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Everything posted by bwhale

  1. So I made a helicopter sound, figured it would be cool, but when I put it over the other sounds everything gets distorted and loses volume. What am I doing wrong?
  2. OK well I couldn't do anything at all with Cubase so I just deleted it. I like how Reason has syntsh in it, but it appears useless without a keyboard which I don't have.
  3. I'm reading Dostoyevsky right now... just finished "The Idiot".
  4. I've read much better existentialist literature from the same time period and earlier. Please stop talking about psychedelic books, that's just ridiculous.
  5. Cubase, Reason? Dunno what HNJO is but I'm glad someone else found it funny.
  6. Any tips to make a melody other than with an organ sound in FL guys?? I actually want to make a good track eventually.
  7. I thought it was a pretty lame book and didn't bother trying to figure out what the point of all those magic room stories was supposed to be.
  8. Well here is "Alien Invader (2:33 promo cut)", that I just produced with FL: http://www.sendspace.com/file/sfwgfc Thx for ur feedback!
  9. No kidding. Is he a slave master?
  10. bwhale


    Cool thanks PS -- Any title for it? Or idea the year it was from?
  11. Try these.... Chronos - Steps To The Great Knowledge Shakatura - Shakatura (or Galactivation)
  12. OK... Spontaneous Illumination was much better than I remembered.... Track 1 is nice for sure... will need to listen again though. I'm listening to the suggestions, I'll let yall know what I think of them. I guess this goes to show how people like music for different reasons. I always loved goa trance because of how all the layers interacted to build something great. Take the sounds and remove the structure, and you've got nothing IMO! I think it removes a lot (not all!) of the talent involved in making the music too, if you don't have to worry about how everything pulls together on the grand scale.
  13. Lmao that's sad if it's true, but I'm also very skeptical.
  14. I like those tracks on the video because the sounds work together perfectly, not because of the particular sounds used. HOW, not WHAT. I actually haven't listened to Entheogenic for awhile I can't even remember it really (which doesn't say much for it) but I will listen again and see.
  15. This is really excellent. I could use more like it.
  16. Any music can be considered good or bad from some perspective. I laid down some principles -- which apply to almost all goa trance -- and from these principles most of this chillout music is not good. And this really has nothing to do with a beat or eastern melodies. There's a lot of ambient music that fits the same principles. This isn't a case of not listening... I listened to many of these CDs several times each. But every time I go back to listen to classic goa where all the sounds work together and there's a progression and story in the track, I realize how crappy this other music has been that just floats around changing sounds and does nothing in the end. Of course this is not black and white at all, I'm just generalizing and then asking if there's any other chillout projects like the ones I mentioned, that follow these principles as the old music did and as the "goambient" tracks did. And it's nice to see someone else that sees this problem I'm talking about. I think much of this music should be called psyboring or something.
  17. I'll check Taruna thanks. Eastern sounds don't really matter but are a bonus when used well. The main thing I hate is when the music sounds totally different every 2 minute interval through the track/cd, the previous sounds are never reused, no "track" is really built, just some changing sounds. :wank: I'm listening to Mystical Sun right now, it's pretty good.
  18. Shakatura... I hope Ra makes a chillout or ambient album, I have faith in them.
  19. Actually I made a mistake... I think Aes Dana is good but I didn't like the Aftermath album.
  20. It seems like most of this stuff has no structure. It is just floaty peaceful sounds, where the sounds don't build up to anything, there is not good rhythm or melodies. Sounds tend to just wander in and out of the music constantly and it goes nowhere and my mind wanders and I don't actually hear any of the music because it doesn't hold the attention at all. There is way too much emphasis put onto the minor details and the foreground of the track sucks balls. So... is there anything that is actually similar to psychedelic trance, which this stuff *supposedly* grew out of?! I consider most of the "goambient" tracks on the oldschool goa trance CDs to be great chillout music. Yes: Chi-AD (chillout tracks obviously) Chronos DLS Shakatura Somewhat: Ott (half the tracks maybe) Terra Nine The Kumba Mela Experiment No: Aes Dana Asura Bluetech Carbon Based Lifeforms (exluding MOS # basically, maybe a few others) Cell Celtic Cross Deep Dive Corp Ekko Ishq Polyploid Younger Brother (excluding Evil & Harm basically) Ethnic crap: Entheogenic Shpongle (most of it) Don't know? Kaya Project Mystical Sun Solar Fields Wombatmusic ... I've sure there's a lot I don't know of, so maybe add your own lists.
  21. Shpongle is mostly crap music, so I vote FSOL by default. Stop sucking Simon Posford's dick because he made 1 good track in 1994.
  22. It's on vinyl and Single Cell 2 only. Exact same without the horrible vocals, or close at least.
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