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Everything posted by Imba

  1. I bought first psy/goa piece of clothes today: I have few Suntrip shirts for some time, also shirt from Global Sect but i believe this is most goa shirt ahaha Hippimba
  2. Don't blame weather, blame US. We did this
  3. Good news... on Balkan Goa Fanatics i spoke to Graham (D5) and he told me Dave is making video games for last few years but for next year he plan to come back to music and do some gigs etc. I hope some masterpieces will come again soon! He have so much great music and it's hard to make top 3, but these are my favorites: Biocandy, Celestial, Eye Am The I, Exit Eternity, X-Isle.
  4. Imba


    One of first goa tracks i ever heard, and very very trippy!
  5. That happend in Bulgaria? Well it's usual thing on Balkan... if you look someone in eyes they see as disrespect Last year when i was in Bulgaria i noticed people there are more agressive than here... ok it was late night and everyone fucked up, sleeping or doing something on streets (almost like russian memes)... in one hour i think 10-15 of them tried to punch me for no reason but they just felt down... people are shit here, what can we do? Next time try not to stare i dont know... you should bitchslaped him and send to buy you cigarettes or Orbit while you tear up her pants (or leggings) What da .... maaan where do you get such ideas?
  6. For me most funny is Agneton on stage he don't play but daaaance: 2:28 - look at that reaction! I believe you must send your energy to crowd and they will return it to you!
  7. Playing melodies live... but what if you didn't have piano lessons before? I never had wish to learn playing. Not even now after 6 years of producing. Actually my musical theory is very looow, i don't have interests for that Basicly i learn from what i done already, or what someone shows me/teach me. 3 years ago we played in Budapest... we had one midi with maaaany effects programed and organizer had Elektribe not sure which one... that was my first time i got in touch with hardware synth... was just testing at his place for 5-10 mins and went to party. We used it for live somehow. It was damn hard because i didn't know keys of our tracks but i was able to hear and put right one. So i basicly used paterns/presets that are default and tweaked them non stop, editing etc... 60 minutes of non stop doing something, improvising because i was noob for that stuff, total amateur! But it was damn funny, i really enjoyed it. Making kind of live remixes or whatever. Sadly, after we had just midis to drop some fx here and there. That's what i would love to do once i get proper gear. Making new midis over tracks, programming them for live tweaking or arps like you can do in Phoscyon for example and ofcourse some FX. Maybe some extra drum loops... ofcourse it's not perfect but that would be best with my knowledge. And mostly i make new track or tracks for new gig if possible if they are not too close and i have enough time for that. I have lots of unreleaseds in every set. And yes, important thing is that you should go wild, that's what people want to see too
  8. thats what he said to me i dont know
  9. Was last night on techno party on swimming pool... bit commercial i know but my friend played there... kind of progressive techno and i really enjoyed it! I rare enjoy anything that is not psy-goa-ambient
  10. Haven't listened to much of techno... but example this: Can't be boring
  11. Thanks mate Project started last year i think but we didn't 'published' it until today There is another track uploaded on channel now, our first track finished in april i think...
  12. Hi guys! New track from new project. Stellar Force is Imba & OXI. Enjoy in acid daze https://soundcloud.com/stellar-force/acid-daze
  13. If Peak is your favorite you should check old serbian full on such as Alternative Control, Freaked Frequency, BPM and Tropical Bleyage - they are newer I loveeeeeeee this one. Old full on, melodic..... aaah
  14. I never connect politics with trance. Non sense. But yeah, situation is bad there and patriotism is in everyone. Speaking of non Israeli artists... i hate when i see artists boycot Israel... why da fuck are trancers responsible for war? I mean you refuse to play music just because politicians started war. And then i saw people send death threats to specific artists. They think with sharing photos and posts on facebook and other social media they will stop war? lol They just make people hate them. Israelis are proud nation, i been there and i saw that. And ofcourse, you will support your country even if doing bad thing. It's patriotism. IMO politics should never be involved in any music, specially not TRANCE! But everyone has own opinion I survived war when i was kid and i know how they feel right now.
  15. Parties are different. First if is indoor is muuuuuch bigger place than one 20m2 (standard lets say) room. Open airs are too much different from indoors. You don't have have walls, no echoes and distortions in most cases depends of location. Then you can move back where sound is not too loud and you can use ear plugs. I noticed you love to use earphones and it's mistake imo. I used back in days on old Nokia and mp3 players earphones for music... first of all it's not pleasent to have something in body holes lol. Second is constant penetration of walls of sounds. It's like music bombing you non stop and your ears cant breath. Some decent headphones, not earphones could change feeling i think. Your ears will be much more free and relaxed and speakers wont be inside your ear, but just a little bit outside. Speaking of monitors... i think you placed them bad, like side speakers. You should put them in front on both side and center them toward you/chair. It will give much better feeling and you will hear more precisely. And if is too loud, you can go back for few meters. For me problem is too much sub and high freqs. And i love them but it hurts me sometimes. I using headphones since always as i dont have monitors... for producing and its really hard sometimes and i got tired just after 30-60 minutes and my hearing become muddy. I do have some ancient speakers from Philips line from early 80s and they are just fine, not precise but ok if you want to rest ears from headphones. I listen music on them and producing on phones... My suggestion is not to use earphones at any cost as i had maaany problems with them. So use monitors and try move few meters back while listening and ofcourse not on maximum if you are sensitive. I never enjoyed to stay next to speakers on any party if is not Funktion One Thats my opinion
  16. But that was real Btw i never experienced anything that bad with artists so... only have funny stories
  17. Agneton sleeps with pokemon dolls and i believe he wanks on them. Also he raped my leg like some lassie once and i don't know why in the middle of city while people watched! And he loves when i squeeze his tits Is this what you wanted to hear?
  18. I dont give fuck of him man, he is biggest bastard out there. He dont need second chance. Im not sorry for Filipe, just for music
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