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Everything posted by Strifer

  1. ahh sweetnesssss. Always wanted to check Rebirth out. My first was actually a free prog called Jeskola Buzz.
  2. ahh thanks a lot . I saw your synth Synaex, looks very nice. If you can do that with this software that's great. I hope I have time to get into this more, from the screen shot it looks really cool. It's also a good way to understand the concepts of sound and sound design.
  3. hey how's it going, some nice background man. Yea, psytrance may not be as well known as other genres, but it's got a huge amount of artists in it for its size, and to tell the truth, most of the music is pretty much the same , so you can cancel about half of the artists to get some truly original music . Btw, Konflict - Messiah is a niiiice track, I could imagine it being mixed into a psytrance set...would have to be dark tho.
  4. So how hard is it to do this?? I bet very hard. It's something I've been meaning to find out for a while now. I know Reactor allows you to do this, but what else can you use??? Thanks
  5. Awesome thanks a lot....though I bet half of them have crap or don't work.... btw. yahoo has this audio search engine now, http://audio.search.yahoo.com/ so you can search for sounds all over the net. I've gotten some sweet movie/tv samples off of it. happy hunting.
  6. I'd say it's definitly a hard task to analyze psytrance in this sort of manner. Like he said, the main focus of psytrance music is in the timbre, the characteristics of the sound, not the actual melody. There are always more FX, Squelchy sounds, etc... in psytrance than actual melodies. If there are, they are usually really simple and are there to provide backing to the rythm, or they are just one note pads. Though I love how he has the sheet music, that's awesome, I'm gonna compose a goa trance song for the violin now.....haha, and play it is a recital piece. I'll get a friend to beat box the kick, hi hats and snarerolls. Actually, now that I think about it, it would sweet if a whole orchestra composed a psy or goa trance song, complete with pads and basslines. hm.....
  7. the gathering was great, but everything downhill from there? Cmon...... They changed their sound, but somehow at the same time they didn't, since I could still tell apart their music from other ppls music, and that too me is something great. Tho it seems they have put less effort into their later music, especially with IM the supervisor.
  8. http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~easwaran/papers/psytrance.html it analyzes some songs like LSD and Release me, also goes into the musical structure of the music....its origins...etc.
  9. psytrance god??? lol, what a title. I'm not as old skool to have been listening to this guys music or sets, but I'm guessing he was involved in the Matsuri label? If so that's cool since some of my favorite music is from there, and I also own some of the vinyl.
  10. I just hate the fakeness of this post. ppl who probably don't give a shit about this music at all saying, "this stunning new music called psytrance", "taking the world by storm", "will help us stuff more money up our collective anus" and putting smilies and shit to make it seem more friendly....just very annoying. It's like, imagine ur in school and the really popular person says to you "now that you're beautiful and more popular I'd like to be good friends with you", flattering, but, cmon....... ah, but there's always a good side I guess, and that means more music coming out, could be great or bad.
  11. heh buzz, excellent, I know few people who have used buzz, I started off on that prog.....really strange stuff. As for me, I can't stand the interface of FL studio, I use pretty much purely reason, and I don't see how some ppl say it's not user friendly, it's friggin designed to be user friendly. Everything is laid out for u there, no need to open up hundreds of windows like in FL. I guess if ur used to something like FL it takes a while to use something diff, same thing happened to me when I made my transistion from buzz (I'm guessing the maker tried his hardest to make this as little user friendly as possible, lol) to Reason.
  12. haha liquid phantom, unless you're ready to spend a long time learing about music synthesis and electronic music, I suggest you leave cubase alone for a long time. Progs like cubase, nuendo, logic, pro tools are big league stuff. Chances are you won't need half the features they contain. For programs use either a)Reason 3.0 or b)FL studio two of the most common progs, they are very good, much easier to learn than the big progs, and reason is also used by proffesionals. With a comp and sound system, they are all you need to begin making music. But a thing to consider is.... FL studio uses VSTs, these are baiscally just virtual instruments or effects you use in ur program to create your song (synths, samplers, drummachines...etc). You can download or buy them as there is almost an unlimited supply on the net and in the market, and FL studio comes with its own as well. Reason doesn't use these, it comes with it's own and you can never download more. However the ones it comes with are very good and I've rarely had the urge to use outside ones. If your new to all this, it could take you a long time to learn, and if you want, u can begin with cubase, but be prepared to be very frustrated, because if you don't even know what a VST is, the prog will most likely rape u.
  13. Ukiro, your questions are definitly good, but you automatically assume the person ur interviewing agrees that psy trance today has lost it's qualities that made it great, and all the other things you mentioned. If I were the interviewer I would ask 1)Do you think that the possibilities for originiality and new ideas in psytrance or any music is unlimited, or do believe that it is limited and most everything has been done? Horribley phrased question, but u get the idea
  14. hmm, interesting, cuz not too long ago I thought of creating a genre of music called psychedellic jungle, I worked around with it, and I got down one tune with almost a goaish melody with some heavy DnB beats and a typical deep bassline. (you wouldnt recognize it as goa with a trance beat since I had to change stuff to suit the chaotic nature of the DnB, but its definitly a lot different than stuff uve heard) If you wanna listen go ahead, Im still looking into it and what I could do, http://www.soundclick.com/util/streamM3U.m3u?ID=2477341&q=Hi thats the link, but if it doesnt work just click it on www.soundclick.com/strifermusic.htm its called equlizing floors Its not like first sign of communication (really great shit), which reminds me of eat static.
  15. I still dont see why so many ppl are hating on Im the supervisor, its fine IMO. Whats so commercial about it? Its a lot like the gathering too in terms of what kinds of sounds they use. If anything, I dont like it because it does too much of the same thing in each song, using the same sounds and formulas, expect for some great gems, ratio schmatio and streched being two, tho I have to listen to it again to analzye it further.
  16. kick ass, insane, I like it man.... has an original touch to it, bassline is interesting, I'm sure it would make some people dizzy, lol, it got a little bothersome for me after a while. Good use of effects and guitar samples, overall, the idea here is great, and if it's fleshed out more it could be even better peace btw. that melody that comes in at the end (4:11) has a sweet sound, how did you make that? Very psy sounding
  17. hehe, tight production, this song is great, really liking it, proffesional job. Good sound fx, and bassline works well....I can't find anything wrong with the song, mabye add more melody? that voice at 5:18 is great, I think you should have more of that kinda stuff in the song. gj
  18. yea, that was all part of the plan, to bring up the hype..... lol here is the link (my bad) http://www.soundclick.com/util/streamM3U.m3u?ID=2520215&q=Hi -stream http://www.soundclick.com/bands/9/strifer_music.htm -webpage http://www.soundclick.com/util/downloadSong.cfm?ID=2520215 -download
  19. Hey, just finished this song, called Night Terrors, a little kid catches his parents in the act and it sends him through a long dark journey of bad trips...or something along those lines, anyways, feedback would be awesome... I go through several styles... *dark trance *hypnotic tones *energetic trance tell me what you think peace http://www.soundclick.com/bands/9/strifer_music.htm -webpage http://www.soundclick.com/util/streamM3U.m3u?ID=2520215&q=Hi -stream http://www.soundclick.com/util/downloadSong.cfm?ID=2520215 -dl
  20. What the hell, astral projection making you cry? I can't imagine psy or goa music being so emotional, then it wouldn't be psy or goa, most of the melodies are very dark or energetic. The other kind of emotions come from the epic trance stuff.... but a track that touched me very emotionally, that actually made me feel sad was Wavy Gravy by Sasha when I heard it for the first time...
  21. yea, Richard D. James album is my favorite, really great stuff there, the way he creates these original vibes from this melodies and drum works, but the classics album, while great as the songs are, they really get old after a while, since all of them have little variation in them. Digeridoo, great track, but it lacks in variation... o well, these are his old stuff, and as a producer in all he is great, the way he has changed and kept with his distinctive sound.
  22. you could make some visuals for one of my songs, www.soundclick.com/strifermusic.htm anyone around the top of the page would work, the first song is more uplifting melodic, the rest are darker, psytrance style, and some are goa. The links are all there, peace
  23. yea, it's definitly not completley dark, I really just meant the bassline to tell the truth, but glad you liked it... As for VSTs....I used....none well, that's what happens when you use Reason I guess, so really it was all up to the maelstrom, subtractor and NN-XT.
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