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Everything posted by SixZeroFou4

  1. You could capture me as a high value target.. torture me in the worst absolute way possible and I will NEVER TALK. I will smile in the face of death no matter how extreme because my core principle of loyalty is unwavering. That will never change .. NEVER This I'm aware of. Like my taco bell visit, I did say only one burrito but I bought two.. I am human. I feel the fact I'm raising awareness with my fast food habits outweigh my silly little human weakness known as fun. Many people around me usually change their eating habits and become aware of not so healthy ingredients from meeting me and understanding how much healthier and happier you live with the right lifestyle. Your temporary indulgence will allow you to continue the good fight.. that is what is permanent.. that is what I know you will never change. Anyways good talk.. wanna grab a burger? Jk brother
  2. I think you can evaluate yourself so well.. you know whats best. That is an amazing quality because you will always have your own best interest at heart. I view this post as a confessional about what you did and not so much about what was actually done. Don't beat yourself up. Enjoy that moment. I follow a specific checklist of criteria that must be met in life before I have something at taco bell. Sometimes I'll eat it twice a week, sometimes not for 5 months. I enjoy the burrito for what it is, but while I'm eating it I'm mathematically calculating the calories in and the equation I will formulate to get it off Thanks for creating this topic
  3. SixZeroFou4


    All of these great posts bring a fun smile to my face. @thanos is that a promise? I feel you said the right thing and I'm glad you feel that way. Why would you vote against me? You don't even know me
  4. SixZeroFou4


    Lol. That made me lol Would you vote for me?
  5. SixZeroFou4


    Allow me to introduce you to the future; what is the real USA. "Land of the free, home of the brave" Even the people of the highest level of hatred would come together to fight for a common purpose. Our news might be very sensationalized, but we do it right. That common purpose.. our undying loyalty and patriotism is not taught or forced - we know what we have and we are thankful. The average American will die for their country.. that same person can be free to live just about any lifestyle openly. We give the most.. in every way - that is USA.. it will never change. You can't please everyone. We've made mistakes and I feel we should offer the world affected - that world shaped as a possible result of our intervention - a better explanation.. That is the future Thanks for giving this American the best music on the planet.. Goa
  6. SixZeroFou4


    You are a good soul. We all could learn from you - myself included as I have. Shootings are sensationalized here. Believe it or not, those shootings means media coverage which means money. We are capitalists but not cold hearted. I have to say the extreme paranoia of the day we run out of bullets is always in full effect. Department of homeland security spends more on stock piling hollow tip rounds then most countries spend overall. I can tell you firsthand that day will never happen. I would prefer if everyone prospered with minimal force but we still have more to go.
  7. SixZeroFou4


    Before I can respond I can't help but be concerned with some statements you've made. Starting with your feeling of rough times ahead of us - including your suggestion to get a bullet proof vest. Now you're reference to best military, ominous "doesn't matter", and threatening "you will see". Quotes were your words in verbatim. I will say this perception of mine on your statements was shaped through the input of a friend who works for a government agency. Harboring such hatred most likely leads to.. ? <- let's avoid that Now my response to you, brother to brother.. I never let hatred consume me in any facet. What a waste of time. You're a nice guy.. I like you. I'm sure not many people don't like you - the trick here is have your opinion without coming off as threatening or hostile. You can have a passionate view - in fact we've seen some excellent examples but to paraphrase the thread on here about nitzho and drawing the line.. don't cross the line.
  8. SixZeroFou4


    Lipstick on a pig.. When two billionaires make a deal.. OK put yourself in that mindset. You're a billionaire yourself. If you and I were making a deal.. I can't impress you with a ferrari.. private jet.. women.. drugs - it doesn't matter.. you already have that stuff yourself. So here we are.. trying to make a deal and we both have everything.. well trump is from new York city.. he's gangster. It's not pretty when you are looking for every extortion advantage possible. That pig will need lipstick
  9. SixZeroFou4


    Putin likes the assad regime in syria because he makes money from them. Like I said we issued him a warning yesterday, he backed off today. Do you see those poor children caught up in the Syrian nonsense? Now isis has their rape slave children willingly being suicide bombers to choose the better option to their current slave rape lifestyle.. suicide. It might seem imperialistic to those who are too pure to understand that there will always be someone who wants to hurt you. Someone has to protect you. The best you can do is please the most people possible. Now if you can honestly say that imperialistic view to deal with North Korea before he really hurts someone is bad.. you are just not trying hard enough to understand. Before you tell me about this evil imperialistic impact on your life, tell me about how you have the freedom to speak of it.. are you on hi tech gadgets? Nice clothes? Food.. money.. opportunity.. it exists almost anywhere and you have it.
  10. I like to let loose flies and catch them in the form of a jab to keep my reflexes like a razor
  11. Watermelon jolly ranchers should get an honorable mention here as well
  12. SixZeroFou4


    I even have a thread where I questioned whether he was a sociopath prior to that article. While not the best source, I fully respect that article. I believe he is a sociopath, but I feel it's intertwined with some weird drive.. To be the best. If he creates a constant and successive flow of great ideas that he can turn his back on, he has the ability to pick up on the winning idea, and believe in it to the fullest extent. The key is winning idea. He might say nonsense, but he believes in it and can make it happen. He is a sociopath, but the good kind. I'm still not convinced on him, but I think he's actually going to pull this whole thing off.
  13. SixZeroFou4


    China will not be pleased if trump replaces the TPP. If he is going to defeat isis, there will be problems in syria - putin likes assad. We wanted to make sure Russia understood we will defend ourselves. China will not be pleased. Putin is put in check. NATO is about to get extorted by trump. It's even sadder trump knows he can do all of this and get away with it. The USA military is superior in any and every possible form. Of course he wrote the art of the deal so he will accomplish everything and create no bad blood. Anyways china's about to get trumped. They also lost horribly to the USA in the olympics. Why did you put world domination as a tag for this thread?
  14. Great release. Showcases your love of electronic and demonstrates you can create just about anything.
  15. Just to clarify goa god, I believe it's a thought process we could all benefit from. Me, you, everyone. What if someone was new to the genre and saw the negativity on here, that massive worst goa track thread which actually had good tracks. Now you have someone who could possibly be turned off by the genre. That's 1 too many I also don't think the fans are ready for such a revival. In the end getting your reprint is a product. Marketing and sell sell sell. That doesn't exist here, on top of the hate - it doesn't matter who you are.. it's going to take a large coordinated effort to get something accomplished and the few who are capable.. really just good dance recordings and Dat records.. they are doing their own thing
  16. Sounds like we are awaiting the 2nd coming of the goa god.. to rise up and remind people why they love the music. To point out they are bitter filled negative haters who are killing each other off with nasty comments, hate filed judgments, and holier than thou attitudes. I believe that day could come, but there's still a long way to go.
  17. I found the knowledge, and YOU to be special. Now get over here to give me a hug. Haha jk. Thanks brother. Maybe someone else can provide more info beyond what the cool purple sunray has?
  18. It seems you have enough knowledge on how it WOULDN'T happen, how about you pretend you're the OP and try to give him a play by play breakdown of how it WOULD happen. Share your knowledge to get him started. I'll give an example of what I'm saying in the form of making a sandwhich. 1) decide what kind of sandwich you want 2) talk to the lunch meat worker at the delivery and get your meat 3) pay for the meat and bread 4) put sandwich together 5) eat it
  19. You must make the best music with that level of judging. Where's the links to your tracks again?
  20. I think when the numbers are small, you do everything to promote growth under any circumstances. When you can afford casualties, then you fire a few shots. How this response is a direct response to your statement is there are tons of bubbles. Work life bubble. Political life bubble. Music bubble. How I am around kids bubble. Goa cannot afford cheap shots. Now make no mistake about it. I'm almost positive there's some of you who cant stand the music bubble but you do the right thing to promote growth for many reasons. Now if the goa bubble was as big as pop bubble where you had an artist trash another artist at a music awards show.. have fucking at it. But when you only think about a new release and only pressing 200 CDs, something can absolutely be said. Does this clear it up or you think otherwise? I'm not trying to engage into an argument. A healthy debate. I feel I present my side, the pro positive vibe side, now you explain to me how goa is not considered a weird isolated music bubble genre? If it is maybe we should treat it as such *drops mic*
  21. I think when the numbers are small, you do everything to promote growth under any circumstances. When you can afford casualties, then you fire a few shots.
  22. Goa as a music genre is small. You look at how many people currently have a new release on discogs and it's in the 90s maybe.. hopefully. Now someone could say they have heard your tracks and wow hopefully D5 got paid really good to let you butcher their track. Now you have drama. You talked some trash about etnica and psy gone. That prompted someone to talk trash to you. You guys are slowly killing each other. Misery loves company? Or if I can't have it no one can? If you can't beat em, join em.. if you secretly love drama.. nod your head.
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