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Mad old ones
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Everything posted by Tatsu

  1. Sounds like a mixture of prog house and Younger Brother, or like Elektropop? Must check this!
  2. Well, I'm a collector so I spend more money for my stuff than regular listeners. Still, I like what I buy. The albums from Antix and Aersospace are true gems for me, the Native State radio was a recommendation from mars. The other cheap albums are supposed to be ok, I like the Midijum style and if not I can still try to trade them. Right now I'm listening to the Sunrise comp and it's cool. No gem tho.
  3. Yes indeed, both are great records. And the Drei Tage wach track is funny too. Anyway, got a shitload of new stuff today. First my discogs orders has arrived. We are talking about sealed, means brand new, discs, each for 2 Euros. The double CD was 2.50 Euros. v/A - Sunrise (Midijum) http://www.discogs.com/release/220331 v/A -SoulSeeker 3 - Epilog (Midijum) http://www.discogs.com/release/421386 v/A - Natural Healing - A Concept In Dance - Prolog (Midijum) http://www.discogs.com/release/539761 v/A - Natural Healing - A Concept In Dance - Muladhara (Midijum) http://www.discogs.com/release/580771 Native Radio - Chibah City Blues (Midijum) http://www.discogs.com/release/214287 v/A - Blue (Flow) http://www.discogs.com/release/151563 v/A - Cosmophilia Volume 3 (2 x CD, Cosmophilia) http://www.discogs.com/release/519639 I also got an order from a local CD store. I've ordered the stuff some time ago but they needed to get it back in stock. Antix - Twin Coast Remixes (Iboga) http://www.discogs.com/release/555655 Aerospace - Elevation (Spintwist) http://www.discogs.com/release/852372 Perfect Stranger - Learning = Change http://www.discogs.com/release/642847 Perfect Stranger - Changed http://www.discogs.com/release/988937
  4. Hehe, allready done that. I think I will leave home soon enough, can feel the first waves... :posford:
  5. Picked two vinyls up from the post office today: Gabriel Ananda & Dominik Eulberg - Kirschplunder & Jasmin http://www.discogs.com/release/1156576 Lützenkirchen - Drei Tage Wach http://www.discogs.com/release/1241570
  6. Thanks for the recommendations. The name Tripperspaced itself sounds promising... I'm still at home btw, didn't make it to et up on 5 o'clock but actually I didn't miss a thing. The weather is rather bad so no real sunrise to watch. I'm having a smoke and eating breakfast now, the acid is allready near. I think I will chill at home for a while before going out, maybe the weather will cler up a bit. And it's much nicer to wait inside since I still need to go to a shop for a new discman which will open only at 9. And I vaguely remember I have a Syb Unity Nettwerk vinyl, I could give it a try when the acid starts working... Where do you live again? Considering it's a weekday there will not be too much people either on my route or in the museeum and zoo. Actually I'm not freaked out by people when tripping anyway. Once I went to a big shoppingmall with a friend to help her get her goods while being spaced out on shrooms. I still remember how cool the floor looked...
  7. Thanks mate, I'm pretty sure I will have lots of fun. New Ra is also in my bag and now it's bed time. Maybe I will post in the morning before I leave. See you peeps.
  8. Yes, I will go on my own. I wouldn't mind some company, on the other hand it's also nice to get lost in the music and your thoughts. Besides the sheer fun of tripping I also hope for some revelations about my live and what not. Some music I've packed: DJ Pr0fane - Euphoria Mix Benza - Retrofuturism Hallucinogen and Shpongle Infected Mushroom all old albums Bluetech both Younger Brother Aerospace AMD v/A - Violent Diamond, New Order, Hybernation, On The Decks with DJ Zombi, Street Art, Trash Art Lish Reefer Decree new Ticon Vibrasphere remix album Ace Venture first and latest Psysex Chronos v/A - Natural Born Chillers, Illumination, Moon Shadow Beats, Magical Journey 2, Lovefield - No Dream But Life Carbon Based Lifeform - Hydrophonic Garden Space Safari - Soul v/A - Ecotica, Butterfly Dawn, Peace Therapy 2 Logic Bomb - Unlimited Jikkenteki Talpa Ott - Skylon Jaia - Fiction Yahel - Waves Of Sound and some more stuff on the MP3-player
  9. So, I'm packing my bag for tomorrow. The discman I was supposed to use tomorrow is actually broken so I only have my friend's I-Pod. There is some good stuff on it but I will buy a new discman as soon as the stores open. So far the plan is to get up around 5 c'clock, watch the sunrise from Rosengarten, go back an buy a discman and then depending on the weather go on a long walk from Bern to Thun or if it's raining cats and dogs go to a local zoo and the museum of arts. Can't wait to get going...
  10. For my personal taste LSD is way more suitable than shrooms. Shrooms are nice but they often make me feel sick, plus I've received bigger insights on LSD. And LSD is not toxical to your brain so killing is not the right word here. Thanks for the recommendations! It seems that our tastes are very different, from all Posford project Celtic Cross it among the ones I like the less. But Bluetech is for sure a good choice, I totaly forgot about that and I will add it to the stash of CDs I will take for the walk. Oh, Scan X... I've seen him live years ago in London and it was totaly ace. Absolutely not progressive, more like techno/schranz but it was great. I need to check his releases out, another artist I total.y forgot... Thanks for all the recommendations, will try to check out what I can find. Well, MDMA kills your braincells if you overdo it, don't know what it does to your heart but I guess that doesn't matter anyway at that point.
  11. Awesome, I'm listening to the CDs I've bought today and on one is actually a song that was played at the party last weekend. One of the best songs at the party actually... Oh yea!
  12. I will for sure try Yahel, he is among my favourite artists ever. Epecially the Wave Of Sound release. I plan to go on a long walk on LSD on Friday so I allready have to start going through my CDs and decide what to take with me! Blue Vortex could also be cool, they use similar effects like Yahel on the Waves Of Sound album but they sound more progressive so it could fit.
  13. Thanks to the LSD and progressive psy thread I had to go to the local psyshop and buy some stuff. I've just found one album from my list but lots of other stuff: Gareth Emery - The Podcast Annual 2007 (2 x CD) http://www.discogs.com/release/1216876 On The Decks With DJ Zombi http://www.discogs.com/release/930168 v/A - DJ Zombi - Drums And Roses http://www.discogs.com/release/1179459 v/A - Yuli Fershat - Hibernation http://www.discogs.com/release/628033 v/A - DJ INFX - Violent Diamond not on discogs yet Besides that I lately got some other stuff that I didn't post here: k.d. lang - Watershe deluxe box http://www.discogs.com/release/1296300 k.d. lang - Harves Of Seven Years (DVD) http://www.discogs.com/release/1149476 k.d. lang - Live by request (DVD) not on discogs yet Queen Latifah - Nature Of A Sista' http://www.discogs.com/release/549732 Queen Latifah - All Hail The Queen http://www.discogs.com/release/969668
  14. I don't have a neutral criteria to judge music. I don't care if it's commercial or not or if it's easy to make or technicaly advanced. Either I like it or not, that's all. Important for me are the melodies and effects, this makes me like or dislike a song most of the times.
  15. I absolutely don't agree about full-on. I've been tripping hard while being at a full-on party (Time Lock live that was, and some DJs) and especially with Time Lock I had the same phenomenon like I have now with progressive psy. The live set was absolutely mind-blowing but the album itself was pretty regular stuff when listening to it sober. But it's for sure on my trip-list since the live was really amazing. For me full-on is very psychedelic. Sure, it always depends what tracks but generally speaking and for my personal understandign it is. I'm very curious about the Klinik album but since I wasn't able to find any samples and since I'm rather short on money I will keep it in my mind instead of order straight away. Thanks for the tip anyway. Yeah, Tegma could be cool! I have one of their livesets and it is nice. The album itself didn't impress me too much but once agian, I was sober when I heard it so there is room for surprises...
  16. Hehe, that's a nice bunch of recommendations yohankiwi. More stuff to check out... And I totaly forgot about some stuff that I allready have and must listen the next time I trip: VIBRASPHERE!!!! And also the Lovefield - No Dream But Life samples, the AKD album. I allready gave the Atmos album a listen (well, the samples at Saikosounds) and I have to say that it's rather boring. Maybe I should say that I really dislike most of the old psyprogressive that is in that style. It's just way too boring and monotone for me. At least if I'm sober, I can't judge how it would sound so maybe I might give it a try anyway just to see what happens. I do remember seeing atmos live once or twice around 2001 or something (when progressive started to get big in psy) and I have to say I was bored everytime. Again, I wasn't tripping but that typical prog-sound from those days is not my thing. Thanks anyway, I'm really glad about any recommendation and maybe it's time to open my mind... Ace Venture is a must tho. I allready own the album. It has some monotone parts in some songs (for my taste, mind you) but with every song as soon as I start thinking ok, that's it there is an amazing part with either a melody or an effect that is just gorgeus. So I will try this for sure! Maybe some more newer Iboga stuff that is worth checking out? Oh, and I just lately got two Orb Cds, they are on the list to try too now. Haven't even listened to them but I know Little Fluffy Clouds and it's graet!
  17. Yeah, some more recommendations! :posford: Will see if I can dig out some samples... I've just checked discogs and there is one seller who sells the Native Radio album for 2 Euros, and some other releases for similar cheap prises. Lots of Midjium record samples, think I will order... Saikosounds has some Native Radio samples, it's hard to judge since I'm sober but it really sounds like a good thing.
  18. Thanks a lot for the recommendations! Younger Brother are sure a must and Shpongle is a well known name to try too. Next time I will most likely not trip at a party but at my home or during a long walk, so lots of time to try all the music... @damagedon: Well, perfect is of course a subjective thing in that case but for me Lish - Free Fall and Reefer Decree - Point Of You are two perfect albums. If you konw anything that sounds a bit similar, feel free to tell me! I think Benza - Retrofuturism could be perfect too, I will for sure try it the next time. @nemo: sounds like a great party, I take it you had lots of fun! @psyayam: I own that Carbon Based Lifeform album and I will for sure check it out. I don't know if I would have thought about it without you. When talking about ambient/downtempo albums I will for sure also give the Psyfactor album a try.
  19. I was visiting two parties during the last month, both included heavy tripping on LSD. I guess it hardly comes as a surprise to anybody who has tested that substance that music sounds way more interesting, sometimes even like a new track and even better than when listeing to it sober. It's even less of a surprise, if that is possible , that this pheomenon is especially strong with psychedelic music, even when the effects for me are also visible with regular rock or whatever. Considering my experiences at the party and also with the music I've listened at home when I was still on LSD I have to say that there is a huge difference between the different psy tracks! There are some special tracks, or in the best case even whole albums, that sound absolutely mind-blowing, fantastic, divine and perfect when I liste to them while tripping. The feeling they give me because of those amazing melodies and effects are beyong everything I can describe with words and I don't know if somebody who never took acid can even imagine what I mean. There are tracks that make me cream my pants or make me cry from all the bliss, or even both at once. For me personaly progressive psy has the biggest potential in that. I mean I love full-on and I own way more full-on or old-school goa cds and records than progressive and mind you, I think they are highly psychedelic and also fit tripping (for my personal taste at last). Still, the movement from a great album to an absolutely mind-blowing one is way bigger with progressive. Maybe it's actually because I normally don't appreciate progressive as much as the other styles so it's a bigger surprise to be blown away. Same goes for some minimal vinyls I was listening too (not minimal-minimal if you know what I mean, GSH calls this style neo-trance). It also goes a bit further. I was listening to the Reefer Decree album and considering I was so moved by it yesterday I have to say I'm pretty dissappointed after listening to t sober today. Don't get me wrong, it's still a nice album but actually it's far from being as genious as it was while tripping. It's just nice regular progressive with nice melodies. What are your own experince with music while tripping? I take it i this forum are several people who consider themselves audiophiles on the same level than I am so I wonder what styles move you the most and your general experiences with it. And of course I'm also very hungry for recommendations, means specific tracks. To give you a hint what I'm looking for, I will post a short list with stuff that makes me loosing my mind. I'm willing to try whatever you tell me but I think that this phenomenon is highly based on personal taste so naming some stuff I allready adore might lead to more good recommendations. So here we go: Ticon - 1987 Lish - the whole Free Fall album Reefer Decree - the whole Pont Of You album Day.Din, Audiomatic, Aerospace and most likely also the other Spintwist albums Infected Mushroom - Classical Mushroom both Hallucinogen and the Shpongle albums, no surprise I think... ;-) Space Cat - Mechanical Dream Sub6 - 7th Son (Ticon Remix) Guy Gerber & Shlomi Arber - Sea Of Sand and After Love Psysex - Goa Human Experience (well, also the rest of the new album) Eclipse - Eclipse and Sunshine (one track was way better than the other but I can't remember which one...) I mainly like, also when sober, high pitched tones and of course 303 lines. So recommending me for example old-school albums will no exactly be necessary. Not that I don't appreciate that but I allready own quite a lot of that stuff so I'm especially hot for new stuff, especially melodic progressive. Bring it on!
  20. You are made of awesomeness! :D

    Ever thought of changing gaming platforms to something else than "playstation" what about pc?

  21. What's childish in that track (no offense taken or anything, I'm just interested to understand what you mean)? I personaly like the singing in a lot.
  22. Did you give the Union Jack album There Will Be No Armagedon a try? I really like it and it also has some downtemp/ambient tracks on it. My favourite is Water Drums, very beautifull.
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