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Everything posted by sherlockalien

  1. never used discogs.. I have too small electronic collection to show off anyway hahaha (40cds more or less), but at least I only have cds that I listen to all the time.. no bad or average cds at all imo... cinos.. I suggest you get some more/better ambient stuff....
  2. well, I think if there was a top 10 section here, it would definitely take a different direction than on isratrance Yes, basilisk, top 10 in isratrance is just a help for traders to search for music... I think this is how it should be somehow.. I mean, taking myself as an example.. If I find some top 10 that has a few tracks I like, and some I dont like, I would definitely download the ones I dont know to check out (but of course I wouldnt post KILAAAAA comments).. Then, if I like the tracks and Im still under the budget of the month, I definitely buy what I like... Im sure this happens with a lot of people, and would happen specially in psynews (where I have seen in discussions and such that many people trade, but all or almost all of these that trade also buy their favourites) not to mention the fact that I would definitely go to some psyparty where some favourite that I just found out plays.. So I dont think it would be a bad thing.. I would like this to happen here
  3. man, visual paradox used to have kick ass prog releases (tracks like laughing dog on bog, etc)... now its full on shit imo.... fat bastard sold out
  4. I wonder when the ´good vibe´ purists will come and start complaining that this thread is too negative
  5. well, music listening habits and tastes obviously has to do with age, with where you live, with your personal growing and history, etc, but its not at all a cause-and-effect relation and there are many exceptions (which im sure everybody here knows)... I for one am very young, I guess, and dont like shpongle.. not my taste.. (I also dont like most beatless and too ambient stuff like (from what I heard) steve roach, pete namlook, etc...)
  6. none of the listed..maybe curious about shpongled, but I never digged them too much... im waiting for: new jaia, new ticon, new vibrasphere, new antix, new shulman, new ishq, and a few others...
  7. indeed great break in the son kite - on air track.... I love it how the little sounds go transforming until they come back full power... if you know what I mean I´ll post latter some others that I enjoy
  8. well, since im not in the isratrance mood and I have no problem with repeated topic (hehe), let me answer for you: there were a few albums this year that were near-perfect for me Kaya project - Walking Through (if you like music with a bit more of mid-eastern feeling, nice acoustic guitar, a lot of real instruments, but still nice rocking basslines) Waterjuice - Melbaphonics (Overal faster, mostly in the 110 or so bpm area, very very nice darker chill, twisted, evil, very nice basslines, never gets boring, excellent cd) Phutureprimitive - Subconscious (´subterranean dark chill´, huge basslines, very well made atmospheres) I guess you also know Ott - Blumenkraft.... if you dont, what the hell are you waiting for? get it immediately.... and I guess you also know Abakus - That Much Closer To The Sun (very nice basslines, happy summer smiling dub/chill) and one of the best compilations imo (2003 I think...) is V.A. Butterfly Dawn...Tracks by nada, tripswitch, prometheus, adham shaikh, etc.... very very nice one, no bad tracks
  9. *probably sucking on a lolypop that turns into a whistle once its finished, and stomping my feet dancing all around
  10. I remember a few years ago I enjoyed this track... alien project - midnight sun I think that was the name.. I wonder what would I think about it if I listen to it again...
  11. bah, and I actually thought most of these artists you guys mentioned make bad full on (sorry, just a bit of bashing.. hehe) The only 2 full on artists I could enjoy a bit was Protoculture (still brainless music imo, but easy-listening.. almost like pop), and tikal (they wanted to do prog, but because of no money they started doing full on... this shows a bit in their music, so its not totally copy paste stuff... I can listen to some of their tracks)
  12. too many average psytrance tracks to even think about mentioning
  13. well x dream is ok.. some nice moments, some not so nice... they have this hard-hitting tech/electro-like feeling nowadays, which is nice and a big 'show' in their lives... but its not the best music out there, neither in psytrance and neither in tech/electro.... lets see whats up next
  14. as it has been said, a psychedelic is necessary for it to be really psychedelic.... but if I discard that, and try to describe why it is psychedelic.. well, its the fractal-like patterns in effects, the story the track tells, the emotional feeling it creates, the mixture between continuous repeating and always-changing, all of these which seem to reflect psychedelic characteristics (but not create it, imo), and also characteristics of the subtle laws of the world (hahah ok I tripped a bit too much on this one) btw, whats this normal trance you guys talk about? tiesto and similar?
  15. if by purse you mean vagina.. then yes
  16. well genres, who cares... You know what I mean, chill out, ambient, whatever...
  17. well I dont see whats the problem... Just as saying good things about an artist is subjective, so is saying bad things... There´s no left without the right hehe The dark side is important too... So as long as we dont act as if our opinions are facts, then its no prob saying who we dont like and why... Well for me, there are so many I dont like that I would fill a whole page... just add the genres: oldschool - Too many layers, melodies dont get to me, not good enough production full on - too fast, too typical, no importance of details, all sound the same beatless ambient - music to sleep... no offense to anybody who likes these styles.. and maybe there are exceptions, but not many (eg, on beatless ambient, ishq is an exception)....
  18. have you ever had a dream about it? well its very similar... not the duration and everything, but just the feeling of touching and all
  19. well there is an SBK track in that comp... so maybe this K2 is from Krueger, so its just released under a side project or something... no?
  20. but one thing is true.. the first track in the celtic cross cd kicks ass
  21. I just did hear 2 tracks which were well commented here (mahadeva and people can fly) and didnt like it at all..... not one little bit... its not my taste edit: and no I dont like full on either
  22. what if I say I never heard anything from them............. ?
  23. hey DP... this lyrics you just wrote is also in the track k2 - Spacial K in this release: http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/slo/slo1cd001.html any explanations?
  24. ´krueger and coyle - butz and slutz´ would be a funny one hahaha (has some woman screaming) but for me chill out does the trick... check the ´chill pill´ cd.. perfect one for sex
  25. not the best for me.. in fact, there is no ´best´... each with their own characteristics, and each artist brings and fits a certain mood and atmosphere. His music does not reach me so much as to some others, but he does stand out of the average, that I can say for sure... and he has a ´funny´ side to his music which I enjoy somehow
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