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Everything posted by Sawfly

  1. Crazy stuff Works best in small doses, gets a bit numbing when listening the whole thing np. Brian Evenson with Xingu Hill & Tamarin - Prairie
  2. Goddamnit, I want my copy now! np. Ginormous - A Mountain People Can Always Climb
  3. Gnome already suggested two great ones (Xanopticon is fucking crazy!).. Try this: http://www.discogs.com/release/331704
  4. A masterpiece, not a single boring moment on the whole album imo. I actually got alot of my friends listening to Ott back then, all they knew was Hallucinogen In Dub and all it took was alot of 2C-E to get them understand this beautiful record
  5. I don't know what I was expecting, but this is not as good as their last one, but still the better ones I've heard this year. The first track is an obvious joke and the last one suits very good for drunken evenings when all my girlfriends metal/goth friends are just wanting to hear something else than electronic music
  6. We don't take kindly to black homosexual necrophiliacs either!
  7. Isn't that "Turn Tape Over" from the Simpsons episode Home Sweet Home-Diddily-Dum-Doodily when Marge and Homer are relaxing in the mud paths and the tape is going "All is well... all is well" and suddenly the voice says "Turn tape over!"?
  8. np. Boards of Canada - Everything You Do Is a Balloon
  9. Hopefully there will be a kick ass guitar in the track, that's soooooo cool
  10. Yasume - Where We're From the Birds Sing a Pretty Song
  11. I agree, I'm not even going bother
  12. Sawfly


    Actually he has made a third full length between those two called Utopia although it's a remix album and some singles Remembranza is one of the best albums I heard last year Murcof @ Discogs
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