how you liked it afterwards! https://soundcloud.com/thongoro/high-voltage-seance Have an awesome day/night [wherever you are at the moment]!
  16. LUMINOUS VOID ARTIST Recursion Loop RELEASE DATE 2016-08-18 LABEL Gert Sound Records CATALOG GSR055 Here I have a bunch of my tracks released by Gert Sound Records with a nice cover Tracks 1, 3 and 4 are proggy stuff, track 2 I think is full-on of sorts. As usual, I put emphasis on melodies trying to make them catchy and emotional but not overly cheesy, you decide if I have succeded Here are the tracks And here is the buy link if someone is interested https://www.beatport.com/release/luminous-void/1825974
  17. Artist: Tristan Title: Way of Life Label: Nano Records Date: December, 2014 1. Talking In Technicolour (Dancefloor Deluxe Version) 2. Killerwatts - Another Planet (Tristan Remix) 3. Time and Space 4. Excitement Generator 5. Parallel Reality 6. Melody Maker 7. Multi-Dimensional Consciousness 8. Enlightenment 9. Fearsome Engine - Seeding Life (Tristan Remix) This dog inching his way along this train is a perfect metaphor for this album. There is a lot of motion and for the first few tracks I'm actually interested in what's going to happen. Tristan Cooke is not a newbie and knows what it takes to craft a psychedelic track. This is Nano style full-on that should captivate, but after a little bit I'm like..."Where the f*ck are you going dog?" I keep watching him claw his way to the front of the train, but he never gets there. Imagine one of your co-workers telling a joke he "heard" from a friend but drags it out because he can never quite remember how the story should go. Annoying. And time consuming Eventually you stop hovering around the donut table cause you know he's gonna be there. You don't need that. Eventually you need to get to the f*cking point. But all these tracks sound the same. No up...no down...just straight ahead. I listened to this four times in a row and fell asleep during three of them. The last time I actually fired up Candy Crush. Or put another way... We all love hand jobs. We do. But if there's no passion in it and I don't get to finish it's just a lot of uncomfortable tugging and awkward stares. I'm not saying this is an utter disaster because it's not. But I suppose based on past work I've come to expect a lot more from Tristan and this is just a ho-hum effort. Drug samples and lazy full-on ain't gonna cut it. So that's what this is to me. A listless hand in my pants that turned out to be a disappointing waste of time. Psyshop Beatspace Mdk
  18. Artist: Various Title: The Next Generation (Compiled by DNA) Label: Phonokol Date: 2006 1. Psysex & Rocky - Japanese Awa (DNA Remix) 2. X-Noize - Rock It (Psy Craft Remix) 3. Melicia - Running Out Of Time (DNA Remix) 4. Domestic & X-Noize - Flaming Dart 5. Wizzy Noise - Behemoth (DNA Remix) 6. Quantum - Need For Lead (DNA Remix) 7. DNA & Melica - Magic Stick 8. Space Cat - Kreak Take 2 9. Injection - Massive Attack "Boys, what the f*ck is wrong with you?" I apologize if their grandmother is reading this, but DNA (Eitan Tanami and Zeev Kardonsky) are pretty much patient zero when it comes to the pandemic known as full-on. An insidious infection, it has spawned many copycats and taken the psychedelic out of psychedelic trance. They are far from the only perpetrators, but they must take responsibility for their role. Looking at their Discogs account it seems they have released the same album 5 times. True this isn't their artist album (even though they are involved in over half the tracks), but they compiled it thereby dragging all the artists represented into the swamp with them. It's unabashedly full-on full of rolling bass lines, hyper sample use, and glow stick melodies. Running Out of Time by Melicia is a blistering track and the only way DNA could screw it up is if they changed the synth sounds to dog barks. Low point has to go to the deplorable remix of Rock It which reinforces why people make fun of psytrance. Music we have heard a million times that really should have the psychedelic label removed post haste. The stops and starts, the guitar...Oh, the agony. Full-on can be done well and can be descriptive and detailed, but a bar set this low...well, that takes some doing. Not the worst I've heard, but man...just throw it on the ever increasing pile of low-mediocre releases. "Full-on as home entertainment, this cannot be the future. Can it?" May God have mercy on our souls, Kurt. Beatspace
  19. Hey all, I was wondering if any of you kind peeps would know of any other tracks alongside the production style of Electrypnose classic, Sunny Heart (Original). It ticks all the boxes, strong well produced bassline, unique leads that are amazingly atmospheric, emotive without being cheesey and too crowded. Anyway, let me know.I wonder if full-on in this style is being produced these days that isn't just the same formula musical spam full-on.....
  20. Artist: System Nipel Title: Deep Into Matter Label: Trancelucent Productions Date: May, 2006 1. Dream Vision 2. Lift Me Up (Feat. Visual Contact) 3. Steal The Robot 4. Afronomical 5. Deep Into Matter 6. Fair Telly (Feat. Electro Sun) 7. Guest For The Future 8. Donkey Drunkey 9. The Misted Muppet - From the Legend (System Nipel Remix) 10. Unlimited (Chill Out Remix) Need I say more? It's cavity inducing full-on from a time when full-on threatened to choke the life out of anything psychedelic. This has more in common with euphoric trance than psy with galloping bass lines, cheesy melodies, and of course what would a full-on release from the mid 2000's be without some house-like vocal. I've heard worse, but if you take this in one big gulp you might want to make sure you have that insulin pump handy. I'd link to it, but as of this writing Psyshop and Beatspace are both out of stock. *Wipes tear* But lucky for you there are a few sellers on Discogs that would be happy to sell it to you for waaay too much money. Mdk
  21. Artist: Various Title: Butterfly Effect Label: Harmonia Records Date: 2004 1. Tristan - No Boundaries 2. Ion - E-Tom 3. Anax - Libria 4. Wizzy Noise - 10 'o clock 5. Tikal - The World Is Yours 6. Ion - Industry 7. Overlap - Sunglasses 8. Polaris - A.I. 9. Unison - Porno Trance "There's only two syllables in this whole wide world worth hearing...pussy!" And it goes downhill from there. You know what I took from this? Tristan has been making the same f*cking track for over a decade. That is some sad sh*t. And....that's all folks! Like a peep show from the twenties ain't nothing to see here. It's full-on through and through. Trying to pick the best track is like choosing the best smelling fart. The butterfly effect states that small changes in a complex system can have dramatic effects elsewhere. So if all of us just stopped buying this drivel it's possible that we could eradicate AIDS. Cure Cancer. Or perhaps (and I'm dreaming here) erase the Kardashian plague from the planet. Whichever time stream pans out everyone's a winner. Psyshop
  22. Here is a couple of tracks I've been working on. I posted this on reddit already but CLEARLY this is the go-to place if you want to display your stuff to the true psychedelic trance professional listeners and connoisseurs out there. Anyway, here is the stuff... give it a go, give me a word or two if you like.
  23. [HEM023] MINDHERTZ - "FOR OUTDOOR USE" <><> RELEASED SEP 25th 2015 <><> Highly Evolved Music Based in Melbourne, the last 10 years have scene Psy Trance producer "Mindhertz" deliver amazing LIVE sets of true 150bpm Psychedelic Trance right across he country. Having decided against officially release his music in the past. Until now, In person was the only way to witness his mindbending sounds. Over 4 tracks, this Ep signals a very special release + one that Highly Evolved Music are very proud to present. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-= [HEM023] MINDHERTZ - "FOR OUTDOOR USE" 1. The extra thinkers 2. Innocence prevails 3. Machine Drum Ratio 4. Accept the Unknown -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "Currently in his 11th year writing his own brand of slamming full on 150bpm Psy Trance under the name Mindhertz. His music is best described as a true trance experience with no stop/start bullshit. Full power from start to finish with deep driving baselines, twisted melody's and spooky atmospheres with a unique energetic edge." NOW Available worldwide on iTunes, Beatport, Junodownload, trackitdown.net & more! BP: https://pro.beatport.com/release/for-outdoor-use-ep-2015/1612319 FB: https://www.facebook.com/Highly-Evolved-Music-110939141318 SC:
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