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Everything posted by astralprojection

  1. how else would we recieve your opinion? Obviously you hate your fans and completely disrespect their opinions. Thats obvious.
  2. oh. well, yeah. i love multimoods. its great. although i prefer oforia/solaris and pigs in space over his tandu work, Ofer Dikovsky is a fantasticly talanted guy. But pl0x, now you are impeding on the ability to have a thread with lots of QQ. but i respect you for it.
  3. to me, wearing dreads signals a very dirty* human being who doesnt enjoy washing his/her head * being dirty can be exhilirating and playful.
  4. well. you might have understood it but you said you flat out disrespected it. the rest is pretty much semantics. and the fact you dont care proves my initial point. now, why didnt you just agree with me, instead of starting a discussion? while im happy you did, cause it really proved my point - i dont really understand it - since you allready knew that i was right. you ARE in fact, a disrespectful person, and you knew it. and i respect you for it.
  5. again you are putting words into my mouth. I never said i was fine with anything. In fact. i never shared one single feeling towards anything yet. I was discussing a fact My feelings are completely irrelevant. But if you want to know - i think its childish as fuck to become upset seeing someone reading up on satanism. I might even be a satanist for all you know. So my feelings here are completely irrelevant. Also, did you see me chastising white people with dreads? no. Heck, I might have dreads for all you know. I simply said i respect that people MIGHT BE OFFENDED by it. And I completely understand it. dreads come from a religion - with not many white members - so it is entirely possible black guys in said religion might think a white guy in dreads is mocking their religion. Did i say i think that is correct? no. I said only - i can completely respect that people feel that way. Well put and illustrates my point exactly. While you can accept that some might talk down on you - you still claim the right to chose dreads. Noones opinion or feelings is hurt in this scenario.
  6. when i rap along to hip hop, i constantly say the word "nigga" or "nigger" if you want. And im FULLY aware that some people might frown upon me using that word. So i decide NOT to use it, in public. You see what happened there? I respect people for thinking that is racist. And they can respect me (if they want) for simply singing along. they can hate me and call me racist if they want - but thats fine. I understand it. That word has been used in a very negative way. So i completely respect that. But i still claim the right to accurately sing along, and not censor myself doing so. That doesnt hinder me from respecting that some people MIGHT be offended - so i decided not to articulate that word in public. its just easier than to constantly bring a discussion and argumentation to the table. exactly! I dont get how some people cant respect this. its very obvious to me anyway... and i can completely understand why some hindus might not be so keen on "us" using their sacred symbols willy nilly.
  7. But now you are talking about something else. I never said you reading a book would infringe on his rights. Please do not put words in my mouth. I said that I think you should respect his opinion. I also said I can completely understand a person getting upset if seing another read about satanism. Heck - I would also ask about it. But that doesnt mean you should disrespect him. You can dislike him all you want, but you should still respect his opinion. Did he voilate your rights reading the book - when he stated his opinion? Did he forcefully remove the book from your possession? edit: white guys with rastas/dreads - are you saying thats perfectly fine and do not disrespect anyone? if so, then i am correct when i stated you are an ignorant and disrespectful person. OF COURSE white guys with dreads CAN CAUSE a myriad of feelings in people. and youre saying you dont respect that? Why not?
  8. Yes. I think you should respect him for that opinion. And i dont think you should be angry with him. That doesnt in any way - infringe on your rights. For example. I read alot of David Icke. People judge that alot. But i dont get upset. Cause I understand it. That doesnt make me enjoy him any less, and doesnt impede me reading him either.
  9. yeah. please re-think what you just wrote (i mean, you dont consider someone about to murder you the same as someone critizising you reading about satanism, do you? Its about respecting eachothers opinion. Not about respecting eachothers right to murder one another.)
  10. from what i read, he didnt disrespect you - he disrespected you for reading about satanism? and you frowned upon him doing so. which is your right. but you didnt respect him for that was a mistake on your end, imo. edit: if you dont agree with me there is no reason to take it to heart or be upset with me.
  11. in this context; it doesnt matter unless you hear distortion, and even then it would still be subjective.
  12. to you it was unprovoked. to him it was not. and you flat out refused to respect that, you said so. so in my book, that makes you disrespectful. but i also respect that, so i wont call you out on it - except now when we are discussing the very subject. i just wanted you to learn that just because you might consider something unprovoked doesnt necessarily mean other people feel the same way. that is why you should respect other peoples opinion and feelings toward a subject matter - especially one as fragile as Religion.
  13. thank you. that said it perfectly he was sarcastic. but i can see where you are coming from. its truly understandable you feel strongly about it, i would too, and i completely respect that.
  14. i dont think thats a bad logic from that person at all. its fully understandable to me. it seems to me you are an incredibly intolerant and disrespectful person if you feel that way. but i respect that, too.
  15. fine leave the post but its just a teaser final product will be different. http://www.aeap.se/ftp/global4.mp3 link: http: //www.aeap.se/ftp/global4.mp3
  16. i think there is some truth in that. subcounscious truth maybe.
  17. only one album by AP and its the remix album dafuq edit: realised you might have already sold those. or dont want to sell them
  18. i think perhaps satanists MIGHT take it seroiously, and also hindus and buddhists MIGHT take the psytrance "trademarks" seriously too. religion can be touchy for some people and we should respect that. i wouldnt advertise hinduism - for example - if thats not my religion. i know that now. as a youngster i had shiva on a backdrop and was proud of it.
  19. the Om itself is not cheesy at all. That is not what i meant. I meant that the Om in that context, makes ME cheesy. Just to be clear The om is great, i love it still, and the meaning behind it. I felt like a buddhist most my young life. But - in the context of goatrance, for me to tatoo the om - well, that would be cheesy. IMO. just like a tatoo of shiva - would be - in the same context. If I was a buddhist or a hindu, rather, for real, ofc that symbol would not be cheesy at all. edit: can you link the facebook discussion? edit: this is actually my wallet, i had since i was 17 to 25. (1998 - 2007)
  20. actually no, psy trance is the genre, goatrance the style. thats how i always have seen it. thats how i feel too. i also label it and call it Goa. but i still recognize psy trance as the main genre when im being technical. just as Trance is the father of psychedelic trance. like i said, pure technicality but still, right is right.. edit: like this. All Goatrance is Psychedelic Trance. Right? But not all Psychedelic Trance is goatrance. That is a correct statement that any can agree on. So Psychedelic Trance MUST be the father/mother - otherwise that statement wouldnt make sense. It would be the other way around.
  21. i stopped reading when he said that psytrance is "goa trance's sibling". if he doesnt understand the basics then he shouldnt be speaking on it in the first place. psytrance is goa trance's MOTHER genre, and not a sibling.
  22. ive noticed the elitism in "hippies" too. and i seriously frown upon that. i agree with imba regarding the annoy-factor too. i remember back when i was partying, and there was always this small group of people everywhere you went. they were ok, granted, but they were also super annoying and they felt they were above everyone else while saying the opposite.
  23. i had backdrops of shiva and buddha when i was young, like 19 or something, but now i think it has nothing to do with the music at all, and i dont think goa, india when i hear the word goa, i just think the music. i can fully understand if a buddhist feels it is inappropriate to associate buddhism with goatrance. i also am alot more rightwing than hippies so i dont feel a relation to hippies either, although it is definetely closer than buddhism.
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