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Everything posted by Snapinho

  1. Wow. Bliggedy blast from the past! Howdy!
  2. I saw the pilot and didn't even finish watching it. Not funny, bad acting, cheesy actors... didn't like it.
  3. Snapinho


    Ethan Hawke, George Clooney, Jeff Bridges, Kevin Spacey... need I say more? Trailer looks funny, albeit quite Hollywood-ish. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SreufFevUSw
  4. Any info on where to get the CD yet? Couldn't find a link on Monolake's site...
  5. Actually, I'd think that it'd read: gssk mpstithlthgps. Oh wait, that's practically the same thing. Sorry, was just trying to be clevererer.
  6. Psychill is really, really, really dead, is it not? Haven't heard a single interesting albumrelease from 2009. And I get the feeling it's not just me...
  7. I really have no clue but am somehow thinking of Sun Control Species.
  8. Hehe, three and a half minute job in Paint just so I could say 'Slinky Wizard'. Here goes nothing:
  9. Fuck me, I second Veracohr... I've never even heard of most of these artists... Oh, and btw, Antares' picture was quite genious. Too bad we didn't have to guess anymore.
  10. Lately I've become completely addicted to Six Feet Under. Good dark comedy slash drama, real characters and development, sometimes a bit dark and cynical, but I have to admit liking it A LOT! Otherwise, my number 1 series of all time is the unbeatable Twin Peaks. Nothing short of brilliant. Also agree on The Office. I'm sorry for American fans of this series, but the only really funny one is the original, British version.
  11. This game doesn't work at all... if I have to wait a full day before someone posts a new picture, I forget about the whole thread all too easily. Too bad, this had potential.
  12. I'm guessing somewhere along the lines of Neurotransmitter, Nerve Cell, Synapse ... but I'm afraid I don't know any trance artists by heart that resemble those enough.
  13. Hehehe, I almost forgot about that thread. Good ol' psynews-drama. Oh, that's why I though all along; amithaba buddha = Lost Buddha. Seems like he lost a lot of anger.
  14. Indeed, but that's a fagott, with one g and two t's. Maybe they meant it to be a gay version of that particular instrument.
  15. Wow, that was farfetched... and somehow I always took Faggott to mean a musical instrument (although I'm not sure that's an existing word in English) and not a homosexual. Anyway. Still not sure what Rotwang's hinting at, but then I have to admit being fairly thickheaded.
  16. Oooh, very nice! [e] Just look at that monitor. Now that's oldschool!
  17. From Amsterdamn? Sounds intriguing, so as soon as I get home, I'll download and have a listen. I have to admit I hate Christmas-music though. Let's wait & see...
  18. [it's funny 'cause it's true]
  19. Janis Joplin - Kosmic Blues (Live at Woodstock) What a voice!
  20. Snapinho


    Holy shit, that second one is phenomenal. Nice perspective!
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