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Jon Cocco

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Everything posted by Jon Cocco

  1. Ha! That sample in the opening track is a famous quote from John Carpenters cult-horror movie THEY LIVE. It's a twisted-dark kickass movie. Find yourself a copy and see it sometime! Well what can I say??? I finally heard 4 minute samples for one of these schlabbaduerst things... It pops up every once in a while on the boards and I always wonder, "Schlabb? What the heck is that, some hardcore dark stuff by some unknown artist or artists and label?" It's nice to see it on saikosounds. Anyway, on the saikosounds tracklisting I noticed 4 tracks by BotFB... Wow!, that is like interesting... are all those BotFB new tracks? I assume they are. That rocks! Well the first track, Amor & Psyche is pretty good. I like it. Agreesive, dark, moody, catchy. Like being pulled down some dark tunnel. It's heavy and brooding and full of character. The Ka Sol track Fucked Up is kinda cool. I like it. It's got this hyper-esque feeling to it, thanks to a catchy aggressitve melody in it. Very fast and animated. Ever since the Apsara comp I started to keep an eye on Ka Sol, and I find their first track here far above their second. Track 3 by BotFB ... AM-Radio sounds decent to me, not bad. I like the first one more so far. This seems to have less character, substance. It's as distorted, altered in sounds, etc.. as before, and it seems to develop decent character when all these layers of what appears to be melodies come in. Samples. Then it seems to repeat loop from beginning which is where I kinda wish it became something even more chaotic yet interesting and more developed. Track 4 by Ka Sol ... this is starting to sound like little too harsh for me, and I listen to NIN sometimes. This however is not my cup of tea. I don't find it crazy or wild (like some Xenomorph) as much as noisy, squeeky, harsh.. I like dark and twisted too, but this is just too harsh and noisy to me. Give me some catchy melodies to help lift me up out of the cloud of chaos. Maybe that wasn't the point however. I like well done melodies, dark or light, thats all. Track 5 by BotFB ... Sick Circus, is so repetitive sounding to me. Yes they alter this sound, pitch that sound, add effects and distort shit through different filters and sound tools, etc.. but the overall song sounds repetitive. Can we get more melodies, dark melodies, like Sand Man Witch Craft but new and different for these dark comps? That would be cool, make it more catchy. Track 6 by BotFB... Natt, hmmm... maybe I forget that their style is just very repetitive overall and you either dig it or you don't. I kinda like it here, but I wish the song change more. It's like they added samples over the same looping for quite sometime. It's like, c'mon guys change the location, make it more interesting... Track 7 ... what the hell? This sounds like I want to throw up blood all over the freekin kitchen counter, lol... Christ, talk about NOISY, harsh, repetitive, like a laundry spinning around and around and around... if you like this, fine. It's freekin annoying as heck to me. Track 8 ... yeah no. One word. Repetitive. This has a very annoying paper-cutter or saw-like sound. It's harsh, irritaing, and just not enjoyable. Sure it has a gritty tone and all, but seriously, does it have to be so damn coerce? Track 9 ... I'm really trying to be open-minded here. I really like Scatterbrain, Dark Soho's first two albums, some Xenomorph, and BotFB TS album... but this last track is not psychedelic, it's just noisy! It's all over the place, scattered, loud, and twisted, but twisted without good flow or composure. it's just irritating. Ack.. make it stop, next track? is there a final really good track to close this comp? A real killer ending to a pretty good start??? In short, I feel that this dark comp starts off pretty strong with a heavy, aggressive, driving, opening track. It gradually seems to lose it'self and maybe get a bit too experimental (incoherent I feel, maybe some of you say chaotic...) somewhere after the first 3-4 tracks. I really like some of what I heard, (the first half) and I wish the second half was as enjoyable as the first half. The final track, along with the one before it, are both terrible and just incoheren sounding in my opinion. I love good dark music, like Darshan and Penta - Pentafiles cult-classic albums too, and some of it on this Schlab comp is just too noisy for me. Maybe this is just not my taste or style. This is why I rarely buy comps. You may disagree and love this stuff. It's rough and hard and dark, and I'm not complaining there. It's also got potential to be better than it is. (every damn track could be great if they really worked it and got better artists for the last several tracks) I know that I like parts of this comp, especially the opening track and the several that follow. BotFB was a smart choice and I wish this comp ended with a powerful, dark, ambient down-tempo track by them, like the great one on Twin Sharkfins. That would have really made a lasting impression, but alas nothings perfect. I think if they work on raising the quality on all tracks, (make more strong, intriging tracks like the first, second and maybe third one or 4th one) and create more dark melodies and less harsh noise while still be heavy and strong music, I'd like it more. Of course, maybe the point here is to be as harsh, loud, and twisted sounding as possible. That's fine. I think some artists like BofFB in general (on this track list) have better direction and are more catchy and enjoyable to listen to than almost all the others. Hopefully the next release will have all good/great tracks and end with a bang, and not some (myself included) listeners and reviewers seem to feel is an incoherent whimper.
  2. PHUTUREPRIMITIVE - SUB CONSCIOUS 2005 FULL REVIEW 1. RITES OF PASSAGE ... B+ 2. DARKNESS ... A- 3. ELYSIUM ... B 4. RITUAL ... A- 5. SPANISH FLY ( FLAMENCO DUB ) ... B 6. HYPER SENCE ... B 7. DRIFTING ... A- 8. SUBMERGE ... A- 9. DISSOLVE ... B- This is my most favorite CHILL album of the year. Just like the masters of Sphongle and Aes Dana, there are some classic downtempo songs here I don't think I have never used so many elegant words (sexy, romantic, exotic) to express a downtempo album to date. I usually use those words with some Trip-Hop, New Age, and few World songs. There are some superb songs on this album. I think Seraph wrote a really accurate review above. You must hear and experience this album to for yourself. The samples are not enough. From by impressions based on the samples in my shorter post above, I could only tell there were two songs I liked before I bought the album. Those two songs turned out to be [on a short list] some of the best downtempo songs I have ever heard...and the samples couldn't prove it because they take a piece from something great giving the listener little time to appreciate the development (and further development) of it. If you're into downtempto music like Sphongle and want something new and overall different, (although you may notice influences here and there) sample this album and see if it's something you'd like to get too. There are NO bad or average songs on this album. Several are superb, awesome, which goes beyond great on my critical scale. I was impressed. Read the other reviews. As well, this album has some really good songs to make-out too. BEST SONGS 1, 2, 4, 7, 8. Darkness ... Wow, an unquestionable favorite by myself and friends, who like this one and Submerge the most so far. This is such a sexy, moody, provocative, elegant piece. The female voices are enriched with so much feeling, enhancing the character of the song. Drifting ... I love this song! It is so exotic, romantic, tribal, melodic, beautiful, and there is a tune which comes in several times ... which so tops off this track. Wow!!! Submerge ... Beautiful, sexy, gorgeous. This song is just great! The voice hums, melodies, changes in the song... it is one of the best songs on the album and in the downtempo genre. Listen to it and decide for yourself. Ritual - If I had to pick a forth favorite, this would be it...er, Darkness is pretty close tho... both are awesome. It depends on the mood I suppose. The other tracks all fall around the good level, with exception to the last one which is one of those too-short songs it's decent. I'm not complaining there because this group and this album, Sub Conscious, had already proven to be great in some unforgettable tracks... before the final and peaceful, however brief and fleeting closing one. The albums big closing impression is Submerge, and they wanted to give it a little epilogue afterwards. That's fine. In conclusion, this is one of the best albums of 2005. This is on the top 3 best downtempo/chill albums of 2005. This artist has the potential to make a masterpiece. Do I consider this a masterpiece? No. Several songs here are awesome nevertheless. The more original and superb something is...the more novel and classic it has potential to be. I'd love to hear a follow-up to this album from this artist...even if it takes several years to release something groundbreaking. Sure not everyone will love and praise this album. It's not perfect. There is some Sphongle influence which means it appears obvious to not be 100% original and novel. The last song could have been excellent and just a bit longer, more memorable, and yes, not every song is great IMHO and I love this album. Other than that, I think most people will find a real gem here. If you like the overall style and sound, the album flows from beginning to end and develops that exact character. As in Sphongle, each song is somehow related like another part of the same body of bodies.. The album flows as you'd expact, and more than just one or two tracks really stand out. OVERALL SCORE: ... 9 out of 10 or an A- You can buy Phutureprimitive - Sub Conscious on www.amazon.com or www.amazon.co.uk right now for around $10.00 - $13.00 new or used!
  3. Nice cover indeed. Yes, there are some GREAT (!!!) songs on this album, and no bad ones, no doubt. However there are no singles either. There seems to be nothing here for people who have his first two albums. They can't choose all favorites of course because it would NOT FIT ... and why not just re-issue the first two classic Cosmosis albums all over again? Hmmm... Well I suppose giving it a fresh face is like a different more up-to-date approach. That's cool, and I own both copies of the first two so I won't be getting this, however... People not or "not as" familiar with (or can't find and buy) the first two classic Cosmosis albums, and who want to hear SOME of the greatest tunes in psy/goa trance should probably consider this. It's basically a greatest hits album without Cosmosis singles, not saying he didn't have any great songs after his first two albums, but his first two albums as a whole were definitely considered the best. I wish he made new songs great like the old ones, not with occasional touches and flavor here and there. His new album sounds like a shadow of his former-self, when compared to his old albums. However I haven't heard all his singles and would probably find a comp of his best singles more intriging for me.
  4. IM: IM the Supervisor 2004 REVIEW I bought IM the Supervisor based on the several tracks I liked, and the overall greatness that IM has always been known for. Something is missing here. The feeling. Excitement. Development. The magic... replaced with a desire to make something more mainstream/market-friendly. This album is so trying to APPEAL. The first three albums didn't seem to TRY. They simply WERE. Here, it sounds clear to me IM intended to basically have a song for everyone, to appeal to new and old people combined. By being so self-conscious of wanting more people to embrace them, they've all but abandaned aspects of their awesome style and music. The reason for singing is usually so more people can relate, (but I can barely hear what they're saying in their first song and most people don't bother to read the CD flip) The reason for singing is to sound more pop-ish and to associate their sound more to other genra's and listeners outside of psytrance, to make it more club-friendly. IM even disensitized us before to get used to this singing with their much loved and disliked Coverting Vegetarians double album. So clever were they to put the singing in the "Other" side as opposed to the trance side. That would come later in an album called Im the Supervisor. So IM basically fused both aspects (although not all elements and concepts) from CV, into one album. I find certain songs good, and the overall result disappointing. Sometimes the singing works very well, like in Muse Breaks RMX, the female voices seem to really enhance the song. But on the opening track, self-titled IM the Supervisor, the singing is terrible. Who green lit this?! At one point it sounds like screaming, and does so consistently. Not only is it cheesy, it's down right annoying! I must skip that song every time as it really agitates me. Heck, several girls I was with asked me to skip to the next song once that high pitched voice came on! Girls have always listened to IM too so if both guys and girls dislike it in general, who is IM trying to appeal to? The minority?, the label?, who??? Oh I almost forgot...the majority of clubs that play trance with lyrics, singing. Infected Mushroom should IMPROVE the SINGING if they're going to keep having singing for FUTURE REFERENCE.. Right way to do it ... Must Breaks RMX... The female voices/singing are a really nice touch. Wrong Way ... IM the Supervisor, self-titled opening track. What the hell is he saying here, Dance with me!!! C' mon, C' mon??! Corny. Cheesy. Annoying. Most people didn't love or hate Cities from the Future. From the majority of people I asked, they felt indifferent. You're not supposed to feel passive about an IM song. You're supposed to really like it or not, (in the past, really love it) and that Cities track is unfortunately not the only one most people seem to feel indifferent about. It's not that many of the songs are bad... rather certain songs sound and feel very under-developed or lacking in idea's and completion when compared to other songs on this very same album. BEST TRACKS: 2, 3, 6, 9, 10 SCIRE: ... 7.9 out of 10 ... C+
  5. To my surprise, there are a quite a handful of copies for this unique album all over amazon.com and amazon.co.uk for around $1.99 - $3.00. What buyer would want to spend more $$$ to ship this than the asking price I don't know. I suppose for just to make a buck here and there since all the others are around the same price. Why get rid of this? I realize people get rid of stuff all the time, (get sick of it, sell their collections, old copies laying around in boxes, etc..) but I can't find classic albums like Total Eclipse - Violent Relaxation on amazon anywhere. And yet this seemingly cult, rarely known album is fairly popular to many other rare ones I searched for on amazon. For the low asking price, I may consider getting it. Many of the copies even say factory sealed, The samples sound very cool overall, beyond their times in comparison to much other music. PS: It says File ID does not exist when I go to sample track 7 and several others.
  6. Oh you guys. Can I have a Suntrip burger with my order. You're doing it. After years of hoping, waiting, wishing it would come back... you're doing it. The melodies, layers, atmosphere, sounds, influences... female voice and echoe's, etc... This sounds great! And YES I'm buying it. This is goatrance, this is GOATRANCE!!! You're spoiling me now. Stop it, hehe KEEP EM COMING!!! The most TOP albums. I want this album already!
  7. I skipped reading what others thought so that my thoughts wouldn't be altered or affected. This is based on the extended samples at saiko sounds. This sounds like well done Progressive Trance with the clubs seriously in mind. Thanks to Saikosounds I may consider buying this later on... It's bookmarked for now. This is not groundbreaking or what I consider amazing or innovative, however don't frown on those words. I really like some of what I heard. Track 1 ... "Rise" sounds nice. It does maintain the same repetitive single melody sound through-out however, while other melodies come in and out, but that's not enough for me ... it says that this is psy-trance on psyshop, but this sounds more progressive.Track two changes much more it seems. Track 2 ... "Sex, Drugs" is very well composed. It picks up, changes, picks up, etc... I found it very catchy, the melodies ... there is a very catchy instrument that comes in occasionally, (what the hell is it I like it) and the other sounds that mix in and out really compliment them. Track 3 ... "I want to Feel" sounds like freekin house music to me. This sounds too clubby for me and those voices get old and annoying quick! Track 4 ... "Got What It Takes" ... Okay I'm now conviced this is progressive trance. This is what I call catchy enough you want it to keep repeating, haha.. well thats the style dumb ass. However, I can imagine at any second a Dj coming ingoing, "It's time for the perculator." *repeat.* Track 5 ... Mi Corazon has this metal like aggressive sound that accentuates over every several beats and I really like that. It gives it a punch before the song changes up. This is a cool song! It seems to have more mixing than some of the other tracks. Track 6 ... "I'll Promise You" sounds catchy too. I'll promise you this. I like what i heard, with it's synthesized 80's-esque melody, hard beat, and sounds of voice skipping or echoes. Track 7 and 8 ... don't have time to comment now. Track 9 ... "House For My Spouse" is just too er.. funky, fluffy, whatever I just don't care for it. This song seems too be very different from the tone and style (s) of the other ones. It reminds me of tunes I'd here on some broadway orchoastra (can't spell) or some 80's or oldies with some sounds feel (what I thought was a trumpet) thrown into the mix. Psyshop says this is psytrance. I believe it's Progressive Trance. I'm very selective about Progressive because most progressive music doesn't progress as much as it's repetitive, and some people love that; as Progressive Trance develops a tone that stays consistent for what it is and does develop more with sounds while usually maintaining the same basic song structure. The point is for the tone to be catchy enough. This album is not all that psychedelic though. Some of the melodies are very nice, cool, and some of the album has an 80's like disco-esque feel to it like in the LAST TRACK with what sounds like a trumpet. Not my taste or style AT ALL but far from being bad too. I have no rating because I haven't heard this entire album. These are simply my impressions based on about 4 minute samples of each track. Thank you for reading.
  8. Well I can see why Alien Protein is most favorited. That was their FIRST, and for it's time, it must have been great. But I too was one of those people that heard it later on, (2003-2004 for me) so although several tracks did sound really "cool" in the oldschool goa feel and spirit, there was this dated feel and sound I couldn't get over. The Etnica album I did hear sooner after it's release and really enjoyed was EQUATOR. What a unique album! It seemed to get quite a handful of good and not good reviews. Sure it was completely different from Alien Protein in style and trance, but it's opening track is so powerful chill.. it hits so hard and is so floating and catchy, and many of those world-influenced or ethnic-influenced songs that come afterwards I found beautiful and overall good. In short, I was impressed and I think EQUATOR is their most underrated album, period. It's interesting how they've come so low over the years. I honestly never bothered to hear Nitrox straight through after reading so many mixed reviews. The parts I did hear sounded uninteresting to me, like where were all those melodies that made Equator so melodic? Nitrox seemed to focus much more on bass lines and beats, and not melodies -- until the last several track. However, I'm now more open-minded to give it a try, especially after sampling the last several tracks first. It seems that around the time that Etnica's Pleiadians group split, so did their focus to work congruently as a group. Their recent album Sharp just made me cringe based on the longer samples. I felt it was so dull and unimaginative sounding. Etnica seems to change up their sound too often in the their albums which may be one reason why each of their albums is love it or hate it basically. It's ashame, really. I don't know if they'll ever make something great or even good album again. Sharp is mostly filler in my opinion when you compare it to earlier efforts by this once innovative, impressive artists.. Although Alien Protein (with exception to Juggeling Alchemists cause I never heard it) is most likely the best of it's time... My VOTE goes to EQUATOR. PS: So how is it so many of you have heard Juggeling Alchemists? I haven't been able to find a copy anywhere in years, and that includes saikosounds, psyshop, amazon.co.uk, etc.. I really want to hear that album and not being able to find it anywhere, it's like it doesn't exist. Anyone know why this album is so rare or where it may be available?
  9. Oh I'm sorry, I forgot we were talking about your eyes. That whole post above was about your perspective because I wrote it based on you who I know so very well. Alright that sounds rude but seriously, I didn't say "peoples" eyes. I'm not assuming your feelings or other peoples opinions or thoughts. If I did or was it would seem more sensible to me for your reasoning behind that comment because of course opinions vary between people and why fight something one has no control over? I agree with Amphiton's posts above and I also wanted to add... Hope is only lost in a mind who's user chooses to limit it until otherwise not.
  10. What's this? Another single? A new track that he didn't fully create or produce? Sounds like rubbish but if true I haven't heard it. Regardless, a single track doesn't define the artist, (unless they only have one track I suppose ) although I sometimes wish artists were always anal about quality over quality. Filteria's PAN collaboration was not impressive, period, but I'm not complaining. You see I didn't buy that Etnica comp (and aside from the first cool song on it, the rest of the samples turned me completely off) and I haven't heard any new track with his name attached to it, side from his well done Tiny Universe track on what I consider to currently be the best best comp this year to date: Apsaras. Let's just think positive and look foward to the next main Filteria album. It may come out end this year, early next I presume. There is NO rush because when RUSHING, that is usually when an album disappoints. An artist is judged by his second project to ensure that the first one was no fluke. People's standards have since risen, the bar is set higher. However, there is usually less pressure when collaborating or producing a single for a comp. This artist has not sold out, and his work on APSARAS was good. Of course, if your name is attached to something bad, people will see that and talk, and if it's something good, well surely the opposite reaction. Nevertheless, only Filteria knows how to guide his follow up, and THAT is what counts. I hope it's not misguided because while yes, some (not many) people found his first album too be "too much, or too many climaxes, or too over-the-top," (oh come off it you bitches, that's what made it so extroadinary and quality track back-to-back exceptional, tiresome not really when you can turn to any track and hear something epic and great) ...many found it truly awesome, Top, and/or really something special (the best psytrance or goatrance album in years and/or of the year many said) and a return to super-ellaborate, epic psychedelic goatrance! It is when artists read TOO MANY reviews, comments, feedback, and listen to TOO MANY PEOPLE ... that is what cramps their style and imagination ... when their creativity can be potentially dulled or watered down... (or not in some cases) or their train of thought is altered because now they're thinking of people before their work. No artist can appeal to everyone. It's when they try to appeal to everyone; that's when their sound becomes GENERIC and UNORIGINAL. And then people bitch about that too. You see, it's always some argument or bitching, which can be exausting ... and which is why artists need to take certain words; reviews (yes including mine because we are all bias to varying extents) with a grain of salt. My apologies for the rant. I suppose all I wanted to say was if his name is attached to a track people find CRAP, that's unfortunate and the truth will be known ... but who really seriously cares? It doesn't mean hope is lost... After all, no one should forget that this is an artist many people compared to Pleiadians best work not too long ago. That says very much in my eyes.
  11. Wow, with as many times as this has been delayed and postponed, it better be WORTH IT. I lots are anticipating this release. I really hope Derango hit a home run with their debut (?) album... It would say ALOT to listeners and fans. In the last 6 months or so, like every couple of weeks I checked back at saikosonds, the date always seemed to be moved forward several weeks. Whether they were still tweaking it or taking time to build more hype and talk I don't know. But I didn't hear the word "dark" mentioned once above by Inpsyde-head... Because their comp songs are dark I hope they don't pull a Dark Soho because Light in the Dark was just insulting to almost all fans and listeners everywhere. After listening to Derango on the There is no Tomorrow comp, I've had nothing but positive things to say about them so I hope this album is a MONSTER, heh.. lets not get too carried away unless we're carried away by the monster.
  12. Based on the samples... some of the songs (first one) sound cool and fairly interesting, but others just sound bland; not that imaginative and even boring. And WHAT IS UP with PENTA taking the same exact voice sample for the first song here (Yesssss! I am invinvible!) that Talamasca originally used in their first song on their Beyond the Mask album in like 2001 around?! C'mon, can we get some new and original samples and ideas please? here the heck is the darkness; dark tone, atmosphere, sound fx, and overall classic DARK style that made the first so kickass? This album just sounds so different (it's good to be different sometimes) but this seems not nearly as dark as the first based on the samples I heard, some catchy melodies and good production values however seem to exist... but that's just saying general ... I'm just not sure about this one yet. I feel that the debut album, Penta - Pentafiles was an underrated gem and I consider it one of the better or best main dark psytrance albums to date! I don't want to bash or overly criticize an album without hearing it straight through, but based on my impressions, this is clearly not the case here, and that's not saying it's bad, just maybe a disappointment compared to the first. I wish he went crazy and took some wicked risks, direction, innovation, and with more imagination. Some tracks just don't seem to really develop and morph into a beast... their is a really nice change of sounds in the final track with that echoed melody and I wish there was more of that... more change up in basslines too and occasionally a stronger melody to drive all those gritt and *whoosh* twirly sounds and noises. This sounds more like in example... what Psychotoons was to Sandmans second release as opposed to Witchcraft... in the sense this sounds less dark, menacing, intense, evil, (tone) and chaotic, but maybe that's a bad analogy and premature judgement. It's just that I really enjoyed the first one and dislike disapppointment. I'm curious to read more reviews on this album...
  13. Did you misunderstand my post? No, I don't have a promo. I never said that. I heard the samples like most people for Voice of Cod - We Are Free at saikosounds. I said that Voice of Cod reminded me of a completely different album called Y4K in the sense Y4K is also an album that successfully mixes multiple types of electronica, especially what appears to be trance, techno, breaks, etc. I posted the link so anyone who may like this concept in style (fusing multiple electronica sub-genres) may also find some pleasure in listening to Y4K, which, like the samples I heard on VOC, appears to be mixed continuously, MEANING no silence between tracks to avoid a pause on dance floors. I'm not certain but that seems to be the style here when I hear the end of one sample and beginning of the next. We'll see for sure it's released. And 100% seperate from this Voice of Cod album, the GMS track (called Juice I think) in the kickass movie Man on Fire, seems to have been MIXED on the Y4K album by whoever this Hybrid artist is. I posted the link to backup my opinion that this album and the other sound similar and good in HOW they mix multiple types of electronica.
  14. Funky, fun, and totally nothing groundbreaking. It sure can get catchy though. If you like this, I would check out the Y4K - Hybrid Presents comp, similar to this in that it also sucessfully fuses what appears to be multiple types of dance/electronica, including trance, breakbeats, and techno, into one well done continous mix for the dance floor; listening pleasure. This may be more psychedelic though. Not really sure which one is better, but Y4K does have some very well done songs for sure too!, and Y4K also includes the much talked about (and questioned who made it) famous psytrance song from the MAN ON FIRE movie in 2004. That song sample and all others I think are on amazon.co.uk or at the link below... www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0002IQJ50/qid=1126398400/sr=8-2/ref=sr_8_xs_ap_i2_xgl/026-0800942-1238844
  15. I agree with the last poster about hypnotic ambient trance. Definitely! Memory Shell is a great album! It was arguably the best chill album of 2004. Having sampled Season 5 today at psyshop, it sounds good, real good!, one or two tracks sound great to me already... and this album came out in 2003. Yeah, they've matured, improved and stuff... but I want this album! I like the female voices and instruments, echo's, melodies, beats, and those indian tribal-like drums. Wow! Catchy... dreamy... sexy, floating ... talk about mood setting or really cool stuff if you're in the right mood! Also, the opening track by them on the Apsara comp is very well done too, and that whole Apsara comp is great overall so if anyone here has missed that, I recommend checking it out... like right now, even if it involves skipping school or work because you're seriously depriving yourself something wonderful. However, it it just to my dismay that this Season 5 album is unavilable to order. Sold out I presume? Will they ever get more copies in? It seems at psyshop some of the better or best chill albums that I've wanted to buy lately have not been available. First it was Phutureprimitive - Sub Conscious, which came out several months ago and hasn't been available for at least a month, and now this. Hmmm.. bummer, and to my surprise this album is out of stock at saikosounds too! AHhhhhkKK!!! Anyway, I wonder if Aes Dana has another great album planned for sometime end this year or next. I hope their next main album is better than ever, taking their stuff further than ever before. Make it so powerful and hynotic that we could trip without drugs!
  16. Oh what the heck! Phutureprimitive - Sub Conscious has been UNAVAILBLE at psyshop.com for the last several months! On top of that, saikosounds doesn't seem to even carry this album?!?! This album sounds really good from the samples I heard at psyshop. The track titled Darkness sounds VERY catchy; very COOL, like some New Agey, trance/world, downtempo, slightly darker-in-tone chill song. Nice... The second-to-last song, while maybe short, sounds priceless! Just dreamy, romantic, floating, but very cool night music! Add that song to the several others that instantly made me smile, and this is just based on 45 second samples! This album seems to have some fresh, catchy sounds and very well done songs, and it sounds more fresh and unique than Shpongles third main album. I was disappointed with Shpongles supposedly last album, and felt that overall the first two were innovative and overall great albums; the third was less special and sounded like more of the same, even though it's better than 95% of all downtempo music today. Anyway, that's another story. For a debut album, Phutureprimitive - Sub Conscious sounds like one of those underrated gems. Too bad its not available to order. Hopefully www.psyshop.com will get more copies soon.
  17. V/A - APSARA SUNTRIP RECORDS 2005 Track list: 1. Aes Dana - Digitalys 2. Yesod – On The Edge of Time 3. KhetzaL & Chaï (Avigmati) - Babylone Beach 4. Lost Buddha - Metamorphosis 5. ilteria – Tiny Universe 6. Ka-Sol - Skraqp 7. Ypsilon5 - Titanium 8. Goasia – I’m Ready 9. Radical Distortion - Communication This is the strongest compilation I've heard all year. No track is less than pretty good. Most are good, great, and beyond. 01. Aes Dana - Digitalys - Aes Dana keeps impressing me with their dreamy, hypnotic trance, with feeling!, and the choice to get them to make a track here was both clever and a winning bet. The chopped up bassline and stuttering sounds create an awesome effect! The entire track is very catchy. This is a superb first track before the more energetic, melodic tracks to come. B+ 02. Yesod – On The Edge of Time - I'm not familiar with this artist at all, but those single melodies, leading melodies (or tunes) I call them, are very, VERY catchy. This is a really good track! B 03. KhetzaL & Chaï (Avigmati) - Babylone Beach - Another good track. I'm not familiar with this artist but like the last one, I am now. The part where the beat stops and just the melodies with the voice or violin that sounds like a beautiful hum is really catchy, reminds me of an emotional part in the music of the movie "Gladiator." Good melodies! Cool song! B 04. Lost Buddha - Metamorphosis - To date, this is the best track I've heard from Lost Buddha, and one of the best on the album! This is a very good song! I like the voice samples and those melodies that begin at around 1:25... yes! Catchy! This song evolves, becomes more involved, builds-up, with some really good goa melodies complimenting each other. I think the main leading one is really catchy! At 2:47, yes! This is great! Having heard several prototypes and unreleased stuff from Lost Buddha... tracks like this one are proof of how good an artist becomes over time; the spirit to make great music! I would really like to hear a whole album from Lost Buddha one day, hopefully with all tracks as well done and maybe by then, even better than this one! I like all these layers, melodies, the direction, where it goes, etc... its imaginative, interesting, engaging, fun. This song rocks! B+ 05. Filteria – Tiny Universe - This is a very good or great song! While more dreamy, and less full of layers of melodies as Filteria's Sky Imput album, this doesn't have to be, as this is a compilation. I really enjoyed this song, and it proves that Filteria is more versatile, at least it shows here as it did on the final track of Sky Imput. The changes, how the track evolves and the strong, catchy leading tunes (in beginning especially) and other melodies are arresting. The "one ... tiny ... universe" samples are a nice touch too! B+ 06. Ka-Sol - Skraqp - In the past, I never cared for Ka-Sol to date. I heard several tracks on "dark" comps and just found them very repetitive and noisey. I felt this track takes some time to build, as with its strong kick-drum. I wondered where it was going, or if it would morph into something entirely else. It gradually becomes a song that for once to date by Ka-Sol, (for me) I find really good. The melodies! The beautiful layers of melodies. I have never heard beautiful, uplifting (not cheesy at all) psy or goatrance from Ka-Sol until now, and I find it so much more catchy than the other stuff I've heard from them before. This is a good song to say the least. Maybe I've missed several other beautiful and flowing melodic tracks by them, and hopefully they'll make more like this again. The melodies are so dreamy. At around 5:00 or 6:00, YES!, this track becomes great; swimming in layers of dreamy sounds! This totally changes my perspective of Ka-Sol. The only thing I would have maybe slightly changed, was the force of the kickdrum. It's pretty hard in comparison to the other tracks. B+ 07. Ypsilon5 - Titanium - Good, really good, great! Not sure which word best sums up this track but it is surely beautiful, and from there last album these artist(s) are really moving up on many peoples leagues or "level" of what is considered good and great music. Where to begin. The melodies! Its not just the melodies but how they all flow together. Like many of the tracks before this one, the melodies here are so catchy and work so well together. A really solid, good, great song! B+ 08. Goasia – I’m Ready - This is the last good or great song on this album I feel. I like the simple notes in the beginning and as it picks up, the change... around 1:20... it just gradually builds nicely, the melodies! I like layers of catchy melodies in goatrance, hence goatrance, haha! I like the introduction of new melodies as the song moves forward, it develops more, changes, and this does that around 2:50 yet again... this is cool man! Good track! B+ 09. Radical Distortion - Communication - Certainly above average, but for me, just not up to par with the other tracks on this comp. I like how this one starts; just jumps right into the beat and has a nice melody, (although I prefer intro to songs because its fun to see where the evolve to) and then another nice melody comes in over the first one, and... well, it moves forward and doesn't really do anything that impresses me, as it seems to play it safe... but its a pretty good song. Maybe just not as detailed or imaginative, catchy or involved as the others, its hard to say really, as its how I feel and I'm sure some of you will feel different, or well, indifferent. Simply put, I think this track is just slightly above being decent when compared to the others. This does have many catchy nice parts, and I do like this song; its just somewhat less exciting, intriging, and engaging. Regardless, this comp has done virtually everything right, and this last track comment is more a nit pick than anything else... the only nit pick I can think of really. B- In conclusion, V/A - Apsara is the best Psytrance compilation of the year. This may very well be a cult classic one day if it doesn't feel like that already. All tracks are well done. When artists and a record label takes the time to produce greatness, it shows! We feel it. The overall sound production is very good too. Apsara is a great album in new-school, Psy/Goa-Trance. We like more like this!! Favorite tracks: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 B+
  18. Scatterbrain is great!, but doesn't count because that album came out in 2003. And yes, Talpa is great; its way up there; and on my top favorite 2-3 albums of '04! It was winning best psytrance album of the year, until I heard something else several times... The Award for best psytrance / goatrance album of 2004 goes to Filteria - Sky Imput.
  19. Thanks Peyote! I heard the samples. Dark, moody, hard, aggressive, twisted, strange... Overall, I kinda like it; some of it anyway. Its just too bad the last track, Local Plants by Kaiko is so goofy and fluffy sounding. I'd much rather the final track to a comp like this be something deep, dark, atmospheric, and melodic, kind of like some of those ambient goa ones (final track on BotFB) or some dark, downtempo trance track would have probably ended this album way cooler than the one they chose to use. The Derango one sounds cool, pretty badass, very dark; strong basslines, cool sounds. The Ka-Sol one seems somewhat interesting too.. harsh and interesting. I just would hope it doesn't stay too repetitive. The Procs track reminds me of that driving bassline in POP from off the Delta. Its very hard, stomping, and repetitive, but not in a bad way.
  20. Hmmm. I want to hear it now. I can't find it on psyshop or saikosounds. Where is this one available to sample and buy?
  21. PLEIADIANS - Asteroids. Yeah, right. I'll be very surprised if its anything close to their old stuff. I've pretty much given up on them and there work on comps have never impressed me to date. Plus the album seems to be very full-on like all the other ordinary shit that keeps coming out, but I'll still take the several minutes of my life to hear the samples... there is always hope but I'm personally sick of hoping, waiting for some fantasy comeback.. so I'm not anymore. And I'm still curious to hear their track on the other new comp, along with Filteria Vs. Pan. I'm more excited about the Filteria stuff than Pleiadians...
  22. Generally speaking, I like melodies, layers of melodies, and not just a note dropped and released occasionally. Something with substance, that builds and enhances the song, not just one melody, that is, unless its insanely catchy. (like Transwave Trashish, it had one awesome leading melody!) so this album drops melody notes (which is so-so) but also has some more defined. Don't get me wrong though, it isn't always just about melodies. Some tracks on The Delta, Space Monkey, X-Dream's Radio, and the There is No Tomorrow comp had few melodies, and those dark psytrance albums were all good/great. Intro - I like the simple, basic melody. I also like the voices. Fractal Circus - Track 3 is the first song and maybe best one that eventually aims for melodies in this dark but not THAT dark psytrance album. Its not just comprised of "a" melody, but several layers, and I wish there were more tracks with more melodies like this one. It has catchy moments, the melodies, and I wish there were even more of them and more change into a more involved formation of melodies. I like it. And Monkey Supernova, when it slows down and the voice samples... then it picks up differently, I like that. Then I like the added melody, then it stops, then it speeds up... It could have been more creative (added more sounds) when it speeds up, but it works. Juggling Spheres - I like the Pulp Fiction sample. Its funny in a cool way. And I like this song. I like those high-note metal, chime hits. Track 6 should be shot. Pachamama is so freekin repetitive!, with its altered single notes pressed in here and there. I don't like Pachamama. Strong obvoius bassline aside, its pretty lame and lacking compared to many of the others. Give me something more involved and exciting please. Please NO FILLERS!!! There a turn-off. I like the track, Space Cadet, when it slows down... cool dark space psytrance I call it. But that flute melody does get repetitive after a while. Several tracks in the middle are pretty cool ... and I like the Outro, although it may come off as a slightly weak closing, its decent and while still being a slowler song, could have been better. The clapping sounds and chime or tune is fairly basic but catchy. There are moments here on this MEGALOPSY album when the song slow down, changes, and some of it I find interesting to see where it goes! I just feel that certain changes could have been more dramatic, crazy, shocking, and productive if the artist aimed to make it such, as opposed to just changing and taking it into another area, an area thats usually more enjoyable because its change creates a track less repetitive, or rather not repetitive, but an area nonetheless thats not dramatic, crazy, intense, or more dark than before it seems. I like that the songs actually move around a bit and don't just stay in the same boring location through-out, its better than being repetitive because then many people would just stop listening or already be listeing to crap. (for the most part) I like that this album has parts that really change. It has its moments, although far from great I feel, and each track is very different from the one before, THANKFULLY, because most people don't want to hear one 65-80 minute song. Some of this album sounds pretty good, while other parts seem okay or just whatever. I don't know why they don't just dive deeper into the melodies and actually make them darker!, because the little tunes that come in here and there wouldn't sound that dark if you removed the tone of the song, those harsh, dark sounds and left the melody or tunes all alone. Think about it. These artists obviously have talent and potential above much of todays dark psytrance releases. And it would be interesting to see them dive deeper into darker, more involved, intense, ambitious, much MORE nightmareish psytrance WITH more melodies; dark eerie melodies! Take it deeper into the human psyche, while still making it danceable of course. I simply hope they avoid the typical full-on sound and make their next album more vivid, psychedelic, dark TONE, wild, and with more layers of melodies and atmosphere than before. This sounds like a pretty good album.
  23. I totally agree with There Is No Tomorrow, which to date is unquestionably the best darkpsy comp I have ever heard! Now while every track may not be great, the songs for the most part have character; substance and drive... not just driving sounds and noises. They have direction and creative elements that occasionally stand out, good samples, mixing, some very catchy MELODIES (although not many, the melodies in the last one, those chimes are fucking badass) and some flat-out, wicked-evil-catchy elements! The tracks are very aggressive but they don't just loop; they change and for the most part; become at times become more involved and/or different; regardless they remain engaging. It's unlike most of todays dark psy. Much of todays darkpsy is just a bunch of twisted noises around a strong bassline, beats, and a general dark tone. Darkpsy in general now days fucking sucks; its minimal bullshit or shit just to sound crazy without the rhythm and creativity of the older stuff in general. So what about Dark Soho? Also, does evil, darkpsy count?, such as Sandman, Xenomorph, etc? And what about Space Monkey - Psychotic Episode??? That was one of the best darkpsy surprises of 2004, period. Oh, and who ever said Penta rocks... damn right! Cool album!, and that list is missing many TOP darkpsy albums, but I realize too late to edit now so.
  24. Nothing like it? Do you mean its much better, tighter, more crisp, or that this demo is nothing compared to hearing it in its entirety? (without the demo cuts to show off parts) I like this song so I hope its not too different, unless its just even better, more intricate, more melodies... at least something in a good way. The full version should be like the demo but complete sounded I suppose, is that what you mean? Nice... Congradulations man!
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