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needle ninja

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Everything posted by needle ninja

  1. Well I use Battery 2 and that has tons and tons of percussion sounds, more than I'll ever use. You can also put in your own samples, but it isn't obvious how.
  2. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51bp5hIioTL._SX500_.jpg
  3. Sounds interesting. I wonder when it will be available on DVD. Although both the trailer and the movie art make it look like it will be reaaaally, reeealy bad. ^lol - fan fiction?
  4. He's going to be falling @ 700 miles an hour! Even if he dies that would be some way to die!
  5. Read all about this and I have a hard time thinking of the effect the pressure will have. Just driving down a tall mountain and my ears pop, how do you survive a fall from the troposphere? He'll be wearing a state-of-the-art suite so he can breathe but still...
  6. Not real, or people would fear it a lot more than they do now.
  7. Etnica - Astral Way (Tristan rmx) off their Bandcamp site
  8. These are very well-known old tracks. Anyone who makes something too similar to these will quickly be accused of copying. There are other old-skool inspired tracks though. Are you familiar with Brian Kage's Thinner 056 "Eight Ways" EP?
  9. So if I make music that you like you will try to find a genre for it even though I just make what sounds good to me at the time.
  10. Lots of synths have multiple layers to sound more interesting. Some tracks get doubled to add to the stereo effect. It is impossible to tell from just listening how many tracks a producer is using at any given time.
  11. ...and it is said that any man who posesses the statue will be able to rule an army that can never be defeated....until they invade russia.
  12. I had a ridiculous nicname on another music forum that closed up so I wanted to outdo it. When I first actually became a member here I couldn't think so I put in 'psytraveller' but when I noticed that there was already a 'traveller' I felt completely unoriginal. So my nickname here doesn't make any sense and there is no story behind it.
  13. No, it is much more simple then that. GM crops are patented by the corporations that created them. To use the GM seeds, farmers must sign a contract with the company that they will not use any other seeds for a certain number of years. In doing that the farmer is now dependant upon the corporation which then takes over the distribution of the crops. To sell any crops to the local distributor, the farmer must be using that company's seeds, which are patented and cost more then non-GM seeds. Thus, the farmer loses thier ability to sell in the open market and are completely beholden to the corporation that owns the patent on the GM seeds. There is a good documentary on this that I can't remember the name to.
  14. Acually not being published is a potential sign of something wrong because all the major publishers review the studies to check the science. It has been an unfortunite effect of the money from large corporations that science has been turned to supporting the adenda of a particular set of people. However, I still think that there are independant labs that are not funded by a single, large corporation that can support or refute the claims made here. The problem is that science takes time and long-term studies need a lot of time (and money) to complete. I like the German idea of the Precautionary Principle when it comes to the implimentation of new technology in the environment. We do not have any evidence of real, harmful effects of GM crops at this time, but the complexities of the natural world dictate that long term studies should be done to find the unexpected. The promise of more productivity per acre of land is such that genetically modified plants are a good investment both now and in the future, but in the end, the consumer will decide.
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