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Everything posted by snowball

  1. hoorray!!! Axioi axioi!!! how did u figured it out?
  2. Towelie resigned? that makes two...(with devious). i think everybody is slowly slowly abandoning the ship,i wonder who is going to go last....
  3. you took the words out of my mouth goaaz(can i say that in english?) last time i checked(20secs ago) there were 6 mods,and mars the admin. so far, 3 mods state that they were against the ban. conclusion: either it was a very close call or somebody had the final word in this situation. OR some are lying about their decision after seeing that the majority didnt appreciate the ban. I know its a hell of an accusation to make,but its a bit strange to see one after the other mod say that he was against the ban....
  4. thnx!!! btw,when i asked for it,they had not reincorporated the older reviews!
  5. what really pisses me off is that people that never heard any kind of psy before ,go to parties that allways play stupid full-on(there is good fullon btw,just that usually at the parties its lame) and they get this immpression that this is psychedelic trance!!!!! hail skazi and eskimo!!!! edit:now that i read it again it sounds a bit aggresive,so i want to make clear that i am not talking about the posters in this thread,or the IM party(but it could fit quite well the description of lame full-on,from the rumours of their new style of music.Personally i only own 1 cd from them,the gathering,and its good! )
  6. mp3 for me....but not anymore,since i can find real cds i dont dl anymore. but as for you cangrejo,i remember you saying something really lame about artists and drugs,so my vote is absolutely not a support for all the people that never buy a cd and fill up hard drives with mp3's.
  7. isnt a racist somebody that believes that other races are inferior to his own? unless cinos is a race,then he is not a racist imo!
  8. 490769[/snapback] c'mon mods apologise to the man!! or maybe your ego is too big for that?well be careful,because apparently ego is a reason to get banned here!
  9. True, We will miss him....
  10. its an omen!the end of the world is near! cosmo ,i think you have too much free time in your hands!
  12. that plogue bidule is scary! but i dont understand why nobody said a THANK YOU STALKER !!! ungreatful ppl...
  13. i just hope he goes to voov.... ps:Cinos if you are reading this,GO MAN GO!!!!!!
  14. put it on your favorites and try keeping it on top!!!
  15. Heh,i havent listened to it THAT long !!! but i see your point,so as a rule of thumb,i try to listen to the songs i love the more less,and the songs i dont like more.Imo it apllies to all aspects of life!...but its hard to do it....
  16. i especially like the doof track(no3)...after she says "the mysteries of the universe" and it kicks back again!!!!its bliss!
  17. its more than brilliant! every time i listen to it it gets better,it evolves!
  18. thats what ithought too,but it said experimental somewhere so i got confused!
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