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Everything posted by snowball

  1. one of the best,if not THE best,ambient albums ever!
  2. snowball


    its official now,its Phoenix - Into the dessert! thanks plastomer!!!!! btw can you tell me more about phoenix,or other tracks like into the dessert?
  3. snowball


    no,i have my own private mountain but i cant tell you where its a psychedelic secret!
  4. snowball


    could be...but there arent any samples in discogs so i cant make it official!
  5. maybe they are not narrowminded but they are violent/negative! at least those that i have seen and those that i have met!
  6. snowball


    variemai...... anw i will go take a bath in the river,and when i come back i will try to send an audio extract! even if i am an audio extract sending virgin!
  7. i did my share of arguing about the c-rap.... anyways, i dont like it its too negative/violent and thee majority(if not all) that make it or/and listen to it are also negative/violent.... and no i am not going to add IMO ,i find it lame, and its on my sig so bug off!
  8. snowball


    I was looking through some old tracks that i had dl a long time ago,and i came up with a track named destination goa-deep trance.It has a sort of hip-hop beat,its slow,(am not sure if its dub though ) and has some really trippy melodies. it has some vocals,male, but two different voices: "this is a dream.................this is a dream................ relax(different voice) ......... .............my mind is relaxed(low volume,from background,not sure if i understood correctly what he is saying though )...................... i hope you figure it out,i LOVE this track,i hope i find the artist and the album!!!!
  9. it says "divine moments in truth" isnt it "divine moments OF truth" in the are you shpongled album?
  10. From what i know these guys mostly release full-on right? but there is crap and good full-on.Do you have any suggstions for any of their releases that are worth it? if its not full-on,the better! i own map of goa from them ...its ok...but the cover is awsome!
  11. the last track was nice.....the rest was spice girls stuff
  12. i think he thinks what i think and what the rest think.... and i think that we have been thinking way too much about thinking!
  13. hit and run from total eclipse is very psy-ish!
  14. pray sorry! the opposite of predator! as "the tiger killed its pray!" thanx man,i think that about it too! btw i found it on tranceshop.com,go on the gallery section there are a lot of roxxxxxing pics!!!
  15. safe because we are only 2 so we might get separated and you can allways tell when someone is alone,maybe there are some people there that will see us as easy prey???or maybe i am just paranoid...
  16. i like trip hop,but i dont know any sites!
  17. shit. what the hell is this limit for? mfg gms goa tip me why old and is it who (...) you cant search with this kind of character limit!!!!
  18. just a question: coffeshops are 24h open right?
  19. Time is running out and fullmoon is approaching... probably i will go buy the plane tickets next week...but we have lost a fellow pilgrim ....so now its just two of us going to fullmoon and then to amsterdam... do you think its not safe to go?i mean as a rule i try to go to festivals with alot of friends so i was wondering what do you think about this...
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