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Everything posted by Neogoa

  1. Neogoa

    EURO 2016

    Germany got the best defence (afaik, so far no one scored against them), but the fact is that they never won against Italy on big competition, just like Italy never won against Croatia Regarding the style and gameplay, yeah Belgium and Croatia had really good shows, but it's notihing without good result in the end.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uVmcmiMLzg EXPLAINING Eximperituserqethhzebibšiptugakkathšulweliarzaxułum – Prajecyrujučy Sinhuliarnaje Wypramieńwańnie Daktryny Absaliutnaha J Usiopahłynaĺnaha Zła Skroź Šaścihrannuju Pryzmu Sîn-Ahhī-Erība Na Hipierpawierchniu Zadyjakaĺnaha Kaŭčęha Zasnawaĺnikaŭ Kosmatęchničnaha Ordęna Palieakantakta, Najstaražytnyja Ipastasi Dawosiewych Cywilizacyj Prywodziać U Ruch Ręzanansny Transfarmatar Časowapadobnaj Biaskoncaści Budučyni U Ćwiardyniach Absierwatoryi Nwn-Hu-Kek-Amon, Uwasabliajučy Ŭ Ęfirnuju Matęryju Prach Ałulima Na Zachad Ad Ękzapłaniety PSRB 1620-26b’s Title and Album Art by Dæv Tremblay Hailing straight from the country of Belarus, Eximperituserqethhzebibšiptugakkathšulweliarzaxułum gained attention to the public eye with their demo, in 2013, because of their absurdly lengthy and convoluted band name and song titles, but remained in our mind because their music was frankly good. They’re playing some [very] brutal death metal with a touch of tech-death and atmospheric thrown in for good measure. Moreover, behind the name lies hidden a very interesting, occult world and concept. It is, according to the band itself, an agglutinative neologism, with loans from Latin, Ancient Egyptian, Akkadian and Sumerian terms of “the Chaosatanic tradition”. I quote, “it entirely reveals the unutterable name of the antiuniverse [sic]. When divided into fragments, it creates the magic spell of the formless Lords of the prior Darkness”. That formula is: Eximpe-ritu-serqethh-zeb[ul]ib-šiptu-gakkath-šu[r]l-welia[l]r-za-xu[l]ł-um. So, I guess, don’t repeat it thrice. Their new album, which came out on June 8th, is named Prajecyrujučy Sinhuliarnaje Wypramieńwańnie Daktryny Absaliutnaha J Usiopahłynaĺnaha Zła Skroź Šaścihrannuju Pryzmu Sîn-Ahhī-Erība Na Hipierpawierchniu Zadyjakaĺnaha Kaŭčęha Zasnawaĺnikaŭ Kosmatęchničnaha Ordęna Palieakantakta, Najstaražytnyja Ipastasi Dawosiewych Cywilizacyj Prywodziać U Ruch Ręzanansny Transfarmatar Časowapadobnaj Biaskoncaści Budučyni U Ćwiardyniach Absierwatoryi Nwn-Hu-Kek-Amon, Uwasabliajučy Ŭ Ęfirnuju Matęryju Prach Ałulima Na Zachad Ad Ękzapłaniety PSRB 1620-26b. Eximperituserqethhzebibšiptugakkathšulweliarzaxułum provided a translation to this poetic title: “Projecting the Singular Emission ov the Doctrine ov Absolute and All-Absorbing Evil through the Hexahedral Prism ov Sîn-Ahhī-Erība upon the Hypersurface ov Zodiacal Arc ov the Cosmotechnical Order ov Paleocontact Founders the Utterly Ancient Hypostases ov Pre-Axes Civilizations Actuate the Resonance Transformer ov Temporally Similar to the Eternity ov the Future in the Towers ov Nwn-Hu-Kek-Amon’s Obcervatory Embodying the Ashes ov Alulim into the Ethereal Matter to the West ov Exoplanet PSRB 1620-26b.” Finally, the band’s name is arching across the background of this supernatural artwork, in cuneiform this time… Which had me reading on this old writing system, and eventually finding out that they used the Old Persian form. So, here it is, in full glory: “ ł ”. Yes, there is a rogue stroked l amidst the other glyphs, I guess there were no equivalent sound in Old Persian. Adding to the mystery, the exoplanet, to the West of which lies ethereal matter into which the ashes of Alulim, also known as PSR B1620-26 b, has a few interesting unofficial names: Mathuselah, and The Genesis Planet. These were given because of the unfathomable age of the object: as it orbits a white dwarf and a pulsar (two “dead” stars), it must be very ancient, and its age is estimated at 12.7 billion years. Let’s go through some of the other names that are found throughout the album title. Alulim was the first King of the city of Eridu and the Sumer civilization. He allegedly reigned for 28,000 years, which is more than most do with their life. Unfortunately, what remains now are merely his disembodied ashes, but fret not because they will probably be reincarnated during the course of this album! Next up, Nwn-Hu-Kek-Amon seems like an aggregate of four Egyptian deities, the first of which, Nwn, or Nun, is the oldest Egyptian God, procreator of the Sun God and represents the chaotic primeval waters. Hu is the original verb, the first word, which was uttered by Atum while ejaculating, giving birth to nine deities: the Ennead. Hu was often portrayed as an important figure alongside Thoth, who is mentioned in the final track. Kek is the deification of Darkness; obscurity, unknown, chaos, and Amon became the ruler of the city of Thebes, and later fused with the Sun God to become Amun-Ra. Once again, more than you’ll probably ever do. So, apparently, the “obcervatory” [sic] of Nwn, Hu, Kek, and Amon contains towers, in which resides the future, temporally similar to the Eternity..? Man, the syntax in these titles are truly nauseating, as well as the overuse of the alternatively spelled preposition “ov”… Anyways, this has to do with “Resonance Transformers”, actuated by “Pre-Axes Civilizations”, which I can only assume refer to Karl Jaspers’s Achsenzeit, or Axial Age. This pivotal point in human history took place between the eighth and third centuries BC, when new philosophies appeared throughout the world, as in the Middle-East, Europe, and Asia. I guess those Pre-Axes Civilizations therefore englobe the Hittite Empire, the Olmecs of Mesoamerica, the Shang dynasty in China, the Mycenaean Greece, the Indus Valley civilization, and many others, including the Akkadian Empire of Mesopotamia, the Old Kingdom in Egypt, the Maya culture in México, and the Sumerian civilization of Southern Mesopotamia. If we continue upstream the flow of quasi-gibberish, we can decipher that “Paleocontact” – literally “ancient contact”, probably referring to ancient extraterrestrial beings reaching to humans on Earth – brought here the Founders of “Utterly Ancient Hypostases” – philosophically speaking, super old realities. These founders are seemingly governed by a Cosmotechnical Order, whatever that means. Maybe they are the lords of space-themed technical death metal? In any case, they relate to the “Zodiacal Arc”, the hypersurface of which, through Sîn-Ahhī-Erība’s hexahedral prism, the Singular Emission of the Doctrine of Absolute and All-Absorbing Evil is projected upon. We crossed an interesting name there: Sîn-Ahhī-Erība. He was a king of Assyria who marched against Babylon and Judah, and a great builder to whom is attributed the concept of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. He was assassinated by his first son, Aššur-Ahu-Iddin (the son of which, Aššurbanipal, we’ll get to talk about later!) So, what the hell is going on in that title? First of all, it looks like it’s split in at least two fragments. There’s no punctuation or anything, but the lack of any link whatsoever between “Paleocontact Founders” and “The Utterly Ancient Hypostases” seems to indicate a break of some sort. The first part begins with an action: projecting. What does the unnamed subject here project? The Singular Emission of the Doctrine of Absolute and All-Absorbing Evil. It could be argued that it’s either a singular emission, as there is only one, or in the sense that it is one-of-a-kind, superior in some way. In any case, this emission is projected through the hexahedral prism of Sîn-Ahhī-Erība, who is, as we’ve discussed earlier, an ancient king of Assyria. He owns a hexahedral prism, so that’s pretty sick. Hexahedral could mean it’s a cube, or any other solid with six faces, like a parallelepiped, a truncated pyramid, or a trigonal trapezohedron. Keep that last one in mind because it’s stated in one of the song titles. Moving on, that emission’s projection through this prism is made upon the hypersurface of the Zodiacal arch. First of all, a hypersurface is any surface with one dimension less than the object it is on. For example, the surface of the Earth is the Earth’s hypersurface, since the Earth is tridimensional and its surface has only two dimensions: East-West and North-South, or X and Y. So, then, what is the Zodiacal arch, and how many dimensions does it have? The signs of the Zodiac are constellations near the equatorial plane of the sky, all separated almost homogeneously around 360 degrees, thus forming an arch. It could be said that this arch is bidimensional, because these constellations could be represented as points on a line across the equator, but I think it would be easier to see this as a sort of ribbon onto which are drawn the signs of the Zodiac, running across the night sky and of an incommensurable size. If that huge halo is represented in three dimensions, then its hypersurface is really the area of the ribbon that is either facing towards or away from the Earth. If you imagine yourself running on it, much like the surface of our planet, you could only move two directions: spinward-antispinward and port-starboard, following Larry Niven’s direction system on Ringworld, to which our Zodiacal arch would resemble a lot. There’s one last thing to the first half of the album title: that arch belongs to the Cosmotechnical Order of the Paleocontact Founders. Who are those founders of ancient alien encounters? Many theories trace the contact era at around 10,000 years BC, the dawn of civilization, at the time when the megalithic constructions were to be made: 9,500 BC in Turkey and Sicily, 7,000 BC in Israel, and 4,500 BC in Egypt, to name a few. Nobody really knows who they were, but they all seem to agree that they looked humanoid enough to be revered as Gods by our ancestors. In Eximperituserqethhzebibšiptugakkathšulweliarzaxułum’s concept, these aliens have a Cosmotechnical Order, by which is governed the Zodiacal arch. Judging by its name, it could be a group of religious adherents or an association of knights. Whichever it is, they follow the precepts of Cosmotechnicality. Once again, dissecting that name, we get something that resembles a lot Astrology: the treating of the celestial bodies, Cosmotechicality being the mechanics of the universe. It’s a bit more all-encompassing, as it treats not only of asters, but of all that is contained within the universe. Let’s recapitulate all that: the Doctrine of absolute and all-absorbing Evil’s singular emission is projected upon the Zodiacal arch’s inner surface through a six-sided prism. The Zodiac ribbon is under the supervision of the Cosmotechnical branch of the alien civilization that visited the Earth more than ten thousand years ago. Got it? Right, let’s move to the second half of that logorrhoea. The Utterly Ancient Hypostases refer to the the old realities of the pre-axial civilizations, we already discussed that part. It makes sense to talk about those who were present before the eighth century BC, and it also narrows down the time span to which this album refers: between 10,000 and 800 BC. Still, it’s a range of 9,200 years, but it’s better than nothing! These civilizations’s hypostases actuate the Resonance Transformer. At this point, there really is one out of place ov, and I’ll take the liberty of excluding it from my analysis, since I cannot make sense of the title otherwise. Excuse me for doing so, but I assume something was lost in translation from Belarusian to English. This transformer is temporally similar to the future’s eternity. Could they be referring to the theorized heat death scenario of the universe? For those who don’t know, it’s a stage in the universe’s life where no energy is left to make any action, any movement, and is thought to last forever, and to be universally homogeneous. There: an eternity that will happen in the future, and to which the resonance transformer is identical. That means it contains a homogeneous and energetically null substance, and that it modulates resonance by letting it pass through a glimpse of a dead universe. This device is located in the towers of the observatory of Nwn-Hu-Kek-Amon who, as we found out earlier, are four Ancient Egyptian Gods. This observatory incarnates the ashes of Alulim, the first king of the first city. Used in its construction, the observatory gives a new embodiment to the dead king, and floats in the ethereal matter to the West of PSR B1620-26 b. The binary system of PSR B1620-26 is located 12,400 lightyears away, in the constellation of Scorpius, in a globular cluster with the designation of NGC 6121, or Messier 4. It is itself 1.3 degrees West of Antares, one of the brightest stars in the Northern hemisphere’s night sky, and the brightest one of its constellation. Guess what: it is right on the Zodiacal plane, Scorpius being itself one of the twelve signs of the Zodiac. Now, 1.3 degrees is a very small difference, as you can see in this picture, where Antares and M4 are really close together. Since it is on the ecliptic of the Earth, it can be seen by the two hemispheres, so you could go out at night and try to spot the ethereal matter to the West of Exoplanet PSR B1620-26 b. I recommend using some kind of telescope. The West of it will be to the right of the object in the Northern hemisphere, and to the left in the Southern one. In summary: the primeval beliefs of civilizations prior to the eighth century BC activate the resonance transformer, which is basically a piece or crystal of our future dead universe, that is located in the towers of Nwn-Hu-Kek-Amon’s observatory, which is made with the ashes of Alulim, in a cloud of gas westward of the Mathuselah exoplanet, in the M4 globular cluster, which itself lies in the Scorpius constellation on the Zodiacal hypersurface. Now, did the wonderful artwork, painted by Pär Olofsson, did justice to this daunting title? First of all, it’s amazing, and truly captures the occult essence of it all: Egyptian imagery, alien-looking stuff, hooded priests, planets and moons, pyramids, armilla-looking stuff in the background… That definitely gets the overall vibe, but the devil’s in the details. Let’s focus on the figure at the forefront. It looks to me like Horus, the falcon-headed God, usually depicted with a pschent, the double crown, but it looks nothing like what is shown on this cover. Instead, Horus wears the khepresh, blue, or war crown that pharaohs would wear into battle. It’s easily recognizable by the golden cobra snake on its front. It resembles a lot that of Tutankhamun, even though it changed forms through history. Actually, it looks like a mix between the khepresh and the modus, a flat-topped headdress. In addition, it looks like it’s wearing a nemes as well, the striped head cloth of the pharaohs. I expected there to be an ankh of some sort, behind the band’s logo, but apparently there is none. I think it’s worth mentioning, too, that Horus’s consort was Serket, the scorpion goddess, whose name features in the band’s agglutinated name. Remember that the constellation of the Scorpius is where the album’s exoplanet is located. Also, note that Horus’s hands each bear seven fingers, a clear display of Biblical numerology here, where the number 7 means total perfection, completeness. Adding to this, each finger has three phalanges, the number 3 being another symbol of divine perfection and holiness. However, one hand is shown with one finger hidden, possibly meaning that Horus is capable of complete perfection and benevolence, as well as absolute evil. A pyramidal object, emitting fumes sits in front of the deity, priests are watching, at a safe distance, the ritual. Behind the procession is a skyline of pyramids – one is even floating away! -, and floating spheres, planets or moons I suppose. Above them is the starry sky with alien constellations and a device resembling part of an armillary sphere, or spherical astrolabe. In the middle of the background is an imposing figure. I would be very ill-placed to know who this is, but it seems like the astrolabe’s rings and frameworks protrude from it. Could it be that this is the embodiment of Alulim, Nwn-Hu-Kek-Amon’s observatory? That’s not impossible, but it seems fairly far-fetched. It would indeed be an immense megastructure, a hyperstructure! We’ve already talked about the string of cuneiform characters bowing above Horus’s head, the magic spell of the formless Lords of the prior Darkness. And I think that’s it for the cover. Writing about the band’s name and album title, as well as its cover art, took us more than 2,500 words. I hope this doesn’t get overly popular lest I will really have to decipher the songs’s titles and lyrics, and most probably end up in an asylum before I succeed this. In any case, trying to make sense of occulted meanings in willfully obscure albums is something I really enjoy, even though I don’t always end up with a conclusive answer. I hope this has piqued your interest, or quenched your thirst for answers about Eximperituserqethhzebibšiptugakkathšulweliarzaxułum and their latest album.
  3. Neogoa

    EURO 2016

    They'll play without Ramsey so I'm not sure how they will manage to find good enough replacement (I'm not familiar with other players and what kind of options Wales got on the bench), but well-deserved win, team-spirit and chemistry really means a lot on this championship. Even Belgium played well, I was expecting a lot more, their coach might be the weakest link in the team and truth to be told defense was horrible, it's was obvious how much they miss standard players in that line. It will be interesting match w/ Portugal. Today clash of the titans - Italy vs Germany, that should be a great game, and I will give slightly adventage to Germany.
  4. Neogoa

    EURO 2016

    Our coach before the game with Poland said that Portugal will win the Euro. We in Croatia consider him to be silly, but actually Portugal plays like Italy, enough for the score. Germany seems strong and (yeah, they're always strong), but if they succeed to win against Italy, for me realistic finale is between Portugal and Germany. France will have a lot of problems with Iceland and Belgium seems like a team with a lot of attacking potential but without proper tactics and gameplay during the whole 90 minutes /especially because of their coach. It will be fun tomorrow, Wales isn't a piece of cake tbh. Let's see.
  5. Truth to be told, I don't see any kind of 'The Gate' rip-off, the remix is fun and playful and it's cool to see other artists take on the already great track.
  6. One of the reasons why Blessings is kinda trademark track is because it's was released as a single and remixed by other folks on remixes release and re-released with new mix on Kolovrat, so at some point you have to hear it, somewhere. Speaking about the Jav, I experienced it as some sort of bridge between the Into Morana's Cold Kingdom and Triglav release, so the last track of Kolovrat and first on Triglav are both ambiental, with a lot of fantasy elements. Prav isn't full-on for me personally, maybe it has some elements attached to it, but even if it was full-on I can't experience it as something bad, there was so much great fullon that I like to listen today, and speaking about it, The Misted Muppet are ones that comes to my mind, especially because they did also psychedelic music with strong fantasy elements.
  7. You mean $$$? Yup, it was a blast, I hope soon something similar will happen and with Imba
  8. Late 2016 in best scenario, early 2017 in worst scenario. As usual, it will be available through Neogoa Bandcamp page, but with longer pre-order period, probably 2 months.
  9. I spent one whole day adjusting the original paint to make the print look perfect. As we disscussed, it looks like some childrens book, colorful and happy
  10. CD's arrived yesterday and we're happy how the final product looks. As I'm typing this, first Bandcamp pre-orders are shipped and we will finalize all orders till Friday. Once again, huge thanks goes to all people who decided to support Veasna and Neogoa Records and getting this limited edition. For all others, don't wait too long: http://neogoarecords.bandcamp.com/album/energy
  11. Neogoa

    EURO 2016

    I've seen somewhere that Roy gets 5 mil per year for his coaching, I hope it's not true
  12. Neogoa

    EURO 2016

    Oh yeah, it was such pleasure to see final nail in the coffin of so called tiki-taka!
  13. Neogoa

    EURO 2016

    Pity we lost in basiclly last few minutes of extra time, even the game wasn't that much interesting and without any big chances for both sides. However, I think we shown in that game more than Portugal and in some situations we just ran out of luck and couldn't put enough of focus to finish the game. It's easy to be general after the battle, but I feel that our selector should make some changes earlier. Pjaca is one of the most talented young players in Europe and it would be much better to make a substitution during the last quarter of the game, replace him with Brozovic on right wing and put Brozovic in middle with Modric and get out Badelj or Rakitic. Also, Manduzikic dissappeared and this is probably the reason why from now on Kalinic should be our first option for striker position in future. But hey, we had some good games and I hope the team will came out stronger and more wise for the World cup in Russia. Probably I'll be rooting for Poland and Belgium for the rest of this Euro.
  14. Neogoa

    EURO 2016

    So knockout phase starts today, I hope we will be able to give good show against Portugal tonight. Also, I'm expecting interesting game between Poland and Switzerland
  15. Since I'm not gonna be able to see you at Elysium Island, I hope you will be coming to Croatia this summer/autumn
  16. I'm not that much younger I guess, but for me personally M-Run really is one of the few who got his own recognizable style, since the early days of his Mokk project. The only similar artists at some point are Adrenalin Run (his side-project with Stevo) and Project Shidartha. For me personally it's not that hard to recognize the difference.
  17. I'm really looking forward, it was about time to see you two doing a compilation together!
  18. For all of people who are not following Facebook:
  19. I've seen images of CD's on Facebook and they look really goregeous and psychedelic. I haven't read through whole topic, but is the box UV-sensitive?
  20. Neogoa

    EURO 2016

    Spain tonight and Modric probably won't be ready to play. It seems Brozovic might switch from wing attacker to central midfielder and our biggest newcomer and talent - Pjaca to replace him. It will be very hard to keep ball possesion against Spain but I hope their wings will go in attack more often where we can have chance from counter-attack through fast players such as Perisic and Pjaca. If we beat Spain in some scenario and finish first in group probably we could play against some of these teams: Slovakia/Belgium/Iceland/Sweden/Portugal/Austria or Ireland (depending on their final standings in their own groups), if we end up second (which is probably the most obvious scenario) than we will have though job to play against Italy (we never lost against them), but after that comes Germany and in the end France or England, and that is the worst scenarion. Thrid place in group (and based on rankings and goal statistics) might bring us Wales which would be a much easier, even they destroyed Russia last night. 4 games tonight, so I hope we will watch great football
  21. Warcraft was great visual experience and lovely reminder how fun it was to play it few years ago. It might not seem like a great movie, especially because of weak character development but regarding the visual aspect and nostalgia factor for people who played it, it didn't disappointed. It's strange tho how it failed at US box office, but succeded in China with over 200 mil gross. I hope the franchise will continue and Duncan Jones is great director, maybe not the perfect one for these kind of blockbuster movies, but let's hope he will continue this project.
  22. SynSUN (aka. Zelur Project) - Sounds Of Cosmic Lifeforms Antares - Exodus Amithaba Buddha - Myself In The Mirror Trinodia - Stargazing PharaOm - Under The Sun Of Goa
  23. Neogoa

    EURO 2016

    So news are slowly coming up about this incident, it seems that croatian police and security and intelligence agency warned french police about the plans to stop the match by certain individuals/hooligans in 85th minute of the match and french police arrested them and found pyrotechnics in their van but soon after they let them go for unexplained reasons. Anyway, I hope there won't be any harsh punishment for our team after this shameful events. Now we have to find the way how to score points agains Spain even it seems that Luka Modric won't be able to recover and play that game. Today is also big day for Portugal and Belgium, they need to score some big points.
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