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Everything posted by snowball

  1. and promoting facial ejaculations isnt ???
  2. aha!!! so IDM is a more general term...i am listening to a set that anoebis posted here a long time ago and i just bumped into it :Finnish & Australian Experimental trance so i was wondering why it is called IDM,its like old school,very twisted and nice! now experimental,if its diefferent i know nothing about it! oh and Illbient(i have heard this term before,cant remember where though) Glitch and Noise....
  3. i am checking them out now.thanks! btw IDM=experimental ? oh and IDM means ??
  4. WTF man ? you dont like the fact that the artists may put use to your money to buy drugs,so you dont buy the originals.BUT you download them ?? totally hypocrite imo,if you think that they take drugs and you dont agree then dont listen to the music at all,dont hide behind your finger... maybe you also think that you are doing a good thing to them,cz if you dont buy,they will have less money and use less drugs...Total bullshit imo....this is the lamest argument i have heard in ages how the hell do you know that the money you give to the supermarket when you buy milk and bread wont go to drug use?at least you can have the balls and say i download because i dont give a shit about the artists...not this bullshit...
  5. snowball


    IDM and experimental... what are they ?yeah its music(and its great) but what makes them differnt than psy ? and about experimental i havent got a clue,never heard any,can you explain and reccomend something ??? looking to expand my musical horizons!
  6. More anoebis !!!! give us MOOOOORE Thnx,its a brainstorm happening in here!! ThnxThnxThnxThnxThnxThnxThnxThnxThnxThnx
  7. what about the CHOLESTEROL this produced ???
  8. Now he will never go to voov!!!! and i dont think banning him from psynews for 12 months(thats one whole year btw ) will do him anygood,this aint the only forum in the web you know... this is the second uneccesary banning imo(first one was feathers) and talking about negative vibes,banning produces a lot of them imo...
  9. 30 mins!! omg you are supa dupa fast man!!! you can make 4 cds in a day !!!!
  10. and i will vaporise it.....
  11. Benny Benassi - Love Is Gonna Save Us I just cant get over it.....
  12. nop! but i am willing to sell my body to your best looking girl friend!
  13. well i guess its on my wishlist so when i order next time i will get it! and i will have 2! mystical experiences!the more the merrier!!!!Yipppi!!!
  14. i know about them,but i dont own them(yet) i just saw that psyshop offers the Mystical experiences with mystery of the yeti 1 for 15bucks...grrrr....i have to pay more attention when i order!!!
  15. hmm,there is a lot of loving going on here.... can you suggest anything similar in quality to mystical experiences?(devious,this goes mostly to you)
  16. french///////french/////french//////french///// mon dieux!!! c'est vraiment fabuleux!!!bravo!! c'est tres pro sanjiva,(ils sont tous) est que il est disponible?(a vendre je veux dire!) french/////french/////french//////french/////
  17. TIP - Mystical Experiences it doesnt get better than this.... (or it does???)
  18. i hope his music is better that his behaviour...
  19. ok!its on my wishlist then!(along with another 476489705946538706453 albums)
  20. how can i order from discogs??? i thought i couldnt order,that it was just a reference site!!!
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