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Everything posted by SixZeroFou4

  1. I'm not going to cave in to the Samsung smart watch labor day sales..
  2. To give a follow up answer I threw out the old pants. I'm beginning to feel the impact as I'm doing laundry just a little sooner than before.
  3. @goa constrictor What's your thoughts on the current state of the presidential race?
  4. I know however I bumped how to spot a troll since it's more fitting. However a PSA NOT to be an agitator and provocateur never hurt.
  5. SixZeroFou4


    I got an lol out of that. Thanks
  6. SixZeroFou4


    I bumped the agitators and provocateur thread for you. Your user name says it all.
  7. Hopefully bumping this topic title is unnecessary
  8. SixZeroFou4


    Do you like pizza? If so I think you should check out the pizza toppings thread.
  9. SixZeroFou4


    Let's say you see a group of people playing with a flower known as the orchid. They are unaware it is called the orchid so they name it the hater. Now these people play with the hater concept and they believe it, that is their reality. Why ruin a hater and let them know it's really an orchid. I'm happy you're happy
  10. SixZeroFou4


    No you're not That's a fun game too. However, like in war there's sea air and land. USA military has 18 major vessels that cover the globe. The rest of the world has a combined 4.. All your eggs in one linear basket is not enough
  11. SixZeroFou4


    Oh jeez. You chess wizard I'm buying you a drink you clever bastard
  12. SixZeroFou4


    Well, first let's look at your blatant insensitivity and blatant disrespect towards Trans bathrooms. I'm guessing you didn't buy chi-ad new re release based on Trans bathrooms being a problem. Second.. did I not tell Thanos sorry for the miscommunication? I did, so that completely goes against what you think. You should learn how to play chess. You clearly tried to take my king here and it didn't work. In fact it was a poor attempt. I even considered you a brother because you are so kind and even said I could stay with you if I wanted to sample india. In the interest of keeping the above statement true, I would like to clear up any confusion You really meant the Trans bathrooms are not a problem, but they are a great step in freedom and equality. You also might be in a bad mood and jumped too soon. No problems
  13. SixZeroFou4


    Well trump wrote the art of the deal. No bigger piece of real estate than a country, and trump hasn't done that yet. Looks like we might be brothers soon. Thanks for supporting the rush to page 5. Sorry if I was unable to see that.
  14. SixZeroFou4


    I've read your posts. You're smarter than this. Plus like you gave your 2cents about the suntrip promotional video, then later regretted it, do a little more honest research. I hope you feel better soon.
  15. SixZeroFou4


    Trans gendered bathrooms in the USA. We even let movements have the freedom to express themselves going all the way to sitting during national anthem to protest. Where else can you do that?
  16. SixZeroFou4


    Just because you label me a troll doesn't mean I am one. I could see why you would hold hostility due to my opinion on your re releasing efforts thread. Holding such silly hostility and creating a scenario where you paint me as a troll because you didn't like one of my posts really confirms the thoughts people tell me of these forums. I'm just glad I addressed this, as well as you, in the USA thread. USA isn't fair?!?! Looks like unfair treatment comes from outside the USA
  17. SixZeroFou4


    I hope that never happens. If so, I am very happy to know you view the usa in such a way. Anyways Goodluck. I'm done with thread
  18. SixZeroFou4


    ::spins the wheel:: give me a 5... ?!?!
  19. SixZeroFou4


    I just need this thread to be 5 pages long
  20. SixZeroFou4


    I'll translate this; I'm scared to say otherwise, but please help us.
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