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Everything posted by astralprojection

  1. if you listen to Etnica - Mystical Appearance In Goa as a newcomer, im pretty certain you will think it sounds bland, empty, and kinda simple. Definitely outdated. But at the same token, if you listen to Mahadeva like oopie mentioned or say Fluoro Neuro Sponge - both from the same year, I think noone can say it sounds outdated. edit: or i mean ofc they can, but i wouldnt agree with them
  2. Thank YOU, I love to listen to music from users on here it's so much more fun than anything commercial. And it does sound really great. Seems to me like you're a fully fledged pro
  3. I checked out a little bit from surrounded by surreality. Sounds really good! A little chi-ad vibes in there, will have to listen to the full thing now
  4. @Oopie where can we listen to your other albums? is your artist name also Oopie?
  5. Noosphere is excellent, Carpe Noctem is one of my very favorite tracks ever
  6. Yes, its just something I miss, I havent heard that style in a very long time. It was a special time. The end of HW and beginning of SW. And sw didnt really get good until like 2012 or something to be perfectly honest. Now its so good that theres not even differences between daws anymore, neither digital EQs. Well, there may be some, but its not gonna be night and day or anything. And the synths avaliable in sw now are just stellar. Of course!
  7. i miss 2001-2005 fullon (or just psy really). it was at that point when people with hw gear, reached the absolute peak of what they could get out of their gear. reaching absolute fidelity (Astrix, Silicon Sound, I M). it only got downhill from there when more and more software was introduced. perfect example is infected. They began to switch from HW to SW around converting veggies, and it went south from there. the sound became plastic fantastic, and didnt have any soul like gathering, classical and the incredible BPEmpire. well, what happened is people sold their so- i mean gear and went into software around 2003-6 and forward. that is the death. but the new is great, dont get me wrong, but the topic is "what do you miss" and thats pretty much it.
  8. must be the feature they had to shut down psynews over for 3 days, just recently
  9. I really feel for the Americans. Let alone covid but election coming up, with two morons, and then you have the lockdowns and youre losing your lifesavings and the BLM riots going on, and just average murder rates going up especially in Boston, wtf is going on in Boston? Well, this whole world has gone to shit and every day I live I consider a lease. It shouldnt have to be like this, but what can you do.
  10. ive been stuck in a vortex for ages it seems, sorry astral buddy theres no way out : ( those people you see that did escape it had to probably sell their soul or something.
  11. is it just me or does noone understand what fluorosis is arguing about? we're just chatting about whatever, topic has been hashed out already nothing left to say, in case you have?
  12. Damn this is like a crashcourse to spires filters =) i learned TONS from you guys. incredible discussion above. anyway, on topic, i gave up my dancing galaxy lead i was not good enough to get the melody accurate. and showing off a sound without the melody kinda defeats the purpose. i have since switched to Noone Ever Dreams hopefully that will be easier since at least its fully pitch coherent to my ears. if i cant do that either ill just have to go back to Nexus again, which is pretty much pitch-sterile and even me could nail the melodies. i think.
  13. that was like 2 posts man relax. its a fairly dead forum and any discussion is good discussion!
  14. Stop that, that's just silly. you're most certainly a Real producer and a fine one at that.
  15. yes it does! And spire costs about a tenth or so vs a ti2. Still love spire, still would love to see it come to hw, sounding "more" than what it now does. I think it would be a really fun box to be hands on with.
  16. Interesting. Seems even a 10 year old HW unit can beat even the best SW units thats really what its all about though. god damn bullshit is what it is, that we cant have that SOUND in SW. that "thing". at least, out the box (of the plugin)
  17. so in your opinion that old virus of yours is still better at sound design than spire? if so then i believe you, i dont have the pleasure of working with a virus before. Never even tried one in a shop. But ive heard one, and yes spire sounds much much more software like than a real virus theres no question.. but i think that can be mixed in later in the chain, but yes this is the problem with nearly any SW vs HW scenario.
  18. i dont know what i could introduce to the track, but regardless i would love to see it happening again. would be really amazing theres tons of skillful musicians on here so it would be an amazing thing.
  19. sounds a little like the pad in MWNN - Lunar Cycle
  20. id love to see the virus line continued, and they make a current version. then it would rival spire in a second ive no doubt.
  21. haha thats great. spire is something id want to buy in hardware form and then have that as my only hardware synth.
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